blob: 4d38c69746dd82a64541e2f3c69a921f4a812ebd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/auth/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ledger/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/ledger/internal/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/modular/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/sys/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/operation.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/interface_ptr_set.h>
#include <src/lib/fxl/macros.h>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "peridot/bin/sessionmgr/agent_runner/agent_runner_storage.h"
#include "peridot/bin/sessionmgr/agent_runner/agent_service_index.h"
namespace modular {
// This is the component namespace we give to all agents; used for namespacing
// storage between different component types.
constexpr char kAgentComponentNamespace[] = "agents";
class AgentContextImpl;
class EntityProviderRunner;
class MessageQueueManager;
// This class provides a way for components to connect to agents and
// manages the life time of a running agent.
class AgentRunner : AgentRunnerStorage::NotificationDelegate {
AgentRunner(fuchsia::sys::Launcher* launcher, MessageQueueManager* message_queue_manager,
fuchsia::ledger::internal::LedgerRepository* ledger_repository,
AgentRunnerStorage* agent_runner_storage, fuchsia::auth::TokenManager* token_manager,
fuchsia::modular::UserIntelligenceProvider* user_intelligence_provider,
EntityProviderRunner* entity_provider_runner,
std::unique_ptr<AgentServiceIndex> agent_service_index = nullptr);
~AgentRunner() override;
// |callback| is called after - (1) all agents have been shutdown and (2)
// no new tasks are scheduled to run.
void Teardown(fit::function<void()> callback);
// Connects to an agent (and starts it up if it doesn't exist) through
// |fuchsia::modular::Agent.Connect|. Called using
// fuchsia::modular::ComponentContext.
void ConnectToAgent(
const std::string& requestor_url, const std::string& agent_url,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::sys::ServiceProvider> incoming_services_request,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::modular::AgentController> agent_controller_request);
// Supports implementation of ComponentContext/ConnectToAgentService().
void ConnectToAgentService(const std::string& requestor_url,
fuchsia::modular::AgentServiceRequest request);
// Connects to an agent (and starts it up if it doesn't exist) through its
// |fuchsia::modular::EntityProvider| service.
void ConnectToEntityProvider(
const std::string& agent_url,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::modular::EntityProvider> entity_provider_request,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::modular::AgentController> agent_controller_request);
// Removes an agent. Called by AgentContextImpl when it is done.
// NOTE: This should NOT take a const reference, since |agent_url| will die
// the moment we delete |AgentContextImpl|.
void RemoveAgent(std::string agent_url);
// fuchsia::modular::Agent at |agent_url| is run (if not already running)
// and fuchsia::modular::Agent.RunTask() is called with |task_id| as the
// agent specified identifier for the task when a trigger condition
// specified in |task_info| is satisfied. The trigger condition is also
// replicated to the ledger and the task my get scheduled on other user
// devices too.
void ScheduleTask(
const std::string& agent_url, fuchsia::modular::TaskInfo task_info,
fit::function<void(bool)> done = [](bool) {});
// Deletes a task for |agent_url| that is identified by agent provided
// |task_id|. The trigger condition is removed from the ledger.
void DeleteTask(const std::string& agent_url, const std::string& task_id);
// Used by ConnectToAgentService() to connect to the agent (if known) and its
// named service. Calls ConnectToAgent(), providing a temporary
// |ServiceProviderPtr| on which to then invoke ConnecToService() with the
// given service_name and channel.
// |requestor_url| The URL of the component requesting the service.
// |agent_url| The URL of the agent believed to provide the service.
// |agent_controller_request| Returns the object that maintains the requestor
// connection to the agent.
// |service_name| The name of the requested service.
// |channel| The channel associated with the requestor's pending service
// request, to be used to communicate with the service, once connected.
void ConnectToService(
std::string requestor_url, std::string agent_url,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::modular::AgentController> agent_controller_request,
std::string service_name, ::zx::channel channel);
// During ConnectToAgentService, if an agent is not found, close the channel
// established for the service, and indicate the reason with FIDL epitaph
// error ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND.
void HandleAgentServiceNotFound(::zx::channel channel, std::string service_name);
// Schedules the agent to start running if it isn't already running (e.g.,
// it could be not running or in the middle of terminating). Once the agent
// is in a running state, calls |done|.
void EnsureAgentIsRunning(const std::string& agent_url, fit::function<void()> done);
// Actually starts up an agent (used by |EnsureAgentIsRunning()| above).
void RunAgent(const std::string& agent_url);
// Will also start and initialize the agent as a consequence.
void ForwardConnectionsToAgent(const std::string& agent_url);
// Schedules a task that triggers when a new message is available on a
// message queue.
