blob: c81b44ed8c9a08b98661b4a2a3849915a966aefe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{format_err, Context as _, Error};
use fidl::endpoints;
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_common as fidl_common;
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_common::WlanMacRole;
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_common_security as fidl_security;
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_device_service::DeviceServiceProxy;
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_ieee80211 as fidl_ieee80211;
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_internal as fidl_internal;
use fidl_fuchsia_wlan_sme as fidl_sme;
use fuchsia_syslog::fx_log_err;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::stream::TryStreamExt;
use ieee80211::Ssid;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use wlan_common::{
bss::{BssDescription, Protection},
wpa::credential::{Passphrase, Psk},
type WlanService = DeviceServiceProxy;
/// Context for negotiating an `Authentication` (security protocol and credentials).
/// This ephemeral type joins a BSS description with credential data to negotiate an
/// `Authentication`. See the `TryFrom` implementation below.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct SecurityContext {
pub bss: BssDescription,
pub unparsed_credential_bytes: Vec<u8>,
/// Negotiates an `Authentication` from security information (given credentials and a BSS
/// description). The security protocol is based on the protection information described by the BSS
/// description. This is used to parse and validate the given credentials.
/// This is necessary, because the service utilities communicate directly with SME, which requires
/// more detailed information than the Policy layer.
impl TryFrom<SecurityContext> for fidl_security::Authentication {
type Error = SecurityError;
fn try_from(context: SecurityContext) -> Result<Self, SecurityError> {
let SecurityContext { bss, unparsed_credential_bytes } = context;
fn parse_wpa_credentials(
unparsed_credential_bytes: Vec<u8>,
) -> Result<fidl_security::Credentials, SecurityError> {
// Interpret credentials as a PSK first. This format is more specific.
if let Ok(psk) = Psk::try_from(unparsed_credential_bytes.as_slice()) {
} else {
let passphrase = Passphrase::try_from(unparsed_credential_bytes)?;
match {
// Unsupported.
// TODO( Implement conversions for WPA Enterprise.
Protection::Unknown | Protection::Wpa2Enterprise | Protection::Wpa3Enterprise => {
Protection::Open => {
if unparsed_credential_bytes.len() == 0 {
Ok(fidl_security::Authentication {
protocol: fidl_security::Protocol::Open,
credentials: None,
} else {
Protection::Wep => WepKey::parse(unparsed_credential_bytes.as_slice())
.map(|key| fidl_security::Authentication {
protocol: fidl_security::Protocol::Wep,
credentials: Some(Box::new(fidl_security::Credentials::Wep(
fidl_security::WepCredentials { key: key.into() },
Protection::Wpa1 => {
parse_wpa_credentials(unparsed_credential_bytes).map(|credentials| {
fidl_security::Authentication {
protocol: fidl_security::Protocol::Wpa1,
credentials: Some(Box::new(credentials)),
| Protection::Wpa1Wpa2Personal
| Protection::Wpa2PersonalTkipOnly
| Protection::Wpa2Personal => {
parse_wpa_credentials(unparsed_credential_bytes).map(|credentials| {
fidl_security::Authentication {
protocol: fidl_security::Protocol::Wpa2Personal,
credentials: Some(Box::new(credentials)),
Protection::Wpa2Wpa3Personal => {
// Use WPA2 for transitional networks when a PSK is supplied.
if let Ok(psk) = Psk::try_from(unparsed_credential_bytes.as_slice()) {
Ok(fidl_security::Authentication {
protocol: fidl_security::Protocol::Wpa2Personal,
credentials: Some(Box::new(fidl_security::Credentials::Wpa(
} else {
.map(|passphrase| fidl_security::Authentication {
protocol: fidl_security::Protocol::Wpa3Personal,
credentials: Some(Box::new(fidl_security::Credentials::Wpa(
Protection::Wpa3Personal => Passphrase::try_from(unparsed_credential_bytes)
.map(|passphrase| fidl_security::Authentication {
protocol: fidl_security::Protocol::Wpa3Personal,
credentials: Some(Box::new(fidl_security::Credentials::Wpa(
pub async fn get_sme_proxy(
wlan_svc: &WlanService,
iface_id: u16,
) -> Result<fidl_sme::ClientSmeProxy, Error> {
let (sme_proxy, sme_remote) = endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let status = wlan_svc
.get_client_sme(iface_id, sme_remote)
.context("error sending GetClientSme request")?;
if status == zx::sys::ZX_OK {
} else {
Err(format_err!("Invalid interface id {}", iface_id))
pub async fn get_first_sme(wlan_svc: &WlanService) -> Result<fidl_sme::ClientSmeProxy, Error> {
let iface_id = super::get_first_iface(wlan_svc, WlanMacRole::Client)
.context("failed to get iface")?;
get_sme_proxy(&wlan_svc, iface_id).await
pub async fn connect(
iface_sme_proxy: &fidl_sme::ClientSmeProxy,
target_ssid: Ssid,
target_pwd: Vec<u8>,
target_bss_desc: fidl_internal::BssDescription,
) -> Result<bool, Error> {
let (connection_proxy, connection_remote) = endpoints::create_proxy()?;
// Create a `ConnectRequest` using the given network information.
