blob: da505b5426d2465dfa1d94d73295ab2143affed4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::mem;
pub struct DependencyGraph<K: Eq + Hash, V> {
// Storage for all nodes in the graph.
nodes: Vec<Node<K, V>>,
// Maps keys to the corresponding index in |nodes|.
indices: HashMap<K, usize>,
// Maps nodes to their children using an index into |nodes|.
children: HashMap<usize, HashSet<usize>>,
// Maps nodes to their parents using an index into |nodes|.
parents: HashMap<usize, HashSet<usize>>,
enum Node<K, V> {
// The root node has no data or key.
// Data nodes have a key and a value.
Data(K, V),
// Zombie nodes have been removed from the graph. This is used to avoid index updates to the
// graph's storage vector when removing a node.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum DependencyError<K: Debug + PartialEq> {
impl<K: Eq + Hash + Clone + Debug, V> DependencyGraph<K, V> {
const ROOT_INDEX: usize = 0;
/// Constructs a dependency graph and populates it with a root node.
pub fn new() -> DependencyGraph<K, V> {
Self {
nodes: vec![Node::Root],
indices: HashMap::new(),
children: HashMap::new(),
parents: HashMap::new(),
/// Insert a node into the graph with |key| and attach |data| to the node.
/// If the node already exists, it is replaced.
pub fn insert_node(&mut self, key: K, data: V) {
let index = self.nodes.len();
self.nodes.push(Node::Data(key.clone(), data));
if let Some(previous) = self.indices.insert(key, index) {
self.nodes[previous] = Node::Zombie;
/// Inserts an edge from the root of the graph to the node with key |to|.
/// If |to| doesn't exist in the graph, return a MissingDependency error.
pub fn insert_edge_from_root(&mut self, to: &K) -> Result<(), DependencyError<K>> {
let to_index = self.get_index(to)?;
/// Inserts an edge from the root of the graph from the node with key |from| to the node with
/// key |to|.
/// If either |from| or |to| doesn't exist in the graph, return a MissingDependency error.
pub fn insert_edge(&mut self, from: &K, to: &K) -> Result<(), DependencyError<K>> {
let from_index = self.get_index(from)?;
let to_index = self.get_index(to)?;
/// Resolve the dependency graph, returning the data associated with each node in a path from
/// the root node to its dependencies. For each node in the path all of its dependencies must
/// appear after its position in the path. Any node that has no dependency chain from the root
/// is pruned from the path.
/// If no such path is possible return a CircularDependency error.
pub fn resolve(mut self) -> Result<Vec<V>, DependencyError<K>> {
// This is a minor variation on Kahn's algorithm. We do not start by finding all nodes with
// no incoming edges because we know that the root node has no incoming edges, and that all
// other such nodes will be pruned.
let mut result = vec![];
let mut next_indices = vec![Self::ROOT_INDEX];
while let Some(index) = next_indices.pop() {
if let Some(data) = self.remove(index) {
for child_index in self.children.entry(index).or_default().clone() {
self.remove_edge(index, child_index)?;
if self.is_orphaned(&self.nodes[child_index]) {
if self.is_empty() {
} else {
impl<K: Eq + Hash + Clone + Debug, V> DependencyGraph<K, V> {
fn get_index(&self, key: &K) -> Result<usize, DependencyError<K>> {
let index = self.indices.get(key).ok_or(DependencyError::MissingDependency(key.clone()))?;
fn remove_edge(
&mut self,
from_index: usize,
to_index: usize,
) -> Result<(), DependencyError<K>> {
let to_parents =
self.parents.get_mut(&to_index).expect("remove_edge called with invalid to_index");
let from_children =
self.children.get_mut(&from_index).expect("remove_edge called with invalid from_index");
fn is_orphaned(&self, node: &Node<K, V>) -> bool {
match node {
Node::Data(key, _) => {
let index = self.indices.get(key).expect("Key exists in node but not in graph");
self.parents.get(index).map(|vs| vs.is_empty()).unwrap_or(true)
Node::Root => false,
Node::Zombie => false,
fn remove(&mut self, index: usize) -> Option<V> {
// Pull out the node while maintaining all the other indices.
