blob: a421a85759cc86dd4c46b9e47a9e73d7008a65db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <src/lib/fxl/logging.h>
#include "src/virtualization/lib/guest_interaction/client/client_operation_state.h"
#include "test_lib.h"
#include <grpc++/grpc++.h>
// Client Get State Machine Test Cases
// 1. Client requests a file that does not exist on the server.
// 2. Client requests a file that is sent unfragmented.
// 3. Client requests a file that is sent as multiple fragments.
// 4. Client fails to open the copy of the file.
// 5. Client fails to write to the copy of the file.
// 6. Server immediately hangs up on client at start of transfer.
TEST_F(AsyncEndToEndTest, GetMissingFile) {
// Accounting bits for managing CompletionQueue state.
void* tag;
bool cq_status;
// Create a service that can accept incoming Get requests.
GetRequest incoming_request;
grpc::ServerContext srv_ctx;
grpc::ServerAsyncWriter<GetResponse> response_writer(&srv_ctx);
service_->RequestGet(&srv_ctx, &incoming_request, &response_writer, server_cq_.get(),
server_cq_.get(), this);
// Create components required to perform a client Get request.
OperationStatus operation_status = OperationStatus::OK;
GetRequest get_request;
uint32_t fake_fd = 0;
GetCallData<FakePlatform>* client_call_data = new GetCallData<FakePlatform>(
fake_fd, [&operation_status](OperationStatus status) { operation_status = status; });
client_call_data->reader_ =
stub_->AsyncGet(&(client_call_data->ctx_), get_request, client_cq_.get(), client_call_data);
// Wait for the request to go out.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server CompletionQueue should get the client request.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
GetResponse outgoing_response;
response_writer.Write(outgoing_response, nullptr);
// Client should get the server's message and then wait for the server to
// call Finish.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server finishes.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
response_writer.Finish(grpc::Status::OK, nullptr);
// Client gets final status from server, runs the callback, and then
// deletes itself.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// The client sets the operation status in the callback.
ASSERT_EQ(operation_status, OperationStatus::SERVER_MISSING_FILE_FAILURE);
TEST_F(AsyncEndToEndTest, SmallFile) {
// Accounting bits for managing CompletionQueue state.
void* tag;
bool cq_status;
// Create a service that can accept incoming Get requests.
GetRequest incoming_request;
grpc::ServerContext srv_ctx;
grpc::ServerAsyncWriter<GetResponse> response_writer(&srv_ctx);
service_->RequestGet(&srv_ctx, &incoming_request, &response_writer, server_cq_.get(),
server_cq_.get(), this);
// Create components required to perform a client Get request.
OperationStatus operation_status = OperationStatus::GRPC_FAILURE;
GetRequest get_request;
uint32_t fake_fd = 0;
GetCallData<FakePlatform>* client_call_data = new GetCallData<FakePlatform>(
fake_fd, [&operation_status](OperationStatus status) { operation_status = status; });
client_call_data->reader_ =
stub_->AsyncGet(&(client_call_data->ctx_), get_request, client_cq_.get(), client_call_data);
// Wait for the request to go out.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// The mock will notify the client that all writes are successful.
// Server CompletionQueue should get the client request.
// Send back a short message.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
GetResponse outgoing_response;
outgoing_response.set_data("Small file contents");
response_writer.Write(outgoing_response, nullptr);
// Client should get the server's message and then wait for the server to
// send more data.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server finishes, indicating that there is no more data.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
response_writer.Finish(grpc::Status::OK, nullptr);
// Client should get a bad status from the queue and then wait for the query
// of the finish status.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Client gets final status, runs the callback, and then deletes itself.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// The client sets the operation status in the callback.
ASSERT_EQ(operation_status, OperationStatus::OK);
TEST_F(AsyncEndToEndTest, LargeFile) {
// Accounting bits for managing CompletionQueue state.
void* tag;
bool cq_status;
// Create a service that can accept incoming Get requests.
