blob: 7f9579405bc00f9075fa757adac416cdf11d3b04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package virtual_device;
option go_package = "";
// VirtualDevice describes how to run Fuchsia using a vm or emulator.
// This message should capture the set of system images necessary to boot the
// device, as well as the hardware characteristics of the device.
// Its primary purpose is to carry virtualization options across system
// boundaries. For example, Fuchsia infra may pass a file containing this
// message from the build to a tool that runs Fuchsia in QEMU, without
// inspecting the message itself.
message VirtualDevice {
// The name of this virtual device.
// This is meant to help humans identify this device.
string name = 1;
// The virtual machine or emulator that is meant to run this device.
oneof vm {
QEMU qemu = 2;
// TODO(kjharland): AEMU
// The following fields specify the set of system images used to boot Fuchsia.
// Each field's value is the name of the JSON object in images.json whose
// "path" property points to the corresponding image file.
// The system kernel image.
string kernel = 3;
// The initial ramdisk image.
string initrd = 4;
// The primary Fuchsia volume.
string fvm = 5;
// QEMU describes how to run a VirtualDevice in QEMU.
message QEMU {
// The maximum supported QEMU version.
string max_version = 1;
// The minimum supported QEMU version.
string min_version = 2;