blob: 512319ab4547744ce0d714b6a6246a426c762739 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Helper template to create test component which runtests can execute.
# This template assumes that for all the test binaries in |tests| there would
# be a corresponding component manifest file in meta/ folder with same name.
# If there is none this template will fail with an error.
# Parameters
# meta (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines the metadata entries in the package. A metadata
# entry is typically a source file and is placed in the `meta/` directory of
# the assembled package.
# Entries in a scope in the meta list:
# path (required)
# [path] Location of entry in source or build directory. If the
# resource is checked in, this will typically be specified as a
# path relative to the file containing the `package()`
# target. If the resource is generated, this will typically be
# specified relative to `$target_gen_dir`.
# dest (required)
# [path] Location the resource will be placed within `meta/`.
# binaries (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines the binaries in the package. A binary is
# typically produced by the build system and is placed in the `bin/`
# directory of the assembled package.
# Entries in a scope in the binaries list:
# name (required)
# [string] Name of the binary.
# source (optional)
# [path] Location of the binary in the build directory if it is not
# at `$root_out_dir/$name`.
# dest (optional)
# [path] Location the binary will be placed within `bin/`.
# tests (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines the test binaries in the package for v1 component
# tests. A test is typically produced by the build system and is placed in
# the `test/` directory of the assembled package.
# Entries in a scope in the tests list:
# name (required)
# [string] Name of the test.
# dest (optional)
# [path] Location the binary will be placed within `test/`.
# manifest (optional)
# [path] Location of the component manifest file (`.cmx` file).
# disabled (optional)
# [bool] Whether to disable the test on continuous integration
# jobs. This can be used when a test is temporarily broken, or if
# it is too flaky or slow for CI. The test will also be skipped by
# the `runtests` command.
# For each tests entry this expects a corresponding cmx file in meta
# directory.
# v2_tests (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines the test binaries in the package for v2 component
# tests. A test is typically produced by the build system and is placed in
# the `test/` directory of the assembled package.
# Entries in a scope in the tests list:
# name (required)
# [string] Name of the test.
# dest (optional)
# [path] Location the binary will be placed within `test/`.
# manifest (optional)
# [path] Location of the component manifest file (`.cml` file).
# disabled (optional)
# [bool] Whether to disable the test on continuous integration
# jobs. This can be used when a test is temporarily broken, or if
# it is too flaky or slow for CI. The test will also be skipped by
# the `runtests` command.
# For each v2_tests entry this expects a corresponding cml file in meta
# directory.
# resources (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines the resources in the package. A resource is a
# data file that may be produced by the build system, checked in to a
# source repository, or produced by another system that runs before the
# build. Resources are placed in the `data/` directory of the assembled
# package.
# Entries in a scope in the resources list:
# path (required)
# [path] Location of resource in source or build directory. If the
# resource is checked in, this will typically be specified as a
# path relative to the file containing the `package()`
# target. If the resource is generated, this will typically be
# specified relative to `$target_gen_dir`.
# dest (required)
# [path] Location the resource will be placed within `data/`.
# extra (optional)
# [list of paths] Manifest files containing extra entries, which
# might be generated by the build.
# deps (optional)
# public_deps (optional)
# data_deps (optional)
# Usual GN meanings.
template("test_package") {
if (!defined(meta)) {
meta = []
if (!defined(tests)) {
tests = []
if (!defined(v2_tests)) {
v2_tests = []
foreach(test, tests) {
test_dest =
if (defined(test.dest)) {
test_dest = test.dest
if (defined(test.manifest)) {
test_manifest = test.manifest
} else {
test_manifest = "meta/${test_dest}.cmx"
meta += [
path = test_manifest
dest = "${test_dest}.cmx"
foreach(test, v2_tests) {
test_dest =
if (defined(test.dest)) {
test_dest = test.dest
if (defined(test.manifest)) {
test_manifest = test.manifest
} else {
test_manifest = "meta/${test_dest}.cml"
meta += [
path = test_manifest
dest = "${test_dest}.cm"