GetRequest incoming_request;
grpc::ServerContext srv_ctx;
grpc::ServerAsyncWriter<GetResponse> response_writer(&srv_ctx);
service_->RequestGet(&srv_ctx, &incoming_request, &response_writer, server_cq_.get(),
server_cq_.get(), this);
// Create components required to perform a client Get request.
OperationStatus operation_status = OperationStatus::GRPC_FAILURE;
GetRequest get_request;
uint32_t fake_fd = 0;
GetCallData<FakePlatform>* client_call_data = new GetCallData<FakePlatform>(
fake_fd, [&operation_status](OperationStatus status) { operation_status = status; });
client_call_data->reader_ =
stub_->AsyncGet(&(client_call_data->ctx_), get_request, client_cq_.get(), client_call_data);
// Wait for the request to go out.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// The mock will notify the client that all writes are successful.
// Server CompletionQueue should get the client request.
// Send back a short message.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
GetResponse outgoing_response;
outgoing_response.set_data("large file contents");
response_writer.Write(outgoing_response, nullptr);
// Client should get the server's message and then wait for the server to
// send more data.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server CompletionQueue should get the client request.
// Send back a short message.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
outgoing_response.set_data("large file contents");
response_writer.Write(outgoing_response, nullptr);
// Client should get the server's message and then wait for the server to
// send more data.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server finishes, indicating that there is no more data.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
response_writer.Finish(grpc::Status::OK, nullptr);
// Client should get a bad status from the queue and then wait for the query
// the finish status.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Client gets final status, runs the callback, and then deletes itself.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// The client sets the operation status in the callback.
ASSERT_EQ(operation_status, OperationStatus::OK);
TEST_F(AsyncEndToEndTest, BrokenWrite) {
// Accounting bits for managing CompletionQueue state.
void* tag;
bool cq_status;
// Create a service that can accept incoming Get requests.
GetRequest incoming_request;
grpc::ServerContext srv_ctx;
grpc::ServerAsyncWriter<GetResponse> response_writer(&srv_ctx);
service_->RequestGet(&srv_ctx, &incoming_request, &response_writer, server_cq_.get(),
server_cq_.get(), this);
// Create components required to perform a client Get request.
OperationStatus operation_status = OperationStatus::GRPC_FAILURE;
GetRequest get_request;
uint32_t fake_fd = 0;
GetCallData<FakePlatform>* client_call_data = new GetCallData<FakePlatform>(
fake_fd, [&operation_status](OperationStatus status) { operation_status = status; });
client_call_data->reader_ =
stub_->AsyncGet(&(client_call_data->ctx_), get_request, client_cq_.get(), client_call_data);
// Wait for the request to go out.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// The mock will notify the client that write has failed.
// Server CompletionQueue should get the client request.
// Send back a short message.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
GetResponse outgoing_response;
outgoing_response.set_data("Small file contents");
response_writer.Write(outgoing_response, nullptr);
// Client should get the server's message, fail to write, and then finish.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server finishes, indicating that there is no more data.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
response_writer.Finish(grpc::Status::OK, nullptr);
// Client finishes and deletes itself.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// The client sets the operation status in the callback.
ASSERT_EQ(operation_status, OperationStatus::CLIENT_FILE_WRITE_FAILURE);
TEST_F(AsyncEndToEndTest, GrpcFailure) {
// Accounting bits for managing CompletionQueue state.
void* tag;
bool cq_status;
// Create a service that can accept incoming Get requests.
GetRequest incoming_request;
grpc::ServerContext srv_ctx;
grpc::ServerAsyncWriter<GetResponse> response_writer(&srv_ctx);
service_->RequestGet(&srv_ctx, &incoming_request, &response_writer, server_cq_.get(),
server_cq_.get(), this);
// Create components required to perform a client Get request.
