blob: 387933b1137217a44490883779ecb2d569701943 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Sine player is a simple media player that plays a sine wave and publishes
//! its media session with the Media Session API.
//! Sine player is an example of how a player can publish their media session so
//! other components on the system can observe its status and send it controls.
//! Commentary is written starting in main and follows control flow.
//! run `fx shell mediasession_cli_tool` and then start some of these players
//! with
//! `fx shell run fuchsia-pkg://` to
//! see how it works.
#![recursion_limit = "256"]
use byteorder::{ByteOrder, NativeEndian};
use failure::{Error, ResultExt};
use fidl::endpoints::{create_endpoints, ServerEnd};
use fidl_fuchsia_media::{
AudioMarker, AudioRendererProxy, AudioSampleFormat, AudioStreamType, Metadata, Property,
StreamPacket, TimelineFunction, METADATA_LABEL_ARTIST, NO_TIMESTAMP,
use fidl_fuchsia_media_sessions::*;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_component as component;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
use futures::{select, FutureExt, StreamExt, TryFutureExt, TryStreamExt};
use std::f32;
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
// In this section we just prepare a buffer with sine wave data to pump into an
// audio renderer. This is just a simple audio output you can hear; if you are
// looking for examples for the audio services, try the "simple_sine" example
// apart from this.
const FRAME_RATE: f32 = 48000.0;
const PAYLOAD_COUNT: usize = 100;
const PAYLOAD_SIZE: usize = FRAMES_PER_PAYLOAD * std::mem::size_of::<f32>();
const FREQUENCY: f32 = 439.0;
const AMPLITUDE: f32 = 0.125;
fn load_sine_wave(frequency: f32, amplitude: f32, renderer: &AudioRendererProxy) -> Result<()> {
let buffer_size = PAYLOAD_SIZE * PAYLOAD_COUNT;
let vmo = zx::Vmo::create_with_opts(
zx::sys::ZX_RIGHT_READ | zx::sys::ZX_RIGHT_WRITE | zx::sys::ZX_RIGHT_TRANSFER,
buffer_size as u64,
let value =
amplitude * (frequency * (frame as f32) * 2.0 * f32::consts::PI / FRAME_RATE).sin();
let mut value_bytes = [0; std::mem::size_of::<f32>()];
NativeEndian::write_f32(&mut value_bytes, value);
vmo.write(&value_bytes, (frame * std::mem::size_of::<f32>()) as u64)?;
renderer.add_payload_buffer(0, vmo)?;
renderer.set_pcm_stream_type(&mut AudioStreamType {
sample_format: AudioSampleFormat::Float,
channels: 1,
frames_per_second: FRAME_RATE as u32,
fn sine_wave_payload(i: usize) -> StreamPacket {
let i = i % PAYLOAD_COUNT;
StreamPacket {
payload_buffer_id: 0,
payload_offset: (i * PAYLOAD_SIZE) as u64,
payload_size: PAYLOAD_SIZE as u64,
buffer_config: 0,
stream_segment_id: 0,
flags: 0,
fn renderer_proxy() -> Result<AudioRendererProxy> {
let audio_proxy = component::client::connect_to_service::<AudioMarker>()?;
let (renderer_client_end, renderer_server_end) = create_endpoints()?;
// TODO(turnage): Remove after FIDL-526
fn clone_playback_status(playback_status: &PlaybackStatus) -> PlaybackStatus {
PlaybackStatus {
duration: playback_status.duration,
playback_state: playback_status.playback_state,
playback_function: playback_status.playback_function.as_ref().map(|tf| TimelineFunction {
subject_time: tf.subject_time,
reference_time: tf.reference_time,
subject_delta: tf.subject_delta,
reference_delta: tf.reference_delta,
repeat_mode: playback_status.repeat_mode,
shuffle_on: playback_status.shuffle_on,
has_next_item: playback_status.has_next_item,
has_prev_item: playback_status.has_prev_item,
error: playback_status.error.as_ref().map(|e| fidl_fuchsia_media_sessions::Error {
code: e.code,
description: e.description.clone(),
// TODO(turnage): Remove after FIDL-526
fn clone_playback_capabilities(capabilities: &PlaybackCapabilities) -> PlaybackCapabilities {
PlaybackCapabilities {
flags: capabilities.flags,
supported_skip_intervals: capabilities.supported_skip_intervals.clone(),
supported_playback_rates: capabilities.supported_playback_rates.clone(),
supported_repeat_modes: capabilities.supported_repeat_modes.clone(),
custom_extensions: capabilities.custom_extensions.clone(),
/// Media Session API example begins here.
