blob: 6105974fb0e41759a62833814163fc698d85d86f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/engine/engine.h"
#include <lib/fdio/directory.h>
#include <zircon/pixelformat.h>
#include <vector>
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/display/util.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/flatland/global_image_data.h"
namespace flatland {
namespace {
// Struct to combine the source and destination frames used to set a layer's
// position on the display. The src frame represents the (cropped) UV coordinates
// of the image and the dst frame represents the position in screen space that
// the layer will be placed.
struct DisplayFrameData {
fuchsia::hardware::display::Frame src;
fuchsia::hardware::display::Frame dst;
constexpr fuchsia::sysmem::BufferUsage kNoneUsage = {.none = fuchsia::sysmem::noneUsage};
// TODO( : Move this somewhere else maybe.
void SetClientConstraintsAndWaitForAllocated(
fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator_Sync* sysmem_allocator,
fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionTokenSyncPtr token, uint32_t image_count, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height, fuchsia::sysmem::BufferUsage usage,
std::optional<fuchsia::sysmem::BufferMemoryConstraints> memory_constraints) {
fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionSyncPtr buffer_collection;
zx_status_t status =
sysmem_allocator->BindSharedCollection(std::move(token), buffer_collection.NewRequest());
FX_DCHECK(status == ZX_OK);
fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints constraints;
if (memory_constraints) {
constraints.has_buffer_memory_constraints = true;
constraints.buffer_memory_constraints = std::move(*memory_constraints);
} else {
constraints.has_buffer_memory_constraints = false;
constraints.usage = usage;
constraints.min_buffer_count = image_count;
constraints.image_format_constraints_count = 1;
auto& image_constraints = constraints.image_format_constraints[0];
image_constraints.color_spaces_count = 1;
image_constraints.color_space[0] =
fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpace{.type = fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpaceType::SRGB};
image_constraints.pixel_format.type = fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormatType::BGRA32;
image_constraints.pixel_format.has_format_modifier = true;
image_constraints.pixel_format.format_modifier.value = fuchsia::sysmem::FORMAT_MODIFIER_LINEAR;
image_constraints.required_min_coded_width = width;
image_constraints.required_min_coded_height = height;
image_constraints.required_max_coded_width = width;
image_constraints.required_max_coded_height = height;
image_constraints.max_coded_width = width * 4 /*num channels*/;
image_constraints.max_coded_height = height;
image_constraints.max_bytes_per_row = 0xffffffff;
status = buffer_collection->SetConstraints(true, constraints);
FX_DCHECK(status == ZX_OK);
// Have the client wait for allocation.
zx_status_t allocation_status = ZX_OK;
fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2 buffer_collection_info = {};
status = buffer_collection->WaitForBuffersAllocated(&allocation_status, &buffer_collection_info);
FX_DCHECK(status == ZX_OK);
FX_DCHECK(allocation_status == ZX_OK);
status = buffer_collection->Close();
FX_DCHECK(status == ZX_OK);
uint64_t InitializeDisplayLayer(fuchsia::hardware::display::ControllerSyncPtr& display_controller) {
uint64_t layer_id;
zx_status_t create_layer_status;
zx_status_t transport_status = display_controller->CreateLayer(&create_layer_status, &layer_id);
if (create_layer_status != ZX_OK || transport_status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to create layer, " << create_layer_status;
return 0;
return layer_id;
std::vector<uint64_t> CreateAndSetDisplayLayers(
fuchsia::hardware::display::ControllerSyncPtr& display_controller, uint64_t display_id,
uint64_t num_layers) {
std::vector<uint64_t> layers;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_layers; i++) {
auto curr_layer_id = InitializeDisplayLayer(display_controller);
// Set all of the layers for each of the images on the display.
auto status = display_controller->SetDisplayLayers(display_id, layers);
FX_DCHECK(status == ZX_OK);
return layers;
// When setting an image on a layer in the display, you have to specify the "source"
// and "destination", where the source represents the pixel offsets and dimensions to
// use from the image and the destination represents where on the display the (cropped)
// image will go in pixel coordinates. This exactly mirrors the setup we have in the
// Rectangle2D struct and ImageMetadata struct, so we just need to convert that over to
// the proper display controller readable format.
