blob: a3e8919c034c9b18b323a03ad3c35cca49517909 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ndmp.h"
#include <kprivate/fsprivate.h>
// Configuration
// Symbol Definitions
// Reason for get_pbn() virtual to physical block mapping
#define WR_MAPPING 0
#define RD_MAPPING 1
// Global Data Definitions
static ui32 ExtractedCnt;
static Pair* ExtractedList;
// Local Function Definitions
// show_rbbl: Show NDM's running bad block list
// Inputs: list = pointer to NDM control block running BB list
// cnt = number of bad blocks in list
static void show_rbbl(Pair* list, ui32 cnt) {
Pair *past_end, *pair = list;
for (past_end = pair + cnt; pair < past_end; ++pair)
printf("pair %u: vblk/key=%u, pblk/val=%d\n", pair - list, pair->key, pair->val);
// get_ctrl_size: Count number of pages needed to write current
// control information
// Input: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// Returns: control info size in pages on success, 0 on failure
static int get_ctrl_size(CNDM ndm) {
ui32 i, curr_loc = CTRL_DATA_START, num_pages = 0;
// Figure out how many control pages are needed. Each control page
// has a header (HDR_SIZE bytes). Control information has the
// following preamble:
// - device number of blocks + block size (8 bytes = 2 ui32s)
// - control block pointers (2) (8 bytes = 2 ui32s)
// - free block/ctrl block pointers (8 bytes = 2 ui32s)
// - number of partitions (4 bytes = 1 ui32)
// - on normal write
// - invalid transfer to block (4 bytes = 1 ui32)
// - on bad block transfer
// - transfer to block (4 bytes = 1 ui32)
// - transferred block (4 bytes = 1 ui32)
// - bad page in transferred block (4 bytes = 1 ui32)
// - partial/full scan flag (1 byte)
curr_loc += 8 * sizeof(ui32);
if (ndm->xfr_tblk != (ui32)-1)
curr_loc += 2 * sizeof(ui32) + 1;
// After the preamble, the initial bad block map is written. Figure
// out how much space it takes.
for (i = 0;; ++i) {
// Ensure the initial bad block map is valid.
if (i > ndm->max_bad_blks) {
return 0;
// Add current entry.
if (curr_loc + sizeof(ui32) > ndm->page_size) {
curr_loc = CTRL_DATA_START;
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
// If we've reached end of initial bad block map, stop.
if (ndm->init_bad_blk[i] == ndm->num_dev_blks)
// The running bad block map is written next. Determine its size.
for (i = 0;; ++i) {
// Ensure running bad block map is valid.
if (i > ndm->max_bad_blks) {
return 0;
// Add current entry.
if (curr_loc + 2 * sizeof(ui32) > ndm->page_size) {
curr_loc = CTRL_DATA_START;
curr_loc += 2 * sizeof(ui32);
// If we've reached the end of running bad block map, stop.
if (i == ndm->num_rbb) {
if (curr_loc + 2 * sizeof(ui32) > ndm->page_size) {
curr_loc = CTRL_DATA_START;
curr_loc += 2 * sizeof(ui32);
// The partitions are written. Figure out how much space they take.
for (i = 0; i < ndm->num_partitions; ++i) {
if (curr_loc + sizeof(NDMPartition) > ndm->page_size) {
curr_loc = CTRL_DATA_START;
curr_loc += sizeof(NDMPartition);
// If last control page will be partially written, account for it.
if (curr_loc > CTRL_DATA_START)
// Output number of control pages and return success.
return num_pages;
// wr_ctrl_page: Write a page of control information to flash
// Inputs: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// cpc = current control page count
// In/Output: *curr_pnp = page number where next page is written
// Output: *badblkp = bad block number (if page write fails)
// Returns: 0 if successful, -1 if block failed while writing, -2
// if fatal error
static int wr_ctrl_page(NDM ndm, ui32 cpc, ui32* curr_pnp, ui32* badblkp) {
ui32 cpn = *curr_pnp, crc = CRC32_START, i;
int rc;
// Fill current page count in header.
WR16_LE(cpc, &ndm->main_buf[HDR_CURR_LOC]);
// Perform CRC over page contents and write it on the page.
for (i = 0; i < ndm->page_size; ++i) {
if (i == HDR_CRC_LOC)
crc = CRC32_UPDATE(crc, ndm->main_buf[i]);
crc = ~crc;
WR32_LE(crc, &ndm->main_buf[HDR_CRC_LOC]); //lint !e850
// Write page to flash. Check for error indication.
rc = ndm->write_page(cpn, ndm->main_buf, ndm->spare_buf, NDM_ECC_VAL, ndm->dev);
if (rc) {
// If fatal error, return fatal error indication.
if (rc == -2) {
FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
return rc;
// Else bad block caused write failure, output block number and
// return bad block indication.
} else {
PfAssert(rc == -1);
printf("wr_ctrl_page: bad block for #%u at page #%u\n", cpc, cpn);
*badblkp = cpn / ndm->pgs_per_blk;
return -1;
// Update first and/or last control page.
if (cpc == 1) {
ndm->frst_ctrl_page = cpn;
if (cpc == ndm->ctrl_pages)
ndm->last_ctrl_page = cpn;
printf("wr_ctrl_page: wrote %u at page %u (block %u)\n", cpc, cpn, cpn / ndm->pgs_per_blk);
// Advance to next page to write control information into.
// Just increment page number if not on last page of block.
if ((cpn + 1) % ndm->pgs_per_blk)
// Else prepare to switch to new control page.
else {
// Switch to first page on opposing control block.
if (cpn / ndm->pgs_per_blk == ndm->ctrl_blk0)
cpn = ndm->ctrl_blk1 * ndm->pgs_per_blk;
cpn = ndm->ctrl_blk0 * ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// Erase new block now, before its first write. Check for error.
rc = ndm->erase_block(cpn, ndm->dev);
if (rc) {
// If fatal error, return fatal error indication.
if (rc == -2) {
FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
return rc;
// Else bad block caused erase failure, output block number and
// return bad block indication.
else {
PfAssert(rc == -1);
printf("wr_ctrl_page: bad block for #%u at page #%u\n", cpc, cpn);
*badblkp = cpn / ndm->pgs_per_blk;
return -1;
// Output page number for next control write and return success.
