blob: 0e5c00e94b20e9879324119c95c9ad5fdd916c17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/tools/signal_generator/signal_generator.h"
#include <lib/async-loop/loop.h>
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace media::tools {
MediaApp::MediaApp(fit::closure quit_callback) : quit_callback_(std::move(quit_callback)) {
// Prepare for playback, submit initial data, start the presentation timeline.
void MediaApp::Run(sys::ComponentContext* app_context) {
if (!ParameterRangeChecks()) {
if (CreateMemoryMapping() != ZX_OK) {
// 24-bit buffers use 32-bit samples (lowest byte zero), and when this particular utility saves to
// .wav file, we save the entire 32 bits.
if (save_to_file_) {
if (!wav_writer_.Initialize(file_name_.c_str(),
? fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32
: (use_int16_ ? fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16
: fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT),
num_channels_, frame_rate_, sample_size_ * 8)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "WavWriter::Initialize() failed";
} else {
wav_writer_is_initialized_ = true;
if (num_packets_to_send_ > 0) {
uint32_t num_packets_to_prime =
fbl::min<uint64_t>(total_num_mapped_payloads_, num_packets_to_send_);
for (uint32_t packet_num = 0; packet_num < num_packets_to_prime; ++packet_num) {
(use_pts_ ? 0 : fuchsia::media::NO_TIMESTAMP));
} else {
bool MediaApp::ParameterRangeChecks() {
bool ret_val = true;
if (num_channels_ < fuchsia::media::MIN_PCM_CHANNEL_COUNT) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Number of channels must be at least "
<< fuchsia::media::MIN_PCM_CHANNEL_COUNT;
ret_val = false;
if (num_channels_ > fuchsia::media::MAX_PCM_CHANNEL_COUNT) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Number of channels must be no greater than "
<< fuchsia::media::MAX_PCM_CHANNEL_COUNT;
ret_val = false;
if (frame_rate_ < fuchsia::media::MIN_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Frame rate must be at least " << fuchsia::media::MIN_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND;
ret_val = false;
if (frame_rate_ > fuchsia::media::MAX_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Frame rate must be no greater than "
<< fuchsia::media::MAX_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND;
ret_val = false;
if (frequency_ < 0.0) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Frequency cannot be negative";
ret_val = false;
if (amplitude_ > 1.0) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Amplitude must be no greater than 1.0";
ret_val = false;
if (amplitude_ < -1.0) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Amplitude must be no less than -1.0";
ret_val = false;
if (duration_secs_ < 0.0) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Duration cannot be negative";
ret_val = false;
if (frames_per_payload_ > frame_rate_ / 2) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Payload size must be 500 milliseconds or less.";
ret_val = false;
if (frames_per_payload_ < frame_rate_ / 1000) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "Payload size must be 1 millisecond or more.";
ret_val = false;
stream_gain_db_ = fbl::clamp<float>(stream_gain_db_, fuchsia::media::audio::MUTED_GAIN_DB,
system_gain_db_ = fbl::clamp<float>(system_gain_db_, fuchsia::media::audio::MUTED_GAIN_DB, 0.0f);
return ret_val;
// Based on the user-specified values for signal frequency and milliseconds per payload, calculate
// the other related coefficients needed for our mapped memory section, and for our series of
// payloads that reference that section.
// We share a memory section with our AudioRenderer, divided into equally-sized payloads (size
// specified by the user). For now, we trim the end of the memory section, rather than handle the
// occasional irregularly-sized packet.
// TODO(mpuryear): handle end-of-buffer wraparound; make it a true ring buffer.
void MediaApp::SetupPayloadCoefficients() {
total_frames_to_send_ = duration_secs_ * frame_rate_;
num_packets_to_send_ = total_frames_to_send_ / frames_per_payload_;
if (num_packets_to_send_ * frames_per_payload_ < total_frames_to_send_) {
// Number of frames in each period of the recurring signal.
frames_per_period_ = frame_rate_ / frequency_;
amplitude_scalar_ = amplitude_;
if (use_int24_) {
amplitude_scalar_ *= (std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() & 0xFFFFFF00);
} else if (use_int16_) {
amplitude_scalar_ *= std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max();
// As mentioned above, for 24-bit audio we use 32-bit samples (low byte 0).
sample_size_ = use_int24_ ? sizeof(int32_t) : (use_int16_ ? sizeof(int16_t) : sizeof(float));
frame_size_ = num_channels_ * sample_size_;
payload_size_ = frames_per_payload_ * frame_size_;
// First, assume one second of audio, determine how many payloads will fit, then trim the mapping
// to the amount that will be used. This mapping size will be split across |num_payload_buffers_|
// buffers. For example, with 2 buffers each will be large enough hold 500ms of data.
auto total_mapping_size = frame_rate_ * frame_size_;
total_num_mapped_payloads_ = total_mapping_size / payload_size_;
// Shard out the payloads across multiple buffers, ensuring we can hold at least 1 buffer.