DisplayFrameData RectangleDataToDisplayFrames(escher::Rectangle2D rectangle, ImageMetadata image) {
fuchsia::hardware::display::Frame src_frame = {
.x_pos = static_cast<uint32_t>(rectangle.clockwise_uvs[0].x * image.width),
.y_pos = static_cast<uint32_t>(rectangle.clockwise_uvs[0].y * image.height),
.width = static_cast<uint32_t>((rectangle.clockwise_uvs[2].x - rectangle.clockwise_uvs[0].x) *
.height = static_cast<uint32_t>(
(rectangle.clockwise_uvs[2].y - rectangle.clockwise_uvs[0].y) * image.height),
fuchsia::hardware::display::Frame dst_frame = {
.x_pos = static_cast<uint32_t>(rectangle.origin.x),
.y_pos = static_cast<uint32_t>(rectangle.origin.y),
.width = static_cast<uint32_t>(rectangle.extent.x),
.height = static_cast<uint32_t>(rectangle.extent.y),
return {.src = src_frame, .dst = dst_frame};
} // namespace
Engine::Engine(std::unique_ptr<fuchsia::hardware::display::ControllerSyncPtr> display_controller,
const std::shared_ptr<Renderer>& renderer,
const std::shared_ptr<LinkSystem>& link_system,
const std::shared_ptr<UberStructSystem>& uber_struct_system)
: display_controller_(std::move(display_controller)),
uber_struct_system_(uber_struct_system) {
void Engine::ImportBufferCollection(
sysmem_util::GlobalBufferCollectionId collection_id,
fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator_Sync* sysmem_allocator,
fidl::InterfaceHandle<fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionToken> token) {
auto sync_token = token.BindSync();
// TODO(61974): Find a way to query what formats are compatible with a particular display.
fuchsia::hardware::display::ImageConfig image_config = {.pixel_format = ZX_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_x888};
// Scope the lock.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
auto result = scenic_impl::ImportBufferCollection(collection_id, *display_controller_.get(),
std::move(sync_token), image_config);
void Engine::ReleaseBufferCollection(sysmem_util::GlobalBufferCollectionId collection_id) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
bool Engine::ImportImage(const ImageMetadata& meta_data) {
if (meta_data.identifier == 0) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "ImageMetadata identifier is invalid.";
return false;
if (meta_data.collection_id == sysmem_util::kInvalidId) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "ImageMetadata collection ID is invalid.";
return false;
if (meta_data.width == 0 || meta_data.height == 0) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "ImageMetadata has a null dimension: "
<< "(" << meta_data.width << ", " << meta_data.height << ").";
return false;
uint64_t display_image_id;
fuchsia::hardware::display::ImageConfig image_config = {
.width = meta_data.width,
.height = meta_data.height,
// TODO(61974): Find a way to query what formats are compatible with a particular display.
.pixel_format = ZX_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB_x888};
zx_status_t import_image_status = ZX_OK;
// Scope the lock.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
auto status = (*display_controller_.get())
->ImportImage(image_config, meta_data.collection_id, meta_data.vmo_idx,
&import_image_status, &display_image_id);
FX_DCHECK(status == ZX_OK);
if (import_image_status != ZX_OK) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Display controller could not import the image.";
return false;
// Add the display-specific ID to the global map.
image_id_map_[meta_data.identifier] = display_image_id;
return true;
void Engine::ReleaseImage(GlobalImageId image_id) {
auto display_image_id = InternalImageId(image_id);
// Locks the rest of the function.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
std::vector<Engine::RenderData> Engine::ComputeRenderData() {
const auto snapshot = uber_struct_system_->Snapshot();
const auto links = link_system_->GetResolvedTopologyLinks();
const auto link_system_id = link_system_->GetInstanceId();
// Gather the flatland data into a vector of rectangle and image data that can be passed to
// either the display controller directly or to the software renderer.
std::vector<RenderData> image_list_per_display;
for (const auto& [display_id, display_info] : display_map_) {
const auto& transform = display_info.transform;
const auto& resolution = display_info.pixel_scale;
const auto topology_data =
GlobalTopologyData::ComputeGlobalTopologyData(snapshot, links, link_system_id, transform);
const auto global_matrices = ComputeGlobalMatrices(topology_data.topology_vector,
topology_data.parent_indices, snapshot);
const auto [image_indices, images] =
ComputeGlobalImageData(topology_data.topology_vector, snapshot);
const auto image_rectangles =
ComputeGlobalRectangles(SelectMatrices(global_matrices, image_indices));
link_system_->UpdateLinks(topology_data.topology_vector, topology_data.live_handles,
global_matrices, resolution, snapshot);
FX_DCHECK(image_rectangles.size() == images.size());
image_list_per_display.push_back({.rectangles = std::move(image_rectangles),
.images = std::move(images),
.display_id = display_id});
return image_list_per_display;
void Engine::RenderFrame() {
auto render_data_list = ComputeRenderData();
// Create and set layers, one per image/rectangle, set the layer images and the
// layer transforms. Afterwards we check the config, if it fails for whatever reason,
// such as there being too many layers, then we fall back to software composition.