// Negotiate a security protocol based on the given credential and BSS metadata. Note that the
// resulting `Authentication` may be invalid.
let authentication = fidl_security::Authentication::try_from(SecurityContext {
bss: BssDescription::try_from(target_bss_desc.clone())?,
unparsed_credential_bytes: target_pwd,
let mut req = fidl_sme::ConnectRequest {
ssid: target_ssid.clone().into(),
bss_description: target_bss_desc,
deprecated_scan_type: fidl_common::ScanType::Passive,
multiple_bss_candidates: false, // only used for metrics, select an arbitrary value
let _result = iface_sme_proxy.connect(&mut req, Some(connection_remote))?;
let connection_result_code = handle_connect_transaction(connection_proxy).await?;
if !matches!(connection_result_code, fidl_ieee80211::StatusCode::Success) {
fx_log_err!("Failed to connect to network: {:?}", connection_result_code);
return Ok(false);
let client_status_response =
iface_sme_proxy.status().await.context("failed to check status from sme_proxy")?;
Ok(match client_status_response {
fidl_sme::ClientStatusResponse::Connected(serving_ap_info) => {
if serving_ap_info.ssid != target_ssid {
"Connected to wrong network: {:?}. Expected: {:?}.",
} else {
fidl_sme::ClientStatusResponse::Connecting(_) | fidl_sme::ClientStatusResponse::Idle(_) => {
"Unexpected status {:?} after {:?}",
async fn handle_connect_transaction(
connect_transaction: fidl_sme::ConnectTransactionProxy,
) -> Result<fidl_ieee80211::StatusCode, Error> {
let mut event_stream = connect_transaction.take_event_stream();
let mut result_code = fidl_ieee80211::StatusCode::RefusedReasonUnspecified;
if let Some(evt) = event_stream
.context("failed to receive connect result before the channel was closed")?
match evt {
fidl_sme::ConnectTransactionEvent::OnConnectResult { result } => {
result_code = result.code;
other => {
return Err(format_err!(
"Expected ConnectTransactionEvent::OnConnectResult event, got {:?}",
pub async fn disconnect(iface_sme_proxy: &fidl_sme::ClientSmeProxy) -> Result<(), Error> {
.context("failed to trigger disconnect")?;
// check the status and ensure we are not connected to or connecting to anything
let client_status_response =
iface_sme_proxy.status().await.context("failed to check status from sme_proxy")?;
match client_status_response {
| fidl_sme::ClientStatusResponse::Connecting(_) => {
Err(format_err!("Disconnect confirmation failed: {:?}", client_status_response))
fidl_sme::ClientStatusResponse::Idle(_) => Ok(()),
pub async fn disconnect_all(wlan_svc: &WlanService) -> Result<(), Error> {
let wlan_iface_ids =
super::get_iface_list(wlan_svc).await.context("Connect: failed to get wlan iface list")?;
let mut error_msg = format!("");
for iface_id in wlan_iface_ids {
let (status, resp) = wlan_svc.query_iface(iface_id).await.context("querying iface info")?;
if status != zx::sys::ZX_OK {
error_msg = format!("{}failed querying iface {}: {}\n", error_msg, iface_id, status);
fx_log_err!("disconnect_all: query err on iface {}: {}", iface_id, status);
if resp.is_none() {
error_msg = format!("{}no query response on iface {}\n", error_msg, iface_id);
fx_log_err!("disconnect_all: iface query empty on iface {}", iface_id);
let resp = resp.unwrap();
if resp.role == WlanMacRole::Client {
let sme_proxy = get_sme_proxy(&wlan_svc, iface_id)
.context("Disconnect all: failed to get iface sme proxy")?;
if let Err(e) = disconnect(&sme_proxy).await {
error_msg = format!("{}Error disconnecting iface {}: {}\n", error_msg, iface_id, e);
fx_log_err!("disconnect_all: disconnect err on iface {}: {}", iface_id, e);
if error_msg.is_empty() {
} else {
Err(format_err!("{}", error_msg))
pub async fn passive_scan(
iface_sme_proxy: &fidl_sme::ClientSmeProxy,
) -> Result<Vec<fidl_sme::ScanResult>, Error> {
let scan_transaction = start_passive_scan_transaction(&iface_sme_proxy)?;
fn start_passive_scan_transaction(
iface_sme_proxy: &fidl_sme::ClientSmeProxy,
) -> Result<fidl_sme::ScanTransactionProxy, Error> {
let (scan_txn, remote) = endpoints::create_proxy()?;
let mut req = fidl_sme::ScanRequest::Passive(fidl_sme::PassiveScanRequest {});
iface_sme_proxy.scan(&mut req, remote)?;
async fn get_scan_results(
scan_txn: fidl_sme::ScanTransactionProxy,
) -> Result<Vec<fidl_sme::ScanResult>, Error> {
let mut stream = scan_txn.take_event_stream();
let mut scan_results = vec![];
while let Some(event) = stream
.context("failed to receive scan result before the channel was closed")?
