blob: 21bc3ceeb60278c34a2838d975eec4df031666e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <limits.h>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <fbl/string_buffer.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/block/volume/c/fidl.h>
#include <fvm/format.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <ramdevice-client/ramdisk.h>
// This utility library introduces objects wrapping the devices we interact with, to make it clear
// what we are interacting with, and avoid references to global variables.
namespace fvm {
// Alias for simplicity in testing.
using VolumeInfo = fuchsia_hardware_block_volume_VolumeInfo;
using RamdiskClient = ramdisk_client_t;
constexpr uint64_t kPathMax = PATH_MAX;
constexpr char kFvmDriverLib[] = "/boot/driver/";
// Convenient wrapper over uint8_t array.
class Guid {
Guid() = default;
explicit Guid(const uint8_t data[fvm::kGuidSize]) : size_(fvm::kGuidSize) {
memcpy(data_, data, size_);
Guid(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) : size_(std::min(size, fvm::kGuidSize)) {
memcpy(data_, data, size_);
Guid(const Guid&) = default;
Guid(Guid&&) = default;
Guid& operator=(const Guid&) = default;
Guid& operator=(Guid&&) = default;
~Guid() = default;
const uint8_t* data() const { return data_; }
size_t size() const { return size_; }
bool operator==(const Guid& rhs) const {
return size() == rhs.size() && memcmp(data_,, size_) == 0;
bool operator!=(const Guid& rhs) const { return !(*this == rhs); }
std::string ToString() const {
// Hex string for each byte + space + null string.
fbl::StringBuffer<fvm::kGuidSize * 5 + 1> hex_string;
for (size_t i = 0; i < size_; ++i) {
auto byte = data_[i];
hex_string.AppendPrintf("0x%X%c", byte, (i == size_ - 1) ? '\0' : ' ');
return hex_string.c_str();
uint8_t data_[fvm::kGuidSize] = {};
size_t size_ = 0;
// Represents a reference to a device, providing communication paths and topological path to it.
// The resources used for communicating with the respective device are released upon going out of
// scope.
class DeviceRef {
// Creates a connection to a block device at a given |path|.
// Returns nullptr on failure.
static std::unique_ptr<DeviceRef> Create(const fbl::unique_fd& devfs_root,
const std::string& path);
DeviceRef() = default;
DeviceRef(const fbl::unique_fd& devfs_root, const std::string& path, fbl::unique_fd fd);
DeviceRef(const DeviceRef&) = delete;
DeviceRef(DeviceRef&&) = delete;
DeviceRef& operator=(const DeviceRef&) = delete;
DeviceRef& operator=(DeviceRef&&) = delete;
virtual ~DeviceRef() = default;
// Channel to communicate with the device.
zx::unowned_channel channel() const { return zx::unowned_channel(channel_); }
// Topological path to the device.
const char* path() const { return path_.c_str(); }
// File descriptor used to communicate with the device.
int fd() const { return fd_.get(); }
// Closes the current connection to |device_| and opens a new one based on the path.
virtual void Reconnect();
// Borrowed FD to the root of devfs.
int devfs_root_;
fbl::StringBuffer<kPathMax> path_;
fbl::unique_fd fd_;
mutable zx::unowned_channel channel_;
// Provides a Base class for other classes that wish to expose helper methods to a block device.
class BlockDeviceAdapter : public DeviceRef {
BlockDeviceAdapter(const fbl::unique_fd& devfs_root, const std::string& path, fbl::unique_fd fd)
: DeviceRef(devfs_root, path, std::move(fd)) {}
BlockDeviceAdapter(const BlockDeviceAdapter&) = delete;
BlockDeviceAdapter(BlockDeviceAdapter&&) = delete;
BlockDeviceAdapter& operator=(const BlockDeviceAdapter&) = delete;
BlockDeviceAdapter& operator=(BlockDeviceAdapter&&) = delete;
virtual ~BlockDeviceAdapter() = default;
// Write |data| into the underlying block device at |offset|.
void WriteAt(const fbl::Array<uint8_t>& data, uint64_t offset);
// Reads |data::size()| bytes from the block device, starting at |offset|.
void ReadAt(uint64_t offset, fbl::Array<uint8_t>* out_data);
// Checks the contents of the block device at |offset| and verifies it matches |data|.
void CheckContentsAt(const fbl::Array<uint8_t>& data, uint64_t offset);
// Returns ZX_OK if the device became visible before the deadlines.
zx_status_t WaitUntilVisible() const;
// Returns ZX_OK if the driver Rebind completed within a deadline.
zx_status_t Rebind();
virtual const DeviceRef* device() const { return this; }
virtual DeviceRef* device() { return this; }
BlockDeviceAdapter() = default;
// Provides a Ramdisk device that is destroyed upon leaving the scope.
class RamdiskRef : public BlockDeviceAdapter {
// Creates a block device with the respective block count and size.
