blob: 73944fe652bc41074f816701bee3a4dd3b9bd132 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <istream>
#include <memory>
#include "block-device.h"
namespace devmgr {
// BlockDeviceManager contains the logic that decides what to do with devices that appear, i.e. what
// drivers to attach and what filesystems should be mounted.
class BlockDeviceManager {
// Derived Matcher classes are able to match against a device.
class Matcher {
Matcher() = default;
Matcher(const Matcher&) = delete;
Matcher& operator=(const Matcher&) = delete;
virtual ~Matcher() = default;
// Returns the disk format that this device should be, or DISK_FORMAT_UNKNOWN if this matcher
// does not recognize it.
virtual disk_format_t Match(const BlockDeviceInterface& device) = 0;
// By default, attempts to add the given device whose format should be known at this point.
virtual zx_status_t Add(BlockDeviceInterface& device) { return device.Add(); }
// Options consist of a set of strings, most of which enable a specific matcher.
struct Options {
static constexpr char kBlobfs[] = "blobfs"; // Enables blobfs partition.
static constexpr char kBootpart[] = "bootpart"; // Enables bootpart partitions.
static constexpr char kDefault[] = "default"; // Expands to default options.
static constexpr char kDurable[] = "durable"; // Enables durable partition.
static constexpr char kFactory[] = "factory"; // Enables factory partition.
static constexpr char kFvm[] = "fvm"; // Enables FVM devices.
static constexpr char kGpt[] = "gpt"; // Enables GPT devices.
static constexpr char kMbr[] = "mbr"; // Enables MBR devices.
static constexpr char kMinfs[] = "minfs"; // Enables minfs partition.
static constexpr char kBlobfsMaxBytes[] =
"blobfs-max-bytes"; // Maximum number of bytes a blobfs partition can grow to.
static constexpr char kMinfsMaxBytes[] =
"minfs-max-bytes"; // Maximum number of bytes non-ramdisk minfs partition can grow to.
static constexpr char kNetboot[] =
"netboot"; // Disables everything except fvm, gpt and bootpart.
static constexpr char kNoZxcrypt[] = "no-zxcrypt"; // Disables zxcrypt for minfs partitions.
static constexpr char kFvmRamdisk[] =
"fvm-ramdisk"; // FVM is in a ram-disk, thus minfs doesn't require zxcrypt.
static constexpr char kAttachZxcryptToNonRamdisk[] =
"zxcrypt-non-ramdisk"; // Attach and unseal zxcrypt to minfs partitions not in a ram-disk
// (but don't mount).
bool is_set(std::string_view option) const { return options.find(option) != options.end(); }
// Key/value options. Many options do not have "values" so the value will be empty. This
// will not contain the kDefault value; that's handled specially and causes the defaults to
// be loaded.
std::map<std::string, std::string, std::less<>> options;
// Reads options from the stream which consist of one option per line. "default" means include the
// default options, and lines with a leading '-' negate the option.
static Options ReadOptions(std::istream& stream);
static Options DefaultOptions();
explicit BlockDeviceManager(const Options& options);
// Attempts to match the device against configured matchers and proceeds to add the device if
// it does.
zx_status_t AddDevice(BlockDeviceInterface& device);
// A vector of configured matchers. First-to-match wins.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Matcher>> matchers_;
} // namespace devmgr