blob: 04bfc30be38261aabd1c988f3eb88af6130a6575 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/modular/testing/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fsl/vmo/strings.h>
#include <lib/modular_test_harness/cpp/fake_module.h>
#include <lib/modular_test_harness/cpp/test_harness_fixture.h>
#include <src/lib/fxl/logging.h>
namespace {
// The name of the intent parameter which contains a string which the second
// module is to append to its signal.
constexpr char kIntentParameterName[] = "intent_parameter";
// The initial module's intent parameter data. This needs to be JSON formatted.
constexpr char kInitialIntentParameterData[] = "\"initial\"";
constexpr char kModuleName[] = "mod_name";
constexpr char kStoryName[] = "story";
constexpr char kIntentAction[] = "action";
class IntentsTest : public modular::testing::TestHarnessFixture {
void SetUp() override {
number_of_intents_handled_ = 0;
test_module_ =
std::make_unique<modular::testing::FakeModule>([this](fuchsia::modular::Intent intent) {
latest_handled_intent_ = std::move(intent);
test_module_url_ = modular_testing::TestHarnessBuilder::GenerateFakeUrl();
{.url = test_module_url_,
.sandbox_services = modular::testing::FakeModule::GetSandboxServices()});
// Create an Intent with the given handler, parameter name, and parameter
// data.
fuchsia::modular::Intent CreateIntent(std::string handler, std::string parameter_name,
std::string parameter_data) {
fuchsia::modular::Intent intent;
intent.handler = handler;
intent.action = kIntentAction;
fuchsia::modular::IntentParameter intent_parameter; = parameter_name; = fuchsia::modular::IntentParameterData();
fsl::SizedVmo vmo;
FXL_CHECK(fsl::VmoFromString(parameter_data, &vmo));;
return intent;
// Starts a second module by calling AddModuleToStory() using the
// ModuleContext of the original module. The intent is expected to be handled
// by the original module if the modules' intent handlers match.
void AddModuleToStory(fuchsia::modular::ModuleContext* const module_context,
fuchsia::modular::Intent intent,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::modular::ModuleController> request,
bool* started) {
kModuleName, std::move(intent), std::move(request), nullptr,
[started](const fuchsia::modular::StartModuleStatus) mutable { *started = true; });
// Checks that the given intent's paramter name and data matches expectations.
bool IntentMatchesExpectations(fuchsia::modular::Intent* intent, std::string expected_param_name,
std::string expected_param_data) {
for (const auto& parameter : *intent->parameters) {
if ( {
if ( == expected_param_name) {
std::string parameter_data;
FXL_CHECK(fsl::StringFromVmo(, &parameter_data));
if (expected_param_data == parameter_data) {
return true;
return false;
int number_of_intents_handled_;
std::unique_ptr<modular::testing::FakeModule> test_module_;
modular_testing::TestHarnessBuilder builder_;
std::string test_module_url_;
fuchsia::modular::Intent latest_handled_intent_;
// Launches a single module with an intent. Checks that the module exposes an
// intent handler and gets notified of the intent by the framework.
TEST_F(IntentsTest, ModuleUsesIntentHandler) {
// Launch initial module
auto initial_module_intent =
CreateIntent(test_module_url_, kIntentParameterName, kInitialIntentParameterData);
modular::testing::AddModToStory(test_harness(), kStoryName, kModuleName,
RunLoopUntil([&] { return number_of_intents_handled_ == 1; });
// Check that the intent handler received the intent
EXPECT_TRUE(IntentMatchesExpectations(&latest_handled_intent_, kIntentParameterName,
// Launches a module that exposes an intent handler service then tests that a
// second intent sent to an already running module with the same parameters but
// different data notifies the intent handler of the new intent.
TEST_F(IntentsTest, ReuseIntentHandlerSameParamName) {
// Launch initial module
auto initial_module_intent =
CreateIntent(test_module_url_, kIntentParameterName, kInitialIntentParameterData);
modular::testing::AddModToStory(test_harness(), kStoryName, kModuleName,
RunLoopUntil([&] { return number_of_intents_handled_ == 1; });
// Launch second module using first module's |module_context|
fuchsia::modular::ModuleControllerPtr second_module_controller;
bool module_started{false};
// Use different param data
auto second_module_param_data = "\"second_module_param_data\"";
CreateIntent(test_module_url_, kIntentParameterName, second_module_param_data),
second_module_controller.NewRequest(), &module_started);
RunLoopUntil([&] { return number_of_intents_handled_ == 2; });
EXPECT_TRUE(IntentMatchesExpectations(&latest_handled_intent_, kIntentParameterName,
// Launches a module that exposes an intent handler service then tests that a
// second intent with different parameters is delivered to to the already
// running intent handler.
TEST_F(IntentsTest, ReuseIntentHandlerDifferentParam) {
// Launch initial module
auto initial_module_intent =
CreateIntent(test_module_url_, kIntentParameterName, kInitialIntentParameterData);
modular::testing::AddModToStory(test_harness(), kStoryName, kModuleName,
RunLoopUntil([&] { return number_of_intents_handled_ == 1; });
// Launch second module using first module's |module_context|
fuchsia::modular::ModuleControllerPtr second_module_controller;
bool module_started{false};
// Use different param name and data
auto second_module_param_name = "second_param_name";
auto second_module_param_data = "\"second_module_param_data\"";
CreateIntent(test_module_url_, second_module_param_name, second_module_param_data),
second_module_controller.NewRequest(), &module_started);
RunLoopUntil([&] { return number_of_intents_handled_ == 2; });
EXPECT_TRUE(IntentMatchesExpectations(&latest_handled_intent_, second_module_param_name,
// Launches a module that exposes an intent handler service then tests that a
// second intent with different handler is not delivered to the running
// intent handler.
TEST_F(IntentsTest, DifferentHandler) {
// Launch initial module
auto initial_module_intent =
CreateIntent(test_module_url_, kIntentParameterName, kInitialIntentParameterData);
modular::testing::AddModToStory(test_harness(), kStoryName, kModuleName,
RunLoopUntil([&] { return number_of_intents_handled_ == 1; });
// Launch second module using first module's |module_context|
fuchsia::modular::ModuleControllerPtr second_module_controller;
bool module_started{false};
// Use different handler
auto different_module_url = modular_testing::TestHarnessBuilder::GenerateFakeUrl();
auto different_intent_param_name = "different_param_name";
auto different_intent_param_data = "\"different_param_data\"";
auto different_intent =
CreateIntent(different_module_url, different_intent_param_name, different_intent_param_data);
AddModuleToStory(test_module_->module_context(), std::move(different_intent),
second_module_controller.NewRequest(), &module_started);
RunLoopUntil([&] { return module_started; });
// Check that the intercepted_module_'s latest handled intent matches the
// initial module
EXPECT_TRUE(IntentMatchesExpectations(&latest_handled_intent_, kIntentParameterName,
} // namespace