payloads_per_mapping_ = std::max(1u, total_num_mapped_payloads_ / num_payload_buffers_);
payload_mapping_size_ = payloads_per_mapping_ * payload_size_;
void MediaApp::DisplayConfigurationSettings() {
if (set_device_settings_) {
printf("\nSetting device settings to %s.", (settings_enabled_ ? "ON" : "OFF"));
printf("\nAudioRenderer configured for %d-channel %s at %u Hz.\nContent is ", num_channels_,
(use_int24_ ? "int24" : (use_int16_ ? "int16" : "float32")), frame_rate_);
if (output_signal_type_ == kOutputTypeNoise) {
printf("white noise");
} else {
printf("a %f Hz %s wave", frequency_,
(output_signal_type_ == kOutputTypeSquare)
? "square"
: (output_signal_type_ == kOutputTypeSawtooth) ? "triangle" : "sine");
printf(", amplitude %f", amplitude_);
if (ramp_stream_gain_) {
printf(",\nramping stream gain from %.3f dB to %.3f dB over %.6lf seconds (%ld nanoseconds)",
stream_gain_db_, ramp_target_gain_db_,
static_cast<double>(ramp_duration_nsec_) / 1000000000, ramp_duration_nsec_);
} else if (set_stream_gain_) {
printf(", at stream gain %.3f dB", stream_gain_db_);
if (set_stream_mute_) {
printf(", after explicitly %smuting this stream", stream_mute_ ? "" : "un");
".\nSignal will play for %.3f seconds, using %u %stimestamped buffers of "
"%u frames",
duration_secs_, total_num_mapped_payloads_, (!use_pts_ ? "non-" : ""), frames_per_payload_);
if (set_continuity_threshold_) {
printf(", having set the PTS continuity threshold to %f seconds",
if (set_system_gain_ || set_system_mute_) {
printf(", after setting ");
if (set_system_gain_) {
printf("System Gain to %.3f dB%s", system_gain_db_, set_system_mute_ ? " and " : "");
if (set_system_mute_) {
printf("System Mute to %s", system_mute_ ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
// Use StartupContext to acquire AudioPtr; use that to acquire AudioRendererPtr in turn. Set
// AudioRenderer error handler, in case of channel closure.
void MediaApp::AcquireAudioRenderer(sys::ComponentContext* app_context) {
if (set_device_settings_) {
// The AudioCore interface is used to enable or disable the creation and update of device
// settings files.
fuchsia::media::AudioCorePtr audio_core;
// Audio interface is needed to create AudioRenderer, set routing policy and set system gain/mute.
fuchsia::media::AudioPtr audio;
if (set_system_gain_) {
if (set_system_mute_) {
if (set_policy_) {
audio_renderer_.set_error_handler([this](zx_status_t status) {
FXL_PLOG(ERROR, status) << "Client connection to failed";
gain_control_.set_error_handler([this](zx_status_t status) {
FXL_PLOG(ERROR, status) << "Client connection to failed";
// ... now just let the instances of audio and audio_core go out of scope.
// Set the AudioRenderer's audio format to stereo 48kHz 16-bit (LPCM).
void MediaApp::SetStreamType() {
fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType format;
format.sample_format = (use_int24_ ? fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32
: (use_int16_ ? fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16
: fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT));
format.channels = num_channels_;
format.frames_per_second = frame_rate_;
if (use_pts_) {
audio_renderer_->SetPtsUnits(frame_rate_, 1);
if (set_continuity_threshold_) {
// Set stream gain and mute, if specified.
if (set_stream_mute_) {
if (set_stream_gain_) {
if (ramp_stream_gain_) {
gain_control_->SetGainWithRamp(ramp_target_gain_db_, ramp_duration_nsec_,
// Create a VMO and map memory for 1 sec of audio between them. Reduce rights and send handle to
// AudioRenderer: this is our shared buffer.
zx_status_t MediaApp::CreateMemoryMapping() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_payload_buffers_; ++i) {
auto& payload_buffer = payload_buffers_.emplace_back();
zx::vmo payload_vmo;
zx_status_t status = payload_buffer.CreateAndMap(
payload_mapping_size_, ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, nullptr, &payload_vmo,
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FXL_PLOG(ERROR, status) << "VmoMapper:::CreateAndMap failed";
return status;
audio_renderer_->AddPayloadBuffer(i, std::move(payload_vmo));
return ZX_OK;
// We have a set of buffers each backed by its own VMO, with each buffer sub-divided into
// uniformly-sized zones, called payloads.
