blob: 0980b158a3607a58aefe6d08ac110b654f9062fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <digest/digest.h>
#include "constants.h"
#include "geometry.h"
#include "hash-block-accumulator.h"
namespace block_verity {
typedef void (*sealer_callback)(void* ctx, zx_status_t status, const uint8_t* buf, size_t len);
void GenerateSuperblock(const Geometry& info, uint8_t root_hash[kHashOutputSize],
uint8_t* block_buf);
class Sealer {
Sealer(Geometry geometry);
virtual ~Sealer() = default;
// Disallow copy & assign. Allow move.
Sealer(const Sealer&) = delete;
Sealer& operator=(const Sealer&) = delete;
virtual zx_status_t StartSealing(void* cookie, sealer_callback callback);
enum State {
// Initial state
// Still reading through data blocks, writing integrity blocks as they
// complete
// Done reading through data blocks; padding out hash blocks with zeroes
// Writing out the superblock
// Requesting flush of all writes
// Finished.
// If any block operation fails along the way, mark the whole thing as a
// failure.
// Based on current state: either take an action (request an I/O) or advance
// the state machine.
void ScheduleNextWorkUnit();
// Request the next data block(s) from disk so we can hash them.
void RequestNextRead();
// Check if any integrity accumulators are full. If so, write them out and
// prepare new empty ones.
void WriteIntegrityIfReady();
// Prepares the superblock into block_buf based on the geometry information
// and root hash given.
void PrepareSuperblock(uint8_t* block_buf);
// Mark the computation as failed and trigger the sealer's callback.
void Fail(zx_status_t error);
// Virtual functions for providing concrete I/O implementations and their
// expected callbacks.
// Requests to read the block at the absolute block position `block`. Expects
// `CompleteRead` to be called with the I/O's status and (if successful) the
// contents of the block read.
virtual void RequestRead(uint64_t block) = 0;
// The function that should be called back when the read request completes.
void CompleteRead(zx_status_t status, uint8_t* block_data);
// Requests to write the contents of the (full) HashBlockAccumulator to the
// integrity block at `integrity_block`. Expects CompleteIntegrityWrite to be
// called with the I/O's status upon completion.
virtual void WriteIntegrityBlock(HashBlockAccumulator& hba, uint64_t block) = 0;
// The function that should be called back when the write request completes.
void CompleteIntegrityWrite(zx_status_t status);
// Requests that the I/O implementation call `PrepareSuperblock` with a
// suitable buffer, then write the contents of the buffer perpared to the
// zeroth block of the device.
virtual void WriteSuperblock() = 0;
// The function that should be called back when the write request completes.
void CompleteSuperblockWrite(zx_status_t status);
// Requests that the I/O implementation flush all pending writes, then call
// `CompleteFlush`.
virtual void RequestFlush() = 0;
// The function that should be called back when the flush request completes.
void CompleteFlush(zx_status_t status);
// Drive geometry information
const Geometry geometry_;
// The current state of the sealing computation.
State state_;
// The index into the integrity section of the first integrity block that we
// have *not* written out yet.
IntegrityBlockIndex integrity_block_index_;
// The first block in the data section that we have *not* requested a block read for yet.
DataBlockIndex data_block_index_;
// Accumulate hashes into blocks. One for the current block-in-progress at
// each tier of the hash tree.
std::vector<HashBlockAccumulator> hash_block_accumulators_;
// Hash of the root block of the merkle tree.
uint8_t root_hash_[kHashOutputSize];
// Hash of the superblock; the final seal;
uint8_t final_seal_[kHashOutputSize];
// Holds the callback function and context pointer across async boundaries.
// Saved when StartSealing is called and called exactly once.
sealer_callback callback_;
void* cookie_;
} // namespace block_verity