blob: 7f2c1b81a9f32c47cf9cfddfc54c4d7a17d59488 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! AuthCache manages an in-memory cache of recently used short-lived authentication tokens.
use chrono::offset::Utc;
use chrono::DateTime;
use failure::Fail;
use log::{info, warn};
use std::any::Any;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap};
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
/// Constant offset for the cache expiry. Tokens will only be returned from
/// the cache if they have at least this much life remaining.
const PADDING_FOR_TOKEN_EXPIRY: Duration = Duration::from_secs(600);
/// Number of invalid entries tolerated in the expiry queue before invalid
/// entries are purged. This is expressed as a fraction of the cache capacity.
/// An enumeration of the possible failure modes for operations on a `TokenCache`.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Fail)]
pub enum AuthCacheError {
/// One or more inputs were not valid.
#[fail(display = "invalid argument")]
/// The supplied key could not be found in the cache.
#[fail(display = "supplied key not found in cache")]
/// Trait for keys used in the cache. `CacheKey` requires the `Any` trait for
/// dynamic typing. As `Any` is not implemented for any struct containing a
/// non-'static reference, any valid implementation of `CacheKey` may not
/// contain references of non-'static lifetimes.
pub trait CacheKey: Any + Send + Sync {
/// Returns the identity provider type, ex. 'google'
fn auth_provider_type(&self) -> &str;
/// Returns the account identifier as given by the identity provider.
fn user_profile_id(&self) -> &str;
/// Returns an identifier appropriate for differentiating CacheKeys of the
/// same concrete type with the same auth_provider_type and user_profile_id.
fn subkey(&self) -> &str;
impl Hash for dyn CacheKey {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl PartialEq for dyn CacheKey {
fn eq(&self, other: &(dyn CacheKey + 'static)) -> bool {
self.auth_provider_type() == other.auth_provider_type()
&& self.user_profile_id() == other.user_profile_id()
&& self.subkey() == other.subkey()
&& self.type_id() == other.type_id()
impl Eq for dyn CacheKey {}
/// Trait that specifies the concrete token type a token key can put or
/// retrieve from the cache.
pub trait KeyFor {
/// Token type the key exclusively identifies.
type TokenType;
/// Trait for tokens stored in the cache. `CacheToken` requires the `Any`
/// trait for dynamic typing. As `Any` is not implemented for any struct
/// containing a non-'static reference, any valid implementation of
/// `CacheToken` may not contain references of non-'static lifetimes.
pub trait CacheToken: Any + Send + Sync {
/// Returns the time at which a token becomes invalid.
fn expiry_time(&self) -> &SystemTime;
/// An entry in the `TokenCache` expiry queue.
struct ExpiryQueueEntry {
/// Cache entry this entry tracks.
cache_key: Arc<dyn CacheKey>,
/// Time at which the referenced token expires.
expiry_time: SystemTime,
impl ExpiryQueueEntry {
/// Construct a new `ExpiryQueueEntry`.
fn new(cache_key: Arc<dyn CacheKey>, expiry_time: SystemTime) -> ExpiryQueueEntry {
ExpiryQueueEntry { cache_key: cache_key, expiry_time: expiry_time }
impl Ord for ExpiryQueueEntry {
fn cmp(&self, other: &ExpiryQueueEntry) -> Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for ExpiryQueueEntry {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &ExpiryQueueEntry) -> Option<Ordering> {
impl PartialEq for ExpiryQueueEntry {
fn eq(&self, other: &ExpiryQueueEntry) -> bool {
self.expiry_time == other.expiry_time
impl Eq for ExpiryQueueEntry {}
/// A wrapper struct around a `CacheToken` that allows it to be used for
/// dynamic dispatch as both `CacheToken` and `Any` trait objects.
