blob: e3198a1be205d522be8dc37b70ca4b19be3f665b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::util;
use anyhow::{anyhow, ensure, Context, Result};
use assembly_config::{
self as image_assembly_config,
product_config::{AssemblyInputBundle, PackageConfigPatch, StructuredConfigPatches},
use assembly_config_data::ConfigDataBuilder;
use assembly_structured_config::Repackager;
use assembly_util::{InsertAllUniqueExt, InsertUniqueExt, MapEntry};
use fuchsia_pkg::PackageManifest;
use image_assembly_config::product_config::ProductPackagesConfig;
use std::path::Path;
use std::{
collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet},
type ConfigDataMap = BTreeMap<String, FileEntryMap>;
pub struct ImageAssemblyConfigBuilder {
/// The base packages from the AssemblyInputBundles
base: PackageSet,
/// The cache packages from the AssemblyInputBundles
cache: PackageSet,
/// The system packages from the AssemblyInputBundles
system: PackageSet,
/// The bootfs packages from the AssemblyInputBundles
bootfs_packages: PackageSet,
/// The boot_args from the AssemblyInputBundles
boot_args: BTreeSet<String>,
/// The bootfs_files from the AssemblyInputBundles
bootfs_files: FileEntryMap,
/// The config_data entries, by package and by destination path.
config_data: ConfigDataMap,
/// Modifications that must be made to structured config within bootfs.
bootfs_structured_config: PackageConfigPatch,
/// Modifications that must be made to structured config within packages.
structured_config: StructuredConfigPatches,
kernel_path: Option<PathBuf>,
kernel_args: BTreeSet<String>,
kernel_clock_backstop: Option<u64>,
qemu_kernel: Option<PathBuf>,
impl Default for ImageAssemblyConfigBuilder {
fn default() -> Self {
impl ImageAssemblyConfigBuilder {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
base: PackageSet::new("base packages"),
cache: PackageSet::new("cache packages"),
system: PackageSet::new("system packages"),
bootfs_packages: PackageSet::new("bootfs packages"),
boot_args: BTreeSet::default(),
bootfs_files: FileEntryMap::new("bootfs files"),
config_data: ConfigDataMap::default(),
bootfs_structured_config: PackageConfigPatch::default(),
structured_config: StructuredConfigPatches::default(),
kernel_path: None,
kernel_args: BTreeSet::default(),
kernel_clock_backstop: None,
qemu_kernel: None,
/// Add an Assembly Input Bundle to the builder, via the path to its
/// manifest.
/// If any of the items it's trying to add are duplicates (either of itself
/// or others, this will return an error.)
pub fn add_bundle(&mut self, bundle_path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<()> {
let bundle = util::read_config(bundle_path.as_ref())?;
// Strip filename from bundle path.
let bundle_path = bundle_path.as_ref().parent().map(PathBuf::from).unwrap_or("".into());
// Now add the parsed bundle
self.add_parsed_bundle(bundle_path, bundle)
/// Add an Assembly Input Bundle to the builder, using a parsed
/// AssemblyInputBundle, and the path to the folder that contains it.
/// If any of the items it's trying to add are duplicates (either of itself
/// or others, this will return an error.)
