blob: 2157bcb744e6bb65aab95849ca5f6caf01799c08 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "args.h"
#include <lib/cmdline/args_parser.h>
#include <lib/cmdline/status.h>
#include <lib/fitx/result.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/split_string.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
#include "status.h"
namespace hwstress {
namespace {
std::unique_ptr<cmdline::ArgsParser<CommandLineArgs>> GetParser() {
auto parser = std::make_unique<cmdline::ArgsParser<CommandLineArgs>>();
// General flags.
parser->AddSwitch("duration", 'd', "Test duration in seconds.",
parser->AddSwitch("help", 'h', "Show this help.", &CommandLineArgs::help);
parser->AddSwitch("logging-level", 'l', "Level of logging: terse, normal or verbose.",
parser->AddSwitch("memory", 'm', "Amount of memory to test in megabytes.",
// Flash test flags.
parser->AddSwitch("cleanup-test-partitions", 'c', "Cleanup all existing flash test partitions.",
parser->AddSwitch("fvm-path", 'f', "Path to Fuchsia Volume Manager.", &CommandLineArgs::fvm_path);
parser->AddSwitch("iterations", 'i', "Number of times to test the flash.",
// Memory test flags.
parser->AddSwitch("percent-memory", 0, "Percent of memory to test.",
// CPU test flags.
parser->AddSwitch("utilization", 'u', "Target CPU utilization percent.",
parser->AddSwitch("workload", 'w',
"Name of a CPU workload to use. If not specified, "
"all available workloads will be used.",
parser->AddSwitch("cpu-cores", 'p', "CPU cores to stress.", &CommandLineArgs::cores_to_test);
// Light test flags.
parser->AddSwitch("light-on-time", 0, "Time in seconds the light should be on for each blink.",
parser->AddSwitch("light-off-time", 0, "Time in seconds the light should be off for each blink.",
return parser;
} // namespace
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, CpuCoreList& result) {
std::string str_result;
is >> str_result;
std::vector<std::string> cores_str =
fxl::SplitStringCopy(str_result, ",", fxl::kTrimWhitespace, fxl::kSplitWantNonEmpty);
for (const std::string& core_str : cores_str) {
uint32_t core_num;
if (!fxl::StringToNumberWithError(core_str, &core_num)) {
return is;
void PrintUsage() {
hwstress <subcommand> [options]
Attempts to stress hardware components by placing them under high load.
cpu Perform a CPU stress test.
flash Perform a flash stress test.
light Perform a device light / LED stress test.
memory Perform a RAM stress test.
Global options:
-d, --duration=<secs> Test duration in seconds. A value of "0" (the default)
indicates to continue testing until stopped.
-l, --logging-level Level of logging to show: terse, normal (the default)
or verbose.
-h, --help Show this help.
CPU test options:
-u, --utilization=<percent>
Percent of system CPU to use. A value of
100 (the default) indicates that all the
CPU should be used, while 50 would indicate
to use 50% of CPU. Must be strictly greater
than 0, and no more than 100.
-w, --workload=<name> Run a specific CPU workload. The full list
can be determined by using "--workload=list".
If not specified, each of the internal
workloads will be iterated through repeatedly.
-p, --cpu-cores=<cores>
CPU cores to run the test on. A comma separated list
of CPU indices. If not specified all the CPUs will be
Flash test options:
-c, --cleanup-test-partitions
Cleanup all existing flash test partitions in the
system, and then exit without testing. Can be used
to clean up persistent test partitions left over from
previous flash tests which did not exit cleanly.
-f, --fvm-path=<path> Path to Fuchsia Volume Manager.
-i, --iterations=<number>
Number of full write/read cycles to perform before finishing the test.
-m, --memory=<size> Amount of flash memory to test, in megabytes.
Light test options:
Time in seconds each "on" blink should be.
Defaults to 0.5.
Time in seconds each "off" blink should be.
Defaults to 0.5.
Memory test options:
-m, --memory=<size> Amount of RAM to test, in megabytes.