for (auto& render_data : render_data_list) {
// Every rectangle should have an associated image.
uint32_t num_images = render_data.images.size();
uint32_t num_rectangles = render_data.rectangles.size();
auto& display_id = render_data.display_id;
// TODO( This should eventually be cached. We don't want to recreate the layers
// every single time we call RenderFrame().
std::vector<uint64_t> layers;
// Scope the lock.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
layers = CreateAndSetDisplayLayers(*display_controller_.get(), display_id, num_images);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_images; i++) {
const auto& rectangle = render_data.rectangles[i];
const auto& image = render_data.images[i];
const auto& curr_layer_id = layers[i];
#if 0
auto display_image_id = InternalImageId(image.identifier);
// Set the imported image on the layer.
// TODO( Add wait and signal events.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
(*display_controller_.get())->SetLayerImage(curr_layer_id, display_image_id,
/*wait_event*/ 0, /*signal_event*/ 0);
// Convert rectangle and image data into display controller source and destination frames.
auto [src_frame, dst_frame] = RectangleDataToDisplayFrames(rectangle, image);
// We just use the identity transform because the rectangles have already been rotated by
// the flatland code.
auto transform = fuchsia::hardware::display::Transform::IDENTITY;
// Scope the lock.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
->SetLayerPrimaryPosition(curr_layer_id, transform, src_frame, dst_frame);
// TODO( Add back in when we have tests.
#if 0
// // Check that the display is capable of compositing all of the images we told it to.
// fuchsia::hardware::display::ConfigResult result;
// std::vector<fuchsia::hardware::display::ClientCompositionOp> ops;
// display_controller()->CheckConfig(/*discard=*/false, &result, &ops);
// // If the results are ok, we can apply the config directly, else we have to composite ourselves.
// if (result == fuchsia::hardware::display::ConfigResult::OK) {
// auto status = display_controller()->ApplyConfig();
// FX_DCHECK(status == ZX_OK);
// } else {
// // TODO( Here is where we'd actually have to render using the 2D renderer.
// }
// }
void Engine::AddDisplay(uint64_t display_id, TransformHandle transform, glm::uvec2 pixel_scale) {
display_map_[display_id] = {.transform = std::move(transform),
.pixel_scale = std::move(pixel_scale)};
sysmem_util::GlobalBufferCollectionId Engine::RegisterTargetCollection(
fuchsia::sysmem::Allocator_Sync* sysmem_allocator, uint64_t display_id, uint32_t num_vmos) {
auto iter = display_map_.find(display_id);
if (iter == display_map_.end() || num_vmos == 0) {
return sysmem_util::kInvalidId;
auto display_info = iter->second;
const uint32_t width = display_info.pixel_scale.x;
const uint32_t height = display_info.pixel_scale.y;
// Create the buffer collection token to be used for frame buffers.
fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionTokenSyncPtr engine_token;
auto status = sysmem_allocator->AllocateSharedCollection(engine_token.NewRequest());
FX_DCHECK(status == ZX_OK) << status;
// Dup the token for the renderer.
fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionTokenSyncPtr renderer_token;
status =
engine_token->Duplicate(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(), renderer_token.NewRequest());
FX_DCHECK(status == ZX_OK);
// Dup the token for the display.
fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionTokenSyncPtr display_token;
status =
engine_token->Duplicate(std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(), display_token.NewRequest());
FX_DCHECK(status == ZX_OK);
// Register the buffer collection with the renderer
auto renderer_collection_id = sysmem_util::GenerateUniqueBufferCollectionId();
auto result = renderer_->RegisterRenderTargetCollection(renderer_collection_id, sysmem_allocator,
// Register the buffer collection with the display controller.
ImportBufferCollection(renderer_collection_id, sysmem_allocator, std::move(display_token));
// Finally set the engine constraints.
SetClientConstraintsAndWaitForAllocated(sysmem_allocator, std::move(engine_token), num_vmos,
width, height, kNoneUsage, std::nullopt);
return renderer_collection_id;
uint64_t Engine::InternalImageId(GlobalImageId image_id) const {
// Lock the whole function.
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(lock_);
auto itr = image_id_map_.find(image_id);
FX_DCHECK(itr != image_id_map_.end());
return itr->second;
} // namespace flatland