blob: 82c72c7039a56fa33985b8c3a4137f60342762a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/system/public/zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/system/public/zircon/types.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <ctime>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <src/lib/fxl/logging.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/thread.h"
#include "tools/fidlcat/lib/decode_options.h"
#include "tools/fidlcat/lib/display_options.h"
#include "tools/fidlcat/lib/message_decoder.h"
#include "tools/fidlcat/lib/syscall_decoder.h"
#include "tools/fidlcat/lib/type_decoder.h"
namespace fidlcat {
// Display a value on a stream.
template <typename ValueType>
void DisplayValue(const Colors& colors, SyscallType type, ValueType value, bool hexa,
std::ostream& os) {
os << "unimplemented generic value " << static_cast<uint32_t>(type);
template <>
inline void DisplayValue<int64_t>(const Colors& colors, SyscallType type, int64_t value, bool hexa,
std::ostream& os) {
switch (type) {
case SyscallType::kInt64:
os << << value << colors.reset;
case SyscallType::kDuration:
os << DisplayDuration(colors, value);
case SyscallType::kTime:
os << DisplayTime(colors, value);
os << "unimplemented int64_t value " << static_cast<uint32_t>(type);
template <>
inline void DisplayValue<uint32_t>(const Colors& colors, SyscallType type, uint32_t value,
bool hexa, std::ostream& os) {
switch (type) {
case SyscallType::kUint32:
os << << value << colors.reset;
case SyscallType::kClock:
os <<;
ClockName(value, os);
os << colors.reset;
case SyscallType::kHandle: {
zx_handle_info_t handle_info;
handle_info.handle = value;
handle_info.type = ZX_OBJ_TYPE_NONE;
handle_info.rights = 0;
DisplayHandle(colors, handle_info, os);
os << "unimplemented uint32_t value " << static_cast<uint32_t>(type);
template <>
inline void DisplayValue<uint64_t>(const Colors& colors, SyscallType type, uint64_t value,
bool hexa, std::ostream& os) {
switch (type) {
case SyscallType::kTime:
os << DisplayTime(colors, value);
os << "unimplemented uint64_t value " << static_cast<uint32_t>(type);
// Base class (not templated) for system call arguments.
class SyscallArgumentBase {
SyscallArgumentBase(int index, SyscallType syscall_type)
: index_(index), syscall_type_(syscall_type) {}
virtual ~SyscallArgumentBase() = default;
int index() const { return index_; }
SyscallType syscall_type() const { return syscall_type_; }
const int index_;
const SyscallType syscall_type_;
template <typename Type>
class SyscallArgumentBaseTyped : public SyscallArgumentBase {
SyscallArgumentBaseTyped(int index, SyscallType syscall_type)
: SyscallArgumentBase(index, syscall_type) {}
// Ensures that the argument data will be in memory.
virtual void Load(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const {}
// True if the argument data is available.
virtual bool Loaded(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const { return false; }
// True if the argument data is valid (not a null pointer).
virtual bool ValueValid(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const { return false; }
// The data for the argument.
virtual Type Value(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const { return Type(); }
// For buffers, ensures that the buffer will be in memory.
virtual void LoadArray(SyscallDecoder* decoder, size_t size) const {}
// For buffers, true if the buffer is available.
virtual bool ArrayLoaded(SyscallDecoder* decoder, size_t size) const { return false; }
// For buffers, get a pointer on the buffer data.
virtual Type* Content(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const { return nullptr; }
// Defines an basic type argument for a system call.
// A basic type argument can be stored in a 64 bit register.
template <typename Type>
class SyscallArgument : public SyscallArgumentBaseTyped<Type> {
SyscallArgument(int index, SyscallType syscall_type)
: SyscallArgumentBaseTyped<Type>(index, syscall_type) {}
// Redefine index within the class to avoid a compiler error.
int index() const { return SyscallArgumentBase::index(); }
bool Loaded(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override { return true; }
bool ValueValid(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override { return true; }
Type Value(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override {
return Type(decoder->ArgumentValue(index()));
// Defines a buffer argument for a system call.