struct SinePlayer {
renderer_proxy: AudioRendererProxy,
playback_status: PlaybackStatus,
playback_capabilities: PlaybackCapabilities,
metadata: Metadata,
impl SinePlayer {
pub fn new() -> Result<Self> {
let renderer_proxy = renderer_proxy().context("Connecting to audio service.")?;
load_sine_wave(FREQUENCY, AMPLITUDE, &renderer_proxy)?;
Ok(Self {
playback_status: PlaybackStatus {
duration: Some(0),
playback_state: Some(PlaybackState::Stopped),
playback_function: Some(SinePlayer::timeline_function(PlaybackState::Stopped)),
repeat_mode: Some(RepeatMode::Single),
shuffle_on: Some(false),
has_next_item: Some(false),
has_prev_item: Some(false),
error: None,
playback_capabilities: PlaybackCapabilities {
flags: Some(
| PlaybackCapabilityFlags::Pause
| PlaybackCapabilityFlags::Stop,
supported_skip_intervals: Some(vec![]),
supported_playback_rates: Some(vec![1.0]),
supported_repeat_modes: Some(vec![RepeatMode::Single]),
custom_extensions: Some(vec![]),
metadata: Metadata {
properties: vec![Property {
label: String::from(METADATA_LABEL_ARTIST),
value: String::from("Sine"),
fn timeline_function(state: PlaybackState) -> TimelineFunction {
// Timeline functions are used to describe our playback rate and bounds.
// See the documentation for `fuchsia.mediaplayer.TimelineFunction`.
if state == PlaybackState::Playing {
TimelineFunction {
subject_time: 0,
reference_time: zx::Time::get(zx::ClockId::Monotonic).into_nanos(),
subject_delta: 1,
reference_delta: 1,
} else {
TimelineFunction {
subject_time: 0,
reference_time: 0,
subject_delta: 0,
reference_delta: 0,
fn change_playback_state(
&mut self,
handle: &SessionControlHandle,
new_state: PlaybackState,
) -> Result<()> {
let old_state = self.playback_status.playback_state;
self.playback_status.playback_state = Some(new_state);
self.playback_status.playback_function = Some(Self::timeline_function(new_state));
if self.playback_status.playback_state != old_state {
async fn serve(mut self, server_end: ServerEnd<SessionMarker>) -> Result<()> {
let (mut requests, handle) = server_end.into_stream_and_control_handle()?;
self.renderer_proxy.play_no_reply(NO_TIMESTAMP, NO_TIMESTAMP)?;
// Well behaved `fuchsia.mediasession.Session` implementations always
// send a complete picture of their status on startup. Here we send
// our playback capabilities as a player, the metadata for our media,
// and our playback status.
handle.send_on_metadata_changed(&mut self.metadata)?;
self.change_playback_state(&handle, PlaybackState::Playing)?;
let mut payload_i = 0;
let refresh_per_second: usize = 80;
let refresh_wait = zx::Duration::from_nanos(1e9 as i64 / (refresh_per_second as i64));
let payloads_per_burst = (FRAME_RATE as usize) / refresh_per_second;
let mut ticker = fasync::Interval::new(refresh_wait);
// Here we select over a timer and any incoming requests to our session.
// `refresh_per_second` times per second we update our playback based on
// the state we have.
loop {
select! {
request = requests.try_next() => {
if let Some(request) = request? {
// Media Session Service has sent us a request from one of the clients
// it is multiplexing through our one FIDL connection. We can discard
// the ones we don't advertise support for in `PlaybackCapabilities`.
match request {
SessionRequest::Play { .. } => {
self.change_playback_state(&handle, PlaybackState::Playing)?;
SessionRequest::Pause { .. } => {
self.change_playback_state(&handle, PlaybackState::Paused)?;
SessionRequest::Stop { .. } => {
self.change_playback_state(&handle, PlaybackState::Stopped)?;
_ => ()
timer = ticker.select_next_some() => {
if self.playback_status.playback_state == Some(PlaybackState::Playing) {
(payload_i..(payload_i + payloads_per_burst)).into_iter().map(
|i| Ok(self.renderer_proxy.send_packet_no_reply(&mut sine_wave_payload(i))?)
payload_i += payloads_per_burst;
} else {
// If we are not in the playing state we cease all output immediately.
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
// First thing we'll create is two endpoints for a
// `fuchsia.mediasession.Session` interface. We'll hook the server end up
// to our player and hand the client end off to the Media Session Service,
// which will be our sole client.
let (controller_client_end, controller_server_end) =
create_endpoints::<SessionMarker>().context("Creating session channels.")?;
// Here we hand the client side off to Media Session Service via
// `fuchsia.mediasession.Publisher`. The unique id we get in return can be
// used to request a client end from Media Session Service, and can be handed
// off to interested parties.
let publisher_proxy =
component::client::connect_to_service::<PublisherMarker>().context("Connecting to publisher.")?;
let session_id = publisher_proxy.publish(controller_client_end).await
.context("Publishing our session client end.")?;
println!("Registered with Media Session API. Our id is {:?}.", session_id);
// Start the player! (Commentary continues in serve().)
let player = SinePlayer::new().context("Building sine player.")?;
player.serve(controller_server_end).map_err(|e| eprintln!("{:?}", e)).map(|_| ()).await;