/// This approach becomes unnecessary if casting to and from a supertrait
/// (&CacheToken <-> &Any) becomes possible. Upcasting is tracked as a
/// requirement in RFC issue
/// An alternative is to store Arc<CacheToken + Any> if multiple-trait trait
/// objects are added (
struct TokenReference {
/// token stored as `CacheToken` trait object
cache_token: Arc<dyn CacheToken>,
/// token stored as `Any` trait object
any: Arc<dyn Any + Send + Sync>,
impl TokenReference {
/// Create a new `TokenReference`
fn new<T: CacheToken>(token: Arc<T>) -> TokenReference {
TokenReference {
cache_token: Arc::clone(&token) as Arc<dyn CacheToken>,
any: token as Arc<dyn Any + Send + Sync>,
/// Borrow as a `CacheToken` trait object.
fn as_cache_token(&self) -> &Arc<dyn CacheToken> {
/// Borrow as an `Any` trait object.
fn as_any(&self) -> &Arc<dyn Any + Send + Sync> {
/// A cache of recently used authentication tokens. All tokens contain an
/// expiry time and are removed when this time is reached.
pub struct TokenCache {
/// A mapping holding cached tokens of arbitrary types.
token_map: HashMap<Arc<dyn CacheKey>, TokenReference>,
/// A priority queue used to evict expired tokens.
expiry_queue: BinaryHeap<ExpiryQueueEntry>,
/// Maximum number of tokens the cache will hold.
capacity: usize,
/// `SystemTime` of the last cache operation. Used to validate time progression.
last_time: SystemTime,
impl TokenCache {
/// Creates a new `TokenCache` with the specified capacity.
pub fn new(capacity: usize) -> TokenCache {
let expiry_queue_capacity = capacity + Self::num_tolerated_invalid_entries(capacity);
TokenCache {
token_map: HashMap::with_capacity(capacity),
expiry_queue: BinaryHeap::with_capacity(expiry_queue_capacity),
capacity: capacity,
last_time: SystemTime::now(),
/// Sanity check that system time has not jumped backwards since last time this method was
/// called. If time jumped backwards, a warning is logged and the entire cache is cleared.
/// If time is normal, this method does nothing.
/// TODO(dnordstrom): Long term solution involving time service or monotonic clocks.
fn validate_time_progression(&mut self) {
let current_time = SystemTime::now();
if current_time < self.last_time {
"time jumped backwards from {:?} to {:?}, clearing {:?} token cache entries",
self.last_time = current_time;
/// Returns a token for the specified key if present and not expired.
pub fn get<K, V>(&mut self, key: &K) -> Option<Arc<V>>
K: CacheKey + KeyFor<TokenType = V>,
V: CacheToken,
let uncast_token = self.token_map.get(key as &dyn CacheKey)?.as_any();
if let Ok(downcast_token) = Arc::clone(uncast_token).downcast::<V>() {
} else {
warn!("Error downcasting token in cache.");
/// Adds a token to the cache, replacing any existing token for the same key.
pub fn put<K, V>(&mut self, key: K, token: Arc<V>)
K: CacheKey + KeyFor<TokenType = V>,
V: CacheToken,
if self.token_map.len() == self.capacity && !self.token_map.contains_key(&key as &dyn CacheKey)
let arc_key = Arc::new(key) as Arc<dyn CacheKey>;
self.expiry_queue.push(ExpiryQueueEntry::new(Arc::clone(&arc_key), *token.expiry_time()));
self.token_map.insert(arc_key, TokenReference::new(token));
/// Deletes all the tokens associated with the given auth_provider_type and
/// user_profile_id. Returns an error if no matching, unexpired tokens are found.
pub fn delete_matching(
&mut self,
auth_provider_type: &str,
user_profile_id: &str,
) -> Result<(), AuthCacheError> {
let entries_before_delete = self.token_map.len();
self.token_map.retain(|key, _| {
key.auth_provider_type() != auth_provider_type
|| key.user_profile_id() != user_profile_id
let entries_after_delete = self.token_map.len();
if entries_after_delete < entries_before_delete {
"Deleted {:?} matching entries from the token cache.",
entries_before_delete - entries_after_delete
} else {
/// Evicts all expired tokens from the cache. Invalid entries in the expiry
/// queue are silently discarded.
