blob: 111312df4d51b81c5efecd0096296ccaf0febef3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/ipc/records.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace debug_ipc {
bool IsDebug(ExceptionType type) {
switch (type) {
// There's an argument to be had about whether these belong here.
case ExceptionType::kThreadStarting:
case ExceptionType::kThreadExiting:
case ExceptionType::kProcessStarting:
case ExceptionType::kHardware:
case ExceptionType::kWatchpoint:
case ExceptionType::kSingleStep:
case ExceptionType::kSoftware:
case ExceptionType::kSynthetic:
return true;
return false;
__int128 Register::GetValue() const {
__int128 result = 0;
if (!data.empty())
memcpy(&result, &data[0], std::min(sizeof(result), data.size()));
return result;
const char* ExceptionTypeToString(ExceptionType type) {
switch (type) {
case ExceptionType::kNone:
return "None";
case ExceptionType::kGeneral:
return "General";
case ExceptionType::kPageFault:
return "Fatal Page Fault";
case ExceptionType::kUndefinedInstruction:
return "Undefined Instruction";
case ExceptionType::kUnalignedAccess:
return "Unaligned Access";
case ExceptionType::kPolicyError:
return "Policy Error";
case ExceptionType::kThreadStarting:
return "Thread Starting";
case ExceptionType::kThreadExiting:
return "Thread Exiting";
case ExceptionType::kProcessStarting:
return "Process Starting";
case ExceptionType::kHardware:
return "Hardware";
case ExceptionType::kWatchpoint:
return "Watchpoint";
case ExceptionType::kSingleStep:
return "Single Step";
case ExceptionType::kSoftware:
return "Software";
case ExceptionType::kSynthetic:
return "Synthetic";
case ExceptionType::kUnknown:
return "Unknown";
case ExceptionType::kLast:
return "kLast";
return nullptr;
const char* ThreadRecord::StateToString(ThreadRecord::State state) {
switch (state) {
case ThreadRecord::State::kNew:
return "New";
case ThreadRecord::State::kRunning:
return "Running";
case ThreadRecord::State::kSuspended:
return "Suspended";
case ThreadRecord::State::kBlocked:
return "Blocked";
case ThreadRecord::State::kDying:
return "Dying";
case ThreadRecord::State::kDead:
return "Dead";
case ThreadRecord::State::kCoreDump:
return "Core Dump";
case ThreadRecord::State::kLast:
return "";
const char* ThreadRecord::BlockedReasonToString(BlockedReason reason) {
switch (reason) {
case ThreadRecord::BlockedReason::kNotBlocked:
return "Not blocked";
case ThreadRecord::BlockedReason::kException:
return "Exception";
case ThreadRecord::BlockedReason::kSleeping:
return "Sleeping";
case ThreadRecord::BlockedReason::kFutex:
return "Futex";
case ThreadRecord::BlockedReason::kPort:
return "Port";
case ThreadRecord::BlockedReason::kChannel:
return "Channel";
case ThreadRecord::BlockedReason::kWaitOne:
return "Wait one";
case ThreadRecord::BlockedReason::kWaitMany:
return "Wait many";
case ThreadRecord::BlockedReason::kInterrupt:
return "Interrupt";
case ThreadRecord::BlockedReason::kLast:
return "";
const char* BreakpointTypeToString(BreakpointType type) {
switch (type) {
case BreakpointType::kSoftware:
return "Software";
case BreakpointType::kHardware:
return "Hardware";
case BreakpointType::kReadWrite:
return "ReadWrite";
case BreakpointType::kWrite:
return "Write";
case BreakpointType::kLast:
return "Last";
return nullptr;
bool IsWatchpointType(debug_ipc::BreakpointType type) {
// clang-format off
return type == BreakpointType::kReadWrite ||
type == BreakpointType::kWrite;
// clang-format on
const char* ConfigAction::TypeToString(Type type) {
switch (type) {
case Type::kQuitOnExit:
return "Quit On Exit";
case Type::kLast:
return "Last";
return nullptr;
} // namespace debug_ipc