blob: d1aae6eadf250c263bac76e897636a20ae8dc420 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/ui/scenic/internal/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/wait.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
// clang-format off
#include "src/ui/lib/glm_workaround/glm_workaround.h"
// clang-format on
#include <glm/vec2.hpp>
#include <glm/mat3x3.hpp>
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/link_system.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/renderer/buffer_collection_importer.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/renderer/renderer.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/flatland_presenter.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/transform_graph.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/transform_handle.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/uber_struct_system.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/flib/fence_queue.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/gfx/engine/object_linker.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/scheduling/id.h"
namespace flatland {
// This is a WIP implementation of the 2D Layer API. It currently exists to run unit tests, and to
// provide a platform for features to be iterated and implemented over time.
class Flatland : public fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland {
using TransformId = uint64_t;
using BufferCollectionId = uint64_t;
using ContentId = uint64_t;
// Passing the same LinkSystem and UberStructSystem to multiple Flatland instances will allow
// them to link to each other through operations that involve tokens and parent/child
// relationships (e.g., by calling LinkToParent() and CreateLink()).
explicit Flatland(
scheduling::SessionId session_id,
const std::shared_ptr<FlatlandPresenter>& flatland_presenter,
const std::shared_ptr<Renderer>& renderer, const std::shared_ptr<LinkSystem>& link_system,
const std::shared_ptr<UberStructSystem::UberStructQueue>& uber_struct_queue,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BufferCollectionImporter>>& buffer_collection_importers,
fuchsia::sysmem::AllocatorSyncPtr sysmem_allocator);
// Because this object captures its "this" pointer in internal closures, it is unsafe to copy or
// move it. Disable all copy and move operations.
Flatland(const Flatland&) = delete;
Flatland& operator=(const Flatland&) = delete;
Flatland(Flatland&&) = delete;
Flatland& operator=(Flatland&&) = delete;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void Present(zx_time_t requested_presentation_time, std::vector<zx::event> acquire_fences,
std::vector<zx::event> release_fences, PresentCallback callback) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void LinkToParent(
fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::GraphLinkToken token,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::GraphLink> graph_link) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void UnlinkFromParent(
fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland::UnlinkFromParentCallback callback) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void ClearGraph() override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void CreateTransform(TransformId transform_id) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void SetTranslation(TransformId transform_id,
fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Vec2 translation) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void SetOrientation(TransformId transform_id,
fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Orientation orientation) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void SetScale(TransformId transform_id, fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Vec2 scale) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void AddChild(TransformId parent_transform_id, TransformId child_transform_id) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void RemoveChild(TransformId parent_transform_id, TransformId child_transform_id) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void SetRootTransform(TransformId transform_id) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void CreateLink(
ContentId link_id, fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::ContentLinkToken token,
fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::LinkProperties properties,
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::ContentLink> content_link) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void RegisterBufferCollection(
BufferCollectionId collection_id,
fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionToken> token) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void CreateImage(ContentId image_id, BufferCollectionId collection_id, uint32_t vmo_index,
fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::ImageProperties properties) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void SetContentOnTransform(ContentId content_id, TransformId transform_id) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void SetLinkProperties(ContentId link_id,
fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::LinkProperties properties) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void SetLinkSize(ContentId link_id, fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Vec2 size) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void ReleaseTransform(TransformId transform_id) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void ReleaseLink(ContentId link_id,
fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland::ReleaseLinkCallback callback) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void DeregisterBufferCollection(BufferCollectionId collection_id) override;
// |fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Flatland|
void ReleaseImage(ContentId image_id) override;
// For validating the transform hierarchy in tests only. For the sake of testing, the "root" will
// always be the top-most TransformHandle from the TransformGraph owned by this Flatland. If
// currently linked to a parent, that means the link_origin. If not, that means the local_root_.
TransformHandle GetRoot() const;
// For validating properties associated with content in tests only. If |content_id| does not
// exist for this Flatland instance, returns std::nullopt.
std::optional<TransformHandle> GetContentHandle(ContentId content_id) const;
void ReportError();
// Users are not allowed to use zero as a transform ID.
static constexpr TransformId kInvalidId = 0;
// This is the maximum number of pending Present() calls the user can have in flight. Since the
// current implementation is synchronous, there can only be one call to Present() at a time.
// TODO( Tune this number once we have a non-synchronous present flow.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxPresents = 1;
// The unique SessionId for this Flatland instance. Used to schedule Presents and register
// UberStructs with the UberStructSystem.
const scheduling::SessionId session_id_;
// A FlatlandPresenter shared between Flatland instances. Flatland uses this interface to get
// PresentIds when publishing to the UberStructSystem.
std::shared_ptr<FlatlandPresenter> flatland_presenter_;
// A Renderer shared between Flatland instances. Flatland registers buffer collections with the
// Renderer and references them by ID when submitting data in an UberStruct.
std::shared_ptr<Renderer> renderer_;
// A link system shared between Flatland instances, so that links can be made between them.
