blob: a087a5f4881b550b922454a1e28bf072c385da6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "constants.h"
namespace block_verity {
// A class that contains a block-sized buffer, a write pointer, and a boolean
// for tracking whether we've issued a write for the contents yet or not. We
// use this class to accumulate the hashes of several blocks we read before
// writing back a completed integrity block.
// Future work could genericize this over block size and hash algorithm,
// but for now it's expedient to assume 4k and SHA256 from constants.h.
class HashBlockAccumulator {
~HashBlockAccumulator() = default;
// Zero the block buffer, reset the write offset `block_bytes_filled` to zero,
// and set `write_requested_` to false.
void Reset();
// True if block_bytes_filled is zero -- no bytes have been fed since `Reset`
// was last called or construction.
bool IsEmpty() const;
// True if `block_bytes_filled` is `kBlockSize`. Semantically, this block is
// full and ready to be written out to backing storage.
bool IsFull() const;
// Copy `count` bytes from `buf` to the next unset `block`, and increment
// `block_bytes_filled` by `count`. This is called with the hash of some
// lower block in the hash tree - either a leaf data block, or a lower-level
// integrity block.
void Feed(const uint8_t* buf, size_t count);
// Feeds zeroes into the buffer until the block is full.
void PadBlockWithZeroesToFill();
// Retrievs the block buffer for writeback purposes.
const uint8_t* BlockData() const;
// Accessor/mutator for bookkeeping a bit tracking whether we've attempted to
// write this block (once filled) back to underlying storage yet.
bool HasWriteRequested() const;
void MarkWriteRequested();
uint8_t block[kBlockSize];
size_t block_bytes_filled;
bool write_requested_;
} // namespace block_verity