fn evict_expired(&mut self) {
let current_time = SystemTime::now();
while let Some(expiry_entry) = pop_if(&mut self.expiry_queue, |entry| {
current_time > (entry.expiry_time - PADDING_FOR_TOKEN_EXPIRY)
}) {
let ExpiryQueueEntry { cache_key, expiry_time } = expiry_entry;
match self.token_map.get(&cache_key) {
Some(token) if *token.as_cache_token().expiry_time() == expiry_time => {
_ => (), // silently discard if key doesn't exist or expiry has been updated
/// Evicts a random token from the cache.
fn evict_random(&mut self) {
// TODO(satsukiu): Use a method to get a key that is actually random.
match self.token_map.keys().next().map(|arc| arc.clone()) {
Some(random_key) => {
None => warn!("Tried to evict random token from empty cache."),
/// Flushes invalid entries from the eviction queue if there are excessive
/// numbers of invalid entries. Entries are invalid if the corresponding
/// token has been updated with a new expiration time or the token has been
/// removed from the cache.
fn flush_invalid(&mut self) {
let num_invalid_entries = self.expiry_queue.len() - self.token_map.len();
if num_invalid_entries >= Self::num_tolerated_invalid_entries(self.capacity) {
// This rebuilds the queue, which has the same end result as
// filtering out invalid entries but is much slower.
// TODO(satsukiu): flush out invalid entries inplace in the queue.
self.expiry_queue.extend(self.token_map.iter().map(|(key, token)| {
ExpiryQueueEntry::new(Arc::clone(key), *token.as_cache_token().expiry_time())
/// Defines the number of invalid entries allowed in the expiry queue.
fn num_tolerated_invalid_entries(capacity: usize) -> usize {
((capacity as f32) * INVALID_ENTRY_FLUSH_THRESHOLD) as usize
/// Pop and return top element in a heap if it passes some condition.
fn pop_if<T, F>(heap: &mut BinaryHeap<T>, condition: F) -> Option<T>
T: Ord,
F: FnOnce(&T) -> bool,
match condition(heap.peek()?) {
true => heap.pop(),
false => None,
mod tests {
use super::*;
const CACHE_SIZE: usize = 10;
const TEST_AUTH_PROVIDER: &str = "test_auth_provider";
const TEST_USER_ID: &str = "test_auth_provider/profiles/user";
const TEST_TOKEN_CONTENTS: &str = "Token contents";
const LONG_EXPIRY: Duration = Duration::from_secs(3000);
const ALREADY_EXPIRED: Duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct TestToken {
expiry_time: SystemTime,
token: String,
impl CacheToken for TestToken {
fn expiry_time(&self) -> &SystemTime {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct TestKey {
auth_provider_type: String,
user_profile_id: String,
audience: String,
impl CacheKey for TestKey {
fn auth_provider_type(&self) -> &str {
fn user_profile_id(&self) -> &str {
fn subkey(&self) -> &str {
impl KeyFor for TestKey {
type TokenType = TestToken;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct AlternateTestToken {
expiry_time: SystemTime,
metadata: Vec<String>,
token: String,
impl CacheToken for AlternateTestToken {
fn expiry_time(&self) -> &SystemTime {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct AlternateTestKey {
auth_provider_type: String,
user_profile_id: String,
scopes: String,
impl CacheKey for AlternateTestKey {
fn auth_provider_type(&self) -> &str {
fn user_profile_id(&self) -> &str {
fn subkey(&self) -> &str {
impl KeyFor for AlternateTestKey {
type TokenType = AlternateTestToken;
fn build_test_key(user_suffix: &str, audience: &str) -> TestKey {
TestKey {
auth_provider_type: TEST_AUTH_PROVIDER.to_string(),
user_profile_id: TEST_USER_ID.to_string() + user_suffix,
audience: audience.to_string(),
fn build_alternate_test_key(user_suffix: &str, scopes: &str) -> AlternateTestKey {
AlternateTestKey {