pub fn add_parsed_bundle(
&mut self,
bundle_path: impl AsRef<Path>,
bundle: AssemblyInputBundle,
) -> Result<()> {
let bundle_path = bundle_path.as_ref();
let AssemblyInputBundle { image_assembly: bundle, config_data, blobs: _ } = bundle;
Self::add_bundle_packages(bundle_path, &bundle.base, &mut self.base)?;
Self::add_bundle_packages(bundle_path, &bundle.cache, &mut self.cache)?;
Self::add_bundle_packages(bundle_path, &bundle.system, &mut self.system)?;
Self::add_bundle_packages(bundle_path, &bundle.bootfs_packages, &mut self.bootfs_packages)?;
.map_err(|arg| anyhow!("duplicate boot_arg found: {}", arg))?;
for entry in Self::file_entry_paths_from(bundle_path, bundle.bootfs_files) {
if let Some(kernel) = bundle.kernel {
&mut self.kernel_path,|p| bundle_path.join(p)),
anyhow!("Only one input bundle can specify a kernel path"),
.map_err(|arg| anyhow!("duplicate kernel arg found: {}", arg))?;
&mut self.kernel_clock_backstop,
anyhow!("Only one input bundle can specify a kernel clock backstop"),
for (package, entries) in config_data {
for entry in Self::file_entry_paths_from(bundle_path, entries) {
self.add_config_data_entry(&package, entry)?;
&mut self.qemu_kernel,|p| bundle_path.join(p)),
anyhow!("Only one input bundle can specify a qemu kernel path"),
/// Add all the product-provided packages to the assembly configuration.
/// This should be performed after the platform's bundles have been added,
/// so that any packages that are in conflict with the platform bundles are
/// flagged as being the issue (and not the platform being the issue).
pub fn add_product_packages(&mut self, packages: &ProductPackagesConfig) -> Result<()> {
for p in &packages.base {
for p in &packages.cache {
/// Add a set of packages from a bundle, resolving each path to a package
/// manifest from the bundle's path to locate it.
fn add_bundle_packages(
bundle_path: impl AsRef<Path>,
bundle_package_paths: &[impl AsRef<Path>],
package_set: &mut PackageSet,
) -> Result<()> {
for path in bundle_package_paths {
let path = bundle_path.as_ref().join(path);
fn file_entry_paths_from(
base: &Path,
entries: impl IntoIterator<Item = FileEntry>,
) -> Vec<FileEntry> {
.map(|entry| FileEntry {
destination: entry.destination,
source: base.join(entry.source),
/// Add an entry to `config_data` for the given package. If the entry
/// duplicates an existing entry, return an error.
fn add_config_data_entry(&mut self, package: impl AsRef<str>, entry: FileEntry) -> Result<()> {
pub fn set_bootfs_structured_config(&mut self, config: PackageConfigPatch) {
self.bootfs_structured_config = config;
/// Set the structured configuration updates for a package. Can only be called once per
/// package.
pub fn set_structured_config(
&mut self,
package: impl AsRef<str>,
config: PackageConfigPatch,
) -> Result<()> {
if self.structured_config.insert(package.as_ref().to_owned(), config).is_none() {
} else {
Err(anyhow::format_err!("duplicate config patch"))
/// Construct an ImageAssembly ImageAssemblyConfig from the collected items in the
/// builder.
/// If there are config_data entries, the config_data package will be
/// created in the outdir, and it will be added to the returned
/// ImageAssemblyConfig.
/// If this cannot create a completed ImageAssemblyConfig, it will return an error
/// instead.
pub fn build(
outdir: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> Result<image_assembly_config::ImageAssemblyConfig> {
let outdir = outdir.as_ref();
// Decompose the fields in self, so that they can be recomposed into the generated
// image assembly configuration.
let Self {
mut base,
mut cache,
mut system,
mut bootfs_files,
} = self;
// add structured config value files to bootfs
let mut bootfs_repackager = Repackager::for_bootfs(&mut bootfs_files.entries, &outdir);
for (component, values) in bootfs_structured_config.components {
// check if we should try to configure the component before attempting so we can still
// return errors for other conditions like a missing config field or a wrong type
if bootfs_repackager.has_component(&component) {
bootfs_repackager.set_component_config(&component, values.fields)?;
} else {
// TODO( return an error here
// repackage any matching packages
for (package, config) in structured_config {
// get the manifest for this package name, returning the set from which it was removed
if let Some((manifest, source_package_set)) =
remove_package_from_sets(&package, [&mut base, &mut cache, &mut system])
.with_context(|| format!("removing {} for repackaging", package))?
