blob: d2ef6f714e0d0dca91946259b26dc3447b5d4b59 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.device;
using zx;
/// Maxmium length for a device name
const uint64 MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN = 32;
/// Maximum length of a device path
const uint64 MAX_DEVICE_PATH_LEN = 1024;
/// Maxmium length for a driver name
const uint64 MAX_DRIVER_NAME_LEN = 32;
/// Maximum length for a driver path
const uint64 MAX_DRIVER_PATH_LEN = 1024;
/// Signal that will be active on a device event handle if the device's read() method
/// will return data.
const uint32 DEVICE_SIGNAL_READABLE = 0x01000000; // ZX_USER_SIGNAL_0
/// Signal that will be active on a device event handle if the device has some out-of-band
/// mechanism that needs attention.
/// This is primarily used by the PTY support.
const uint32 DEVICE_SIGNAL_OOB = 0x02000000; // ZX_USER_SIGNAL_1
/// Signal that will be active on a device event handle if the device's write() method
/// will accept data.
const uint32 DEVICE_SIGNAL_WRITABLE = 0x04000000; // ZX_USER_SIGNAL_2
/// Signal that will be active on a device event handle if the device has encountered an error.
/// This is primarily used by the PTY support.
const uint32 DEVICE_SIGNAL_ERROR = 0x08000000; // ZX_USER_SIGNAL_3
/// Signal that will be active on a device event handle if the device has been disconnected.
/// This is primarily used by the PTY support.
const uint32 DEVICE_SIGNAL_HANGUP = 0x10000000; // ZX_USER_SIGNAL_4
/// Interface for manipulating a device in a devhost
[Layout = "Simple"]
protocol Controller {
/// Attempt to bind the requested driver to this device
Bind(string:MAX_DRIVER_PATH_LEN driver) -> (zx.status status);
/// Disconnect this device and allow its parent to be bound again.
Unbind() -> (zx.status status);
/// Return the name of the driver managing this the device
GetDriverName() -> (zx.status status, string:MAX_DRIVER_NAME_LEN? name);
/// Return the name of the device
GetDeviceName() -> (string:MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN name);
/// Return the topological path for this device
GetTopologicalPath() -> (zx.status status, string:MAX_DEVICE_PATH_LEN? path);
/// Get an event for monitoring device conditions (see DEVICE_SIGNAL_* constants)
GetEventHandle() -> (zx.status status, handle<event>? event);
/// Return the current logging flags for this device's driver
GetDriverLogFlags() -> (zx.status status, uint32 flags);
/// Set the logging flags for this device's driver.
/// Each set bit in |clear_flags| will be cleared in the log flags state.
/// Each set bit in |set_flags| will then be set in the log flags state.
SetDriverLogFlags(uint32 clear_flags, uint32 set_flags) -> (zx.status status);
/// Debug command: execute the device's suspend hook
DebugSuspend() -> (zx.status status);
/// Debug command: execute the device's resume hook
DebugResume() -> (zx.status status);