match event {
fidl_sme::ScanTransactionEvent::OnResult { aps } => scan_results.extend(aps),
fidl_sme::ScanTransactionEvent::OnFinished {} => return Ok(scan_results),
fidl_sme::ScanTransactionEvent::OnError { error } => {
// error while waiting for scan results
return Err(format_err!("error when retrieving scan results {:?}", error));
return Err(format_err!("ScanTransaction channel closed before scan finished"));
mod tests {
use {
fidl_fuchsia_wlan_common as fidl_common,
self as wlan_service, DeviceMonitorMarker, DeviceMonitorProxy, DeviceMonitorRequest,
DeviceMonitorRequestStream, DeviceServiceMarker, DeviceServiceProxy,
DeviceServiceRequest, DeviceServiceRequestStream, IfaceListItem, ListIfacesResponse,
ClientSmeMarker, ClientSmeRequest, ClientSmeRequestStream, Protection,
futures::stream::{StreamExt, StreamFuture},
rand::Rng as _,
std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
channel::{Cbw, Channel},
fn generate_random_wpa2_bss_description() -> fidl_fuchsia_wlan_internal::BssDescription {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
fidl_fuchsia_wlan_internal::BssDescription {
bssid: (0..6).map(|_| rng.gen::<u8>()).collect::<Vec<u8>>().try_into().unwrap(),
beacon_period: rng.gen::<u16>(),
rssi_dbm: rng.gen::<i8>(),
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: rng.gen::<u8>(),
cbw: match rng.gen_range(0..5) {
0 => fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
1 => fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw40,
2 => fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw40Below,
3 => fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw80,
4 => fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw160,
5 => fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw80P80,
_ => panic!(),
secondary80: rng.gen::<u8>(),
snr_db: rng.gen::<i8>(),
fn extract_sme_server_from_get_client_sme_req_and_respond(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
req_stream: &mut DeviceServiceRequestStream,
status: zx::Status,
) -> fidl_sme::ClientSmeRequestStream {
let req = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut;
let (responder, fake_sme_server) = assert_variant !(
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(DeviceServiceRequest::GetClientSme{ iface_id:_, sme, responder})))
=> (responder, sme));
// now send the response back
responder.send(status.into_raw()).expect("fake sme proxy response: send failed");
// and return the stream
// let sme_stream = fake_sme_server.into_stream().expect("sme server stream failed");
// sme_stream
fake_sme_server.into_stream().expect("sme server stream failed")
fn respond_to_get_client_sme_request(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
req_stream: &mut DeviceServiceRequestStream,
status: zx::Status,
) {
let req = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut;
let responder = assert_variant !(
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(DeviceServiceRequest::GetClientSme{ responder, ..})))
=> responder);
// now send the response back
responder.send(status.into_raw()).expect("fake sme proxy response: send failed")
fn respond_to_client_sme_disconnect_request(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
req_stream: &mut ClientSmeRequestStream,
) {
let req = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut;
let responder = assert_variant !(
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(ClientSmeRequest::Disconnect{ responder, .. })))
=> responder);
// now send the response back
responder.send().expect("fake disconnect response: send failed")
fn respond_to_client_sme_status_request(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
req_stream: &mut ClientSmeRequestStream,
status: &StatusResponse,
) {
let req = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut;
let responder = assert_variant !(
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(ClientSmeRequest::Status{ responder})))
=> responder);
// Send appropriate status response
match status {
StatusResponse::Idle => {
let mut response = fidl_sme::ClientStatusResponse::Idle(fidl_sme::Empty {});
responder.send(&mut response).expect("Failed to send StatusResponse.");
StatusResponse::Connected => {
let serving_ap_info =
create_serving_ap_info_using_ssid(Ssid::try_from([1, 2, 3, 4]).unwrap());
let mut response = fidl_sme::ClientStatusResponse::Connected(serving_ap_info);
responder.send(&mut response).expect("Failed to send StatusResponse.");
StatusResponse::Connecting => {
let mut response = fidl_sme::ClientStatusResponse::Connecting(vec![1, 2, 3, 4]);
responder.send(&mut response).expect("Failed to send StatusResponse.");
fn test_get_first_sme(iface_list: &[WlanMacRole]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let (mut exec, proxy, mut req_stream) =
let fut = get_first_sme(&proxy);
let ifaces =
(0..iface_list.len() as u16).map(|iface_id| IfaceListItem { iface_id }).collect();
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