// |agent_url| The URL of the agent creating the trigger. Only the message
// queue owner can schedule a task with a new message trigger, and thus this
// is also the agent url of the owner of the message queue.
// |queue_name| The name of the message queue to observe.
// |task_id| The identifier for the task.
void ScheduleMessageQueueNewMessageTask(const std::string& agent_url, const std::string& task_id,
const std::string& queue_name);
// Schedules a task that triggers when a message queue is deleted.
// |agent_url| The URL of the agent creating the trigger.
// |queue_token| The token of the queue that is to be observed.
// |task_id| The identifier of the task.
void ScheduleMessageQueueDeletionTask(const std::string& agent_url, const std::string& task_id,
const std::string& queue_token);
// Deletes the task scheduled for |agent_url| and |task_id|, regardless of
// the task type.
void DeleteMessageQueueTask(const std::string& agent_url, const std::string& task_id);
// For triggers based on alarms.
void ScheduleAlarmTask(const std::string& agent_url, const std::string& task_id,
uint32_t alarm_in_seconds, bool is_new_request);
void DeleteAlarmTask(const std::string& agent_url, const std::string& task_id);
// A set of all agents that are either running or scheduled to be run.
std::vector<std::string> GetAllAgents();
// |AgentRunnerStorage::Delegate|
void AddedTask(const std::string& key, AgentRunnerStorage::TriggerInfo data) override;
// |AgentRunnerStorage::Delegate|
void DeletedTask(const std::string& key) override;
// agent URL -> { task id -> queue name }
std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, std::string>> watched_queues_;
// agent URL -> { task id -> alarm in seconds }
std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, uint32_t>> running_alarms_;
// agent URL -> pending agent connections
// This map holds connections to an agent that we hold onto while the
// existing agent is in a terminating state.
struct PendingAgentConnectionEntry {
const std::string requestor_url;
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::sys::ServiceProvider> incoming_services_request;
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::modular::AgentController> agent_controller_request;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<struct PendingAgentConnectionEntry>> pending_agent_connections_;
// agent URL -> pending entity provider connection
// This map holds connections to an agents' fuchsia::modular::EntityProvider
// that we hold onto while the existing agent is in a terminating state.
struct PendingEntityProviderConnectionEntry {
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::modular::EntityProvider> entity_provider_request;
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::modular::AgentController> agent_controller_request;
std::map<std::string, struct PendingEntityProviderConnectionEntry>
// agent URL -> done callbacks to invoke once agent has started.
// Holds requests to start an agent; in case an agent is already in a
// terminating state, we pend those requests here until the agent
// terminates.
std::map<std::string, std::vector<fit::function<void()>>> run_agent_callbacks_;
// agent URL -> modular.fuchsia::modular::AgentContext
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<AgentContextImpl>> running_agents_;
// ledger key -> [agent URL, task ID]
// Used to delete entries from the maps above when a ledger key is
// deleted. This saves us from having to parse a ledger key, which
// becomes impossible once we use hashes to construct it, or from
// having to read the value from the previous snapshot, which would
// be nifty but is easy only once we have Operations.
std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, std::string>> task_by_ledger_key_;
fuchsia::sys::Launcher* const launcher_;
MessageQueueManager* const message_queue_manager_;
fuchsia::ledger::internal::LedgerRepository* const ledger_repository_;
// |agent_runner_storage_| must outlive this class.
AgentRunnerStorage* const agent_runner_storage_;
fuchsia::auth::TokenManager* const token_manager_;
fuchsia::modular::UserIntelligenceProvider* const user_intelligence_provider_;
EntityProviderRunner* const entity_provider_runner_;
// When this is marked true, no new new tasks will be scheduled.
std::shared_ptr<bool> terminating_;
OperationQueue operation_queue_;
std::unique_ptr<AgentServiceIndex> agent_service_index_;
// Operations implemented here.
class InitializeCall;
class UpdateCall;
class DeleteCall;
} // namespace modular