blob: d843acc015093006b922c4d6c95bd17e6c0667f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package codegen
const libraryTmpl = `
{{- define "GenerateLibraryFile" -}}
// Code generated by fidlgen; DO NOT EDIT.
package {{ .Name }}
{{if .Libraries}}
import (
{{- range .Libraries }}
{{ .Alias }} "{{ .Path }}"
{{- end }}
{{if .Consts}}
const (
{{- range $const := .Consts }}
{{- range .DocComments}}
//{{ . }}
{{- end}}
{{ .Name }} {{ .Type }} = {{ .Value }}
{{- end }}
{{ range .Enums -}}
var _ {{ $.BindingsAlias }}.Enum = {{ .Name }}(0)
{{ template "EnumDefinition" . }}
{{ end -}}
{{ range .Bits -}}
var _ {{ $.BindingsAlias }}.Bits = {{ .Name }}(0)
{{ template "BitsDefinition" . }}
{{ end -}}
{{ range .Structs -}}
{{ template "StructDefinition" . }}
{{ end -}}
{{ range .Unions -}}
{{ template "UnionDefinition" . }}
{{ end -}}
{{ range .Tables -}}
{{ template "TableDefinition" . }}
{{ end -}}
{{ range $protocol := .Protocols -}}
{{ range $transport, $_ := .Transports -}}{{ if eq $transport "Channel" -}}
{{ template "ProtocolDefinition" $protocol }}
{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end -}}
{{- end -}}