crate::tests::respond_to_query_iface_list_request(&mut exec, &mut req_stream, ifaces);
for mac_role in iface_list {
// iface query response
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
&mut exec,
&mut req_stream,
Some([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]),
if *mac_role == WlanMacRole::Client {
// client sme proxy
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
respond_to_get_client_sme_request(&mut exec, &mut req_stream, zx::Status::OK);
let _proxy = exec.run_singlethreaded(&mut fut)?;
fn test_disconnect_all(iface_list: &[(WlanMacRole, StatusResponse)]) -> Result<(), Error> {
let (mut exec, proxy, mut req_stream) =
let fut = disconnect_all(&proxy);
let ifaces =
(0..iface_list.len() as u16).map(|iface_id| IfaceListItem { iface_id }).collect();
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
crate::tests::respond_to_query_iface_list_request(&mut exec, &mut req_stream, ifaces);
for (mac_role, status) in iface_list {
// iface query response
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
&mut exec,
&mut req_stream,
Some([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]),
if *mac_role == WlanMacRole::Client {
// Get the Client SME server (to send the responses for the following 2 SME requests)
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
let mut fake_sme_server_stream =
&mut exec,
&mut req_stream,
// Disconnect
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
respond_to_client_sme_disconnect_request(&mut exec, &mut fake_sme_server_stream);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
// Send appropriate status response
&mut exec,
&mut fake_sme_server_stream,
exec.run_singlethreaded(&mut fut)
// iface list contains an AP and a client. Test should pass
fn check_get_client_sme_success() {
let iface_list: Vec<WlanMacRole> = vec![WlanMacRole::Ap, WlanMacRole::Client];
test_get_first_sme(&iface_list).expect("expect success but failed");
// iface list is empty. Test should fail
fn check_get_client_sme_no_devices() {
let iface_list: Vec<WlanMacRole> = Vec::new();
test_get_first_sme(&iface_list).expect_err("expect fail but succeeded");
// iface list does not contain a client. Test should fail
fn check_get_client_sme_no_clients() {
let iface_list: Vec<WlanMacRole> = vec![WlanMacRole::Ap, WlanMacRole::Ap];
test_get_first_sme(&iface_list).expect_err("expect fail but succeeded");
// test disconnect_all with a Client and an AP. Test should pass
// as AP IF will be ignored and Client IF delete should succeed.
fn check_disconnect_all_client_and_ap_success() {
let iface_list: Vec<(WlanMacRole, StatusResponse)> = vec![
(WlanMacRole::Ap, StatusResponse::Idle),
(WlanMacRole::Client, StatusResponse::Idle),
test_disconnect_all(&iface_list).expect("Expect success but failed")
// test disconnect_all with 2 Clients. Test should pass as both the
// IFs are clients and both deletes should succeed.
fn check_disconnect_all_all_clients_success() {
let iface_list: Vec<(WlanMacRole, StatusResponse)> = vec![
(WlanMacRole::Client, StatusResponse::Idle),
(WlanMacRole::Client, StatusResponse::Idle),
test_disconnect_all(&iface_list).expect("Expect success but failed");
// test disconnect_all with 2 Clients, one disconnect failure
fn check_disconnect_all_all_clients_fail() {
let iface_list: Vec<(WlanMacRole, StatusResponse)> = vec![
(WlanMacRole::Ap, StatusResponse::Connected),
(WlanMacRole::Client, StatusResponse::Connected),
test_disconnect_all(&iface_list).expect_err("Expect fail but succeeded");
// test disconnect_all with no Clients
fn check_disconnect_all_no_clients_success() {
let iface_list: Vec<(WlanMacRole, StatusResponse)> =
vec![(WlanMacRole::Ap, StatusResponse::Idle), (WlanMacRole::Ap, StatusResponse::Idle)];
test_disconnect_all(&iface_list).expect("Expect success but failed");
fn list_ifaces_returns_iface_id_vector() {
let mut exec = TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (wlan_service, server) = create_wlan_service_util();
let mut next_device_service_req = server.into_future();
// create the data to use in the response
let iface_id_list: Vec<u16> = vec![0, 1, 35, 36];
let mut iface_list_vec = vec![];
for id in &iface_id_list {
iface_list_vec.push(IfaceListItem { iface_id: *id });
let fut = get_iface_list(&wlan_service);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
send_iface_list_response(&mut exec, &mut next_device_service_req, iface_list_vec);
let complete = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let list_response = match complete {
Poll::Ready(result) => result,
_ => panic!("Expected an iface list response"),
let response = match list_response {
Ok(response) => response,
Err(_) => panic!("Expected a valid list response"),
// now verify the response
assert_eq!(response, iface_id_list)
fn list_ifaces_properly_handles_zero_ifaces() {
let mut exec = TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (wlan_service, server) = create_wlan_service_util();
let mut next_device_service_req = server.into_future();
// create the data to use in the response