*curr_pnp = cpn;
return 0;
// wr_ctrl_info: Write NDM control information
// Inputs: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// frst_page = first page to write to
// Output: *badblkp = number of bad control block (if any)
// Returns: 0 if successful, -1 if block failed, -2 if fatal error
static int wr_ctrl_info(NDM ndm, ui32 frst_page, ui32* badblkp) {
ui32 i, curr_loc, write_count = 1, cpn = frst_page;
int status;
// Determine control information size as number of pages.
ndm->ctrl_pages = get_ctrl_size(ndm);
if (ndm->ctrl_pages == 0)
return -2;
printf("wr_ctrl_inf: preparing to write %u NDM ctrl pages\n", ndm->ctrl_pages);
// Initialize the spare area: 0xFF except for the signature bytes
// and NDM control page mark.
memset(ndm->spare_buf, 0xFF, ndm->eb_size);
memcpy(&ndm->spare_buf[EB_FRST_RESERVED], CTRL_SIG, CTRL_SIG_SZ);
ndm->spare_buf[EB_REG_MARK] = 0;
// Initialize main page with 0xFF.
memset(ndm->main_buf, 0xFF, ndm->page_size);
// Set the constant part of the control page header: last location
// and sequence number. The current location varies with page number.
WR16_LE(ndm->ctrl_pages, &ndm->main_buf[HDR_LAST_LOC]);
WR32_LE(ndm->ctrl_seq, &ndm->main_buf[HDR_SEQ_LOC]);
// Set the first control page data, starting with the device size.
curr_loc = CTRL_DATA_START;
WR32_LE(ndm->num_dev_blks, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
WR32_LE(ndm->block_size, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
// Write the control block numbers.
WR32_LE(ndm->ctrl_blk0, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
WR32_LE(ndm->ctrl_blk1, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
// Add free_virt_blk pointer.
WR32_LE(ndm->free_virt_blk, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
// Add free_ctrl_blk number.
WR32_LE(ndm->free_ctrl_blk, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
printf(" -> ctrl_seq = %u\n", ndm->ctrl_seq);
printf(" -> ctrl_blk0 = %u\n", ndm->ctrl_blk0);
printf(" -> ctrl_blk1 = %u\n", ndm->ctrl_blk1);
printf(" -> free_virt_blk = %u\n", ndm->free_virt_blk);
printf(" -> free_ctrl_blk = %u\n", ndm->free_ctrl_blk);
// Add 'transfer to' physical block number value/flag.
WR32_LE(ndm->xfr_tblk, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
// If bad block transfer, add remaining bad block transfer info.
if (ndm->xfr_tblk != (ui32)-1) {
// Add physical block number of the bad block being transferred.
WR32_LE(ndm->xfr_fblk, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
// Add page offset of bad page in bad block.
WR32_LE(ndm->xfr_bad_po, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
// Add (legacy) partial scan flag.
ndm->main_buf[curr_loc++] = PARTIAL_SCAN;
printf(" -> xfr_tblk = %u\n", ndm->xfr_tblk);
printf(" -> xfr_fblk = %u\n", ndm->xfr_fblk);
printf(" -> xfr_bad_po = %u\n", ndm->xfr_bad_po);
puts(" -> xfr_tblk = -1");
// Write the number of partitions.
WR32_LE(ndm->num_partitions, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
printf(" -> num_partitions = %u\n", ndm->num_partitions);
// Now write the initial bad block map.
for (i = 0;; ++i) {
// If next write would go past end of control page, write page.
if (curr_loc + sizeof(ui32) > ndm->page_size) {
status = wr_ctrl_page(ndm, write_count++, &cpn, badblkp);
if (status)
return status;
curr_loc = CTRL_DATA_START;
// Add next bad block.
WR32_LE(ndm->init_bad_blk[i], &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
// If end of map is reached, stop.
if (ndm->init_bad_blk[i] == ndm->num_dev_blks)
printf(" -> init_bad_blk[%2u] = %u\n", i, ndm->init_bad_blk[i]);
// Now write the running bad block map.
for (i = 0;; ++i) {
// If next write would go past end of control page, write page.
if (curr_loc + 2 * sizeof(ui32) > ndm->page_size) {
status = wr_ctrl_page(ndm, write_count++, &cpn, badblkp);
if (status)
return status;
curr_loc = CTRL_DATA_START;
// If end of running bad blocks map reached, mark end.
if (i == ndm->num_rbb) {
// Mark end of map before writing whole map to flash.
WR32_LE((ui32)-1, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
WR32_LE((ui32)-1, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
// Add next running bad block pair.
WR32_LE(ndm->run_bad_blk[i].key, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
WR32_LE(ndm->run_bad_blk[i].val, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
printf(" -> run_bad_blk[%2u]: key = %u, val = %u\n", i, ndm->run_bad_blk[i].key,
// Write the NDM partitions if any, one at a time.
for (i = 0; i < ndm->num_partitions; ++i) {
ui32 j;
// If next write would go past end of control page, write page.
if (curr_loc + sizeof(NDMPartition) > ndm->page_size) {
status = wr_ctrl_page(ndm, write_count++, &cpn, badblkp);
if (status)
return status;
curr_loc = CTRL_DATA_START;
// Write partition first block.
WR32_LE(ndm->partitions[i].first_block, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
// Write partition number of blocks.
WR32_LE(ndm->partitions[i].num_blocks, &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
// Write the user defined ui32s.
for (j = 0; j < NDM_PART_USER; ++j) {
WR32_LE(ndm->partitions[i].user[j], &ndm->main_buf[curr_loc]);
curr_loc += sizeof(ui32);
// Write the partition name.
strncpy((char*)&ndm->main_buf[curr_loc], ndm->partitions[i].name, NDM_PART_NAME_LEN);
curr_loc += NDM_PART_NAME_LEN;
// Write the partition type.
ndm->main_buf[curr_loc++] = ndm->partitions[i].type;
printf(" -> partition[%2u]:\n", i);
printf(" - name = %s\n", ndm->partitions[i].name);
printf(" - first block = %u\n", ndm->partitions[i].first_block);
printf(" - num blocks = %u\n", ndm->partitions[i].num_blocks);
for (j = 0; j < NDM_PART_USER; ++j)
printf(" - user[%u] = %u\n", j, ndm->partitions[i].user[j]);
#endif // NDM_DEBUG
// Write last control page and return status.
return wr_ctrl_page(ndm, write_count, &cpn, badblkp);
// mark_ctrl_bblock: Record a control block failure and get a new one
// Inputs: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// *cblkp = control block that failed
// Output: *cblkp = new control block
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
static int mark_ctrl_bblock(NDM ndm, ui32* cblkp) {
ui32 bad_blk = *cblkp;
// Clear virtual to physical translation caches.
ndm->last_wr_vbn = ndm->last_rd_vbn = (ui32)-1;
// Adjust bad block count. If too many, error.
if (++ndm->num_bad_blks > ndm->max_bad_blks)
// Update the running bad block map with this block.
ndm->run_bad_blk[ndm->num_rbb].key = bad_blk;
ndm->run_bad_blk[ndm->num_rbb].val = (ui32)-1;
// Get a new free block for the other control block.
for (; ndm->free_ctrl_blk != (ui32)-1; --ndm->free_ctrl_blk) {
// If we've ran out of free blocks, error.
if (ndm->free_ctrl_blk < ndm->free_virt_blk) {
ndm->free_ctrl_blk = ndm->free_virt_blk = (ui32)-1;
// If initial bad block, skip it.
if (ndmInitBadBlock(ndm, ndm->free_ctrl_blk))
// We found a free block. Remember it.