Percentage of total system RAM to test.
fitx::result<std::string, CommandLineArgs> ParseArgs(cpp20::span<const char* const> args) {
CommandLineArgs result;
StressTest subcommand;
// Ensure a subcommand was provided.
if (args.size() < 2) {
return fitx::error("A subcommand specifying what type of test to run must be specified.");
std::string_view first_arg([1]);
// If "--help" or "-h" was provided, don't try parsing anything else.
if (first_arg == "-h" || first_arg == "--help") { = true;
return fitx::success(result);
// Parse the subcommand.
if (first_arg == std::string_view("cpu")) {
subcommand = StressTest::kCpu;
} else if (first_arg == std::string_view("flash")) {
subcommand = StressTest::kFlash;
} else if (first_arg == std::string_view("memory")) {
subcommand = StressTest::kMemory;
} else if (first_arg == std::string_view("light")) {
subcommand = StressTest::kLight;
} else {
return fitx::error(
fxl::StringPrintf("Unknown subcommand or option: '%s'.", std::string(first_arg).data())
cpp20::span other_args = args.subspan(1); // Strip first element.
std::unique_ptr<cmdline::ArgsParser<CommandLineArgs>> parser = GetParser();
std::vector<std::string> params;
cmdline::Status status =
parser->Parse(static_cast<int>(other_args.size()),, &result, &params);
if (!status.ok()) {
return fitx::error(status.error_message().c_str());
// If help is provided, ignore any further invalid args and just show the
// help screen.
if ( {
return fitx::success(result);
result.subcommand = subcommand;
// Validate duration.
if (result.test_duration_seconds < 0) {
return fitx::error("Test duration cannot be negative.");
// Validate logging level.
if (LogLevelFromString(result.log_level) == LogLevel::kInvalid) {
return fitx::error("Logging level must be one of: terse, normal or verbose.");
// Validate memory flags.
if (result.ram_to_test_percent.has_value()) {
if (result.ram_to_test_percent.value() <= 0 || result.ram_to_test_percent.value() >= 100) {
return fitx::error("Percent of RAM to test must be between 1 and 99, inclusive.");
if (result.mem_to_test_megabytes.has_value()) {
if (result.mem_to_test_megabytes.value() <= 0) {
return fitx::error("RAM to test must be strictly positive.");
if (result.mem_to_test_megabytes.has_value() && result.ram_to_test_percent.has_value()) {
return fitx::error("--memory and --percent-memory cannot both be specified.");
// Validate utilization.
if (result.utilization_percent <= 0.0 || result.utilization_percent > 100.0) {
return fitx::error("--utilization must be greater than 0%%, and no more than 100%%.");
// Validate light settings.
if (result.light_on_time_seconds < 0) {
return fitx::error("'--light-on-time' cannot be negative.");
if (result.light_off_time_seconds < 0) {
return fitx::error("'--light-off-time' cannot be negative.");
// Validate iterations.
if (result.iterations) {
if (result.iterations < 1) {
return fitx::error("'--iterations' must be at least 1.");
if (result.test_duration_seconds != 0.0) {
return fitx::error("'--duration' and '--iterations' cannot both be specified.");
if (result.subcommand != StressTest::kFlash) {
return fitx::error("'--iterations' is only valid for the flash test.");
// Ensure mandatory flash test argument is provided
if (result.subcommand == StressTest::kFlash) {
if (result.destroy_partitions && !result.fvm_path.empty()) {
return fitx::error(fxl::StringPrintf("Path to Fuchsia Volume Manager invalid with cleanup"));
if (!result.destroy_partitions && result.fvm_path.empty()) {
return fitx::error(fxl::StringPrintf("Path to Fuchsia Volume Manager must be specified"));
// Validate CPU cores.
if (result.subcommand == StressTest::kCpu) {
// Get number of CPUs.
uint32_t num_cpus = zx_system_get_num_cpus();
// If CPUs are not specified, test all CPUs.
if (result.cores_to_test.cores.empty()) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_cpus; i++) {
} else {
for (auto core : result.cores_to_test.cores) {
if (core >= num_cpus) {
return fitx::error(fxl::StringPrintf("CPU core out of range."));
// Ensure no more parameters were given.
if (!params.empty()) {
return fitx::error(fxl::StringPrintf("Unknown option: '%s'.", params[1].c_str()).c_str());
return fitx::success(result);
} // namespace hwstress