let outdir = outdir.join("repackaged").join(&package);
let mut repackager = Repackager::new(manifest, &outdir)
.with_context(|| format!("reading existing manifest for {}", package))?;
for (component, values) in &config.components {
.set_component_config(component, values.fields.clone())
.with_context(|| format!("setting new config for {}", component))?;
let new_path = repackager
.with_context(|| format!("building repackaged {}", package))?;
let new_entry = PackageEntry::parse_from(new_path)
.with_context(|| format!("parsing repackaged {}", package))?;
source_package_set.insert(, new_entry);
} else {
// TODO( return an error here
if !config_data.is_empty() {
// Build the config_data package
let mut config_data_builder = ConfigDataBuilder::default();
for (package_name, entries) in config_data {
for entry in entries.into_file_entries() {
let manifest_path = config_data_builder
.context("Writing the 'config_data' package metafar.")?;
let entry = PackageEntry::parse_from(manifest_path)
.context("parsing generated config-data package")?;
base.try_insert_unique(, entry).map_err(|_| {
anyhow!("found a duplicate config_data package when adding generated one.")
// Construct a single "partial" config from the combined fields, and
// then pass this to the ImageAssemblyConfig::try_from_partials() to get the
// final validation that it's complete.
let partial = image_assembly_config::PartialImageAssemblyConfig {
system: system.into_paths().collect(),
base: base.into_paths().collect(),
cache: cache.into_paths().collect(),
kernel: Some(image_assembly_config::PartialKernelConfig {
path: kernel_path,
args: kernel_args.into_iter().collect(),
clock_backstop: kernel_clock_backstop,
boot_args: boot_args.into_iter().collect(),
bootfs_files: bootfs_files.into_file_entries(),
bootfs_packages: bootfs_packages.into_paths().collect(),
let image_assembly_config = image_assembly_config::ImageAssemblyConfig::try_from_partials(
/// Remove a package with a matching name from the provided package sets, returning its parsed
/// manifest and a mutable reference to the set from which it was removed.
fn remove_package_from_sets<'a, 'b: 'a, const N: usize>(
package_name: &str,
package_sets: [&'a mut PackageSet; N],
) -> anyhow::Result<Option<(PackageManifest, &'a mut PackageSet)>> {
let mut matches_name = None;
for package_set in package_sets {
if let Some(entry) = package_set.remove(package_name) {
"only one package with a given name is allowed per product"
matches_name = Some((entry.manifest, package_set));
struct PackageEntry {
path: PathBuf,
manifest: PackageManifest,
impl PackageEntry {
fn parse_from(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Self> {
let path = path.as_ref().to_owned();
let manifest = PackageManifest::try_load_from(&path)
.context(format!("parsing {} as a package manifest", path.display()))?;
Ok(Self { path, manifest })
fn name(&self) -> &str {
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
/// A named set of things, which are mapped by a String key.
struct NamedMap<T> {
/// The name of the Map.
name: String,
/// The entries in the map.
entries: BTreeMap<String, T>,
impl<T> NamedMap<T>
T: std::fmt::Debug,
/// Create a new, named, map.
fn new(name: &str) -> Self {
Self { name: name.to_owned(), entries: BTreeMap::new() }
fn try_insert_unique(&mut self, name: String, value: T) -> Result<()> {
let result =
self.entries.try_insert_unique(MapEntry(name, value)).map_err(|e| format!("{:?}", e));
// The error is mapped a second time to separate the borrow of entries
// from the borrow of name.
result.map_err(|e| anyhow!("duplicate entry for {}: {}",, e))
impl<T> std::ops::Deref for NamedMap<T> {
type Target = BTreeMap<String, T>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<T> std::ops::DerefMut for NamedMap<T> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
&mut self.entries
impl<T> IntoIterator for NamedMap<T> {
type Item = T;
type IntoIter = std::collections::btree_map::IntoValues<String, Self::Item>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
/// A named set of packages with their manifests parsed into memory, keyed by package name.