*cblkp = ndm->free_ctrl_blk;
// Update the right control block pointer with this free block.
if (bad_blk == ndm->ctrl_blk0)
ndm->ctrl_blk0 = ndm->free_ctrl_blk;
else if (bad_blk == ndm->ctrl_blk1)
ndm->ctrl_blk1 = ndm->free_ctrl_blk;
return FsError2(NDM_ASSERT, EINVAL);
// Update pointer to next free control block and return success.
return 0;
// If no free block found for control block, error.
return FsError2(NDM_NO_FREE_BLK, ENOSPC);
// get_free_virt_blk: Get next free block reserved for replacing bad
// virtual blocks (starts at lowest and goes up)
// Input: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// Returns: Free block if successful, (ui32)-1 if none are free
static ui32 get_free_virt_blk(NDM ndm) {
ui32 free_b = ndm->free_virt_blk;
// Check if there are any free blocks left.
if (free_b != (ui32)-1) {
ui32 b = free_b + 1;
// Skip past initial bad blocks.
while (b <= ndm->free_ctrl_blk && ndmInitBadBlock(ndm, b)) ++b;
// If we haven't gone into the blocks reserved for swapping bad
// control blocks, update the free block pointer.
if (b <= ndm->free_ctrl_blk)
ndm->free_virt_blk = b;
ndm->free_virt_blk = ndm->free_ctrl_blk = (ui32)-1;
// Return free block number.
return free_b;
// mark_extra_bblock: Mark a block bad while in middle of a transfer
// of another bad block (this is the transfer to block)
// Inputs: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// In/Output: *bnp = bad block IN, substitute free block OUT
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
static int mark_extra_bblock(NDM ndm, ui32* bnp) {
ui32 free_b, i;
int found;
// Clear virtual to physical translation caches.
ndm->last_wr_vbn = ndm->last_rd_vbn = (ui32)-1;
// Adjust number of bad blocks. If too many, error.
if (++ndm->num_bad_blks > ndm->max_bad_blks)
// Get a free block to replace the bad block.
free_b = get_free_virt_blk(ndm);
if (free_b == (ui32)-1)
return FsError2(NDM_NO_FREE_BLK, ENOSPC);
// Check that bad block is in the running bad block map only as a
// transfer to block (.val field) and only once.
for (i = 0, found = FALSE;; ++i) {
// If end of map, either found exactly once or error.
if (i == ndm->num_rbb) {
if (found)
return FsError2(NDM_ASSERT, EINVAL);
// Bad block cannot be in the map as a transfer from block (.key).
if (ndm->run_bad_blk[i].key == *bnp)
return FsError2(NDM_ASSERT, EINVAL);
// If bad block in map, ensure first occurrence and remember find.
if (ndm->run_bad_blk[i].val == *bnp) {
if (found)
return FsError2(NDM_ASSERT, EINVAL);
found = TRUE;
// Add new entry to running bad block map with bad block.
ndm->run_bad_blk[ndm->num_rbb].key = *bnp;
ndm->run_bad_blk[ndm->num_rbb].val = free_b;
// Output the selected free block number and return success.
*bnp = free_b;
return 0;
// run_bad_block: Check if a block is a running bad block
// Inputs: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// b = block to check
// Returns: TRUE if block is bad, FALSE otherwise
static int run_bad_block(CNDM ndm, ui32 b) {
ui32 i;
// Walk the run bad blocks map to see if block is in there.
for (i = 0; i < ndm->num_rbb; ++i)
if (ndm->run_bad_blk[i].key == b)
return TRUE;
// Block number not found in list. Return FALSE.
return FALSE;
// get_pbn: Get a physical block number from a virtual one
// Inputs: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// vbn = virtual block number
// reason = reason for lookup: RD_MAPPING or WR_MAPPING
// Returns: physical block number on success, else (ui32)-1
static ui32 get_pbn(NDM ndm, ui32 vbn, int reason) {
ui32 bn, i;
ui32 j;
// Ensure the initial bad blocks map is valid (no duplicates).
for (i = 0;; ++i) {
if (i > ndm->max_bad_blks)
return (ui32)-1;
if (ndm->init_bad_blk[i] == ndm->num_dev_blks)
for (j = i + 1; j <= ndm->max_bad_blks; ++j) {
if (ndm->init_bad_blk[j] == ndm->num_dev_blks)
if (ndm->init_bad_blk[i] == ndm->init_bad_blk[j])
return (ui32)-1;
// Ensure running bad blocks map is valid (no key/value duplicates).
for (i = 0; i < ndm->num_rbb; ++i) {
if (ndm->run_bad_blk[i].key == (ui32)-1)
return (ui32)-1;
for (j = i + 1; j < ndm->num_rbb; ++j) {
if (ndm->run_bad_blk[i].key == ndm->run_bad_blk[j].key)
return (ui32)-1;
if (ndm->run_bad_blk[i].val == ndm->run_bad_blk[j].val &&
ndm->run_bad_blk[i].val != (ui32)-1)
return (ui32)-1;
#endif // NDM_DEBUG
// If no bad blocks, physical block number matches virtual.
if (ndm->num_bad_blks == 0)
return vbn;
// If virtial block number matches last read or write lookup, return
// last read or write physical block number.
if (vbn == ndm->last_wr_vbn)
return ndm->last_wr_pbn;
if (vbn == ndm->last_rd_vbn)
return ndm->last_rd_pbn;
// First determine where the block was before any running bad blocks
// happened. Do this by walking the initial bad blocks map.
for (i = 0, bn = vbn;; ++i) {
// Should never pass last entry, which holds 'num_dev_blks'.
if (i > ndm->max_bad_blks)
return (ui32)FsError2(NDM_ASSERT, EINVAL);
// 'i' is the number of initial bad blocks preceding the indexed`
// initial bad block. Break when the number of volume blocks and
// skipped bad blocks is less than the indexed initial bad block.
if (vbn + i < ndm->init_bad_blk[i]) {
// Add 'i' to account for the initial bad blocks that precede
// this block. This mapping of the initial bad blocks supports
// use of images programmed using the 'skip bad block' method.
