blob: 47bf76d5dd56bc3e217a1d53a050ab4918524936 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <queue>
#include <fuchsia/deprecatedtimezone/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/intl/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <fuchsia/modular/intl/internal/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h>
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <sdk/lib/sys/cpp/component_context.h>
namespace modular {
// Implementation of `fuchsia.intl.PropertyProvider`.
// Serves an up-to-date `fuchsia.intl.Profile`, based on watched user settings.
class IntlPropertyProviderImpl : fuchsia::intl::PropertyProvider,
fuchsia::deprecatedtimezone::TimezoneWatcher {
IntlPropertyProviderImpl(fuchsia::deprecatedtimezone::TimezonePtr time_zone_client);
// Create an instance of `IntlPropertyProviderImpl`, after using the given `ServiceDirectory` to
// connect to all of the provider's service dependencies.
static std::unique_ptr<IntlPropertyProviderImpl> Create(
const std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory>& incoming_services);
fidl::InterfaceRequestHandler<fuchsia::intl::PropertyProvider> GetHandler(
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = nullptr);
// Start serving the intl profile and listening for user preference changes.
void Start();
// Put the callback in a queue (in case the data is not yet available).
// `fuchsia.intl.PropertyProvider`
void GetProfile(fuchsia::intl::PropertyProvider::GetProfileCallback callback) override;
// `fuchsia.deprecatedtimezone.TimezoneWatcher`
void OnTimezoneOffsetChange(std::string time_zone_id) override;
// Load initial ICU data if this hasn't been done already.
// TODO(kpozin): Eventually, this should solely be the responsibility of the client component that
// links `IntlPropertyProviderImpl`, which has a better idea of what parameters ICU should be
// initialized with.
zx_status_t InitializeIcuIfNeeded();
// Load the initial profiles values from user preferences and defaults.
void LoadInitialValues();
// Start watching user preferences.
zx_status_t StartSettingsWatchers();
// Get a clone of the current `Profile` if available. If the raw data has not yet been
// initialized, returns `ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT`. Other errors are also possible, e.g.
// `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if the raw data is invalid or `ZX_ERR_INTERNAL` if various internal
// problems arise.
fit::result<fuchsia::intl::Profile, zx_status_t> GetProfileInternal();
// Return true if the initial raw data has been set and is ready to be transformed into a
// `Profile`.
bool IsRawDataInitialized();
// Replace the stored raw data, and, if the data has actually changed, trigger notifications to
// watchers and pending requesters.
bool UpdateRawData(fuchsia::modular::intl::internal::RawProfileData& new_raw_data);
// Notify watchers that the `Profile` has changed.
void NotifyOnChange();
// Send the Profile to any queued callers of `GetProfile`.
void ProcessGetProfileQueue();
// A snapshot of the assembled intl `Profile`.
std::optional<fuchsia::intl::Profile> intl_profile_;
// Raw data that will be used to assemble the `Profile`.
std::optional<fuchsia::modular::intl::internal::RawProfileData> raw_profile_data_;
fidl::BindingSet<fuchsia::intl::PropertyProvider> property_provider_bindings_;
// TODO(MF-168): Add SetUI service client
fuchsia::deprecatedtimezone::TimezonePtr time_zone_client_;
fidl::Binding<fuchsia::deprecatedtimezone::TimezoneWatcher> tz_watcher_binding_;
// Queue of pending requests
std::queue<fuchsia::intl::PropertyProvider::GetProfileCallback> get_profile_queue_;
} // namespace modular