blob: 8f6167cc3615cef16fbeb03689d0cea814497b92 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/ui/input/accessibility/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/input/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ui/policy/accessibility/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/gfx/gfx_system.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/gfx/id.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/gfx/resources/view.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/input/view_stack.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/scenic/system.h"
namespace scenic_impl {
namespace input {
// Routes input events from a root presenter to Scenic clients.
// Manages input-related state, such as focus.
// The general flow of events is:
// DispatchCommand --[decide what/where]--> EnqueueEvent
class InputSystem : public System, public fuchsia::ui::policy::accessibility::PointerEventRegistry {
static constexpr TypeId kTypeId = kInput;
static const char* kName;
explicit InputSystem(SystemContext context, gfx::Engine* engine);
virtual ~InputSystem() = default;
virtual CommandDispatcherUniquePtr CreateCommandDispatcher(
CommandDispatcherContext context) override;
fuchsia::ui::input::ImeServicePtr& text_sync_service() { return text_sync_service_; }
accessibility_pointer_event_listener() {
return accessibility_pointer_event_listener_;
bool IsAccessibilityPointerEventForwardingEnabled() const {
return accessibility_pointer_event_listener_ &&
std::unordered_map<SessionId, EventReporterWeakPtr>& hard_keyboard_requested() {
return hard_keyboard_requested_;
// |fuchsia.ui.policy.accessibility.PointerEventRegistry|
void Register(fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::ui::input::accessibility::PointerEventListener>
RegisterCallback callback) override;
gfx::Engine* const engine_;
// Send hard keyboard events to Text Sync for dispatch via IME; this is the
// intended flow for clients to receive *mediated* keyboard events.
// The connection to Text Sync is shared between all dispatchers.
fuchsia::ui::input::ImeServicePtr text_sync_service_;
// By default, clients don't get hard keyboard events directly from Scenic.
// Clients may request these events via the SetHardKeyboardDeliveryCmd;
// this set remembers which sessions have opted in. We need this map because
// each InputCommandDispatcher works independently.
std::unordered_map<SessionId, EventReporterWeakPtr> hard_keyboard_requested_;
// We honor the first accessibility listener to register. A call to Register()
// above will fail if there is already a registered listener.
fuchsia::ui::input::accessibility::PointerEventListenerPtr accessibility_pointer_event_listener_;
// Per-session treatment of input commands.
class InputCommandDispatcher : public CommandDispatcher {
InputCommandDispatcher(CommandDispatcherContext context, gfx::Engine* engine,
InputSystem* input_system);
~InputCommandDispatcher() override = default;
// |CommandDispatcher|
void DispatchCommand(const fuchsia::ui::scenic::Command command) override;
// A buffer to store pointer events.
// This buffer is used only when an accessibility listener is intercepting
// pointer events. This buffer stores incoming pointer events per stream, and
// sends them either to the views or the accessibility listener.
// It holds to pointer events until the accessibility listener decides to
// consume / reject them.
class PointerEventBuffer {
// Represents a parallel dispatch of pointer events. Position 0 of this
// vector holds the top-most view.
using DeferredPerViewPointerEvents =
std::vector<std::pair<ViewStack::Entry, fuchsia::ui::input::PointerEvent>>;
// Possible states of a stream.
enum PointerIdStreamStatus {
WAITING_RESPONSE = 0, // accessibility listener hasn't responded yet.
// Represents a stream of pointer events, where a stream is a sequence of
// ADD -> * -> REMOVE pointer event phases.
struct PointerIdStream {
// The pointer events of this stream. Please note that each element
// of this vector is another vector itself. The reason is because one
// pointer event may turn into multiple touch events when there are
// several views receiving in parallel the same event.
std::vector<DeferredPerViewPointerEvents> events;
// Cache the focusability of the top-most View for this stream;
// the ViewStack's focus_change only tracks the current stream. This field
// is set when the stream is added (new ADD event coming).
bool focus_change = true;
PointerEventBuffer(InputCommandDispatcher* dispatcher);
// Adds a parallel dispatch event list |views_and_events| to the latest
// stream associated with |pointer_id|. It also takes
// |accessibility_pointer_event|, which is sent to the listener depending on
// the current stream status.
void AddEvents(uint32_t pointer_id, DeferredPerViewPointerEvents views_and_events,
fuchsia::ui::input::accessibility::PointerEvent accessibility_pointer_event);
// Adds a new stream associated with |pointer_id|. |focus_change|
// defines whether the top most view is focusable or not.
void AddStream(uint32_t pointer_id, bool focus_change);
// Updates the oldest stream associated with |pointer_id|, triggering an
// appropriate action depending on |handled|.
// If |handled| == CONSUMED, continues sending events to the listener.