auth_provider_type: TEST_AUTH_PROVIDER.to_string(),
user_profile_id: TEST_USER_ID.to_string() + user_suffix,
scopes: scopes.to_string(),
fn build_test_token(time_until_expiry: Duration, suffix: &str) -> Arc<TestToken> {
Arc::new(TestToken {
expiry_time: SystemTime::now() + time_until_expiry,
token: TEST_TOKEN_CONTENTS.to_string() + suffix,
fn build_alternate_test_token(
time_until_expiry: Duration,
suffix: &str,
) -> Arc<AlternateTestToken> {
Arc::new(AlternateTestToken {
expiry_time: SystemTime::now() + time_until_expiry,
token: TEST_TOKEN_CONTENTS.to_string() + suffix,
metadata: vec![suffix.to_string()],
fn test_get_and_put_token() {
let mut token_cache = TokenCache::new(CACHE_SIZE);
// Verify requesting an entry from an cache that does not contain it fails.
let key_1 = build_test_key("", "audience_1");
assert_eq!(token_cache.get(&key_1), None);
// Verify inserting then retrieving a token succeeds.
let token_1 = build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, "1");
token_cache.put(key_1.clone(), token_1.clone());
assert_eq!(token_cache.get(&key_1), Some(token_1.clone()));
// Verify a second token can be stored without conflict.
let key_2 = build_test_key("", "audience_2");
let token_2 = build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, "2");
assert_eq!(token_cache.get(&key_2), None);
token_cache.put(key_2.clone(), token_2.clone());
assert_eq!(token_cache.get(&key_2), Some(token_2));
assert_eq!(token_cache.get(&key_1), Some(token_1));
fn test_get_and_put_duplicate_key() {
let mut token_cache = TokenCache::new(CACHE_SIZE);
let key = build_test_key("", "key");
let original_token = build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, "original");
token_cache.put(key.clone(), original_token.clone());
assert_eq!(token_cache.get(&key), Some(original_token));
// Verify most recently inserted token is returned.
let duplicate_token = build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, "duplicate");
token_cache.put(key.clone(), duplicate_token.clone());
assert_eq!(token_cache.get(&key), Some(duplicate_token));
// Verify no token returned if most recently inserted is expired.
token_cache.put(key.clone(), build_test_token(ALREADY_EXPIRED, "expired"));
fn test_get_and_put_multiple_token_types() {
let mut token_cache = TokenCache::new(CACHE_SIZE);
// Verify cache will get and put different datatypes
let key = build_test_key("", "audience_1");
let token = build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, "1");
token_cache.put(key.clone(), token.clone());
let alternate_key = build_alternate_test_key("", "scope");
let alternate_token = build_alternate_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, "2");
token_cache.put(alternate_key.clone(), alternate_token.clone());
assert_eq!(token_cache.get(&key), Some(token));
assert_eq!(token_cache.get(&alternate_key), Some(alternate_token));
// Verify keys of identical contents but different types do not clash.
let key_2 = build_test_key("", "clash-test");
let token_2 = build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, "3");
token_cache.put(key_2.clone(), token_2.clone());
let alternate_key_2 = build_alternate_test_key("", "clash-test");
let alternate_token_2 = build_alternate_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, "4");
token_cache.put(alternate_key_2.clone(), alternate_token_2.clone());
assert_eq!(token_cache.get(&key_2), Some(token_2));
assert_eq!(token_cache.get(&alternate_key_2), Some(alternate_token_2));
fn test_delete_matching() {
let mut token_cache = TokenCache::new(CACHE_SIZE);
let key = build_test_key("", "audience");
// Verify deleting when cache is empty fails.