// A buffer argument is defined by a pointer which can be stored in a 64 bit
// register. The data for the buffer stays in memory (referenced by the
// pointer).
template <typename Type>
class SyscallPointerArgument : public SyscallArgumentBaseTyped<Type> {
SyscallPointerArgument(int index, SyscallType syscall_type)
: SyscallArgumentBaseTyped<Type>(index, syscall_type) {}
int index() const { return SyscallArgumentBase::index(); }
void Load(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override {
decoder->LoadArgument(index(), sizeof(Type));
bool Loaded(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override {
return decoder->ArgumentLoaded(index(), sizeof(Type));
bool ValueValid(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override {
return decoder->ArgumentContent(index()) != nullptr;
Type Value(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override {
uint8_t* content = decoder->ArgumentContent(index());
if (content == nullptr) {
return Type();
return *reinterpret_cast<Type*>(content);
void LoadArray(SyscallDecoder* decoder, size_t size) const override {
decoder->LoadArgument(index(), size);
bool ArrayLoaded(SyscallDecoder* decoder, size_t size) const override {
return decoder->ArgumentLoaded(index(), size);
Type* Content(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override {
return reinterpret_cast<Type*>(decoder->ArgumentContent(index()));
// Use to access data for an input or an output.
template <typename Type>
class Access {
Access() = default;
virtual ~Access() = default;
// Returns the real type of the data (because, for example, handles are
// implemented as uint32_t).
virtual SyscallType GetSyscallType() const = 0;
// Ensures that the data will be in memory.
virtual void Load(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const = 0;
// True if the data is available.
virtual bool Loaded(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const = 0;
// True if the data is valid (not a null pointer).
virtual bool ValueValid(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const = 0;
// The data.
virtual Type Value(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const = 0;
// For buffers, ensures that the buffer will be in memory.
virtual void LoadArray(SyscallDecoder* decoder, size_t size) = 0;
// For buffers, true if the buffer is available.
virtual bool ArrayLoaded(SyscallDecoder* decoder, size_t size) const = 0;
// For buffers, get a pointer on the buffer data.
virtual const Type* Content(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const = 0;
// Display the data on a stream (with name and type).
void Display(SyscallDisplayDispatcher* dispatcher, SyscallDecoder* decoder, std::string_view name,
std::ostream& os) const;
// Access to a system call argument. There is a direct access to the value
// given when the system call is called. For struct or buffer input arguments
// and for output arguments (all are pointers), we need to load the referenced
// data to be able to access the actual content. This is done within LoadInputs
// at the system call entry for input arguments. This is done within LoadOutputs
// after the system call returns for output arguments.
// All the basic types values and the pointer values are read at the system call
// entry.
template <typename Type>
class ArgumentAccess : public Access<Type> {
explicit ArgumentAccess(const SyscallArgumentBaseTyped<Type>* argument) : argument_(argument) {}
SyscallType GetSyscallType() const override { return argument_->syscall_type(); }
void Load(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override { argument_->Load(decoder); }
bool Loaded(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override { return argument_->Loaded(decoder); }
bool ValueValid(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override { return argument_->ValueValid(decoder); }
Type Value(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override { return argument_->Value(decoder); }
void LoadArray(SyscallDecoder* decoder, size_t size) override {
argument_->LoadArray(decoder, size);
bool ArrayLoaded(SyscallDecoder* decoder, size_t size) const override {
return argument_->ArrayLoaded(decoder, size);
const Type* Content(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override {
return argument_->Content(decoder);
const SyscallArgumentBaseTyped<Type>* const argument_;
// Access to a field of a system call argument.
template <typename ClassType, typename Type>
class FieldAccess : public Access<Type> {
explicit FieldAccess(const SyscallPointerArgument<ClassType>* argument,
Type (*get)(const ClassType* from), SyscallType syscall_type)
: argument_(argument), get_(get), syscall_type_(syscall_type) {}
SyscallType GetSyscallType() const override { return syscall_type_; }
void Load(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override {
argument_->LoadArray(decoder, sizeof(ClassType));
bool Loaded(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override {
return argument_->ArrayLoaded(decoder, sizeof(ClassType));
bool ValueValid(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override {
return argument_->Content(decoder) != nullptr;
Type Value(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override { return get_(argument_->Content(decoder)); }
void LoadArray(SyscallDecoder* decoder, size_t size) override {}
bool ArrayLoaded(SyscallDecoder* decoder, size_t size) const override { return false; }
const Type* Content(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override { return nullptr; }
const SyscallPointerArgument<ClassType>* const argument_;
Type (*get_)(const ClassType* from);
const SyscallType syscall_type_;
// Access to a field of a system call argument.