match mem::replace(&mut self.nodes[index], Node::Zombie) {
Node::Data(_, data) => Some(data),
_ => None,
// Prune all orphaned nodes (nodes with no parents). This removes nodes that have no path from
// the root node.
fn prune_orphans(&mut self) -> Result<(), DependencyError<K>> {
while let Some((index, _)) =
self.nodes.iter().enumerate().find(|(_, node)| self.is_orphaned(node))
// Remove child edges.
let child_indices = self.children.entry(index).or_default().clone();
for child_index in child_indices {
self.remove_edge(index, child_index)?;
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.children.values().all(|xs| xs.is_empty())
&& self.parents.values().all(|xs| xs.is_empty())
mod test {
use super::*;
fn simple() {
let mut graph = DependencyGraph::new();
graph.insert_node(1, "one");
graph.insert_node(2, "two");
graph.insert_node(3, "three");
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge_from_root(&1), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&1, &2), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&2, &3), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.resolve(), Ok(vec!["one", "two", "three",]));
fn empty() {
let graph: DependencyGraph<usize, usize> = DependencyGraph::new();
fn insert_replaces() {
let mut graph = DependencyGraph::new();
graph.insert_node(1, "one");
graph.insert_node(1, "two");
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge_from_root(&1), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.resolve(), Ok(vec!["two"]));
fn branching_edges_from_root() {
let mut graph = DependencyGraph::new();
graph.insert_node(1, "one");
graph.insert_node(2, "two");
graph.insert_node(3, "three");
graph.insert_node(4, "four");
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge_from_root(&1), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge_from_root(&2), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&1, &3), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&2, &4), Ok(()));
let result = graph.resolve().unwrap();
result.iter().position(|&x| x == "one") < result.iter().position(|&x| x == "three")
assert!(result.iter().position(|&x| x == "two") < result.iter().position(|&x| x == "four"));
fn branching_edges() {
let mut graph = DependencyGraph::new();
graph.insert_node(1, "one");
graph.insert_node(2, "two");
graph.insert_node(3, "three");
graph.insert_node(4, "four");
graph.insert_node(5, "five");
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge_from_root(&1), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&1, &2), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&2, &3), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&1, &4), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&4, &5), Ok(()));
let result = graph.resolve().unwrap();
assert_eq!(result[0], "one");
result.iter().position(|&x| x == "two") < result.iter().position(|&x| x == "three")
result.iter().position(|&x| x == "four") < result.iter().position(|&x| x == "five")
fn multiple_incoming_edges() {
let mut graph = DependencyGraph::new();
graph.insert_node(1, "one");
graph.insert_node(2, "two");
graph.insert_node(3, "three");
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge_from_root(&1), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&1, &2), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&1, &3), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&2, &3), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.resolve(), Ok(vec!["one", "two", "three",]));
fn prunes_disconnected_graph() {
let mut graph = DependencyGraph::new();
graph.insert_node(1, "one");
graph.insert_node(2, "two");
graph.insert_node(3, "three");
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge_from_root(&1), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&2, &3), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.resolve(), Ok(vec!["one"]));
fn circular_dependency() {
let mut graph = DependencyGraph::new();
graph.insert_node(1, "one");
graph.insert_node(2, "two");
graph.insert_node(3, "three");
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge_from_root(&1), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&1, &2), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&2, &3), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&3, &1), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.resolve(), Err(DependencyError::CircularDependency));
fn missing_root_dependency() {
let mut graph: DependencyGraph<usize, usize> = DependencyGraph::new();
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge_from_root(&1), Err(DependencyError::MissingDependency(1)));
fn missing_dependency() {
let mut graph = DependencyGraph::new();
graph.insert_node(1, "one");
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge_from_root(&1), Ok(()));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&1, &2), Err(DependencyError::MissingDependency(2)));
assert_eq!(graph.insert_edge(&2, &1), Err(DependencyError::MissingDependency(2)));