let iface_id_list: Vec<u16> = vec![];
let iface_list_vec = vec![];
let fut = get_iface_list(&wlan_service);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
send_iface_list_response(&mut exec, &mut next_device_service_req, iface_list_vec);
let complete = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let list_response = match complete {
Poll::Ready(result) => result,
_ => panic!("Expected an iface list response"),
let response = match list_response {
Ok(response) => response,
Err(_) => panic!("Expected a valid list response"),
// now verify the response
assert_eq!(response, iface_id_list)
fn list_phys_returns_iface_id_vector() {
let mut exec = TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (monitor_service, server) = create_wlan_monitor_util();
let mut next_device_service_req = server.into_future();
// create the data to use in the response
let phy_id_list: Vec<u16> = vec![0, 1, 35, 36];
let mut phy_list_vec = vec![];
for id in &phy_id_list {
let fut = get_phy_list(&monitor_service);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
send_phy_list_response(&mut exec, &mut next_device_service_req, phy_list_vec);
let complete = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let list_response = match complete {
Poll::Ready(result) => result,
_ => panic!("Expected an phy list response"),
let response = match list_response {
Ok(response) => response,
Err(_) => panic!("Expected a valid list response"),
// now verify the response
assert_eq!(response, phy_id_list)
fn list_phys_properly_handles_zero_phys() {
let mut exec = TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (monitor_service, server) = create_wlan_monitor_util();
let mut next_device_service_req = server.into_future();
// create the data to use in the response
let phy_id_list: Vec<u16> = vec![];
let phy_list_vec = vec![];
let fut = get_phy_list(&monitor_service);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
send_phy_list_response(&mut exec, &mut next_device_service_req, phy_list_vec);
let complete = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let list_response = match complete {
Poll::Ready(result) => result,
_ => panic!("Expected an phy list response"),
let response = match list_response {
Ok(response) => response,
Err(_) => panic!("Expected a valid list response"),
// now verify the response
assert_eq!(response, phy_id_list)
fn poll_device_service_req(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
next_device_service_req: &mut StreamFuture<DeviceServiceRequestStream>,
) -> Poll<DeviceServiceRequest> {
exec.run_until_stalled(next_device_service_req).map(|(req, stream)| {
*next_device_service_req = stream.into_future();
req.expect("did not expect the DeviceServiceRequestStream to end")
.expect("error polling device service request stream")
fn poll_device_monitor_req(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
next_device_monitor_req: &mut StreamFuture<DeviceMonitorRequestStream>,
) -> Poll<DeviceMonitorRequest> {
exec.run_until_stalled(next_device_monitor_req).map(|(req, stream)| {
*next_device_monitor_req = stream.into_future();
req.expect("did not expect the DeviceServiceRequestStream to end")
.expect("error polling device service request stream")
fn send_iface_list_response(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
server: &mut StreamFuture<wlan_service::DeviceServiceRequestStream>,
iface_list_vec: Vec<IfaceListItem>,
) {
let responder = match poll_device_service_req(exec, server) {
Poll::Ready(DeviceServiceRequest::ListIfaces { responder }) => responder,
Poll::Pending => panic!("expected a request to be available"),
_ => panic!("expected a ListIfaces request"),
// now send the response back
let _result = responder.send(&mut ListIfacesResponse { ifaces: iface_list_vec });
fn send_phy_list_response(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
server: &mut StreamFuture<wlan_service::DeviceMonitorRequestStream>,
phy_list_vec: Vec<u16>,
) {
let responder = match poll_device_monitor_req(exec, server) {
Poll::Ready(DeviceMonitorRequest::ListPhys { responder }) => responder,
Poll::Pending => panic!("expected a request to be available"),
_ => panic!("expected a ListPhys request"),
// now send the response back
let _result = responder.send(&phy_list_vec);
fn get_client_sme_valid_iface() {
let mut exec = TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (wlan_service, server) = create_wlan_service_util();
let mut next_device_service_req = server.into_future();
let fut = get_sme_proxy(&wlan_service, 1);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
// pass in that we expect this to succeed
send_sme_proxy_response(&mut exec, &mut next_device_service_req, zx::Status::OK);
let () = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(_)) => (),
_ => panic!("Expected a status response"),
fn send_sme_proxy_response(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
server: &mut StreamFuture<wlan_service::DeviceServiceRequestStream>,
status: zx::Status,
