blob: 59027c361e4e59be21c48667cfabdec8a4f00bc9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Generated by
library fidl.test.dangerous.method.response.arguments.upper;
using argtype = uint32;
protocol DangerousResponseArguments {
Method0() -> (argtype ABSTRACT);
Method1() -> (argtype ALIGNAS);
Method2() -> (argtype ALIGNOF);
Method3() -> (argtype AND);
Method4() -> (argtype AND_EQ);
Method5() -> (argtype AS);
Method6() -> (argtype ASM);
Method7() -> (argtype ASSERT);
Method8() -> (argtype ASYNC);
Method9() -> (argtype ATOMIC_CANCEL);
Method10() -> (argtype ATOMIC_COMMIT);
Method11() -> (argtype ATOMIC_NOEXCEPT);
Method12() -> (argtype AUTO);
Method13() -> (argtype AWAIT);
Method14() -> (argtype BECOME);
Method15() -> (argtype BITAND);
Method16() -> (argtype BITOR);
Method17() -> (argtype BOOL);
Method18() -> (argtype BOX);
Method19() -> (argtype BREAK);
Method20() -> (argtype BYTE);
Method21() -> (argtype CASE);
Method22() -> (argtype CATCH);
Method23() -> (argtype CHAN);
Method24() -> (argtype CHAR);
Method25() -> (argtype CHAR16_T);
Method26() -> (argtype CHAR32_T);
Method27() -> (argtype CLASS);
Method28() -> (argtype CO_AWAIT);
Method29() -> (argtype CO_RETURN);
Method30() -> (argtype CO_YIELD);
Method31() -> (argtype CODING_TRAITS);
Method32() -> (argtype COMPL);
Method33() -> (argtype CONCEPT);
Method34() -> (argtype CONST);
Method35() -> (argtype CONST_CAST);
Method36() -> (argtype CONSTEXPR);
Method37() -> (argtype CONTINUE);
Method38() -> (argtype CONTROLLER);
Method39() -> (argtype COVARIANT);
Method40() -> (argtype CRATE);
Method41() -> (argtype DECLTYPE);
Method42() -> (argtype DECODER);
Method43() -> (argtype DEFAULT);
Method44() -> (argtype DEFER);
Method45() -> (argtype DEFERRED);
Method46() -> (argtype DELETE);
Method47() -> (argtype DO);
Method48() -> (argtype DOUBLE);
Method49() -> (argtype DYNAMIC);
Method50() -> (argtype DYNAMIC_CAST);
Method51() -> (argtype ELSE);
Method52() -> (argtype ENCODER);
Method53() -> (argtype ENSURE_VALUES_INSTANTIATED);
Method54() -> (argtype ENUM);
Method55() -> (argtype ERR);
Method56() -> (argtype EXPLICIT);
Method57() -> (argtype EXPORT);
Method58() -> (argtype EXTENDS);
Method59() -> (argtype EXTERN);
Method60() -> (argtype EXTERNAL);
Method61() -> (argtype FACTORY);
Method62() -> (argtype FALLTHROUGH);
Method63() -> (argtype FALSE);
Method64() -> (argtype FIDL);
Method65() -> (argtype FIDL_TYPE);
Method66() -> (argtype FINAL);
Method67() -> (argtype FINALLY);
Method68() -> (argtype FLOAT);
Method69() -> (argtype FN);
Method70() -> (argtype FOR);
Method71() -> (argtype FRIEND);
Method72() -> (argtype FUNC);
Method73() -> (argtype FUTURE);
Method74() -> (argtype FUTURES);
Method75() -> (argtype GET);
Method76() -> (argtype GO);
Method77() -> (argtype GOTO);
Method78() -> (argtype HAS_INVALID_TAG);
Method79() -> (argtype HASH_CODE);
Method80() -> (argtype IF);
Method81() -> (argtype IMPL);
Method82() -> (argtype IMPLEMENTS);
Method83() -> (argtype IMPORT);
Method84() -> (argtype IN);
Method85() -> (argtype INDEX);
Method86() -> (argtype INLINE);
Method87() -> (argtype INT);
Method88() -> (argtype INT16);
Method89() -> (argtype INT32);
Method90() -> (argtype INT64);
Method91() -> (argtype INT8);
Method92() -> (argtype INTERFACE);
Method93() -> (argtype IS);
Method94() -> (argtype LET);
Method95() -> (argtype LHS);
Method96() -> (argtype LIBRARY);
Method97() -> (argtype LIST);
Method98() -> (argtype LONG);
Method99() -> (argtype LOOP);
Method100() -> (argtype MACRO);
Method101() -> (argtype MAP);
Method102() -> (argtype MATCH);
Method103() -> (argtype MIXIN);