bn += i;
// At this point the initial bad block cannot be in the NDM area.
if (bn >= ndm->frst_reserved)
return (ui32)FsError2(NDM_ASSERT, EINVAL);
// Walk the running bad block map replacing initial block with the
// most current version (if any).
for (i = 0; i < ndm->num_rbb; ++i)
if (ndm->run_bad_blk[i].key == bn)
bn = ndm->run_bad_blk[i].val;
// Ensure the block number is valid.
if (bn >= ndm->num_dev_blks)
return (ui32)FsError2(NDM_ASSERT, EINVAL);
// Update last read or write lookup cache.
if (reason == WR_MAPPING) {
ndm->last_wr_pbn = bn;
ndm->last_wr_vbn = vbn;
} else { // reason == RD_MAPPING
ndm->last_rd_pbn = bn;
ndm->last_rd_vbn = vbn;
// Return physical block number.
return bn;
// write_page: Write a page to flash for FTL
// Inputs: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// vpn = virtual page number
// buf = pointer to main page buffer array
// spare = pointer to spare page buffer array
// action = NDM_NONE, NDM_ECC, or NDM_ECC_VAL
// Returns: 0 on success, -2 on fatal error
static int write_page(NDM ndm, uint32_t vpn, const ui8* buf, ui8* spare, int action) {
uint32_t vbn, bn, pn;
int rc;
// Compute the virtual block number and check for error.
vbn = vpn / ndm->pgs_per_blk;
if (vbn >= ndm->num_vblks) {
return -2;
// Write page until successful or failure other than bad block.
for (;;) {
// Get the physical block number from virtual one.
bn = get_pbn(ndm, vbn, WR_MAPPING);
if (bn == (ui32)-1)
return -2;
// Compute physical page number.
pn = bn * ndm->pgs_per_blk + vpn % ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// Call TargetNDM driver to write the page.
rc = ndm->write_page(pn, buf, spare, action, ndm->dev);
// Return 0 if successful.
if (rc == 0)
return 0;
// Else if chip error, mark block bad and do bad block recovery.
else if (rc == -1) {
if (ndmMarkBadBlock(ndm, pn, WRITE_PAGE))
return -2;
// Else fatal error, return -2.
else {
PfAssert(rc == -2);
FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
return -2;
} //lint !e818
// read_page: FTL driver function - read page (data only)
// Inputs: vpn = virtual page number
// buf = pointer to buffer to copy data to
// ndm = NDM control block handle
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on uncorrectable ECC error, -2 on
// permanent fatal error, 1 if block page belongs to
// needs to be recycled
static int read_page(ui32 vpn, void* buf, NDM ndm) {
ui32 vbn, bn, pn;
int status;
// Compute the virtual block number based on virtual page number.
vbn = vpn / ndm->pgs_per_blk;
if (vbn >= ndm->num_vblks) {
return -2;
// Grab exclusive access to TargetNDM internals.
semPend(ndm->sem, WAIT_FOREVER);
// Get the physical block number from virtual one.
bn = get_pbn(ndm, vbn, RD_MAPPING);
if (bn == (ui32)-1) {
return -2;
// Compute physical page number.
pn = bn * ndm->pgs_per_blk + vpn % ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// Read decode page data.
status = ndm->read_page(pn, buf, ndm->spare_buf, ndm->dev);
// Release exclusive access to TargetNDM internals.
// If error, set errno. Return status.
if (status) {
if (status == -1)
else if (status == -2)
FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
return status;
// Global Function Definitions
// ndmWritePage: FTL driver function - write page (data + spare)
// Inputs: vpn = virtual page number
// data = pointer to buffer containing data to write
// spare = pointer to buffer containing spare bytes
// ndm = NDM control block handle
// Returns: 0 on success, -2 on fatal error
int ndmWritePage(uint32_t vpn, const ui8* data, ui8* spare, NDM ndm) {
int action, status;
// If volume block, just ECC, else request validity checks too.
if (RD32_LE(&spare[5]) == (ui32)-1)
action = NDM_ECC;
action = NDM_ECC_VAL;
// Grab exclusive access to TargetNDM internals.
semPend(ndm->sem, WAIT_FOREVER);
// Write page to flash for FTL.
status = write_page(ndm, vpn, data, spare, action);
// Release exclusive access to NDM and return status.
return status;
} //lint !e818
// ndmReadSpare: FTL driver function - read/decode page spare area
// Inputs: vpn = virtual page number
// spare = buffer to read sparea area into
// ndm = NDM control block handle
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on ECC error, -2 on fatal error, 1 if
// block page belongs to needs to be recycled
int ndmReadSpare(uint32_t vpn, ui8* spare, NDM ndm) {
uint32_t vbn, bn, pn;
int status;
// Compute virtual block number. Return -2 if out-of-range.
vbn = vpn / ndm->pgs_per_blk;
if (vbn >= ndm->num_vblks) {
return -2;
// Grab exclusive access to TargetNDM internals.
semPend(ndm->sem, WAIT_FOREVER);
// Get physical block number from virtual one. Return -2 if error.
bn = get_pbn(ndm, vbn, RD_MAPPING);
if (bn == (ui32)-1) {
return -2;
// Compute physical page number.
pn = bn * ndm->pgs_per_blk + vpn % ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// Read and decode spare. Call FsError2() if error.
status = ndm->read_decode_spare(pn, spare, ndm->dev);
if (status < 0)
FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// Release exclusive access to NDM and return status.
return status;
// ndmCheckPage: FTL driver function - determine status of a page
// Inputs: vpn = virtual page number
// data = buffer that will hold page data
// spare = buffer that will hold page spare
// ndm = NDM control block handle
// Returns: -1 if error, else NDM_PAGE_ERASED (0), NDM_PAGE_VALID
// (1), or NDM_PAGE_INVALID (2)
int ndmCheckPage(uint32_t vpn, ui8* data, ui8* spare, NDM ndm) {
uint32_t vbn, bn, pn;
int status;
// Compute the virtual block number.
vbn = vpn / ndm->pgs_per_blk;
if (vbn >= ndm->num_vblks)
return FsError2(NDM_ASSERT, EINVAL);
// Grab exclusive access to TargetNDM internals.
semPend(ndm->sem, WAIT_FOREVER);
// Get the physical block number from virtual block number.
bn = get_pbn(ndm, vbn, RD_MAPPING);
if (bn == (ui32)-1) {
return -1;
// Compute physical page number.
pn = bn * ndm->pgs_per_blk + vpn % ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// Call the NDM driver to determine page status.
if (ndm->check_page(pn, data, spare, &status, ndm->dev)) {
return FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// Release exclusive access to NDM and return success.