OperationStatus operation_status = OperationStatus::GRPC_FAILURE;
GetRequest get_request;
uint32_t fake_fd = 0;
GetCallData<FakePlatform>* client_call_data = new GetCallData<FakePlatform>(
fake_fd, [&operation_status](OperationStatus status) { operation_status = status; });
client_call_data->reader_ =
stub_->AsyncGet(&(client_call_data->ctx_), get_request, client_cq_.get(), client_call_data);
// Wait for the request to go out and then tell the client that it was
// unsuccessful.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server finishes, indicating that there is no more data.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
response_writer.Finish(grpc::Status::OK, nullptr);
// Client finishes and deletes itself.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// The client sets the operation status in the callback.
ASSERT_EQ(operation_status, OperationStatus::GRPC_FAILURE);
// Client Put State Machine Test Cases
// 1. Client fails to read from the open file.
// 2. The file to be pushed is sent in a single fragment.
// 3. The file to be pushed is sent in multiple fragments.
// 4. gRPC fails while the client is transferring the file.
TEST_F(AsyncEndToEndTest, PutReadFails) {
// Accounting bits for managing CompletionQueue state.
void* tag;
bool cq_status;
// Create a service that can accept incoming Get requests.
OperationStatus operation_status;
grpc::ServerContext srv_ctx;
grpc::ServerAsyncReader<PutResponse, PutRequest> request_reader(&srv_ctx);
service_->RequestPut(&srv_ctx, &request_reader, server_cq_.get(), server_cq_.get(), this);
// Create components required to perform a client Put request.
int32_t fake_fd = 0;
PutCallData<FakePlatform>* client_call_data = new PutCallData<FakePlatform>(
fake_fd, "/some/dest",
[&operation_status](OperationStatus status) { operation_status = status; });
client_call_data->writer_ =
stub_->AsyncPut(&(client_call_data->ctx_), &(client_call_data->response_), client_cq_.get(),
// Server should get the client request.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
PutRequest put_request;
request_reader.Read(&put_request, nullptr);
// Set the mock up to inform the client that the source file exists but
// fails to open.
// Wait for the request to go out.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server CompletionQueue should get the client's finish message.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
PutResponse put_response;
request_reader.Finish(put_response, grpc::Status::OK, nullptr);
// Client should get the server's finish message and delete itself.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// The client sets the operation status in the callback.
ASSERT_EQ(operation_status, OperationStatus::CLIENT_FILE_READ_FAILURE);
TEST_F(AsyncEndToEndTest, PutOneFragment) {
// Accounting bits for managing CompletionQueue state.
void* tag;
bool cq_status;
// Create a service that can accept incoming Get requests.
OperationStatus operation_status;
grpc::ServerContext srv_ctx;
grpc::ServerAsyncReader<PutResponse, PutRequest> request_reader(&srv_ctx);
service_->RequestPut(&srv_ctx, &request_reader, server_cq_.get(), server_cq_.get(), this);
// Create components required to perform a client Put request.
int32_t fake_fd = 0;
PutCallData<FakePlatform>* client_call_data = new PutCallData<FakePlatform>(
fake_fd, "/some/dest",
[&operation_status](OperationStatus status) { operation_status = status; });
client_call_data->writer_ =
stub_->AsyncPut(&(client_call_data->ctx_), &(client_call_data->response_), client_cq_.get(),
// Server should get the client request.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
PutRequest put_request;
request_reader.Read(&put_request, nullptr);
// Set the mock up to inform the client that the source file exists but
// fails to open.
// Wait for the request to go out.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server CompletionQueue should get the client's message and request another
// file fragment.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
request_reader.Read(&put_request, nullptr);
// Client hits the end of the file and finishes.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server gets the finish and finishes with the client.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
PutResponse put_response;
request_reader.Finish(put_response, grpc::Status::OK, nullptr);
// Client should get the server's finish message and delete itself.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// The client sets the operation status in the callback.
ASSERT_EQ(operation_status, OperationStatus::OK);
TEST_F(AsyncEndToEndTest, PutMultipleFragments) {
// Accounting bits for managing CompletionQueue state.
void* tag;
bool cq_status;
// Create a service that can accept incoming Get requests.