type PackageSet = NamedMap<PackageEntry>;
impl PackageSet {
/// Parse the given path as a PackageManifest, and add it to the PackageSet.
fn add_package_from_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Result<()> {
let entry = PackageEntry::parse_from(path)?;
self.try_insert_unique(, entry)
.with_context(|| format!("Adding package to set: {}",
/// Convert the PackageSet into an iterable collection of Paths.
fn into_paths(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = PathBuf> {
self.entries.into_values().map(|e| e.path)
type FileEntryMap = NamedMap<PathBuf>;
impl FileEntryMap {
fn add_entry(&mut self, entry: FileEntry) -> Result<()> {
self.try_insert_unique(entry.destination, entry.source)
.with_context(|| format!("Adding entry to set: {}",
fn into_file_entries(self) -> Vec<FileEntry> {
.map(|(destination, source)| FileEntry { destination, source })
mod tests {
use super::*;
use camino::Utf8PathBuf;
use fuchsia_pkg::{PackageBuilder, PackageManifest};
use std::fs::File;
use tempfile::TempDir;
fn write_empty_pkg(path: impl AsRef<Path>, name: &str) -> Utf8PathBuf {
let path = path.as_ref();
let mut builder = PackageBuilder::new(name);
let manifest_path = path.join(name);
builder.manifest_path(&manifest_path);, path.join(format!("{}_meta.far", name))).unwrap();
fn make_test_assembly_bundle(bundle_path: &Path) -> AssemblyInputBundle {
let write_empty_bundle_pkg = |name: &str| write_empty_pkg(bundle_path, name).into();
AssemblyInputBundle {
image_assembly: image_assembly_config::PartialImageAssemblyConfig {
base: vec![write_empty_bundle_pkg("base_package0")],
system: vec![write_empty_bundle_pkg("sys_package0")],
cache: vec![write_empty_bundle_pkg("cache_package0")],
bootfs_packages: vec![write_empty_bundle_pkg("bootfs_package0")],
kernel: Some(image_assembly_config::PartialKernelConfig {
path: Some("kernel/path".into()),
args: vec!["kernel_arg0".into()],
clock_backstop: Some(56244),
qemu_kernel: Some("path/to/qemu/kernel".into()),
boot_args: vec!["boot_arg0".into()],
bootfs_files: vec![FileEntry {
source: "source/path/to/file".into(),
destination: "dest/file/path".into(),
config_data: BTreeMap::default(),
blobs: Vec::default(),
fn test_builder() {
let outdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let mut builder = ImageAssemblyConfigBuilder::default();
builder.add_parsed_bundle(outdir.path(), make_test_assembly_bundle(outdir.path())).unwrap();
let result: image_assembly_config::ImageAssemblyConfig =;
assert_eq!(result.base, vec![outdir.path().join("base_package0")]);
assert_eq!(result.cache, vec![outdir.path().join("cache_package0")]);
assert_eq!(result.system, vec![outdir.path().join("sys_package0")]);
assert_eq!(result.bootfs_packages, vec![outdir.path().join("bootfs_package0")]);
assert_eq!(result.boot_args, vec!("boot_arg0".to_string()));
vec!(FileEntry {
source: outdir.path().join("source/path/to/file"),
destination: "dest/file/path".into()
assert_eq!(result.kernel.path, outdir.path().join("kernel/path"));
assert_eq!(result.kernel.args, vec!("kernel_arg0".to_string()));
assert_eq!(result.kernel.clock_backstop, 56244);
assert_eq!(result.qemu_kernel, outdir.path().join("path/to/qemu/kernel"));
fn test_builder_with_config_data() {
let outdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let mut builder = ImageAssemblyConfigBuilder::default();
// Write a file to the temp dir for use with config_data.