) {
let responder = match poll_device_service_req(exec, server) {
Poll::Ready(DeviceServiceRequest::GetClientSme { responder, .. }) => responder,
Poll::Pending => panic!("expected a request to be available"),
_ => panic!("expected a GetClientSme request"),
// now send the response back
let _result = responder.send(status.into_raw());
fn get_client_sme_invalid_iface() {
let mut exec = TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (wlan_service, server) = create_wlan_service_util();
let mut next_device_service_req = server.into_future();
let fut = get_sme_proxy(&wlan_service, 1);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
// pass in that we expect this to fail with zx::Status::NOT_FOUND
send_sme_proxy_response(&mut exec, &mut next_device_service_req, zx::Status::NOT_FOUND);
let complete = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
match complete {
Poll::Ready(Err(_)) => (),
_ => panic!("Expected a status response"),
fn connect_success_returns_true() {
let connect_result =
test_wpa2_connect("TestAp", "password", "TestAp", fidl_ieee80211::StatusCode::Success);
fn connect_failed_returns_false() {
let connect_result = test_wpa2_connect(
fn connect_different_ssid_returns_false() {
let connect_result = test_wpa2_connect(
fn test_wpa2_connect(
target_ssid: &str,
password: &str,
connected_to_ssid: &str,
result_code: fidl_ieee80211::StatusCode,
) -> bool {
let target_ssid = Ssid::try_from(target_ssid).unwrap();
let connected_to_ssid = Ssid::try_from(connected_to_ssid).unwrap();
let mut exec = TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (client_sme, server) = create_client_sme_proxy();
let mut next_client_sme_req = server.into_future();
let target_password = password.as_bytes();
let target_bss_desc = generate_random_wpa2_bss_description();
let fut = connect(
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
// have the request, need to send a response
&mut exec,
&mut next_client_sme_req,
fidl_security::Authentication::try_from(SecurityContext {
bss: BssDescription::try_from(target_bss_desc.clone()).unwrap(),
unparsed_credential_bytes: target_password.to_vec(),
// if connection is successful, status is requested to extract ssid
if result_code == fidl_ieee80211::StatusCode::Success {
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
&mut exec,
&mut next_client_sme_req,
let complete = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let connection_result = match complete {
Poll::Ready(result) => result,
_ => panic!("Expected a connect response"),
let returned_bool = match connection_result {
Ok(response) => response,
_ => panic!("Expected a valid connection result"),
fn connect_properly_passes_network_info_with_password() {
let mut exec = TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (client_sme, server) = create_client_sme_proxy();
let mut next_client_sme_req = server.into_future();
let target_ssid = Ssid::try_from("TestAp").unwrap();
let target_password = "password".as_bytes();
let target_bss_desc = generate_random_wpa2_bss_description();
let fut = connect(
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
// verify the connect request info
&mut exec,
&mut next_client_sme_req,
fidl_security::Authentication::try_from(SecurityContext {
bss: BssDescription::try_from(target_bss_desc.clone()).unwrap(),
unparsed_credential_bytes: target_password.to_vec(),
fn connect_properly_passes_network_info_open() {
let mut exec = TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (client_sme, server) = create_client_sme_proxy();
let mut next_client_sme_req = server.into_future();
let target_ssid = Ssid::try_from("TestAp").unwrap();
let target_password = "".as_bytes();
let target_bss_desc = fake_fidl_bss_description!(Open);
let fut = connect(
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
// verify the connect request info
&mut exec,
&mut next_client_sme_req,
fidl_security::Authentication::try_from(SecurityContext {
bss: BssDescription::try_from(target_bss_desc.clone()).unwrap(),
unparsed_credential_bytes: vec![],
fn verify_connect_request_info(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
server: &mut StreamFuture<ClientSmeRequestStream>,
expected_ssid: &Ssid,
expected_authentication: fidl_security::Authentication,
expected_bss_desc: fidl_internal::BssDescription,
) {
match poll_client_sme_request(exec, server) {
Poll::Ready(ClientSmeRequest::Connect { req, .. }) => {
assert_eq!(expected_ssid, &req.ssid);
assert_eq!(req.authentication, expected_authentication);
assert_eq!(req.bss_description, expected_bss_desc);
_ => panic!("expected a Connect request"),
fn send_connect_request_response(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
server: &mut StreamFuture<ClientSmeRequestStream>,
expected_ssid: &Ssid,
expected_authentication: fidl_security::Authentication,
connect_result: fidl_ieee80211::StatusCode,
) {
let responder = match poll_client_sme_request(exec, server) {
Poll::Ready(ClientSmeRequest::Connect { req, txn, .. }) => {
