blob: 39953dc6eaf377e236112460578cfb33b6dd6a19 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "fidl/reporter.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <sstream>
#include <fidl/diagnostics_json.h>
#include <fidl/token.h>
namespace fidl {
namespace reporter {
std::string MakeSquiggle(const std::string& surrounding_line, int column) {
std::string squiggle;
size_t line_size = surrounding_line.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < (static_cast<size_t>(column) - 1); i++) {
if (i < line_size && surrounding_line[i] == '\t') {
} else {
squiggle.push_back(' ');
return squiggle;
std::string Format(std::string qualifier, const std::optional<SourceSpan>& span,
std::string_view message, bool color, size_t squiggle_size) {
const std::string_view bold = color ? "\033[1m" : "";
const std::string_view bold_red = color ? "\033[1;31m" : "";
const std::string_view bold_green = color ? "\033[1;32m" : "";
const std::string_view reset = color ? "\033[0m" : "";
if (!span) {
std::stringstream error;
error << bold_red << qualifier << ": " << reset;
error << bold << message << reset;
return error.str();
SourceFile::Position position;
std::string surrounding_line = std::string(span->SourceLine(&position));
assert(surrounding_line.find('\n') == std::string::npos &&
"A single line should not contain a newline character");
std::string squiggle = MakeSquiggle(surrounding_line, position.column);
if (squiggle_size != 0u) {
squiggle += std::string(squiggle_size, '~');
// Some tokens (like string literals) can span multiple lines. Truncate the
// string to just one line at most.
// The +1 allows for squiggles at the end of line, which is useful when
// referencing the bounds of a file or line (e.g. unexpected end of file,
// expected something on an empty line).
size_t line_size = surrounding_line.size() + 1;
if (squiggle.size() > line_size) {
std::stringstream error;
// Many editors and IDEs recognize errors in the form of
// filename:linenumber:column: error: descriptive-test-here\n
error << bold << span->position_str() << ": " << reset;
error << bold_red << qualifier << ": " << reset;
error << bold << message << reset;
error << '\n' << surrounding_line << '\n';
error << bold_green << squiggle << reset;
return error.str();
void Reporter::AddError(std::unique_ptr<Diagnostic> diag) {
if (mode_ == ReportingMode::kDoNotReport)
void Reporter::AddWarning(std::unique_ptr<Diagnostic> diag) {
if (mode_ == ReportingMode::kDoNotReport)
if (warnings_as_errors_) {
} else {
// Record an error with the span, message, source line, position indicator,
// and, if span is not nullopt, tildes under the token reported.
// filename:line:col: {error, warning}: message
// sourceline
// ^~~~
void Reporter::ReportError(std::unique_ptr<Diagnostic> diag) {
assert(diag && "should not report nullptr error");
assert(diag->kind == DiagnosticKind::kError);
void Reporter::ReportWarning(std::unique_ptr<Diagnostic> diag) {
assert(diag && "should not report nullptr warning");
assert(diag->kind == DiagnosticKind::kWarning);
void Reporter::PrintReports() {
const auto diags = diagnostics();
for (const auto& diag : diags) {
size_t squiggle_size = diag->span ? diag->span->data().size() : 0;
std::string qualifier = diag->kind == DiagnosticKind::kError ? "error" : "warning";
auto msg = Format(qualifier, diag->span, diag->msg, enable_color_, squiggle_size);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg.c_str());
if (!errors_.empty() && warnings_.empty()) {
fprintf(stderr, "%zu error(s) reported.\n", errors_.size());
} else if (errors_.empty() && !warnings_.empty()) {
fprintf(stderr, "%zu warning(s) reported.\n", warnings_.size());
} else if (!errors_.empty() && !warnings_.empty()) {
fprintf(stderr, "%zu error(s) and %zu warning(s) reported.\n", errors_.size(),
void Reporter::PrintReportsJson() {
fprintf(stderr, "%s", fidl::DiagnosticsJson(diagnostics()).Produce().str().c_str());
} // namespace reporter
} // namespace fidl