let bundle_path = outdir.path().join("bundle");
let config_data_target_package_name = "base_package0";
let config_data_target_package_dir =
let config_data_file_path = config_data_target_package_dir.join("config_data_source_file");
std::fs::write(&config_data_file_path, "configuration data").unwrap();
// Create an assembly bundle and add a config_data entry to it.
let mut bundle = make_test_assembly_bundle(&bundle_path);
vec![FileEntry {
source: config_data_file_path,
destination: "dest/file/path".to_owned(),
builder.add_parsed_bundle(&bundle_path, bundle).unwrap();
let result: image_assembly_config::ImageAssemblyConfig =;
// config_data's manifest is in outdir
let expected_config_data_manifest_path =
// Validate that the base package set contains config_data.
assert_eq!(result.base.len(), 2);
// Validate the contents of config_data is what is, expected by:
// 1. Reading in the package manifest to get the metafar path
// 2. Opening the metafar
// 3. Reading the config_data entry's file
// 4. Validate the contents of the file
// 1. Read the config_data package manifest
let config_data_manifest =
assert_eq!(, "config-data");
// and get the metafar path.
let blobs = config_data_manifest.into_blobs();
let metafar_blobinfo = blobs.get(0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(metafar_blobinfo.path, "meta/");
// 2. Read the metafar.
let mut config_data_metafar = File::open(&metafar_blobinfo.source_path).unwrap();
let mut far_reader = fuchsia_archive::Reader::new(&mut config_data_metafar).unwrap();
// 3. Read the configuration file.
let config_file_data = far_reader
.read_file(&format!("meta/data/{}/dest/file/path", config_data_target_package_name))
// 4. Validate its contents.
assert_eq!(config_file_data, "configuration data".as_bytes());
fn test_builder_with_product_packages() {
let outdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let packages = ProductPackagesConfig {
base: vec![write_empty_pkg(&outdir, "base_a"), write_empty_pkg(&outdir, "base_b")],
cache: vec![write_empty_pkg(&outdir, "cache_a"), write_empty_pkg(&outdir, "cache_b")],
let minimum_bundle = AssemblyInputBundle {
image_assembly: image_assembly_config::PartialImageAssemblyConfig {
base: vec![
write_empty_pkg(&outdir, "platform_a").into_std_path_buf(),
write_empty_pkg(&outdir, "platform_b").into_std_path_buf(),
kernel: Some(image_assembly_config::PartialKernelConfig {
path: Some("kernel/path".into()),
args: Vec::default(),
clock_backstop: Some(0),
qemu_kernel: Some("kernel/qemu/path".into()),
config_data: BTreeMap::default(),
blobs: Vec::default(),
let mut builder = ImageAssemblyConfigBuilder::default();
builder.add_parsed_bundle(outdir.path().join("minimum_bundle"), minimum_bundle).unwrap();
let result: image_assembly_config::ImageAssemblyConfig =;
["base_a", "base_b", "platform_a", "platform_b"]
.map(|p| outdir.path().join(p))
vec![outdir.path().join("cache_a"), outdir.path().join("cache_b")]
fn test_builder_with_product_packages_catches_duplicates() {
let outdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let packages = ProductPackagesConfig {
base: vec![write_empty_pkg(&outdir, "base_a")],
let minimum_bundle = AssemblyInputBundle {
image_assembly: image_assembly_config::PartialImageAssemblyConfig {
base: vec![write_empty_pkg(&outdir, "base_a").into_std_path_buf()],
kernel: Some(image_assembly_config::PartialKernelConfig {
path: Some("kernel/path".into()),
args: Vec::default(),
clock_backstop: Some(0),
qemu_kernel: Some("kernel/qemu/path".into()),
config_data: BTreeMap::default(),
blobs: Vec::default(),
let mut builder = ImageAssemblyConfigBuilder::default();
builder.add_parsed_bundle(outdir.path().join("minimum_bundle"), minimum_bundle).unwrap();
let result = builder.add_product_packages(&packages);
/// Helper to duplicate the first item in an Vec<T: Clone> and make it also
/// the last item. This intentionally panics if the Vec is empty.
