blob: 8b3276315f5539d6d7046d454d0acc25ba168c1a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Fuchsia Ethernet client
#![feature(async_await, await_macro)]
use bitflags::bitflags;
use fidl_fuchsia_hardware_ethernet as sys;
use fidl_fuchsia_hardware_ethernet_ext::{EthernetInfo, EthernetStatus};
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_zircon::{self as zx, AsHandleRef};
use futures::{ready, task::{Context, Waker}, try_ready, FutureExt, Poll, Stream};
use std::fs::File;
use std::marker::Unpin;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
mod buffer;
mod ethernet_sys;
bitflags! {
/// Status flags describing the result of queueing a packet to an Ethernet device.
pub struct EthernetQueueFlags: u16 {
/// The packet was received correctly.
const RX_OK = ethernet_sys::ETH_FIFO_RX_OK as u16;
/// The packet was transmitted correctly.
const TX_OK = ethernet_sys::ETH_FIFO_TX_OK as u16;
/// The packet was out of the bounds of the memory shared with the Ethernet device driver.
const INVALID = ethernet_sys::ETH_FIFO_INVALID as u16;
/// The received packet was sent by this host.
/// This bit is only set after `tx_listen_start` is called.
const TX_ECHO = ethernet_sys::ETH_FIFO_RX_TX as u16;
/// Default buffer size communicating with Ethernet devices.
/// It is the smallest power of 2 greater than the Ethernet MTU of 1500.
pub const DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 2048;
/// An Ethernet client that communicates with a device driver to send and receive packets.
pub struct Client {
inner: Arc<ClientInner>,
impl Client {
/// Create a new Ethernet client for the device proxy `dev`.
/// The `buf` is used to share memory between this process and the device driver, and must
/// remain valid as long as this client is valid. The `name` is used by the driver for debug
/// logs.
/// TODO(tkilbourn): handle the buffer size better. How does the user of this crate know what
/// to pass, before the device is opened?
pub async fn new(
dev: sys::DeviceProxy,
buf: zx::Vmo,
buf_size: usize,
name: &str,
) -> Result<Self, failure::Error> {
let (status, fifos) = await!(dev.get_fifos())?;
// Safe because we checked the return status above.
let fifos = *fifos.unwrap();
let buf = zx::Vmo::from(buf.as_handle_ref().duplicate(zx::Rights::SAME_RIGHTS)?);
let pool = Mutex::new(buffer::BufferPool::new(buf, buf_size)?);
Ok(Client { inner: Arc::new(ClientInner::new(dev, pool, fifos)?) })
/// Create a new Ethernet client for the device represented by the `dev` file.
/// The `buf` is used to share memory between this process and the device driver, and must
/// remain valid as long as this client is valid. The `name` is used by the driver for debug
/// logs.
/// TODO(tkilbourn): handle the buffer size better. How does the user of this crate know what
/// to pass, before the device is opened?
pub async fn from_file(
dev: File,
buf: zx::Vmo,
buf_size: usize,
name: &str,
) -> Result<Self, failure::Error> {
let dev = dev.as_raw_fd();
let mut client = 0;
// Safe because we're passing a valid fd.
zx::Status::ok(unsafe { fdio::fdio_sys::fdio_get_service_handle(dev, &mut client) })?;
let dev = fidl::endpoints::ClientEnd::<sys::DeviceMarker>::new(
// Safe because we checked the return status above.
fuchsia_zircon::Channel::from(unsafe { fuchsia_zircon::Handle::from_raw(client) }),
await!(Client::new(dev, buf, buf_size, name))
/// Get a stream of events from the Ethernet device.
/// This is a default implementation using the various "poll" methods on this `Client`; more
/// sophisticated uses should use those methods directly to implement a `Future` or `Stream`.
pub fn get_stream(&self) -> EventStream {
EventStream { inner: Arc::clone(&self.inner) }
/// Retrieve information about the Ethernet device.
pub async fn info(&self) -> Result<EthernetInfo, fidl::Error> {
let info = await!(;
/// Start transferring packets.
/// Before this is called, no packets will be transferred.
pub async fn start(&self) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
let raw = await!(;
/// Stop transferring packets.
/// After this is called, no packets will be transferred.
pub async fn stop(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
/// Start receiving all packets transmitted by this host.
/// Such packets will have the `EthernetQueueFlags::TX_ECHO` bit set.
pub async fn tx_listen_start(&self) -> Result<(), failure::Error> {
let raw = await!(;
/// Stop receiving all packets transmitted by this host.
pub async fn tx_listen_stop(&self) -> Result<(), fidl::Error> {
/// Get the status of the Ethernet device.
pub async fn get_status(&self) -> Result<EthernetStatus, fidl::Error> {
/// Send a buffer with the Ethernet device.
/// TODO(tkilbourn): indicate to the caller whether the send failed due to lack of buffers.
pub fn send(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) {
let mut guard = self.inner.pool.lock().unwrap();
match guard.alloc_tx_buffer() {
None => (),
Some(mut t) => {
/// Poll the Ethernet client to see if the status has changed.
pub fn poll_status(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<zx::Signals, zx::Status>> {
/// Poll the Ethernet client to queue any pending packets for transmit.
pub fn poll_queue_tx(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<usize, zx::Status>> {
/// Poll the Ethernet client to complete any attempted packet transmissions.
pub fn poll_complete_tx(
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
) -> Poll<Result<EthernetQueueFlags, zx::Status>> {
/// Poll the Ethernet client to queue a buffer for receiving packets from the Ethernet device.
pub fn poll_queue_rx(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), zx::Status>> {
/// Poll the Ethernet client to receive a packet from the Ethernet device.
pub fn poll_complete_rx(
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
) -> Poll<Result<(buffer::RxBuffer, EthernetQueueFlags), zx::Status>> {
/// A stream of events from the Ethernet device.
pub struct EventStream {
inner: Arc<ClientInner>,
impl Unpin for EventStream {}
/// An event from the Ethernet device.
pub enum Event {
/// The Ethernet device indicated that its status has changed.
