blob: 0801c5179ce143256e2baea5c584a4fbeab21a19 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <set>
#include <fidl/check_def.h>
#include <fidl/findings.h>
#include <fidl/linting_tree_callbacks.h>
#include <fidl/tree_visitor.h>
#include <fidl/utils.h>
namespace fidl {
namespace linter {
// The primary business logic for lint-checks on a FIDL file is implemented in
// the |Linter| class.
class Linter {
// On initialization, the |Linter| constructs the |CheckDef|
// objects with associated check logic (lambdas registered via
// |CheckCallbacks|).
// Calling Lint() invokes the callbacks for elements
// of the given |SourceFile|. If a check fails, the callback generates a
// |Finding| and adds it to the given Findings (vector of Finding).
// Lint() is not thread-safe.
// Returns true if no new findings were generated.
bool Lint(std::unique_ptr<raw::File> const& parsed_source,
Findings* findings);
// Holds function pointers for an identify case type. For example,
// for "UpperCamelCase" type, |matches| points to is_upper_camel_case()
// and |convert| points to to_upper_camel_case().
struct CaseType {
fit::function<bool(std::string)> matches;
fit::function<std::string(std::string)> convert;
// Holds information about a nesting context in a FIDL file, for checks
// that must compare information about the context with information about
// a nested entity. The outer-most context is the FIDL file itself
// (including the file's declared library name). Contexts nested in a
// file's context include type definitions with nested entities, such as
// enum, bits, struct, table, union, and xunion.
class Context {
struct RepeatsContextNames;
Context(std::string type, std::string id, CheckDef context_check)
: type_(type), id_(id), context_check_(context_check) {}
// Enables move construction and assignment
Context(Context&& rhs) = default;
Context& operator=(Context&&) = default;
// no copy or assign (move-only or pass by reference)
Context(const Context&) = delete;
Context& operator=(const Context&) = delete;
std::string type() const { return type_; }
std::string id() const { return id_; }
// A |vector| of information about potential violations of the FIDL rubric
// rule that prohibits repeating names from the outer type or library.
// Exceptions to this rule cannot be determined until all nested identifiers
// are reviewed, so this vector saves the required information until that
// time.
std::vector<RepeatsContextNames>& name_repeaters() { return name_repeaters_; }
const std::set<std::string>& words() {
if (words_.empty()) {
auto words = utils::id_to_words(id_);
words_.insert(words.begin(), words.end());
return words_;
const CheckDef& context_check() const { return context_check_; }
template <typename... Args>
void AddRepeatsContextNames(Args&&... args) {
// Stores minimum information needed to construct a |Finding| if a
// nested identifier repeats names from one of its contexts.
// Determination is deferred until all nested identifiers are evaluated
// because some cases of repeated names are allowed if the repeated
// names help differentiate two identifiers that represent different
// parts of the concept represented by the context identifier.
struct RepeatsContextNames {
RepeatsContextNames(std::string a_type, SourceLocation a_location,
std::set<std::string> a_repeats)
: type(a_type), location(a_location), repeats(a_repeats) {}
const std::string type;
const SourceLocation location;
const std::set<std::string> repeats;
std::string type_;
std::string id_;
std::set<std::string> words_;
CheckDef context_check_;
std::vector<RepeatsContextNames> name_repeaters_;
const std::set<std::string>& permitted_library_prefixes() const;
std::string permitted_library_prefixes_as_string() const;
CheckDef DefineCheck(std::string check_id,
std::string message_template);
template <typename... Args>
Finding& AddFinding(Args&&... args) const;
const Finding& AddFinding(
SourceLocation location,
const CheckDef& check,
Substitutions substitutions = {},
std::string suggestion_template = "",
std::string replacement_template = "") const;
template <typename SourceElementSubtypeRefOrPtr>
const Finding& AddFinding(
const SourceElementSubtypeRefOrPtr& element,
const CheckDef& check,
Substitutions substitutions = {},
std::string suggestion_template = "",
std::string replacement_template = "") const;
const Finding& AddRepeatedNameFinding(
const Context& context,
const Context::RepeatsContextNames& name_repeater) const;
// If a finding was added, return a pointer to that finding.
const Finding* CheckCase(std::string type,
const std::unique_ptr<raw::Identifier>& identifier,
const CheckDef& check_def, const CaseType& case_type);
// CheckRepeatedName() does not add Finding objects immediately. It checks for
// potential violations, but must wait until ExitContext() so the potential
// violation can be compared to its peers.
void CheckRepeatedName(std::string type,
const std::unique_ptr<raw::Identifier>& id);
template <typename... Args>
void EnterContext(Args&&... args) {
// Pops the context stack. If any contained types repeat names from the
// context, this function compares the nested identifiers with each other.
// If two nested identifiers repeat different names from the context,
// assume the repeated names were necessary in order to disambiguate the
// concepts represented by each of the nested entities. If not, add Finding
// objects for violating the repeated name rule.
void ExitContext();
std::deque<Context> context_stack_;
LintingTreeCallbacks callbacks_;
std::set<std::string> permitted_library_prefixes_;
std::set<std::string> stop_words_;
// All check types created in during |Linter| construction. The |std::set|
// ensures each CheckDef has a unique |id|, and an iterator will traverse
// the set in lexicographical order.
std::set<CheckDef> checks_;
CaseType lower_snake_{utils::is_lower_snake_case,
CaseType upper_snake_{utils::is_upper_snake_case,
CaseType upper_camel_{utils::is_upper_camel_case,
// Pointer to the current "Findings" object, passed to the Lint() method,
// for the diration of the Visit() to lint a given FIDL file. When the
// Visit() is over, |current_findings_| is reset to nullptr.
// As a result, Lint() is single-threaded. The variable could be changed
// to thread-local, but in general this class has not been reviewed for
// thread-safety characteristics, and it is not currently deemed necessary.
Findings* current_findings_ = nullptr;
} // namespace linter
} // namespace fidl