blob: 3508275e3f95fd304bf5e6edb0af7cebb1bc7488 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/hardware/display/cpp/fidl.h>
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/link_system.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/renderer/buffer_collection_importer.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/renderer/renderer.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/uber_struct_system.h"
namespace flatland {
class Engine final : public BufferCollectionImporter {
Engine(std::unique_ptr<fuchsia::hardware::display::ControllerSyncPtr> display_controller,
const std::shared_ptr<Renderer>& renderer, const std::shared_ptr<LinkSystem>& link_system,
const std::shared_ptr<UberStructSystem>& uber_struct_system);
// |BufferCollectionImporter|
void ImportBufferCollection(
sysmem_util::GlobalBufferCollectionId collection_id,
fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator_Sync* sysmem_allocator,
fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionToken> token) override;
// |BufferCollectionImporter|
void ReleaseBufferCollection(sysmem_util::GlobalBufferCollectionId collection_id) override;
// |BufferCollectionImporter|
bool ImportImage(const ImageMetadata& meta_data) override;
// |BufferCollectionImporter|
void ReleaseImage(GlobalImageId image_id) override;
// TODO( Add in parameters for scheduling, etc. Right now we're just making sure
// the data is processed correctly.
void RenderFrame();
// Register a new display to the engine. The display_id is a unique display to reference the
// display object by, and can be retrieved by calling display_id() on a display object. The
// TransformHandle must be the root transform of the root Flatland instance. The pixel scale is
// the display's width/height.
// TODO( We need to figure out exactly how we want the display to anchor
// to the Flatland hierarchy.
void AddDisplay(uint64_t display_id, TransformHandle transform, glm::uvec2 pixel_scale);
// Registers a sysmem buffer collection with the engine, causing it to register with both
// the display controller and the renderer. A valid display must have already been added
// to the Engine via |AddDisplay| before this is called with the same display_id.
// The result is a GlobalBufferCollectionId which references the collection for both the
// renderer and the display. If the collection failed to allocate, the id will be 0.
sysmem_util::GlobalBufferCollectionId RegisterTargetCollection(
fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator_Sync* sysmem_allocator, uint64_t display_id, uint32_t num_vmos);
// The data that gets forwarded either to the display or the software renderer. The lengths
// of |rectangles| and |images| must be the same, and each rectangle/image pair for a given
// index represents a single renderable object.
struct RenderData {
std::vector<Rectangle2D> rectangles;
std::vector<ImageMetadata> images;
uint64_t display_id;
// Struct to represent the display's flatland info. The TransformHandle must be the root
// transform of the root Flatland instance. The pixel scale is the display's width/height.
// A new DisplayInfo struct is added to the display_map_ when a client calls AddDisplay().
struct DisplayInfo {
TransformHandle transform;
glm::uvec2 pixel_scale;
// Gathers all of the flatland data and converts it all into a format that can be
// directly converted into the data required by the display and the 2D renderer.
// This is done per-display, so the result is a vector of per-display render data.
std::vector<RenderData> ComputeRenderData();
// Returns the image id used by the display controller.
uint64_t InternalImageId(GlobalImageId image_id) const;
// This mutex protects access to |display_controller_| and |image_id_map_|.
// TODO( Convert this to a lock-free structure. This is a unique
// case since we are talking to a FIDL interface (display_controller_) through a lock.
// We either need lock-free threadsafe FIDL bindings, multiple channels to the display
// controller, or something else.
mutable std::mutex lock_;
// Handle to the display controller interface.
std::unique_ptr<fuchsia::hardware::display::ControllerSyncPtr> display_controller_;
// Maps the flatland global image id to the image id used by the display controller.
std::unordered_map<GlobalImageId, uint64_t> image_id_map_;
// Software renderer used when render data cannot be directly composited to the display.
std::shared_ptr<Renderer> renderer_;
// The link system and uberstruct system are used to extract flatland render data.
std::shared_ptr<LinkSystem> link_system_;
std::shared_ptr<UberStructSystem> uber_struct_system_;
// Maps display unique ids to the displays' flatland specific data.
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, DisplayInfo> display_map_;
} // namespace flatland