blob: 223bf2c873510b143a792664d009864eee896eb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fuchsia/media/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <memory>
#include "codec_port.h"
class CodecImpl;
class CodecBufferForTest;
// Core codec representation of a video frame. Different core codecs may have
// very different implementations of this.
// TODO(dustingreen): Have this be a base class that's defined by the
// CodecImpl source_set, and have amlogic-video VideoFrame derive from that base
// class.
// Regardless of codec, these will be managed by shared_ptr<>, because for
// decoder reference frames, shared_ptr<> makes sense.
struct VideoFrame;
// TODO(dustingreen): Support BufferCollection buffers.
// These are 1:1 with Codec buffers, but not necessarily 1:1 with core codec
// buffers.
// The const-ness of a CodecBuffer refers to the fields of the CodecBuffer
// instance, not to the data pointed at by buffer_base().
class CodecBuffer {
uint64_t buffer_lifetime_ordinal() const;
uint32_t buffer_index() const;
uint8_t* buffer_base() const;
size_t buffer_size() const;
const fuchsia::media::StreamBuffer& codec_buffer() const;
// The use of weak_ptr<> here is to emphasize that we don't need shared_ptr<>
// to keep the VideoFrame(s) alive. We'd use a raw pointer here if it weren't
// for needing to convert to a shared_ptr<> to call certain methods that
// expect shared_ptr<>.
// This is marked const because it only mutates a mutable field, which is
// considered mutable because it's about establishing an association between
// video_frame and CodecBuffer after CodecBuffer has been constructed.
void SetVideoFrame(std::weak_ptr<VideoFrame> video_frame) const;
std::weak_ptr<VideoFrame> video_frame() const;
friend class CodecImpl;
friend class std::unique_ptr<CodecBuffer>;
friend struct std::default_delete<CodecBuffer>;
friend class CodecBufferForTest;
CodecBuffer(CodecImpl* parent, CodecPort port,
fuchsia::media::StreamBuffer buffer);
bool Init(bool input_require_write = false);
// The parent CodecImpl instance. Just so we can call parent_->Fail().
// The parent_ CodecImpl out-lives the CodecImpl::Buffer.
CodecImpl* parent_;
CodecPort port_ = kFirstPort;
// This msg still has the live vmo_handle.
fuchsia::media::StreamBuffer buffer_;
// Mutable only in the sense that it's set later than the constructor. The
// association does not switch to a different VideoFrame once set.
mutable std::weak_ptr<VideoFrame> video_frame_;
// This accounts for vmo_offset_begin. The content bytes are not part of
// a Buffer instance from a const-ness point of view.
uint8_t* buffer_base_ = nullptr;