assert_eq!(expected_ssid, &req.ssid[..]);
assert_eq!(req.authentication, expected_authentication);
txn.expect("expected a Connect transaction channel")
Poll::Pending => panic!("expected a request to be available"),
_ => panic!("expected a Connect request"),
let connect_transaction = responder
.expect("failed to create a connect transaction stream")
.send_on_connect_result(&mut fidl_sme::ConnectResult {
code: connect_result,
is_credential_rejected: false,
is_reconnect: false,
.expect("failed to send OnConnectResult to ConnectTransaction");
fn poll_client_sme_request(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
next_client_sme_req: &mut StreamFuture<ClientSmeRequestStream>,
) -> Poll<ClientSmeRequest> {
exec.run_until_stalled(next_client_sme_req).map(|(req, stream)| {
*next_client_sme_req = stream.into_future();
req.expect("did not expect the ClientSmeRequestStream to end")
.expect("error polling client sme request stream")
fn create_client_sme_proxy() -> (fidl_sme::ClientSmeProxy, ClientSmeRequestStream) {
let (proxy, server) = endpoints::create_proxy::<ClientSmeMarker>()
.expect("failed to create sme client channel");
let server = server.into_stream().expect("failed to create a client sme response stream");
(proxy, server)
fn create_wlan_service_util() -> (DeviceServiceProxy, DeviceServiceRequestStream) {
let (proxy, server) = endpoints::create_proxy::<DeviceServiceMarker>()
.expect("failed to create a wlan_service channel for tests");
let server = server.into_stream().expect("failed to create a wlan_service response stream");
(proxy, server)
fn create_wlan_monitor_util() -> (DeviceMonitorProxy, DeviceMonitorRequestStream) {
let (proxy, server) = endpoints::create_proxy::<DeviceMonitorMarker>()
.expect("failed to create a wlan_service channel for tests");
let server = server.into_stream().expect("failed to create a wlan_service response stream");
(proxy, server)
enum StatusResponse {
fn disconnect_with_empty_status_response() {
if let Poll::Ready(result) = test_disconnect(StatusResponse::Idle) {
return assert!(result.is_ok());
panic!("disconnect did not return a Poll::Ready")
fn disconnect_fail_because_connected() {
if let Poll::Ready(result) = test_disconnect(StatusResponse::Connected) {
return assert!(result.is_err());
panic!("disconnect did not return a Poll::Ready")
fn disconnect_fail_because_connecting() {
if let Poll::Ready(result) = test_disconnect(StatusResponse::Connecting) {
return assert!(result.is_err());
panic!("disconnect did not return a Poll::Ready")
fn test_disconnect(status: StatusResponse) -> Poll<Result<(), Error>> {
let mut exec = TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (client_sme, server) = create_client_sme_proxy();
let mut client_sme_req = server.into_future();
let fut = disconnect(&client_sme);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
send_disconnect_request_response(&mut exec, &mut client_sme_req);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
match status {
StatusResponse::Idle => {
send_status_response(&mut exec, &mut client_sme_req, None, None)
StatusResponse::Connected => send_status_response(
&mut exec,
&mut client_sme_req,
Some(Ssid::try_from([1, 2, 3, 4]).unwrap()),
StatusResponse::Connecting => send_status_response(
&mut exec,
&mut client_sme_req,
Some(Ssid::try_from([1, 2, 3, 4]).unwrap()),
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut)
fn send_disconnect_request_response(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
server: &mut StreamFuture<ClientSmeRequestStream>,
) {
let rsp = match poll_client_sme_request(exec, server) {
Poll::Ready(ClientSmeRequest::Disconnect { responder, .. }) => responder,
Poll::Pending => panic!("Expected a DisconnectRequest"),
_ => panic!("Expected a DisconnectRequest"),
rsp.send().expect("Failed to send DisconnectResponse.");
fn create_serving_ap_info_using_ssid(ssid: Ssid) -> fidl_sme::ServingApInfo {
fidl_sme::ServingApInfo {
bssid: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
ssid: ssid.into(),
rssi_dbm: -30,
snr_db: 10,
channel: fidl_common::WlanChannel {
primary: 1,
cbw: fidl_common::ChannelBandwidth::Cbw20,
secondary80: 0,
protection: Protection::Wpa2Personal,
fn send_status_response(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
server: &mut StreamFuture<ClientSmeRequestStream>,
connected_to_ssid: Option<Ssid>,
connecting_to_ssid: Option<Ssid>,
) {
let rsp = match poll_client_sme_request(exec, server) {
Poll::Ready(ClientSmeRequest::Status { responder }) => responder,
Poll::Pending => panic!("Expected a StatusRequest"),
_ => panic!("Expected a StatusRequest"),
let mut response = match (connected_to_ssid, connecting_to_ssid) {
(Some(_), Some(_)) => panic!("SME cannot simultaneously be Connected and Connecting."),
(Some(ssid), None) => {
let serving_ap_info = create_serving_ap_info_using_ssid(ssid);
(None, Some(ssid)) => fidl_sme::ClientStatusResponse::Connecting(ssid.to_vec()),
(None, None) => fidl_sme::ClientStatusResponse::Idle(fidl_sme::Empty {}),