std::shared_ptr<LinkSystem> link_system_;
// An UberStructSystem shared between Flatland instances. Flatland publishes local data to the
// UberStructSystem in order to have it seen by the global render loop.
std::shared_ptr<UberStructSystem::UberStructQueue> uber_struct_queue_;
// Used to import Flatland buffer collections and images to external services that Flatland does
// not have knowledge of. Each importer is used for a different service.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BufferCollectionImporter>> buffer_collection_importers_;
// A Sysmem allocator to faciliate buffer allocation with the Renderer.
fuchsia::sysmem::AllocatorSyncPtr sysmem_allocator_;
// True if any function has failed since the previous call to Present(), false otherwise.
bool failure_since_previous_present_ = false;
// The number of pipelined Present() operations available to the client.
uint32_t num_presents_remaining_ = kMaxPresents;
// Must be managed by a shared_ptr because the implementation uses weak_from_this().
std::shared_ptr<escher::FenceQueue> fence_queue_ = std::make_shared<escher::FenceQueue>();
// A map from user-generated ID to global handle. This map constitutes the set of transforms that
// can be referenced by the user through method calls. Keep in mind that additional transforms may
// be kept alive through child references.
std::unordered_map<TransformId, TransformHandle> transforms_;
// A graph representing this flatland instance's local transforms and their relationships.
TransformGraph transform_graph_;
// A unique transform for this instance, the local_root_, is part of the transform_graph_,
// and will never be released or changed during the course of the instance's lifetime. This makes
// it a fixed attachment point for cross-instance Links.
const TransformHandle local_root_;
// A mapping from user-generated ID to the TransformHandle that owns that piece of Content.
// Attaching Content to a Transform consists of setting one of these "Content Handles" as the
// priority child of the Transform.
std::unordered_map<ContentId, TransformHandle> content_handles_;
// The set of link operations that are pending a call to Present(). Unlike other operations,
// whose effects are only visible when a new UberStruct is published, Link destruction operations
// result in immediate changes in the LinkSystem. To avoid having these changes visible before
// Present() is called, the actual destruction of Links happens in the following Present().
std::vector<fit::function<void()>> pending_link_operations_;
// Wraps a LinkSystem::ChildLink and the properties currently associated with that link.
struct ChildLinkData {
LinkSystem::ChildLink link;
fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::LinkProperties properties;
fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Vec2 size;
// Recomputes the scale matrix responsible for fitting a Link's logical size into the actual size
// designated for it.
void UpdateLinkScale(const ChildLinkData& link_data);
// A mapping from Flatland-generated TransformHandle to the ChildLinkData it represents.
std::unordered_map<TransformHandle, ChildLinkData> child_links_;
// The link from this Flatland instance to our parent.
std::optional<LinkSystem::ParentLink> parent_link_;
// Represents a geometric transformation as three separate components applied in the following
// order: translation (relative to the parent's coordinate space), orientation (around the new
// origin as defined by the translation), and scale (relative to the new rotated origin).
class MatrixData {
void SetTranslation(fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Vec2 translation);
void SetOrientation(fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Orientation orientation);
void SetScale(fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Vec2 scale);
// Returns this geometric transformation as a single 3x3 matrix using the order of operations
// above: translation, orientation, then scale.
glm::mat3 GetMatrix() const;
static float GetOrientationAngle(fuchsia::ui::scenic::internal::Orientation orientation);
// Applies the translation, then orientation, then scale to the identity matrix.
void RecomputeMatrix();
glm::vec2 translation_ = glm::vec2(0.f, 0.f);
glm::vec2 scale_ = glm::vec2(1.f, 1.f);
// Counterclockwise rotation angle, in radians.
float angle_ = 0.f;
// Recompute and cache the local matrix each time a component is changed to avoid recomputing
// the matrix for each frame. We expect GetMatrix() to be called far more frequently (roughly
// once per rendered frame) than the setters are called.
glm::mat3 matrix_ = glm::mat3(1.f);
// A geometric transform for each TransformHandle. If not present, that TransformHandle has the
// identity matrix for its transform.
std::unordered_map<TransformHandle, MatrixData> matrices_;
// A mapping from user-generated buffer collection IDs to global buffer collection
// IDs.
std::unordered_map<BufferCollectionId, sysmem_util::GlobalBufferCollectionId>
// The metadata associated with a particular buffer collection and the number of Images that
// currently reference that buffer collection.
struct BufferCollectionData {
std::optional<BufferCollectionMetadata> metadata;
size_t image_count = 0;
// A mapping from global buffer collection ID to the data associated with each
// collection.
std::unordered_map<sysmem_util::GlobalBufferCollectionId, BufferCollectionData>
// The set of sysmem_util::GlobalBufferCollectionIds associated with released BufferCollectionIds
// that have not yet been garbage collected.
std::unordered_set<sysmem_util::GlobalBufferCollectionId> released_buffer_collection_ids_;
// A mapping from Flatland-generated TransformHandle to the ImageMetadata it represents.
std::unordered_map<TransformHandle, ImageMetadata> image_metadatas_;
} // namespace flatland