return status;
// ndmTransferPage: FTL driver function - transfer a page
// Inputs: old_vpn = old virtual page number
// new_vpn = new virtual page number
// buf = temporary buffer for swapping main page data
// spare = buffer holding new page's spare data
// ndm = NDM control block handle
// Returns: 0 on success, -2 on fatal error, 1 on ECC decode error
int ndmTransferPage(uint32_t old_vpn, uint32_t new_vpn, ui8* buf, ui8* spare, NDM ndm) {
uint32_t old_vbn, new_vbn, old_bn, new_bn, old_pn, new_pn;
int status, action;
// Grab exclusive access to TargetNDM internals.
semPend(ndm->sem, WAIT_FOREVER);
// If FTL valid block counts, do ECC + validity, else ECC only.
if (RD32_LE(&spare[5]) != (ui32)-1)
action = NDM_ECC_VAL;
action = NDM_ECC;
// Compute the old/new virtual block numbers based on virtual pages.
old_vbn = old_vpn / ndm->pgs_per_blk;
new_vbn = new_vpn / ndm->pgs_per_blk;
if (old_vbn >= ndm->num_vblks || new_vbn >= ndm->num_vblks) {
return -2;
// Get the physical old block number from virtual one.
old_bn = get_pbn(ndm, old_vbn, RD_MAPPING);
if (old_bn == (ui32)-1) {
return -2;
// Compute the old physical page number.
old_pn = old_bn * ndm->pgs_per_blk + old_vpn % ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// Copy page to new block until success or error other than bad block
for (;;) {
// Get the physical new block number for virtual one.
new_bn = get_pbn(ndm, new_vbn, WR_MAPPING);
if (new_bn == (ui32)-1) {
return -2;
// Compute the new physical page number.
new_pn = new_bn * ndm->pgs_per_blk + new_vpn % ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// Transfer data from old page to new page.
status = ndm->xfr_page(old_pn, new_pn, buf, ndm->tmp_spare, spare, action, ndm->dev_ndm);
// Break if success (0) or ECC decode error (1).
if (status >= 0)
// Else if fatal error (-2), break to return -2.
if (status == -2) {
FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// Else chip error (-1), mark block bad and do bad block recovery.
else {
PfAssert(status == -1);
if (ndmMarkBadBlock(ndm, new_pn, WRITE_PAGE)) {
status = -2;
// Release exclusive access to NDM and return status.
return status;
} //lint !e818
// ndmPairOffset: FTL driver function (MLC NAND) - pair offset
// Inputs: page_offset = page offset within block
// ndm = NDM control block handle
// Returns: Pair page offset within block if any, page offset
// otherwise
uint32_t ndmPairOffset(uint32_t page_offset, CNDM ndm) {
return ndm->pair_offset(page_offset, ndm->dev);
#endif // INC_FTL_NDM_MLC
// ndmMarkBadBlock: Mark virtual block bad and do bad block recovery
// Inputs: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// arg = bad block or page depending on cause
// cause = ERASE_BLOCK or WRITE_PAGE failure
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
int ndmMarkBadBlock(NDM ndm, ui32 arg, ui32 cause) {
ui32 bad_b, bad_pn, free_b, i, old_pn, new_pn;
int status, transfer_finished;
// Clear virtual to physical translation caches.
ndm->last_wr_vbn = ndm->last_rd_vbn = (ui32)-1;
// Get a free block to replace the bad virtual block.
free_b = get_free_virt_blk(ndm);
if (free_b == (ui32)-1)
return FsError2(NDM_NO_FREE_BLK, ENOSPC);
// Based on cause, figure out bad block and first bad page.
if (cause == ERASE_BLOCK) {
bad_b = arg;
bad_pn = bad_b * ndm->pgs_per_blk;
} else {
bad_pn = arg;
bad_b = bad_pn / ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// Search the running bad block list for this block.
for (i = 0;; ++i) {
// Check if reached end of list without finding match.
if (i == ndm->num_rbb) {
// Adjust bad block count. If too many, return -1.
if (++ndm->num_bad_blks > ndm->max_bad_blks)
// Add block as last list entry and then break.
ndm->run_bad_blk[ndm->num_rbb].key = bad_b;
ndm->run_bad_blk[ndm->num_rbb].val = free_b;
// If in list (due to recovery of bad block transfer), update it.
if (ndm->run_bad_blk[i].key == bad_b) {
ndm->run_bad_blk[i].val = free_b;
// Loop until bad block recovery is finished.
for (transfer_finished = FALSE;;) {
// Call driver to erase the free block.
status = ndm->erase_block(free_b * ndm->pgs_per_blk, ndm->dev);
// Check if the block erase succeeded.
if (status == 0) {
// Finished if block copy unneeded.
if (cause == ERASE_BLOCK)
// Prepare control information with bad block transfer data.
ndm->xfr_tblk = free_b;
ndm->xfr_fblk = bad_b;
ndm->xfr_bad_po = bad_pn % ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// Write TargetNDM metadata (includes bad block lists).
if (ndmWrCtrl(ndm))
return -1;
// Transfer data from the bad block to the free block.
old_pn = bad_b * ndm->pgs_per_blk;
new_pn = free_b * ndm->pgs_per_blk;
for (i = 0;; ++i, ++old_pn, ++new_pn) {
int action;
// If bad write page reached, transfer finished.
if (i == ndm->xfr_bad_po) {
transfer_finished = TRUE;
// If end of block reached, transfer finished.
if (i >= ndm->pgs_per_blk) {
transfer_finished = TRUE;
// Call driver to see if main and spare areas are erased.
status = ndm->page_blank(old_pn, ndm->main_buf, ndm->spare_buf, ndm->dev);
// If erased, skip page. Else if I/O error, return -1.
if (status == TRUE)
else if (status < 0)
return FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// Read main data. Return -1 if ECC or fatal error.
status = ndm->read_page(old_pn, ndm->main_buf, ndm->spare_buf, ndm->dev);
if (status < 0)
return FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// Read old spare data. Return -1 if ECC or fatal error.
status = ndm->read_decode_spare(old_pn, ndm->spare_buf, ndm->dev);
if (status < 0)
return FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// If FTL volume page, just ECC the spare bytes.
if (RD32_LE(&ndm->spare_buf[5]) == (ui32)-1)
action = NDM_ECC;
// Else map page, ECC the spare bytes and prep validity check.
action = NDM_ECC_VAL;
// Write page to new location. Break if error occurs.
status = ndm->write_page(new_pn, ndm->main_buf, ndm->spare_buf, action, ndm->dev);
if (status)
// Break if the block transfer is finished.