/// The `get_status` method may be used to retrieve the current status.
/// A RxBuffer was received from the Ethernet device.
Receive(buffer::RxBuffer, EthernetQueueFlags),
impl Stream for EventStream {
type Item = Result<Event, zx::Status>;
fn poll_next(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
Poll::Ready(match ready!(self.poll_inner(cx)) {
Ok(event) => Some(Ok(event)),
Err(zx::Status::PEER_CLOSED) => None,
Err(e) => Some(Err(e)),
impl EventStream {
fn poll_inner(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<Event, zx::Status>> {
loop {
if let Poll::Ready(signals) = self.inner.poll_status(cx)? {
if signals.contains(zx::Signals::USER_0) {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(Event::StatusChanged));
let mut progress = false;
if self.inner.poll_queue_tx(cx)?.is_ready() {
progress = true;
if self.inner.poll_queue_rx(cx)?.is_ready() {
progress = true;
// Drain the completed tx queue to make all the buffers available.
while self.inner.poll_complete_tx(cx)?.is_ready() {
progress = true;
if let Poll::Ready((buf, flags)) = self.inner.poll_complete_rx(cx)? {
return Poll::Ready(Ok(Event::Receive(buf, flags)));
if !progress {
return Poll::Pending;
struct ClientInner {
dev: sys::DeviceProxy,
pool: Mutex<buffer::BufferPool>,
rx_fifo: fasync::Fifo<buffer::FifoEntry>,
tx_fifo: fasync::Fifo<buffer::FifoEntry>,
rx_depth: u32,
tx_depth: u32,
tx_pending: Mutex<(Vec<buffer::FifoEntry>, Option<Waker>)>,
signals: Mutex<fasync::OnSignals>,
impl ClientInner {
fn new(
dev: sys::DeviceProxy,
pool: Mutex<buffer::BufferPool>,
fifos: sys::Fifos,
) -> Result<Self, zx::Status> {
let sys::Fifos { rx, tx, rx_depth, tx_depth } = fifos;
let rx_fifo = fasync::Fifo::from_fifo(rx)?;
let tx_fifo = fasync::Fifo::from_fifo(tx)?;
let signals = Mutex::new(fasync::OnSignals::new(&rx_fifo, zx::Signals::USER_0));
Ok(ClientInner {
tx_pending: Mutex::new((vec![], None)),
fn push_tx(&self, entry: buffer::FifoEntry) {
let mut tx_guard = self.tx_pending.lock().unwrap();
if let Some(waker) = &tx_guard.1 {
fn register_signals(&self) {
*self.signals.lock().unwrap() = fasync::OnSignals::new(&self.rx_fifo, zx::Signals::USER_0);
/// Check for Ethernet device status changes.
/// These changes are signaled on the rx fifo.
fn poll_status(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<zx::Signals, zx::Status>> {
let signals = try_ready!(self.signals.lock().unwrap().poll_unpin(cx));
/// Write any pending transmits to the tx fifo.
fn poll_queue_tx(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<usize, zx::Status>> {
let mut tx_guard = self.tx_pending.lock().unwrap();
if tx_guard.0.len() > 0 {
let result = self.tx_fifo.try_write(cx, &tx_guard.0[..])?;
// It's possible that only some of the entries were queued, so split those off the
// pending queue and save the rest for later.
if let Poll::Ready(n) = result {
tx_guard.0 = tx_guard.0.split_off(n);
return Poll::Ready(Ok(n));
} else {
// We want to wake up when something gets queued for transmit.
tx_guard.1 = Some(cx.waker().clone());
/// Receive a tx completion entry from the Ethernet device.
/// Returns the flags indicating success or failure.
fn poll_complete_tx(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<EthernetQueueFlags, zx::Status>> {
match try_ready!(self.tx_fifo.try_read(cx)) {
Some(buffer::FifoEntry { offset, flags, .. }) => {
self.pool.lock().unwrap().release_tx_buffer(offset as usize);
None => Poll::Ready(Err(zx::Status::PEER_CLOSED)),
/// Queue an available receive buffer to the rx fifo.
fn poll_queue_rx(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), zx::Status>> {
let mut pool_guard = self.pool.lock().unwrap();
match pool_guard.alloc_rx_buffer() {
None => Poll::Pending,
Some(entry) => {
let fifo_offset = entry.offset;
let result = self.rx_fifo.try_write(cx, &[entry.into()])?;
if let Poll::Pending = result {
// Map the buffer and drop it immediately, to return it to the set of available
// buffers.
let _ = pool_guard.map_rx_buffer(fifo_offset as usize, 0);
/// Receive a buffer from the Ethernet device representing a packet from the network.
fn poll_complete_rx(
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
) -> Poll<Result<(buffer::RxBuffer, EthernetQueueFlags), zx::Status>> {
Poll::Ready(match try_ready!(self.rx_fifo.try_read(cx)) {
Some(entry) => {
let mut pool_guard = self.pool.lock().unwrap();
let buf = pool_guard.map_rx_buffer(entry.offset as usize, entry.length as usize);
Ok((buf, EthernetQueueFlags::from_bits_truncate(entry.flags)))
None => Err(zx::Status::PEER_CLOSED),