// If |handled| == REJECTED, dispatches buffered pointer events to views.
void UpdateStream(uint32_t pointer_id,
fuchsia::ui::input::accessibility::EventHandling handled);
// Sets the status and focusability of view of the active stream for a
// pointer ID.
void SetActiveStreamInfo(uint32_t pointer_id, PointerIdStreamStatus status, bool focus_change) {
active_stream_info_[pointer_id] = {status, focus_change};
// Dispatches a parallel set of events to views.
void DispatchEvents(DeferredPerViewPointerEvents views_and_events);
// Helper function to dispatch a focus event when a deferred parallel
// dispatch of pointer events corresponds to a DOWN event and the top-most
// view is focusable.
void MaybeDispatchFocusEvent(
const InputCommandDispatcher::PointerEventBuffer::DeferredPerViewPointerEvents&
bool focus_change);
InputCommandDispatcher* const dispatcher_;
// NOTE: We assume there is one touch screen, and hence unique pointer IDs.
// key = pointer ID, value = a list of pointer streams. Every new stream is
// added to the end of the list, where a consume / reject response from the
// listener always removes the first element.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::deque<PointerIdStream>> buffer_;
// Key = pointer ID, value = the status and focusability of the current
// active stream.
// This is kept separate from the map above because this must outlive
// the stream itself. When the accessibility listener responds, the first
// non-processed stream is consumed / rejected and gets removed from the
// buffer. It may not be finished (we haven't seen a pointer event with
// phase == REMOVE), so it is necessary to still keep track of where the
// incoming pointer events should go, although they don't need to be
// buffered anymore.
// In addition, focusability of the top-most view for the stream is also
// tracked here to deal with the case:
// 1. Send ADD event. 2. a11y listener rejects the stream. 3. We remove the
// buffered stream, dispatching events. 4. An incoming down event must be
// dispatched, but it needs the focusability information as well as the
// status of the stream (rejected).
// Whenever a pointer ID is added, its default value is WAITING_RESPONSE.
std::unordered_map</*pointer ID*/ uint32_t,
std::pair<PointerIdStreamStatus, /*focusable*/ bool>>
// Per-command dispatch logic.
void DispatchCommand(const fuchsia::ui::input::SendPointerInputCmd command);
void DispatchCommand(const fuchsia::ui::input::SendKeyboardInputCmd command);
void DispatchCommand(const fuchsia::ui::input::SetHardKeyboardDeliveryCmd command);
void DispatchCommand(const fuchsia::ui::input::SetParallelDispatchCmd command);
// Per-pointer-type dispatch logic.
void DispatchTouchCommand(const fuchsia::ui::input::SendPointerInputCmd command);
void DispatchMouseCommand(const fuchsia::ui::input::SendPointerInputCmd command);
// Enqueue the focus event into an EventReporter.
static void ReportFocusEvent(EventReporter* reporter, fuchsia::ui::input::FocusEvent focus);
// Enqueue the pointer event into the entry in a ViewStack.
static void ReportPointerEvent(const ViewStack::Entry& view_info,
fuchsia::ui::input::PointerEvent pointer);
// Enqueue the keyboard event into an EventReporter.
static void ReportKeyboardEvent(EventReporter* reporter,
fuchsia::ui::input::KeyboardEvent keyboard);
// Enqueue the keyboard event to the Text Sync service.
static void SyncText(const fuchsia::ui::input::ImeServicePtr& text_sync,
fuchsia::ui::input::KeyboardEvent keyboard);
// Maybe fires a focus event to a view.
// The new focus can be either the old focus (either
// deliberately, or by the no-focus property), or another view.
// |focus_change| defines whether the top most view is focusable or not.
// |view_info| is the top most view of a hit stack.
void MaybeChangeFocus(bool focus_change, const ViewStack::Entry& view_info);
// Checks if an accessibility listener is intercepting pointer events. If the
// listener is on, initializes the buffer if it hasn't been created.
// Important:
// When the buffer is initialized, it can be the case that there are active
// pointer event streams that haven't finished yet. They are sent to clients,
// and *not* to the a11y listener. When the stream is done and a new stream
// arrives, these will be sent to the a11y listener who will just continue its
// normal flow. In a disconnection, if there are active pointer event streams,
// its assume that the listener rejected them so they are sent to clients.
bool ShouldForwardAccessibilityPointerEvents();
gfx::Engine* const engine_ = nullptr;
InputSystem* const input_system_ = nullptr;
// Tracks which View has focus.
ViewStack::Entry focus_;
// Tracks the set of Views each touch event is delivered to; a map from
// pointer ID to a stack of GlobalIds. This is used to ensure consistent
// delivery of pointer events for a given finger to its original destination
// targets on their respective DOWN event. In particular, a focus change
// triggered by a new finger should *not* affect delivery of events to
// existing fingers.
// NOTE: We assume there is one touch screen, and hence unique pointer IDs.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, ViewStack> touch_targets_;
// Tracks the View each mouse pointer is delivered to; a map from device ID to
// a GlobalId. This is used to ensure consistent delivery of mouse events for
// a given device. A focus change triggered by other pointer events should
// *not* affect delivery of events to existing mice.
// NOTE: We reuse the ViewStack here just for convenience.
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, ViewStack> mouse_targets_;
// TODO(SCN-1047): Remove when gesture disambiguation is the default.
bool parallel_dispatch_ = true;
// When accessibility pointer event forwarding is enabled, this buffer stores
// pointer events until an accessibility listener decides how to handle them.
// It is always null otherwise.
std::unique_ptr<PointerEventBuffer> pointer_event_buffer_;
} // namespace input
} // namespace scenic_impl