fn duplicate_first<T: Clone>(vec: &mut Vec<T>) {
fn test_builder_catches_dupe_base_pkgs_in_aib() {
let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let mut aib = make_test_assembly_bundle(temp.path());
duplicate_first(&mut aib.image_assembly.base);
let mut builder = ImageAssemblyConfigBuilder::default();
assert!(builder.add_parsed_bundle(temp.path(), aib).is_err());
fn test_builder_catches_dupe_cache_pkgs_in_aib() {
let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let mut aib = make_test_assembly_bundle(temp.path());
duplicate_first(&mut aib.image_assembly.cache);
let mut builder = ImageAssemblyConfigBuilder::default();
assert!(builder.add_parsed_bundle(temp.path(), aib).is_err());
fn test_builder_catches_dupe_system_pkgs_in_aib() {
let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let mut aib = make_test_assembly_bundle(temp.path());
duplicate_first(&mut aib.image_assembly.system);
let mut builder = ImageAssemblyConfigBuilder::default();
assert!(builder.add_parsed_bundle(temp.path(), aib).is_err());
fn test_builder_catches_dupe_bootfs_pkgs_in_aib() {
let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let mut aib = make_test_assembly_bundle(temp.path());
duplicate_first(&mut aib.image_assembly.bootfs_packages);
let mut builder = ImageAssemblyConfigBuilder::default();
assert!(builder.add_parsed_bundle(temp.path(), aib).is_err());
fn test_duplicates_across_aibs_impl<
T: Clone,
F: Fn(&mut AssemblyInputBundle) -> &mut Vec<T>,
accessor: F,
) {
let outdir = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let mut aib = make_test_assembly_bundle(outdir.path());
let mut second_aib = AssemblyInputBundle::default();
let first_list = (accessor)(&mut aib);
let second_list = (accessor)(&mut second_aib);
// Clone the first item in the first AIB into the same list in the
// second AIB to create a duplicate item across the two AIBs.
let value = first_list.get(0).unwrap();
let mut builder = ImageAssemblyConfigBuilder::default();
builder.add_parsed_bundle(outdir.path(), aib).unwrap();
assert!(builder.add_parsed_bundle(outdir.path().join("second"), second_aib).is_err());
#[ignore] // As packages from different bundles have different paths,
// this isn't currently working
fn test_builder_catches_dupe_base_pkgs_across_aibs() {
test_duplicates_across_aibs_impl(|a| &mut a.image_assembly.base);
#[ignore] // As packages from different bundles have different paths,
// this isn't currently working
fn test_builder_catches_dupe_cache_pkgs_across_aibs() {
test_duplicates_across_aibs_impl(|a| &mut a.image_assembly.cache);
#[ignore] // As packages from different bundles have different paths,
// this isn't currently working
fn test_builder_catches_dupe_system_pkgs_across_aibs() {
test_duplicates_across_aibs_impl(|a| &mut a.image_assembly.system);
fn test_builder_catches_dupe_bootfs_files_across_aibs() {
test_duplicates_across_aibs_impl(|a| &mut a.image_assembly.bootfs_files);
fn test_builder_catches_dupe_config_data_across_aibs() {
let temp = TempDir::new().unwrap();
let mut first_aib = make_test_assembly_bundle(temp.path());
let mut second_aib = AssemblyInputBundle::default();
let config_data_file_entry = FileEntry {
source: "source/path/to/file".into(),
destination: "dest/file/path".into(),
first_aib.config_data.insert("base_package0".into(), vec![config_data_file_entry.clone()]);
second_aib.config_data.insert("base_package0".into(), vec![config_data_file_entry]);
let mut builder = ImageAssemblyConfigBuilder::default();
builder.add_parsed_bundle(temp.path(), first_aib).unwrap();
assert!(builder.add_parsed_bundle(temp.path().join("second"), second_aib).is_err());