// Returns nullptr on failure.
static std::unique_ptr<RamdiskRef> Create(const fbl::unique_fd& devfs_root, uint64_t block_count,
uint64_t block_size);
RamdiskRef(const fbl::unique_fd& devfs_root, const std::string& path, fbl::unique_fd fd,
RamdiskClient* client)
: BlockDeviceAdapter(devfs_root, path, std::move(fd)), ramdisk_client_(client) {}
RamdiskRef(const RamdiskRef&) = delete;
RamdiskRef(RamdiskRef&&) = delete;
RamdiskRef& operator=(const RamdiskRef&) = delete;
RamdiskRef& operator=(RamdiskRef&&) = delete;
~RamdiskRef() final;
// Attempts to grow the underlying ramdisk to |target_size|.
zx_status_t Grow(uint64_t target_size);
RamdiskRef() = default;
// Only set when a ramdisk is created.
RamdiskClient* ramdisk_client_ = nullptr;
// Forward declaration.
class FvmAdapter;
// Wrapper over a VPartitionAdapter, that provides common methods using in fvm-tests.
class VPartitionAdapter : public BlockDeviceAdapter {
// Attaches itself to an existing VPartitionAdapter.
static std::unique_ptr<VPartitionAdapter> Create(const fbl::unique_fd& devfs_root,
const std::string& name, const Guid& guid,
const Guid& type);
VPartitionAdapter(const fbl::unique_fd& devfs_root, zx::unowned_channel channel,
const std::string& path, fbl::unique_fd fd, const std::string name,
const Guid& guid, const Guid& type)
: BlockDeviceAdapter(devfs_root, path, std::move(fd)), guid_(guid), type_(type) {
VPartitionAdapter(const VPartitionAdapter&) = delete;
VPartitionAdapter(VPartitionAdapter&&) = delete;
VPartitionAdapter& operator=(const VPartitionAdapter&) = delete;
VPartitionAdapter& operator=(VPartitionAdapter&&) = delete;
~VPartitionAdapter() final;
// Adds |length| slices at |offset| to the partition.
zx_status_t Extend(uint64_t offset, uint64_t length);
void Reconnect() final;
VPartitionAdapter() = default;
fbl::StringBuffer<fvm::kMaxVPartitionNameLength> name_;
Guid guid_;
Guid type_;
// Wrapper over FVM and common operations, to reduce the boilerplate and complexity of tests.
class FvmAdapter : public DeviceRef {
static std::unique_ptr<FvmAdapter> Create(const fbl::unique_fd& devfs_root, uint64_t block_size,
uint64_t block_count, uint64_t slice_size,
DeviceRef* device);
static std::unique_ptr<FvmAdapter> CreateGrowable(const fbl::unique_fd& devfs_root,
uint64_t block_size,
uint64_t initial_block_count,
uint64_t total_block_count, uint64_t slice_size,
DeviceRef* device);
FvmAdapter(const fbl::unique_fd& devfs_root, const std::string& path, fbl::unique_fd fd,
DeviceRef* block_device)
: DeviceRef(devfs_root, path, std::move(fd)), block_device_(block_device) {}
FvmAdapter(const FvmAdapter&) = delete;
FvmAdapter(FvmAdapter&&) = delete;
FvmAdapter& operator=(const FvmAdapter&) = delete;
FvmAdapter& operator=(FvmAdapter&&) = delete;
zx_status_t AddPartition(const fbl::unique_fd& devfs_root, const std::string& name,
const Guid& guid, const Guid& type, uint64_t slice_count,
std::unique_ptr<VPartitionAdapter>* out_vpartition);
// Rebinds the fvm, and waits for each vpartition to become visible.
zx_status_t Rebind(fbl::Vector<VPartitionAdapter*> vpartitions);
// Queries the FVM device and sets |out_info|.
zx_status_t Query(VolumeInfo* out_info) const;
// Returns a reference to the underlying device.
const DeviceRef* device() const { return this; }
DeviceRef* device() { return this; }
FvmAdapter() = default;
// Used for rebinding.
fbl::StringBuffer<kPathMax> driver_path_;
// Underlying block device.
DeviceRef* block_device_;
// Returns an array with random contents.
fbl::Array<uint8_t> MakeRandomBuffer(size_t size, unsigned int* seed);
// Returns true if |a| and |b| describe the same format.
bool AreEqual(const fvm::FormatInfo& a, const fvm::FormatInfo& b);
// Returns true if the invariants of the fvm volumes are the same (same slize_size, same allocated
// count).
bool IsConsistentAfterGrowth(const VolumeInfo& before, const VolumeInfo& after);
} // namespace fvm