if (transfer_finished)
// Return -1 if fatal error.
if (status == -2)
return FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// Else bad block. Mark it. Return -1 if error.
else {
PfAssert(status == -1);
if (mark_extra_bblock(ndm, &free_b))
return -1;
// Update control information to clear the bad block transfer state.
ndm->xfr_tblk = (ui32)-1;
if (ndmWrCtrl(ndm))
return -1;
// Return success.
return 0;
// ndmWrCtrl: Write NDM control information to flash
// Input: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
int ndmWrCtrl(NDM ndm) {
ui32 ctrl_blk, first_page = ndm->next_ctrl_start;
int status;
// Keep writing control information until successful.
for (status = 0;;) {
// Check if this is first write to this control block.
if (first_page % ndm->pgs_per_blk == 0) {
// Call driver to erase the block. Return -1 if fatal error.
status = ndm->erase_block(first_page, ndm->dev);
if (status == -2)
return FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
if (status)
ctrl_blk = first_page / ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// Check if block erase command succeeded or was unneeded.
if (status == 0) {
// Write the control information. Return -1 if fatal error.
// Outputs number of bad block, if there is a failure.
status = wr_ctrl_info(ndm, first_page, &ctrl_blk);
if (status == -2)
return -1;
// Else break if successful.
else if (status == 0)
PfAssert(status == -1);
// Block failed. Mark it bad and get new control block.
if (mark_ctrl_bblock(ndm, &ctrl_blk))
return -1;
first_page = ctrl_blk * ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// For SLC devices, start next control write immediately after the
// last page in this control information.
first_page = ndm->last_ctrl_page + 1;
// For MLC devices, take into account page pair offset so that new
// write can not affect old metadata in case of power off.
first_page = ndmPastPrevPair(ndm, first_page);
// If start of next write falls outside the current control block,
// move to the other control block.
ctrl_blk = ndm->last_ctrl_page / ndm->pgs_per_blk;
if (first_page / ndm->pgs_per_blk != ctrl_blk) {
if (ctrl_blk == ndm->ctrl_blk0)
ctrl_blk = ndm->ctrl_blk1;
else if (ctrl_blk == ndm->ctrl_blk1)
ctrl_blk = ndm->ctrl_blk0;
return FsError2(NDM_ASSERT, EINVAL);
first_page = ctrl_blk * ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// Read-back verify the TargetNDM metadata.
// Save start of next control info write and return success.
ndm->next_ctrl_start = first_page;
return 0;
// ndmUnformat: Unformat (erase all good blocks) an NDM
// Input: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
int ndmUnformat(NDM ndm) {
int status;
ui32 b;
// Grab exclusive access to the NDM.
semPend(ndm->sem, WAIT_FOREVER);
// Invalidate the saved first page of NDM control information.
// Walk through all the blocks, erasing good ones.
for (b = 0; b < ndm->num_dev_blks; ++b) {
// If block is an initial bad block, skip it.
if (ndmInitBadBlock(ndm, b))
// If block is a running bad block, skip it.
if (run_bad_block(ndm, b))
// Erase block. Ignore return code.
ndm->erase_block(b * ndm->pgs_per_blk, ndm->dev);
// Remove all the volumes on the device.
status = ndmDelVols(ndm);
// Release exclusive access to the NDM and return status.
return status;
} //lint !e818
// ndmGetNumVBlocks: Return number of virtual blocks in NDM
// Input: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
ui32 ndmGetNumVBlocks(CNDM ndm) {
return ndm->num_vblks;
// ndmAddVolFTL: Add FTL volume to NDM partition
// Inputs: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// part_num = NDM partition number
// ftl_cfg = pointer to FTL config structure
// xfs = XFS volume information
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
int ndmAddVolFTL(NDM ndm, ui32 part_num, FtlNdmVol* ftl_cfg, XfsVol* xfs) {
NDMPartition* part;
// Check partition number.
if (part_num >= ndm->num_partitions)
return FsError2(NDM_CFG_ERR, EINVAL);
part = &ndm->partitions[part_num];
// Check partition first block and number of blocks.
if (part->first_block + part->num_blocks > ndm->num_vblks)
return FsError2(NDM_CFG_ERR, ENOSPC);
// Assign the NDM-supplied configuration.
ftl_cfg->page_size = ndm->page_size;
ftl_cfg->eb_size = ndm->eb_size;
ftl_cfg->block_size = ndm->block_size;
ftl_cfg->ndm = ndm;
ftl_cfg->start_page = part->first_block * ndm->pgs_per_blk;
ftl_cfg->num_blocks = part->num_blocks;
xfs->name = part->name;
// Add an FTL to this partition. Return status.
return FtlnAddVol(ftl_cfg, xfs);
// ndmReadPages: FTL driver function - read multiple consecutive
// pages from a single block (data only)
// Inputs: vpn = starting virtual page number
// count = number of consecutive virtual pages to read
// buf = pointer to buffer to copy main page data to
// spare = points to array of page spare data sets
// ndm = NDM control block handle
// Returns: -2 on fatal error, -1 on error, 0 on success, 1 if
// block needs to be recycled
int ndmReadPages(uint32_t vpn, uint32_t count, ui8* buf, ui8* spare, NDM ndm) {
int status;
// If NDM driver supplies read_pages(), use it.
if (ndm->read_pages) {
uint32_t vbn, bn, pn;
// Compute the virtual block number based on virtual page number.
vbn = vpn / ndm->pgs_per_blk;
if (vbn >= ndm->num_vblks) {
return -2;
// Grab exclusive access to TargetNDM internals.
semPend(ndm->sem, WAIT_FOREVER);
// Get the physical block number from virtual one.
bn = get_pbn(ndm, vbn, RD_MAPPING);
if (bn == (ui32)-1) {
return -2;
// Compute starting physical page number.
pn = bn * ndm->pgs_per_blk + vpn % ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// Read pages.
status = ndm->read_pages(pn, count, buf, spare, ndm->dev);
// Release exclusive access to NDM and return status.
return status;
// Else loop over all pages, reading one at a time.
else {
uint32_t i;
int rd_status;
// Loop over virtual pages.
for (status = 0, i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++vpn, buf += ndm->page_size) {
// Issue current page read request.
rd_status = read_page(vpn, buf, ndm);
// If error, return.
if (rd_status < 0)
return rd_status;
// If recycles needed for block, set return status.
if (rd_status == 1)
status = 1;
// Return status.
return status;
// ndmWritePages: FTL driver function - write multiple consecutive
// pages to a single block (data only)
// Inputs: vpn = starting virtual page number
// count = number of consecutive virtual pages to write
// data = points to array of page main data sets
// spare = points to array of page spare data sets
// ndm = NDM control block handle
// Returns: -1 on error, 0 on success
int ndmWritePages(uint32_t vpn, uint32_t count, const ui8* data, ui8* spare, NDM ndm) {
int action, rc = 0;
// Ensure all writes are to the same virtual block.
