blob: 24a6a28baa4a97cfdfc9e93281fe799d83b4c93a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
namespace block_verity {
// A block_verity partition is composed of three sections:
// * superblock
// * integrity section
// * data section
// The amount of space allocated to each section varies by block size (in
// bytes), hash function output length (in bytes), and block device size (in
// blocks).
struct IntegrityShape {
uint64_t integrity_block_count;
uint32_t tree_depth; // number of levels of indirect blocks
// Given a number of data blocks, a block size, and a hash output size, compute
// how many integrity blocks will be needed to provide integrity data for them,
// and how deep the hash tree would need to be to cover it.
IntegrityShape IntegrityShapeFor(uint32_t block_size, uint32_t hash_size,
uint64_t data_block_count);
struct BlockAllocation {
// Number of blocks allocated for metadata/superblock. This is 1.
uint64_t superblock_count;
// Number of blocks allocated to the "integrity section", including unusable
// blocks.
uint64_t padded_integrity_block_count;
// Number of blocks allocated to the "data section"
uint64_t data_block_count;
IntegrityShape integrity_shape;
BlockAllocation BestSplitFor(uint32_t block_size, uint32_t hash_size, uint64_t total_blocks);
typedef uint64_t IntegrityBlockIndex;
typedef uint64_t DataBlockIndex;
typedef uint32_t HashIndex;
// A representation of where, within the integrity section, the hash of a
// particular block can be found.
struct HashLocation {
// The index into the integrity section of the block we are consulting
IntegrityBlockIndex integrity_block;
// The index of the hash within that block. To get a byte offset, multiply hash_in_block by
// hash_size.
HashIndex hash_in_block;
class Geometry {
Geometry(uint32_t block_size, uint32_t hash_size, uint64_t total_blocks);
// Given a data block index, return the location in the integrity section that
// contains the hash of the literal data in that block. This is used in the
// verified read logic.
HashLocation IntegrityDataLocationForDataBlock(DataBlockIndex data_block_index);
// Given a block index into the integrity data, return the integrity data
// block index and intra-block hash offset that covers that indirect block.
// This is used on the verified read path -- after authenticating a data
// block by checking the hash value at the location specified by
// `IntegrityDataLocationForDataBlock`, we need to chain hash verification up
// the merkle tree to the root. This function tells us where to find the next
// block up in the merkle tree.
HashLocation NextIntegrityBlockUp(uint32_t distance_from_leaf,
IntegrityBlockIndex integrity_block_index);
// Returns the device block offset for the `index`th integrity block.
uint64_t AbsoluteLocationForIntegrity(IntegrityBlockIndex index) const;
// Returns the device block offset for the `index`th data block.
uint64_t AbsoluteLocationForData(DataBlockIndex index) const;
uint64_t total_blocks_;
uint32_t hash_size_;
uint32_t block_size_;
uint32_t hashes_per_block_;
BlockAllocation allocation_;
} // namespace block_verity