Method104() -> (argtype MOD);
Method105() -> (argtype MODULE);
Method106() -> (argtype MOVE);
Method107() -> (argtype MUT);
Method108() -> (argtype MUTABLE);
Method109() -> (argtype NAMESPACE);
Method110() -> (argtype NEVER);
Method111() -> (argtype NEW);
Method112() -> (argtype NO_SUCH_METHOD);
Method113() -> (argtype NOEXCEPT);
Method114() -> (argtype NONE);
Method115() -> (argtype NOT);
Method116() -> (argtype NOT_EQ);
Method117() -> (argtype NULL);
Method118() -> (argtype NULLPTR);
Method119() -> (argtype NUM);
Method120() -> (argtype OBJECT);
Method121() -> (argtype OFFSET);
Method122() -> (argtype OFFSETOF);
Method123() -> (argtype OK);
Method124() -> (argtype ON_OPEN);
Method125() -> (argtype OPERATOR);
Method126() -> (argtype OPTION);
Method127() -> (argtype OR);
Method128() -> (argtype OR_EQ);
Method129() -> (argtype OVERRIDE);
Method130() -> (argtype PACKAGE);
Method131() -> (argtype PART);
Method132() -> (argtype PRIV);
Method133() -> (argtype PRIVATE);
Method134() -> (argtype PROC);
Method135() -> (argtype PROTECTED);
Method136() -> (argtype PROXY);
Method137() -> (argtype PUB);
Method138() -> (argtype PUBLIC);
Method139() -> (argtype PURE);
Method140() -> (argtype RANGE);
Method141() -> (argtype REF);
Method142() -> (argtype REGISTER);
Method143() -> (argtype REINTERPRET_CAST);
Method144() -> (argtype REQUIRES);
Method145() -> (argtype RESULT);
Method146() -> (argtype RETHROW);
Method147() -> (argtype RETURN);
Method148() -> (argtype RHS);
Method149() -> (argtype RUNE);
Method150() -> (argtype RUNTIME_TYPE);
Method151() -> (argtype SELECT);
Method152() -> (argtype SELF);
Method153() -> (argtype SEND);
Method154() -> (argtype SET);
Method155() -> (argtype SET_CONTROLLER);
Method156() -> (argtype SHORT);
Method157() -> (argtype SIGNED);
Method158() -> (argtype SIZEOF);
Method159() -> (argtype SOME);
Method160() -> (argtype STATIC);
Method161() -> (argtype STATIC_ASSERT);
Method162() -> (argtype STATIC_CAST);
Method163() -> (argtype STREAM);
Method164() -> (argtype STRING);
Method165() -> (argtype STRUCT);
Method166() -> (argtype STUB);
Method167() -> (argtype SUPER);
Method168() -> (argtype SWITCH);
Method169() -> (argtype SYNCHRONIZED);
Method170() -> (argtype TEMPLATE);
Method171() -> (argtype THIS);
Method172() -> (argtype THREAD_LOCAL);
Method173() -> (argtype THROW);
Method174() -> (argtype TO_STRING);
Method175() -> (argtype TRAIT);
Method176() -> (argtype TRUE);
Method177() -> (argtype TRY);
Method178() -> (argtype TYPE);
Method179() -> (argtype TYPEDEF);
Method180() -> (argtype TYPEID);
Method181() -> (argtype TYPENAME);
Method182() -> (argtype TYPEOF);
Method183() -> (argtype UINT16);
Method184() -> (argtype UINT32);
Method185() -> (argtype UINT64);
Method186() -> (argtype UINT8);
Method187() -> (argtype UNION);
Method188() -> (argtype UNSAFE);
Method189() -> (argtype UNSIGNED);
Method190() -> (argtype UNSIZED);
Method191() -> (argtype USE);
Method192() -> (argtype USING);
Method193() -> (argtype VALUE);
Method194() -> (argtype VALUE_OF);
Method195() -> (argtype VALUE_UNION);
Method196() -> (argtype VALUES_MAP);
Method197() -> (argtype VAR);
Method198() -> (argtype VEC);
Method199() -> (argtype VIRTUAL);
Method200() -> (argtype VOID);
Method201() -> (argtype VOLATILE);
Method202() -> (argtype WCHAR_T);
Method203() -> (argtype WHERE);
Method204() -> (argtype WHICH);
Method205() -> (argtype WHILE);
Method206() -> (argtype WITH);
Method207() -> (argtype XOR);
Method208() -> (argtype XOR_EQ);
Method209() -> (argtype XUNION);
Method210() -> (argtype YIELD);
Method211() -> (argtype ZX);