blob: f7c91eb853e990d5fa2a7bcb2ebf3a841dacbb33 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/modular/testing/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/modular_test_harness/cpp/test_harness_fixture.h>
#include "fuchsia/modular/session/cpp/fidl.h"
namespace {
const std::string kTestAgentUrl(
const std::string kTestServiceName(fuchsia::modular::Clipboard::Name_);
// Configuration for testing |ComponentContext| ConnectToAgentService().
struct ConnectToAgentServiceTestConfig {
// The map of |service_name|->|agent_url| used to look up a service
// handler |agent_url| by name.
std::map<std::string, std::string> service_to_agent_map;
// If true, include the service_name in the |AgentServiceRequest|.
// This is required for a successful connection.
bool provide_service_name = false;
// If true, include the specific handler (agent URL) in the
// |AgentServiceRequest|. This is *not* required for a successful connection.
bool provide_handler = false;
// If true, include the service client-side channel in the
// |AgentServiceRequest|. This is required for a successful connection.
bool provide_channel = false;
// If true, include the |AgentController| in the |AgentServiceRequest|.
// This is required for a successful connection.
bool provide_agent_controller = false;
template <typename Interface>
fuchsia::modular::AgentServiceRequest MakeAgentServiceRequest(
std::string service_name, Interface service_request,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::modular::AgentController> agent_controller) {
fuchsia::modular::AgentServiceRequest agent_service_request;
if (provide_service_name) {
if (provide_handler) {
if (provide_channel) {
if (provide_agent_controller) {
return agent_service_request;
// Expected test results.
struct ConnectToAgentServiceExpect {
// If true, the test should connect to the test agent and the requested
// named service, send a test value, "peek" at the current value, and verify
// the value is the same.
bool got_peek_content = false;
// If set to an error code, the service channel should receive the given
// error.
zx_status_t service_status = ZX_OK;
class AgentServicesTest : public modular::testing::TestHarnessFixture {
fuchsia::modular::ComponentContextPtr StartTestHarness(
ConnectToAgentServiceTestConfig test_config) {
fuchsia::modular::testing::TestHarnessSpec spec;
std::vector<fuchsia::modular::session::AgentServiceIndexEntry> agent_service_index;
for (const auto& entry : test_config.service_to_agent_map) {
fuchsia::modular::session::AgentServiceIndexEntry agent_service;
// Create a new story -- this should auto-start the story (because of
// test_session_shell's behaviour), and launch a new story shell.
fuchsia::modular::ComponentContextPtr component_context;
fuchsia::modular::testing::ModularService modular_service;
return component_context;
// Called by test functions to test various input configurations.
// |test_config| Input configurations and setup options.
// |expect| Expected results to compare to actual results for the test to
// confirm.
void ExecuteConnectToAgentServiceTest(ConnectToAgentServiceTestConfig test_config,
ConnectToAgentServiceExpect expect) {
const std::string kTestContent("Test clipboard content");
fuchsia::modular::ComponentContextPtr component_context = StartTestHarness(test_config);
// Client-side service pointer
fuchsia::modular::ClipboardPtr clipboard_service_ptr;
auto service_name = clipboard_service_ptr->Name_;
auto service_request = clipboard_service_ptr.NewRequest();
zx_status_t service_status = ZX_OK;
[&service_status](zx_status_t status) { service_status = status; });
// standard AgentController initialization
fuchsia::modular::AgentControllerPtr agent_controller;
zx_status_t agent_controller_status = ZX_OK;
[&agent_controller_status](zx_status_t status) { agent_controller_status = status; });
auto agent_service_request = test_config.MakeAgentServiceRequest(
service_name, std::move(service_request), agent_controller.NewRequest());
bool got_peek_content = false;
clipboard_service_ptr->Peek([&](fidl::StringPtr content) {
got_peek_content = true;
EXPECT_EQ(content.value(), kTestContent);
RunLoopUntil([&] {
return got_peek_content || service_status != ZX_OK ||
(expect.service_status == ZX_OK && agent_controller_status != ZX_OK);
// The order of error callbacks is non-deterministic. If checking for a
// specific service error, wait for it.
EXPECT_EQ(got_peek_content, expect.got_peek_content);
EXPECT_EQ(service_status, expect.service_status);
// Ensure Session Manager's ConnectToAgentService can successfully find an
// agent for a given session name, and connect to that agent's service.