template <typename ClassType, typename Type>
class PointerFieldAccess : public Access<Type> {
explicit PointerFieldAccess(const SyscallPointerArgument<ClassType>* argument,
const Type* (*get)(const ClassType* from), SyscallType syscall_type)
: argument_(argument), get_(get), syscall_type_(syscall_type) {}
SyscallType GetSyscallType() const override { return syscall_type_; }
void Load(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override {}
bool Loaded(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override { return false; }
bool ValueValid(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override { return false; }
Type Value(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override { return {}; }
void LoadArray(SyscallDecoder* decoder, size_t size) override {
argument_->LoadArray(decoder, sizeof(ClassType));
ClassType* object = argument_->Content(decoder);
if (object != nullptr) {
decoder->LoadBuffer(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(get_(object)), size);
bool ArrayLoaded(SyscallDecoder* decoder, size_t size) const override {
ClassType* object = argument_->Content(decoder);
return (object == nullptr) ||
decoder->BufferLoaded(reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>(get_(object)), size);
const Type* Content(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override {
ClassType* object = argument_->Content(decoder);
return reinterpret_cast<const Type*>(
const SyscallPointerArgument<ClassType>* const argument_;
const Type* (*get_)(const ClassType* from);
const SyscallType syscall_type_;
// Base class for the inputs/outputs we want to display for a system call.
class SyscallInputOutputBase {
explicit SyscallInputOutputBase(int64_t error_code, std::string_view name)
: error_code_(error_code), name_(name) {}
virtual ~SyscallInputOutputBase() = default;
// For outputs, error code which must have been returned to be able to display
// the ouput.
int64_t error_code() const { return error_code_; }
// Name of the input/output.
const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
// Ensures that all the data needed to display the input/output is available.
virtual void Load(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const = 0;
// Displays small inputs or outputs.
virtual const char* DisplayInline(SyscallDisplayDispatcher* dispatcher, SyscallDecoder* decoder,
const char* separator, std::ostream& os) const {
return separator;
// Displays large (multi lines) inputs or outputs.
virtual void DisplayOutline(SyscallDisplayDispatcher* dispatcher, SyscallDecoder* decoder,
std::string_view line_header, int tabs, std::ostream& os) const {}
const int64_t error_code_;
const std::string name_;
// An input/output which only displays an expression (for example, the value of
// an argument). This is always decoded inline.
template <typename Type>
class SyscallInputOutput : public SyscallInputOutputBase {
SyscallInputOutput(int64_t error_code, std::string_view name,
std::unique_ptr<Access<Type>> access)
: SyscallInputOutputBase(error_code, name), access_(std::move(access)) {}
void Load(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override { access_->Load(decoder); }
const char* DisplayInline(SyscallDisplayDispatcher* dispatcher, SyscallDecoder* decoder,
const char* separator, std::ostream& os) const override {
os << separator;
access_->Display(dispatcher, decoder, name(), os);
return ", ";
const std::unique_ptr<Access<Type>> access_;
// An input/output which is a FIDL message. This is always displayed outline.
template <typename HandleType>
class SyscallFidlMessage : public SyscallInputOutputBase {
SyscallFidlMessage(int64_t error_code, std::string_view name, SyscallFidlType type,
std::unique_ptr<Access<zx_handle_t>> handle,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint8_t>> bytes,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint32_t>> num_bytes,
std::unique_ptr<Access<HandleType>> handles,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint32_t>> num_handles)
: SyscallInputOutputBase(error_code, name),
num_handles_(std::move(num_handles)) {}
void Load(SyscallDecoder* decoder) const override {
if (num_bytes_->Loaded(decoder)) {
uint32_t value = num_bytes_->Value(decoder);
if (value > 0) {
bytes_->LoadArray(decoder, value);
if (num_handles_->Loaded(decoder)) {
uint32_t value = num_handles_->Value(decoder);
if (value > 0) {
handles_->LoadArray(decoder, value * sizeof(HandleType));
const SyscallFidlType type_;
const std::unique_ptr<Access<zx_handle_t>> handle_;
const std::unique_ptr<Access<uint8_t>> bytes_;
const std::unique_ptr<Access<uint32_t>> num_bytes_;
const std::unique_ptr<Access<HandleType>> handles_;
const std::unique_ptr<Access<uint32_t>> num_handles_;
class SyscallFidlMessageHandle : public SyscallFidlMessage<zx_handle_t> {
SyscallFidlMessageHandle(int64_t error_code, std::string_view name, SyscallFidlType type,
std::unique_ptr<Access<zx_handle_t>> handle,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint8_t>> bytes,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint32_t>> num_bytes,
std::unique_ptr<Access<zx_handle_t>> handles,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint32_t>> num_handles)
: SyscallFidlMessage<zx_handle_t>(error_code, name, type, std::move(handle), std::move(bytes),
std::move(num_bytes), std::move(handles),
std::move(num_handles)) {}
void DisplayOutline(SyscallDisplayDispatcher* dispatcher, SyscallDecoder* decoder,
std::string_view line_header, int tabs, std::ostream& os) const override;
class SyscallFidlMessageHandleInfo : public SyscallFidlMessage<zx_handle_info_t> {
SyscallFidlMessageHandleInfo(int64_t error_code, std::string_view name, SyscallFidlType type,
std::unique_ptr<Access<zx_handle_t>> handle,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint8_t>> bytes,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint32_t>> num_bytes,
std::unique_ptr<Access<zx_handle_info_t>> handles,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint32_t>> num_handles)
: SyscallFidlMessage<zx_handle_info_t>(error_code, name, type, std::move(handle),
std::move(bytes), std::move(num_bytes),
std::move(handles), std::move(num_handles)) {}
void DisplayOutline(SyscallDisplayDispatcher* dispatcher, SyscallDecoder* decoder,
std::string_view line_header, int tabs, std::ostream& os) const override;
// Defines a syscall we want to decode/display.