PfAssert(vpn / ndm->pgs_per_blk == (vpn + count - 1) / ndm->pgs_per_blk);
// Else for FTL, prepare ECC and, if map page, validity checks too.
if (RD32_LE(&((ui8*)spare)[5]) == (ui32)-1)
action = NDM_ECC;
action = NDM_ECC_VAL;
// Grab exclusive access to TargetNDM internals.
semPend(ndm->sem, WAIT_FOREVER);
// If NDM driver supplies write_pages(), use it.
if (ndm->write_pages) {
uint32_t vbn;
// Compute the virtual block number based on virtual page number.
vbn = vpn / ndm->pgs_per_blk;
if (vbn >= ndm->num_vblks) {
return FsError2(NDM_ASSERT, EINVAL);
// Writing to flash until success or failure other than bad block.
for (;;) {
uint32_t bn, pn;
// Get the physical block number from virtual one.
bn = get_pbn(ndm, vbn, WR_MAPPING);
if (bn == (uint32_t)-1) {
rc = -1;
// Compute starting physical page number.
pn = bn * ndm->pgs_per_blk + vpn % ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// Write pages. If successful, break from loop.
rc = ndm->write_pages(pn, count, data, spare, action, ndm->dev);
if (rc == 0)
// If fatal error, break to return -1.
if (rc == -2) {
rc = FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// Else bad block, mark it bad. If error, break to return -1.
else {
PfAssert(rc == -1);
if (ndmMarkBadBlock(ndm, pn, WRITE_PAGE))
// Else loop over all pages, writing one at a time.
else {
uint32_t past = vpn + count;
const ui8* curr_data = data;
ui8* curr_spare = spare;
// Loop over virtual pages.
for (; vpn < past; ++vpn) {
// Write current page.
rc = write_page(ndm, vpn, curr_data, curr_spare, action);
if (rc)
// Advance data pointer and spare pointer.
curr_data += ndm->page_size;
curr_spare += ndm->eb_size;
// Release exclusive access to NDM and return status.
return rc;
// ndmGetNumPartitions: Retrieve number of current partitions in table
// Input: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// Returns: Current number of partitions in NDM
ui32 ndmGetNumPartitions(CNDM ndm) {
return ndm->num_partitions;
// ndmSetNumPartitions: Set number of current partitions in table
// Inputs: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// num_partitions = number of desired partitions
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure
int ndmSetNumPartitions(NDM ndm, ui32 num_partitions) {
NDMPartition* new_partitions;
// If the number of partitions is unchanged, simply return success.
if (num_partitions == ndm->num_partitions)
return 0;
// If number of partitions is 0, this is a delete table call.
if (num_partitions == 0) {
return 0;
// Allocate space for the new partitions table.
new_partitions = FsCalloc(num_partitions, sizeof(NDMPartition));
if (new_partitions == NULL)
return FsError2(NDM_ENOMEM, ENOMEM);
// If there is a current partitions table, copy as much of it as
// possible to the new table before removing it.
if (ndm->partitions) {
ui32 i, max_i = MIN(num_partitions, ndm->num_partitions);
for (i = 0; i < max_i; ++i)
memcpy(&new_partitions[i], &ndm->partitions[i], sizeof(NDMPartition));
// Set the new partition information in the NDM.
ndm->partitions = new_partitions;
ndm->num_partitions = num_partitions;
// Return success.
return 0;
// ndmGetPartition: Return partition entry handle
// Inputs: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// part_num = partition number
// Returns: partition handle on success, NULL on error
const NDMPartition* ndmGetPartition(CNDM ndm, ui32 part_num) {
// If partition number out of bounds, error.
if (part_num >= ndm->num_partitions) {
return NULL;
// Return pointer to specified partition structure.
return &ndm->partitions[part_num];
// ndmWritePartition: Write a partition entry into partitions table
// Inputs: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// part = buffer to get partition information from
// part_num = partition number
// name = partition name
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
int ndmWritePartition(NDM ndm, const NDMPartition* part, ui32 part_num, const char* name) {
ui32 i;
// Ensure name is not too long and copy it to partition structure.
if (strlen(name) >= NDM_PART_NAME_LEN)
return FsError2(NDM_CFG_ERR, EINVAL);
strcpy((char*)part->name, name);
// If partition first block or number of blocks invalid, error.
if (part->first_block >= ndm->num_vblks ||
part->first_block + part->num_blocks > ndm->num_vblks)
return FsError2(NDM_CFG_ERR, EINVAL);
// If there are partitions already, check there is no overlap.
for (i = 0; i < ndm->num_partitions; ++i) {
// Skip partition we want to replace.
if (i == part_num)
// Check for overlap only against valid partition entries.
if (ndm->partitions[i].type) {
if ((part->first_block >= ndm->partitions[i].first_block &&
part->first_block <
ndm->partitions[i].first_block + ndm->partitions[i].num_blocks) ||
(ndm->partitions[i].first_block >= part->first_block &&
ndm->partitions[i].first_block < part->first_block + part->num_blocks))
return FsError2(NDM_CFG_ERR, EINVAL);
// If partition number out of bounds, adjust partition table.
if (part_num >= ndm->num_partitions)
if (ndmSetNumPartitions(ndm, part_num + 1))
return -1;
// Write partition information and return success.
memcpy(&ndm->partitions[part_num], part, sizeof(NDMPartition));
return 0;
// ndmEraseBlock: Erase a block
// Inputs: vpn = base virtual page for block to be erased
// ndm = NDM control block handle
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on fatal error
int ndmEraseBlock(ui32 vpn, NDM ndm) {
ui32 vbn, bn, pn;
int status;
// Compute the virtual block number based on virtual page number.
vbn = vpn / ndm->pgs_per_blk;
if (vbn >= ndm->num_vblks)
return FsError2(NDM_ASSERT, EINVAL);
// Grab exclusive access to TargetNDM internals.
semPend(ndm->sem, WAIT_FOREVER);
// Get the physical block number from virtual one.
bn = get_pbn(ndm, vbn, WR_MAPPING);
if (bn == (ui32)-1) {
return -1;
// Compute physical page number.
pn = bn * ndm->pgs_per_blk + vpn % ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// Erase the block.
status = ndm->erase_block(pn, ndm->dev);
if (status < 0) {
// If chip error, do bad block recovery. Else return fatal error.
if (status == -1)
status = ndmMarkBadBlock(ndm, bn, ERASE_BLOCK);
FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// Release exclusive NDM access and return status.
return status;
// ndmDeletePartitionTable: Delete partition table
// Input: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
void ndmDeletePartitionTable(NDM ndm) {
// If no partitions, simply return.
if (ndm->num_partitions == 0)
// Remove partition table.
ndm->num_partitions = 0;
// ndmSavePartitionTable: Save partition table to flash
// Input: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on error
int ndmSavePartitionTable(NDM ndm) {
ndm->xfr_tblk = (ui32)-1;
return ndmWrCtrl(ndm);
} //lint !e818
// ndmExtractBBL: Save running bad block list count and data
// Input: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// Returns: -1 if error, else number of running bad blocks
int ndmExtractBBL(NDM ndm) {
uint size;
Pair *pair, *tmp, *last_pair;
// Save running bad block count. Return if there are none.