token_cache.delete_matching(key.auth_provider_type(), key.user_profile_id()),
// Verify matching keys are removed.
token_cache.put(key.clone(), build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, ""));
token_cache.delete_matching(key.auth_provider_type(), key.user_profile_id()),
// Verify non-matching keys are not removed.
let matching_key = build_test_key("matching", "");
let non_matching_key = build_test_key("non-matching", "");
let non_matching_token = build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, "non-matching");
token_cache.put(matching_key.clone(), build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, "matching"));
token_cache.put(non_matching_key.clone(), non_matching_token.clone());
.delete_matching(matching_key.auth_provider_type(), matching_key.user_profile_id()),
assert_eq!(token_cache.get(&non_matching_key), Some(non_matching_token));
fn test_expired_tokens_evicted() {
let mut token_cache = TokenCache::new(CACHE_SIZE);
// Insert one entry that's already expired and one that hasn't.
let key = build_test_key("valid", "audience_1");
let token = build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, "1");
token_cache.put(key.clone(), token.clone());
let expired_key = build_alternate_test_key("expired", "scope");
let expired_token = build_alternate_test_token(ALREADY_EXPIRED, "2");
token_cache.put(expired_key.clone(), expired_token.clone());
// Getting the expired key should fail.
assert_eq!(token_cache.get(&key), Some(token));
assert_eq!(token_cache.get(&expired_key), None);
fn test_cache_put_at_capacity() {
let mut token_cache = TokenCache::new(CACHE_SIZE);
// Populate cache to capacity
let original_keys: Vec<TestKey> =
(0..CACHE_SIZE).map(|key_num| build_test_key(&key_num.to_string(), "")).collect();
for key in original_keys.iter() {
token_cache.put(key.clone(), build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, ""));
// Add one token past capacity
let new_key = build_test_key("extra", "");
token_cache.put(new_key.clone(), build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, ""));
// New token should be present, one random original token should be evicted.
assert_eq!(original_keys.iter().filter(|key| token_cache.get(*key).is_none()).count(), 1);
assert_eq!(token_cache.token_map.len(), CACHE_SIZE);
// Adding a duplicate key when cache is at capacity shouldn't evict anything.
let mut token_cache = TokenCache::new(CACHE_SIZE);
for key in original_keys.iter() {
token_cache.put(key.clone(), build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, ""));
let dup_key = original_keys.iter().next().unwrap().clone();
token_cache.put(dup_key, build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, "duplicate"));
assert!(original_keys.iter().all(|key| token_cache.get(key).is_some()));
assert_eq!(token_cache.token_map.len(), CACHE_SIZE);
fn test_cache_enforces_maximum_size() {
let keys: Vec<TestKey> =
(0..CACHE_SIZE).map(|key_num| build_test_key(&key_num.to_string(), "")).collect();
// Verify cache after forcing eviction queue flush by replacing every key.
let mut token_cache = TokenCache::new(CACHE_SIZE);
for key in keys.iter() {
token_cache.put(key.clone(), build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, "original"));
for key in keys.iter() {
token_cache.put(key.clone(), build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, "overwrite"));
assert_eq!(token_cache.token_map.len(), CACHE_SIZE);
assert!(keys.iter().all(|key| token_cache.get(key).is_some()));
// Verify cache contains only CACHE_SIZE entries after trying to overfill cache.
let mut token_cache = TokenCache::new(CACHE_SIZE);
let too_many_keys: Vec<TestKey> =
(0..CACHE_SIZE * 2).map(|key_num| build_test_key(&key_num.to_string(), "")).collect();
for key in too_many_keys.iter() {
token_cache.put(key.clone(), build_test_token(LONG_EXPIRY, ""));
assert_eq!(token_cache.token_map.len(), CACHE_SIZE);
too_many_keys.iter().filter(|key| token_cache.get(*key).is_some()).count(),