class Syscall {
Syscall(std::string_view name, SyscallReturnType return_type)
: name_(name), return_type_(return_type), breakpoint_name_(name_ + "@plt") {}
// Name of the syscall.
[[nodiscard]] const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
// Type of the syscall returned value.
[[nodiscard]] SyscallReturnType return_type() const { return return_type_; }
// Name of the breakpoint used to watch the syscall.
[[nodiscard]] const std::string& breakpoint_name() const { return breakpoint_name_; }
// All arguments for the syscall.
[[nodiscard]] const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SyscallArgumentBase>>& arguments() const {
return arguments_;
// All the data we want to display at the syscall entry.
[[nodiscard]] const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SyscallInputOutputBase>>& inputs() const {
return inputs_;
// All the data we want to display at the syscall exit. These data are
// conditionally displayed depending on the syscall error code.
[[nodiscard]] const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SyscallInputOutputBase>>& outputs() const {
return outputs_;
// Adds an argument definition to the syscall.
template <typename Type>
SyscallArgument<Type>* Argument(SyscallType syscall_type) {
auto argument = std::make_unique<SyscallArgument<Type>>(arguments_.size(), syscall_type);
auto result = argument.get();
return result;
// Adds a pointer argument definition to the syscall (the actual type of the
// argument is Type*).
template <typename Type>
SyscallPointerArgument<Type>* PointerArgument(SyscallType syscall_type) {
auto argument = std::make_unique<SyscallPointerArgument<Type>>(arguments_.size(), syscall_type);
auto result = argument.get();
return result;
// Adds an inline input to display.
template <typename Type>
void Input(std::string_view name, std::unique_ptr<Access<Type>> access) {
inputs_.push_back(std::make_unique<SyscallInputOutput<Type>>(0, name, std::move(access)));
// Adds an input FIDL message to display.
void InputFidlMessage(std::string_view name, SyscallFidlType type,
std::unique_ptr<Access<zx_handle_t>> handle,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint8_t>> bytes,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint32_t>> num_bytes,
std::unique_ptr<Access<zx_handle_t>> handles,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint32_t>> num_handles) {
0, name, type, std::move(handle), std::move(bytes), std::move(num_bytes),
std::move(handles), std::move(num_handles)));
// Adds an inline output to display.
template <typename Type>
void Output(int64_t error_code, std::string_view name, std::unique_ptr<Access<Type>> access) {
std::make_unique<SyscallInputOutput<Type>>(error_code, name, std::move(access)));
// Add an output FIDL message to display.
