blob: 6f773843dba81aa49a9ba8d879e4f4f77bc8c924 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include "src/ledger/bin/storage/impl/btree/tree_node.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/storage/public/iterator.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/storage/public/page_storage.h"
#include "src/ledger/bin/storage/public/types.h"
#include "src/ledger/lib/coroutine/coroutine.h"
namespace storage {
namespace btree {
struct NodeLevelCalculator {
// Returns the level in the tree where a node containing |key| must be
// located. The leaves are located on level 0.
uint8_t (*GetNodeLevel)(convert::ExtendedStringView key);
// Returns the default algorithm to compute the node level.
const NodeLevelCalculator* GetDefaultNodeLevelCalculator();
// Applies changes provided by |changes| to the B-Tree starting at |root_identifier|. |changes| must
// provide |EntryChange| objects sorted by their key. |new_root_identifier| will contain the object
// identifier of the new root and |new_identifiers| the list of object identifiers of all new
// non-inline nodes created after the changes (not their individual pieces), ie. it will contain the
// set of nodes of the new tree that were not present in the original tree. Insertions are turned
// into updates if the key exists, and ignored if they only change the entry id. Deletions only need
// to mention the key that is being deleted.
Status ApplyChanges(
coroutine::CoroutineHandler* coroutine_handler, PageStorage* page_storage,
LocatedObjectIdentifier root_identifier, std::vector<EntryChange> changes,
ObjectIdentifier* new_root_identifier, std::set<ObjectIdentifier>* new_identifiers,
const NodeLevelCalculator* node_level_calculator = GetDefaultNodeLevelCalculator());
// Applies changes provided by |changes| to the B-Tree starting at |root_identifier|. The |changes|
// are applied in order. |new_root_identifier| will contain the object identifier of the new root
// and |new_identifiers| the list of object identifiers of all new nodes created after the changes
// (not their individual pieces), ie. it will contain the set of nodes of the new tree that were not
// present in the original tree. Insertions are only valid if the key is not present, and deletions
// must match the content of the entry exactly. Returns |INVALID_ARGUMENT| if the changes cannot be
// applied.
Status ApplyChangesFromCloud(
coroutine::CoroutineHandler* coroutine_handler, PageStorage* page_storage,
LocatedObjectIdentifier root_identifier, std::vector<EntryChange> changes,
ObjectIdentifier* new_root_identifier, std::set<ObjectIdentifier>* new_identifiers,
const NodeLevelCalculator* node_level_calculator = GetDefaultNodeLevelCalculator());
} // namespace btree
} // namespace storage