TEST_F(AgentServicesTest, ValidAndSuccessfulOneEntry) {
ConnectToAgentServiceTestConfig test_config;
test_config.provide_service_name = true;
test_config.provide_channel = true;
test_config.provide_agent_controller = true;
test_config.service_to_agent_map = {
{kTestServiceName, kTestAgentUrl},
ConnectToAgentServiceExpect expect;
expect.got_peek_content = true;
ExecuteConnectToAgentServiceTest(test_config, expect);
// Find agent and service successfully among multiple index entries.
TEST_F(AgentServicesTest, ValidAndSuccessfulMultipleEntries) {
ConnectToAgentServiceTestConfig test_config;
test_config.provide_service_name = true;
test_config.provide_channel = true;
test_config.provide_agent_controller = true;
test_config.service_to_agent_map = {
{kTestServiceName, kTestAgentUrl},
ConnectToAgentServiceExpect expect;
expect.got_peek_content = true;
ExecuteConnectToAgentServiceTest(test_config, expect);
// Find service successfully, from a specific handler. The index specifies this
// agent as the default handler, but should not be necessary.
TEST_F(AgentServicesTest, SpecificHandlerProvidedHasService) {
ConnectToAgentServiceTestConfig test_config;
test_config.provide_service_name = true;
test_config.provide_handler = true;
test_config.provide_channel = true;
test_config.provide_agent_controller = true;
test_config.service_to_agent_map = {
{kTestServiceName, kTestAgentUrl},
ConnectToAgentServiceExpect expect;
expect.got_peek_content = true;
ExecuteConnectToAgentServiceTest(test_config, expect);
// Find service successfully, from a specific handler. The index does not
// include the requested service, but it should not be needed since the
// handler is specified.
TEST_F(AgentServicesTest, SpecificHandlerProvidedHasServiceButNotInIndex) {
ConnectToAgentServiceTestConfig test_config;
test_config.provide_service_name = true;
test_config.provide_handler = true;
test_config.provide_channel = true;
test_config.provide_agent_controller = true;
test_config.service_to_agent_map = {
ConnectToAgentServiceExpect expect;
expect.got_peek_content = true;
ExecuteConnectToAgentServiceTest(test_config, expect);
// Find service successfully, from a specific handler. The index specifies
// a different agent as the handler, but that agent should not be used since
// a specific agent was specified.
TEST_F(AgentServicesTest, SpecificHandlerProvidedHasServiceButIndexHasDifferentHandler) {
ConnectToAgentServiceTestConfig test_config;
test_config.provide_service_name = true;
test_config.provide_handler = true;
test_config.provide_channel = true;
test_config.provide_agent_controller = true;
test_config.service_to_agent_map = {
{kTestServiceName, "fuchsia-pkg://"},
ConnectToAgentServiceExpect expect;
expect.got_peek_content = true;
ExecuteConnectToAgentServiceTest(test_config, expect);
// Bad request
TEST_F(AgentServicesTest, NoServiceNameProvided) {
ConnectToAgentServiceTestConfig test_config;
// test_config.provide_service_name = true;
test_config.provide_channel = true;
test_config.provide_agent_controller = true;
test_config.service_to_agent_map = {
ConnectToAgentServiceExpect expect;
expect.service_status = ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED;
ExecuteConnectToAgentServiceTest(test_config, expect);
// Bad request
TEST_F(AgentServicesTest, NoChannelProvided) {
ConnectToAgentServiceTestConfig test_config;
test_config.provide_service_name = true;
// test_config.provide_channel = true;
test_config.provide_agent_controller = true;
ConnectToAgentServiceExpect expect;
expect.service_status = ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED;
ExecuteConnectToAgentServiceTest(test_config, expect);
// Bad request
TEST_F(AgentServicesTest, NoAgentControllerProvided) {
ConnectToAgentServiceTestConfig test_config;
test_config.provide_service_name = true;
test_config.provide_channel = true;
// test_config.provide_agent_controller = true;
ConnectToAgentServiceExpect expect;
expect.service_status = ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED;
ExecuteConnectToAgentServiceTest(test_config, expect);
// Attempt to look up the agent based on the service name, but it is not in
// the index.
TEST_F(AgentServicesTest, NoHandlerForService) {
ConnectToAgentServiceTestConfig test_config;
test_config.provide_service_name = true;
test_config.provide_channel = true;
test_config.provide_agent_controller = true;
ConnectToAgentServiceExpect expect;
expect.service_status = ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND;
ExecuteConnectToAgentServiceTest(test_config, expect);
} // namespace