void OutputFidlMessageHandle(int64_t error_code, std::string_view name, SyscallFidlType type,
std::unique_ptr<Access<zx_handle_t>> handle,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint8_t>> bytes,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint32_t>> num_bytes,
std::unique_ptr<Access<zx_handle_t>> handles,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint32_t>> num_handles) {
error_code, name, type, std::move(handle), std::move(bytes), std::move(num_bytes),
std::move(handles), std::move(num_handles)));
void OutputFidlMessageHandleInfo(int64_t error_code, std::string_view name, SyscallFidlType type,
std::unique_ptr<Access<zx_handle_t>> handle,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint8_t>> bytes,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint32_t>> num_bytes,
std::unique_ptr<Access<zx_handle_info_t>> handles,
std::unique_ptr<Access<uint32_t>> num_handles) {
error_code, name, type, std::move(handle), std::move(bytes), std::move(num_bytes),
std::move(handles), std::move(num_handles)));
const std::string name_;
const SyscallReturnType return_type_;
const std::string breakpoint_name_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SyscallArgumentBase>> arguments_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SyscallInputOutputBase>> inputs_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SyscallInputOutputBase>> outputs_;
// Decoder for syscalls. This creates the breakpoints for all the syscalls we
// want to monitor. Then, each time a breakpoint is reached, it creates a
// SyscallDecoder object which will handle the decoding of one syscall.
class SyscallDecoderDispatcher {
explicit SyscallDecoderDispatcher(const DecodeOptions& decode_options)
: decode_options_(decode_options) {
virtual ~SyscallDecoderDispatcher() = default;
const DecodeOptions& decode_options() const { return decode_options_; }
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Syscall>>& syscalls() const { return syscalls_; }
// Decode an intercepted system call.
// Called when a thread reached a breakpoint on a system call.
// This will only start the decoding. The display will be done when all the
// needed information will be gathered.
void DecodeSyscall(InterceptingThreadObserver* thread_observer, zxdb::Thread* thread,
Syscall* syscall);
// Called when we are watching a process we launched.
virtual void AddLaunchedProcess(uint64_t process_koid) {}
// Create the object which will decode the syscall.
virtual std::unique_ptr<SyscallDecoder> CreateDecoder(InterceptingThreadObserver* thread_observer,
zxdb::Thread* thread, uint64_t thread_id,
const Syscall* syscall) = 0;
// Delete a decoder created by DecodeSyscall. Called when the syscall is
// fully decoded and displayed or the syscalls had an error.
virtual void DeleteDecoder(SyscallDecoder* decoder);
// Feeds syscalls_ with all the syscalls we can decode.
void Populate();
// Add a syscall. Used by Populate.
Syscall* Add(std::string_view name, SyscallReturnType return_type) {
auto syscall = std::make_unique<Syscall>(name, return_type);
auto result = syscall.get();
return result;
// Decoding options.
const DecodeOptions& decode_options_;
// The definition of all the syscalls we can decode.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Syscall>> syscalls_;
// The intercepted syscalls we are currently decoding.
std::map<uint64_t, std::unique_ptr<SyscallDecoder>> syscall_decoders_;
class SyscallDisplayDispatcher : public SyscallDecoderDispatcher {
SyscallDisplayDispatcher(LibraryLoader* loader, const DecodeOptions& decode_options,
const DisplayOptions& display_options, std::ostream& os)
: SyscallDecoderDispatcher(decode_options),
message_decoder_dispatcher_(loader, display_options),
os_(os) {}
MessageDecoderDispatcher& message_decoder_dispatcher() { return message_decoder_dispatcher_; }
const Colors& colors() const { return message_decoder_dispatcher_.colors(); }
bool with_process_info() const { return message_decoder_dispatcher_.with_process_info(); }
const SyscallDisplay* last_displayed_syscall() const { return last_displayed_syscall_; }
void set_last_displayed_syscall(const SyscallDisplay* last_displayed_syscall) {
last_displayed_syscall_ = last_displayed_syscall;
void AddLaunchedProcess(uint64_t process_koid) override {
std::unique_ptr<SyscallDecoder> CreateDecoder(InterceptingThreadObserver* thread_observer,
zxdb::Thread* thread, uint64_t thread_id,
const Syscall* syscall) override;
// Class which can decode a FIDL message.
MessageDecoderDispatcher message_decoder_dispatcher_;
// The last syscall we displayed the inputs on the stream.
const SyscallDisplay* last_displayed_syscall_ = nullptr;
// The stream which will receive the syscall decodings.
std::ostream& os_;
template <typename Type>
void Access<Type>::Display(SyscallDisplayDispatcher* dispatcher, SyscallDecoder* decoder,
std::string_view name, std::ostream& os) const {
const Colors& colors = dispatcher->colors();
os << name;
DisplayType(colors, GetSyscallType(), os);
if (ValueValid(decoder)) {
DisplayValue<Type>(colors, GetSyscallType(), Value(decoder), /*hexa=*/false, os);
} else {
os << << "(nullptr)" << colors.reset;
} // namespace fidlcat