OperationStatus operation_status;
grpc::ServerContext srv_ctx;
grpc::ServerAsyncReader<PutResponse, PutRequest> request_reader(&srv_ctx);
service_->RequestPut(&srv_ctx, &request_reader, server_cq_.get(), server_cq_.get(), this);
// Create components required to perform a client Put request.
int32_t fake_fd = 0;
PutCallData<FakePlatform>* client_call_data = new PutCallData<FakePlatform>(
fake_fd, "/some/dest",
[&operation_status](OperationStatus status) { operation_status = status; });
client_call_data->writer_ =
stub_->AsyncPut(&(client_call_data->ctx_), &(client_call_data->response_), client_cq_.get(),
// Server should get the client request.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
PutRequest put_request;
request_reader.Read(&put_request, nullptr);
// Set the mock up to inform the client that the source file exists but
// fails to open.
// Wait for the request to go out.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server CompletionQueue should get the client's message and request another
// file fragment.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
request_reader.Read(&put_request, nullptr);
// Send a second file fragment.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server CompletionQueue should get the client's message and request another
// file fragment.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
request_reader.Read(&put_request, nullptr);
// Client hits the end of the file and writes done.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server gets the finish and finishes with the client.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
PutResponse put_response;
request_reader.Finish(put_response, grpc::Status::OK, nullptr);
// Client should get the server's finish message and delete itself.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// The client sets the operation status in the callback.
ASSERT_EQ(operation_status, OperationStatus::OK);
TEST_F(AsyncEndToEndTest, PutGrpcFailure) {
// Accounting bits for managing CompletionQueue state.
void* tag;
bool cq_status;
// Create a service that can accept incoming Get requests.
OperationStatus operation_status;
grpc::ServerContext srv_ctx;
grpc::ServerAsyncReader<PutResponse, PutRequest> request_reader(&srv_ctx);
service_->RequestPut(&srv_ctx, &request_reader, server_cq_.get(), server_cq_.get(), this);
// Create components required to perform a client Put request.
int32_t fake_fd = 0;
PutCallData<FakePlatform>* client_call_data = new PutCallData<FakePlatform>(
fake_fd, "/some/dest",
[&operation_status](OperationStatus status) { operation_status = status; });
client_call_data->writer_ =
stub_->AsyncPut(&(client_call_data->ctx_), &(client_call_data->response_), client_cq_.get(),
// Server should get the client request.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
PutRequest put_request;
request_reader.Read(&put_request, nullptr);
// Set the mock up to inform the client that the source file exists but
// fails to open.
// Wait for the request to go out.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server CompletionQueue should get the client's message.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
request_reader.Read(&put_request, nullptr);
// Inject a gRPC failure into the client procedure.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// The client sets the operation status in the callback.
ASSERT_EQ(operation_status, OperationStatus::GRPC_FAILURE);
// Client Exec State Machine Tests
// 1. gRPC connection immediately fails.
// 2. stdin is successfully sent to the child until the stdin source is
// exhausted.
// 3. Server sends stdout/stderr and then terminates the transfer.
TEST_F(AsyncEndToEndTest, Client_Exec_ImmediateFailure) {
// Accounting bits for managing CompletionQueue state.
void* tag;
bool cq_status;
// Create a service that can accept incoming Exec requests.
OperationStatus operation_status;
int32_t return_code;
grpc::ServerContext srv_ctx;
grpc::ServerAsyncReaderWriter<ExecResponse, ExecRequest> rw(&srv_ctx);
service_->RequestExec(&srv_ctx, &rw, server_cq_.get(), server_cq_.get(), this);
// Create components required to perform a client Exec request.
std::string test_argv = "echo hello";
std::map<std::string, std::string> empty_env;
ExecCallData<FakePlatform>* client_call_data = new ExecCallData<FakePlatform>(
test_argv, empty_env, 0, 1, 2,
[&operation_status, &return_code](OperationStatus status, int32_t ret_code) {
operation_status = status;
return_code = ret_code;
client_call_data->rw_ =
stub_->AsyncExec(client_call_data->ctx_.get(), client_cq_.get(), client_call_data);
// Server should get the new stub request.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Inject a failure into the client.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// The client sets the operation status in the callback.