rsp.send(&mut response).expect("Failed to send StatusResponse.");
fn scan_success_returns_empty_results() {
let scan_results_for_response = Vec::new();
let scan_results = test_scan(scan_results_for_response);
assert_eq!(scan_results, Vec::new());
fn scan_success_returns_results() {
let mut scan_results_for_response = Vec::new();
// due to restrictions for cloning fidl objects, forced to make a copy of the vector here
let entry1 = create_scan_result(
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
Channel::new(1, Cbw::Cbw20),
let entry1_copy = entry1.clone();
let entry2 = create_scan_result(
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],
Channel::new(2, Cbw::Cbw20),
let entry2_copy = entry2.clone();
let mut expected_response = Vec::new();
let scan_results = test_scan(scan_results_for_response);
assert_eq!(scan_results, expected_response);
fn scan_error_correctly_handled() {
// need to expect an error
fn test_scan(mut scan_results: Vec<fidl_sme::ScanResult>) -> Vec<fidl_sme::ScanResult> {
let mut exec = TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (client_sme, server) = create_client_sme_proxy();
let mut client_sme_req = server.into_future();
let fut = passive_scan(&client_sme);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
send_scan_result_response(&mut exec, &mut client_sme_req, &mut scan_results);
let complete = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut);
let request_result = match complete {
Poll::Ready(result) => result,
_ => panic!("Expected a scan request result"),
let returned_scan_results = request_result.expect("failed to get scan results");
fn send_scan_result_response(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
server: &mut StreamFuture<fidl_sme::ClientSmeRequestStream>,
scan_results: &mut Vec<fidl_sme::ScanResult>,
) {
let transaction = match poll_client_sme_request(exec, server) {
Poll::Ready(fidl_sme::ClientSmeRequest::Scan { txn, .. }) => txn,
Poll::Pending => panic!("expected a request to be available"),
_ => panic!("expected a scan request"),
// now send the response back
let transaction = transaction
.expect("failed to create a scan transaction stream")
.send_on_result(&mut scan_results.into_iter())
.expect("failed to send scan results");
transaction.send_on_finished().expect("failed to send OnFinished to ScanTransaction");
fn test_scan_error() -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut exec = TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (client_sme, server) = create_client_sme_proxy();
let mut client_sme_req = server.into_future();
let fut = passive_scan(&client_sme);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
send_scan_error_response(&mut exec, &mut client_sme_req);
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut)?;
fn send_scan_error_response(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
server: &mut StreamFuture<fidl_sme::ClientSmeRequestStream>,
) {
let transaction = match poll_client_sme_request(exec, server) {
Poll::Ready(fidl_sme::ClientSmeRequest::Scan { txn, .. }) => txn,
Poll::Pending => panic!("expected a request to be available"),
_ => panic!("expected a scan request"),
// create error to send back
let mut scan_error = fidl_sme::ScanError {
code: fidl_sme::ScanErrorCode::InternalError,
message: "Scan error".to_string(),
// now send the response back
let transaction = transaction
.expect("failed to create a scan transaction stream")
transaction.send_on_error(&mut scan_error).expect("failed to send ScanError");
fn create_scan_result(
bssid: [u8; 6],
ssid: Ssid,
rssi_dbm: i8,
snr_db: i8,
channel: Channel,
protection: Protection,
compatible: bool,
) -> fidl_sme::ScanResult {
fidl_sme::ScanResult {
timestamp_nanos: zx::Time::get_monotonic().into_nanos(),
bss_description: fake_fidl_bss_description!(
protection => protection,
bssid: bssid,
ssid: ssid,
rssi_dbm: rssi_dbm,
snr_db: snr_db,
channel: channel,
fn send_destroy_iface_response(
exec: &mut TestExecutor,
server: &mut StreamFuture<wlan_service::DeviceMonitorRequestStream>,
status: zx::Status,
) {
let responder = match poll_device_monitor_req(exec, server) {
Poll::Ready(DeviceMonitorRequest::DestroyIface { responder, .. }) => responder,
Poll::Pending => panic!("expected a request to be available"),
_ => panic!("expected a destroy iface request"),
// now send the response back
let _result = responder.send(status.into_raw());
fn test_destroy_single_iface_ok() {
let mut exec = TestExecutor::new().expect("failed to create an executor");
let (monitor_service, server) = create_wlan_monitor_util();
let mut next_device_service_req = server.into_future();
let fut = destroy_iface(&monitor_service, 0);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut).is_pending());
send_destroy_iface_response(&mut exec, &mut next_device_service_req, zx::Status::OK);
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut fut) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(_)) => (),
_ => panic!("Expected a status response"),