// We round robin packets across each buffer, wrapping around to the start of each buffer once the
// end is encountered. For example, with 2 buffers that can each hold 2 payloads each, we would send
// audio packets in the following order:
// ------------------------
// | buffer_id | payload_id |
// | (vmo) | (offset) |
// |-----------|------------|
// | buffer 0 | payload 0 |
// | buffer 1 | payload 0 |
// | buffer 0 | payload 1 |
// | buffer 1 | payload 1 |
// | buffer 0 | payload 0 |
// | ... etc ... |
// ------------------------
MediaApp::AudioPacket MediaApp::CreateAudioPacket(uint64_t payload_num) {
fuchsia::media::StreamPacket packet;
packet.payload_buffer_id = payload_num % num_payload_buffers_;
auto buffer_payload_index = payload_num / num_payload_buffers_;
packet.payload_offset = (buffer_payload_index % payloads_per_mapping_) * payload_size_;
// If last payload, send exactly what remains (otherwise send a full payload).
packet.payload_size =
(payload_num + 1 == num_packets_to_send_)
? (total_frames_to_send_ - (payload_num * frames_per_payload_)) * frame_size_
: payload_size_;
// packet.pts is NO_TIMESTAMP by default unless we override it.
if (use_pts_) {
packet.pts = payload_num * frames_per_payload_;
return {
.stream_packet = std::move(packet),
.vmo = &payload_buffers_[packet.payload_buffer_id],
void MediaApp::GenerateAudioForPacket(const AudioPacket& audio_packet, uint64_t payload_num) {
const auto& packet = audio_packet.stream_packet;
auto audio_buff = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(audio_packet.vmo->start()) + packet.payload_offset;
// Recompute payload_frames each time, since the final packet may be 'short'.
// TODO(mpuryear): don't recompute this every time; use payload_frames_ (and pre-compute this)
// except for last packet, which we either check for here or pass in as a boolean parameter.
uint32_t payload_frames = packet.payload_size / frame_size_;
if (use_int24_) {
WriteAudioIntoBuffer<int32_t>(reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(audio_buff), payload_frames,
frames_per_payload_ * payload_num, output_signal_type_,
num_channels_, frames_per_period_, amplitude_scalar_);
} else if (use_int16_) {
WriteAudioIntoBuffer<int16_t>(reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(audio_buff), payload_frames,
frames_per_payload_ * payload_num, output_signal_type_,
num_channels_, frames_per_period_, amplitude_scalar_);
} else {
WriteAudioIntoBuffer<float>(reinterpret_cast<float*>(audio_buff), payload_frames,
frames_per_payload_ * payload_num, output_signal_type_,
num_channels_, frames_per_period_, amplitude_scalar_);
// Write signal into the next section of our buffer. Track how many total frames since playback
// started, to handle arbitrary frequencies of type double.
template <typename SampleType>
void MediaApp::WriteAudioIntoBuffer(SampleType* audio_buffer, uint32_t num_frames,
uint64_t frames_since_start, OutputSignalType signal_type,
uint32_t num_chans, double frames_per_period,
double amp_scalar) {
double raw_val; // Generated signal val, before applying amplitude scaling.
double rads_per_frame = 2.0 * M_PI / frames_per_period; // Radians/Frame.
for (uint32_t frame = 0; frame < num_frames; ++frame, ++frames_since_start) {
switch (signal_type) {
case kOutputTypeSine:
raw_val = sin(rads_per_frame * frames_since_start);
case kOutputTypeSquare:
raw_val =
(fmod(frames_since_start, frames_per_period) >= frames_per_period / 2) ? -1.0 : 1.0;
case kOutputTypeSawtooth:
raw_val = (fmod(frames_since_start / frames_per_period, 1.0) * 2.0) - 1.0;
case kOutputTypeNoise:
// TODO(mpuryear): consider making the white noise generator even more truly random, with
// multiple rand() calls at different frequencies.
raw_val = static_cast<double>(rand()) / RAND_MAX * 2.0 - 1.0;
SampleType val = raw_val * amp_scalar;
// If generating a 24-in-32 signal, clear the unused bottom 8 bits.
if (std::is_same_v<SampleType, int32_t>) {
val = static_cast<int32_t>(val) & 0xFFFFFF00;
// Put the same content into all channels (even white noise)
// TODO(mpuryear): for white noise, treat each channel independently.
for (uint32_t chan_num = 0; chan_num < num_chans; ++chan_num) {
audio_buffer[frame * num_chans + chan_num] = val;
// Submit a packet, incrementing our count of packets sent. When it returns:
// a. if there are more packets to send, create and send the next packet;
// b. if all expected packets have completed, begin closing down the system.
void MediaApp::SendPacket(uint64_t payload_num) {
auto packet = CreateAudioPacket(payload_num);
GenerateAudioForPacket(packet, payload_num);
if (save_to_file_) {
if (!wav_writer_.Write(
reinterpret_cast<char*>(packet.vmo->start()) + packet.stream_packet.payload_offset,
packet.stream_packet.payload_size)) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "WavWriter::Write() failed";
audio_renderer_->SendPacket(packet.stream_packet, [this]() { OnSendPacketComplete(); });
void MediaApp::OnSendPacketComplete() {
FXL_DCHECK(num_packets_completed_ <= num_packets_to_send_);
if (num_packets_sent_ < num_packets_to_send_) {
} else if (num_packets_completed_ >= num_packets_to_send_) {
// Unmap memory, quit message loop (FIDL interfaces auto-delete upon ~MediaApp).
void MediaApp::Shutdown() {
if (wav_writer_is_initialized_) {
if (!wav_writer_.Close()) {
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "WavWriter::Close() failed";
} // namespace media::tools