ASSERT_EQ(operation_status, OperationStatus::GRPC_FAILURE);
TEST_F(AsyncEndToEndTest, Client_ExecWrite_Test) {
// Accounting bits for managing CompletionQueue state.
void* tag;
bool cq_status;
// Create a service that can accept incoming Exec requests.
grpc::ServerContext srv_ctx;
std::shared_ptr<grpc::ClientContext> cli_ctx = std::make_shared<grpc::ClientContext>();
grpc::ServerAsyncReaderWriter<ExecResponse, ExecRequest> srv_rw(&srv_ctx);
std::shared_ptr<grpc::ClientAsyncReaderWriter<ExecRequest, ExecResponse>> cli_rw;
service_->RequestExec(&srv_ctx, &srv_rw, server_cq_.get(), server_cq_.get(), this);
// Create components required to perform a client Exec request.
std::string empty_argv = "echo hello";
std::vector<ExecEnv> empty_env;
ExecWriteCallData<FakePlatform>* client_call_data;
cli_rw = stub_->AsyncExec(cli_ctx.get(), client_cq_.get(), &client_call_data);
// Clear the initial event that is generated by the stub creation. This
// would normally be handled by the top-level ExecCallData.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
client_call_data = new ExecWriteCallData<FakePlatform>(empty_argv, empty_env, 0, cli_ctx, cli_rw);
// Server should get the new stub request and begin reading.
ExecRequest exec_request;
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
srv_rw.Read(&exec_request, nullptr);
// Client should read successfully from stdin and send a message to the
// server.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server should continue reading.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
srv_rw.Read(&exec_request, nullptr);
// Client should hit end of file on stdin.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Server should finish.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
srv_rw.Finish(grpc::Status::OK, nullptr);
// Client should get the finish message and delete itself.
int32_t initial_use_count = cli_rw.use_count();
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
int32_t final_use_count = cli_rw.use_count();
// The component that writes stdin silently deletes itself. The read
// component is responsible for reporting final status. Check the shared_ptr
// reference count to ensure that the client has deleted itself.
ASSERT_LT(final_use_count, initial_use_count);
TEST_F(AsyncEndToEndTest, Client_ExecRead_Test) {
// Accounting bits for managing CompletionQueue state.
void* tag;
bool cq_status;
// Create a service that can accept incoming Exec requests.
OperationStatus operation_status;
int32_t return_code;
grpc::ServerContext srv_ctx;
std::shared_ptr<grpc::ClientContext> cli_ctx = std::make_shared<grpc::ClientContext>();
grpc::ServerAsyncReaderWriter<ExecResponse, ExecRequest> srv_rw(&srv_ctx);
std::shared_ptr<grpc::ClientAsyncReaderWriter<ExecRequest, ExecResponse>> cli_rw;
service_->RequestExec(&srv_ctx, &srv_rw, server_cq_.get(), server_cq_.get(), this);
// Create components required to perform a client Exec request.
ExecReadCallData<FakePlatform>* client_call_data;
cli_rw = stub_->AsyncExec(cli_ctx.get(), client_cq_.get(), &client_call_data);
// Clear the inital event that is generated by the stub creation. This would
// normally be handled by the top-level ExecCallData.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
client_call_data = new ExecReadCallData<FakePlatform>(
0, 0, cli_ctx, cli_rw,
[&operation_status, &return_code](OperationStatus status, int32_t ret_code) {
operation_status = status;
return_code = ret_code;
// Server should get the new stub request and immediately finish.
server_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
int32_t ret_code = 1234;
ExecResponse exec_response;
srv_rw.WriteAndFinish(exec_response, grpc::WriteOptions(), grpc::Status::OK, nullptr);
// Client should get the message.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Client should get the finish message.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// Client should run the callback and clean up.
client_cq_->Next(&tag, &cq_status);
// The client sets the operation status in the callback.
ASSERT_EQ(operation_status, OperationStatus::OK);
ASSERT_EQ(return_code, ret_code);