ExtractedCnt = ndm->num_rbb;
if (ExtractedCnt == 0)
return 0;
// Allocate memory for running bad block list and copy list to it.
size = sizeof(Pair) * ExtractedCnt;
ExtractedList = malloc(size);
if (ExtractedList == NULL)
return FsError2(NDM_ENOMEM, ENOMEM);
memcpy(ExtractedList, ndm->run_bad_blk, size);
show_rbbl(ndm->run_bad_blk, ndm->num_rbb);
show_rbbl(ExtractedList, ExtractedCnt);
// Simplify list, eliminating chains.
pair = ExtractedList;
for (last_pair = pair + ExtractedCnt - 1; pair < last_pair; ++pair) {
if (pair->val != (ui32)-1) {
for (tmp = pair + 1; tmp <= last_pair; ++tmp) {
if (tmp->key == pair->val) {
pair->val = tmp->val;
tmp->val = (ui32)-1;
show_rbbl(ExtractedList, ExtractedCnt);
// Return number of blocks that failed so far.
return ExtractedCnt;
// ndmInsertBBL: Import saved running bad block list
// Input: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// Returns: 0 if successful, else -1 on error
int ndmInsertBBL(NDM ndm) {
ui32 free_b, old_pn, new_pn, past_end;
Pair *last_pair, *pair;
int action, rc;
// Just return 0 if there were no running bad blocks.
if (ExtractedCnt == 0)
return 0;
// Loop to recover each bad block.
pair = ExtractedList;
for (last_pair = pair + ExtractedCnt - 1; pair <= last_pair; ++pair) {
printf("pair %u: vblk/key=%u, pblk/val=%d\n", pair - ExtractedList, pair->key, pair->val);
// Adjust bad block count. If too many, error.
if (++ndm->num_bad_blks > ndm->max_bad_blks)
// Get a free block to replace the bad virtual block.
free_b = get_free_virt_blk(ndm);
if (free_b == (ui32)-1)
return FsError2(NDM_NO_FREE_BLK, ENOSPC);
// If physical block assigned, copy its contents to free_b.
if (pair->val != (ui32)-1) {
// Keep looping until successful.
for (;;) {
// Call driver to erase the free block.
rc = ndm->erase_block(free_b * ndm->pgs_per_blk, ndm->dev);
if (rc == -2)
return FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// Check if block erase command succeeded.
if (rc == 0) {
// Transfer data from old pool block to new pool block.
old_pn = pair->val * ndm->pgs_per_blk;
new_pn = free_b * ndm->pgs_per_blk;
past_end = new_pn + ndm->pgs_per_blk;
for (; new_pn < past_end; ++old_pn, ++new_pn) {
// Call driver to see if main and spare areas are erased.
rc = ndm->page_blank(old_pn, ndm->main_buf, ndm->spare_buf, ndm->dev);
// If erased, skip page. Else if I/O error, return -1.
if (rc == TRUE)
else if (rc < 0)
return FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// Read main data. Return -1 if ECC or fatal error.
rc = ndm->read_page(old_pn, ndm->main_buf, ndm->spare_buf, ndm->dev);
if (rc < 0)
return FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// Read old spare data. Return -1 if ECC or fatal error.
rc = ndm->read_decode_spare(old_pn, ndm->spare_buf, ndm->dev);
if (rc < 0)
return FsError2(NDM_EIO, EIO);
// If volume page, request just spare bytes ECC.
if (RD32_LE(&ndm->spare_buf[5]) == (ui32)-1)
action = NDM_ECC;
// Else map page, request spare ECC/validity check prep.
action = NDM_ECC_VAL;
// Write page. Return -1 if fatal err. Break if block bad.
rc = ndm->write_page(new_pn, ndm->main_buf, ndm->spare_buf, action,
if (rc == -2)
return -1;
else if (rc)
// Break if block copy loop completed successfully.
if (new_pn == past_end)
// Adjust bad block count. If too many, error.
if (++ndm->num_bad_blks > ndm->max_bad_blks)
// Add the failed copy block to the running bad block list.
ndm->run_bad_blk[ndm->num_rbb].val = (ui32)-1;
ndm->run_bad_blk[ndm->num_rbb].key = free_b;
// Get a free block to replace the bad virtual block.
free_b = get_free_virt_blk(ndm);
if (free_b == (ui32)-1)
return FsError2(NDM_NO_FREE_BLK, ENOSPC);
// Add this extracted pair to the current running bad block list.
ndm->run_bad_blk[ndm->num_rbb].val = free_b;
ndm->run_bad_blk[ndm->num_rbb].key = pair->key;
show_rbbl(ndm->run_bad_blk, ndm->num_rbb);
// Free bad block list memory, zero count, and save the metadata.
ExtractedCnt = 0;
return ndmWrCtrl(ndm);
#endif // BBL_INSERT_INC
// ndmPastPrevPair: Starting at specified page number, find first page
// that has no earlier paired page
// Inputs: ndm = pointer to NDM control block
// pn = number of prospective next free page
// Returns: first of next pages whose write failures that can't
// corrupt previously written pages on same block or -1
// if no higher page on block past all previous pairs
ui32 ndmPastPrevPair(CNDM ndm, ui32 pn) {
ui32 n, po = pn % ndm->pgs_per_blk;
// First page on block has no previous pairs to skip.
if (po == 0)
return pn;
// If last page on block is not past previous pairs, no page is.
n = ndm->pgs_per_blk - 1;
if (ndm->pair_offset(n, ndm->dev) < po)
return (ui32)-1;
// Move backward to find first page whose pair is at a lower offset
// than the input page.
for (;;) {
if (ndm->pair_offset(--n, ndm->dev) < po)
// Return the page that is one page offset higher.
return (pn / ndm->pgs_per_blk) * ndm->pgs_per_blk + n + 1;