tests += v2_tests
package(target_name) {
testonly = true
# Helper template to create unit test component which runtests can execute.
# This template assumes that all the test binaries in |tests| do not depend on
# any component manifest facets, features, services and etc. If you wish to use
# any of these features in your manifest, you must use `package` or
# `test_package`.
# Parameters
# meta (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines the metadata entries in the package. A metadata
# entry is typically a source file and is placed in the `meta/` directory of
# the assembled package.
# Entries in a scope in the meta list:
# path (required)
# [path] Location of entry in source or build directory. If the
# resource is checked in, this will typically be specified as a
# path relative to the file containing the `package()`
# target. If the resource is generated, this will typically be
# specified relative to `$target_gen_dir`.
# dest (required)
# [path] Location the resource will be placed within `meta/`.
# binaries (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines the binaries in the package. A binary is
# typically produced by the build system and is placed in the `bin/`
# directory of the assembled package.
# Entries in a scope in the binaries list:
# name (required)
# [string] Name of the binary.
# source (optional)
# [path] Location of the binary in the build directory if it is not
# at `$root_out_dir/$name`.
# dest (optional)
# [path] Location the binary will be placed within `bin/`.
# tests (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines the test binaries in the package. A test is
# typically produced by the build system and is placed in the `test/`
# directory of the assembled package.
# Entries in a scope in the tests list:
# name (required)
# [string] Name of the test.
# args (optional)
# [list of strings] Arguments for the test binary.
# dest (optional)
# [path] Location the binary will be placed within `test/`.
# disabled (optional)
# [bool] Whether to disable the test on continuous integration
# jobs. This can be used when a test is temporarily broken, or if
# it is too flaky or slow for CI. The test will also be skipped by
# the `runtests` command.
# For each tests entry this expects a corresponding cmx file in meta directory.
# resources (optional)
# [list of scopes] Defines the resources in the package. A resource is a
# data file that may be produced by the build system, checked in to a
# source repository, or produced by another system that runs before the
# build. Resources are placed in the `data/` directory of the assembled
# package.
# Entries in a scope in the resources list:
# path (required)
# [path] Location of resource in source or build directory. If the
# resource is checked in, this will typically be specified as a
# path relative to the file containing the `package()`
# target. If the resource is generated, this will typically be
# specified relative to `$target_gen_dir`.
# dest (required)
# [path] Location the resource will be placed within `data/`.
# extra (optional)
# [list of paths] Manifest files containing extra entries, which
# might be generated by the build.
# deps (optional)
# public_deps (optional)
# data_deps (optional)
# Usual GN meanings.
template("unittest_package") {
package_tests = []
manifest_labels = []
foreach(test, invoker.tests) {
test_dest =
if (defined(test.dest)) {
test_dest = test.dest
test_args = []
if (defined(test.args)) {
test_args = test.args
test_manifest = "${target_gen_dir}/meta/${test_dest}.cmx"
package_tests += [
manifest = test_manifest
manifest_label = "get_test_package_manifest_${test_dest}.cmx"
generated_file(manifest_label) {
outputs = [ test_manifest ]
# TODO( As of today, CMX files require the args list to be either
# absent or of at least one element. There is a case to be made to relax
# this constraint, and simply allow empty lists as well. Depending on
# decision by CF team, the code below could be simplified to avoid
# conditionally building the contents.
# Note that given current approach, cyclomatic complexity is exponential
# in the number of possibly empty lists which need to be included in the
# generated CMX.
if (test_args == []) {
contents = {
program = {
binary = "test/${test_dest}"
} else {
contents = {
program = {
binary = "test/${test_dest}"
args = test_args
output_conversion = "json"
manifest_labels += [ ":$manifest_label" ]
test_package(target_name) {
tests = package_tests
deps = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
deps = invoker.deps
deps += manifest_labels