blob: 3cf8757bfaf18e999b6a4f7c1eafa4db2867581e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Generated by
library fidl.test.dangerous.event.names.lower;
protocol DangerousEvents {
-> abstract();
-> alignas();
-> alignof();
-> and();
-> and_eq();
-> as();
-> asm();
-> assert();
-> async();
-> atomic_cancel();
-> atomic_commit();
-> atomic_noexcept();
-> auto();
-> await();
-> become();
-> bitand();
-> bitor();
-> bool();
-> box();
-> break();
-> byte();
-> case();
-> catch();
-> chan();
-> char();
-> char16_t();
-> char32_t();
-> class();
-> co_await();
-> co_return();
-> co_yield();
-> coding_traits();
-> compl();
-> concept();
-> const();
-> const_cast();
-> constexpr();
-> continue();
-> controller();
-> covariant();
-> crate();
-> decltype();
-> decoder();
-> default();
-> defer();
-> deferred();
-> delete();
-> do();
-> double();
-> dynamic();
-> dynamic_cast();
-> else();
-> encoder();
-> ensure_values_instantiated();
-> enum();
-> err();
-> explicit();
-> export();
-> extends();
-> extern();
-> external();
-> factory();
-> fallthrough();
-> false();
-> fidl();
-> fidl_type();
-> final();
-> finally();
-> float();
-> fn();
-> for();
-> friend();
-> func();
-> future();
-> futures();
-> get();
-> go();
-> goto();
-> has_invalid_tag();
-> hash_code();
-> if();
-> impl();
-> implements();
-> import();
-> in();
-> index();
-> inline();
-> int();
-> int16();
-> int32();
-> int64();
-> int8();
-> interface();
-> is();
-> let();
-> lhs();
-> library();
-> list();
-> long();
-> loop();
-> macro();
-> map();
-> match();
-> mixin();
-> mod();
-> module();
-> move();
-> mut();
-> mutable();
-> namespace();
-> never();
-> new();
-> no_such_method();
-> noexcept();
-> none();
-> not();
-> not_eq();
-> null();
-> nullptr();
-> num();
-> object();
-> offset();
-> offsetof();
-> ok();
-> on_open();
-> operator();
-> option();
-> or();
-> or_eq();
-> override();
-> package();
-> part();
-> priv();
-> private();
-> proc();
-> protected();
-> proxy();
-> pub();
-> public();
-> pure();
-> range();
-> ref();
-> register();
-> reinterpret_cast();
-> requires();
-> result();
-> rethrow();
-> return();
-> rhs();
-> rune();
-> runtime_type();
-> select();
-> self();
-> send();
-> set();
-> set_controller();
-> short();
-> signed();
-> sizeof();
-> some();
-> static();
-> static_assert();
-> static_cast();
-> stream();
-> string();
-> struct();
-> stub();
-> super();
-> switch();
-> synchronized();
-> template();
-> this();
-> thread_local();
-> throw();
-> to_string();
-> trait();
-> true();
-> try();
-> type();
-> typedef();
-> typeid();
-> typename();
-> typeof();
-> uint16();
-> uint32();
-> uint64();
-> uint8();
-> union();
-> unsafe();
-> unsigned();
-> unsized();
-> use();
-> using();
-> value();
-> value_of();
-> value_union();
-> values_map();
-> var();
-> vec();
-> virtual();
-> void();
-> volatile();
-> wchar_t();
-> where();
-> which();
-> while();
-> with();
-> xor();
-> xor_eq();
-> xunion();
-> yield();
-> zx();