blob: 7ca2395053f31a301e994618922cea994ecd97ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unittest/unittest.h>
// How many times to try a given window size.
// qsort comparison function for zx_handle_t.
static int handle_cmp(const void* left, const void* right) {
return *(const zx_handle_t*)left - *(const zx_handle_t*)right;
// Prints a message and exits the process with a non-zero status.
// This will stop any further tests in this file from running.
#define FATALF(str, x...) \
do { \
unittest_printf_critical( \
"\nFATAL:%s:%d: " str, __FILE__, __LINE__, ##x); \
exit(-2); \
} while (false)
// Creates/closes |window_size| handles as quickly as possible and looks
// for aliases. Returns true if any aliases were found.
static bool find_handle_value_aliases(const size_t window_size) {
zx_handle_t event;
zx_status_t s = zx_event_create(0, &event);
if (s != ZX_OK) {
FATALF("Can't create event: %s\n", zx_status_get_string(s));
zx_handle_t* handle_log =
(zx_handle_t*)malloc(window_size * sizeof(zx_handle_t));
bool saw_aliases = false;
int pass = 0;
while (pass++ < NUM_PASSES_PER_WINDOW && !saw_aliases) {
// Create and close a bunch of handles as quickly as possible.
memset(handle_log, 0, window_size * sizeof(zx_handle_t));
for (size_t i = 0; i < window_size; i++) {
s = zx_handle_duplicate(event, ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &handle_log[i]);
if (s != ZX_OK) {
FATALF("[i == %zd] Can't duplicate event: %s\n",
i, zx_status_get_string(s));
if (handle_log[i] <= 0) {
FATALF("[i == %zd] Got bad handle %d\n", i, handle_log[i]);
s = zx_handle_close(handle_log[i]);
if (s != ZX_OK) {
FATALF("[i == %zd] Can't close handle %d: %s\n",
i, handle_log[i], zx_status_get_string(s));
// Look for any aliases.
qsort(handle_log, window_size, sizeof(zx_handle_t), handle_cmp);
for (size_t i = 1; i < window_size; i++) {
if (handle_log[i] == handle_log[i - 1]) {
saw_aliases = true;
return saw_aliases;
// Searches for the largest window size that doesn't contain
// handle value aliases.
static size_t find_handle_alias_window_size(void) {
size_t min_fail = 8192; // "fail" meaning "aliases found"
size_t max_pass = 1; // "pass" meaning "no aliases found"
while (true) {
size_t cur_win = (min_fail - 1 + max_pass + 1) / 2;
if (cur_win <= max_pass) {
return max_pass;
unittest_printf(" window_size %4zd: ", cur_win);
if (find_handle_value_aliases(cur_win)) {
unittest_printf("ALIAS FOUND\n");
min_fail = cur_win;
} else {
unittest_printf("no alias found\n");
max_pass = cur_win;
// This test isn't deterministic, because its behavior depends on the
// system-wide usage of the kernel's handle arena.
// It can produce a false failure if someone else consumes/recycles handle
// slots in the same way this test does.
// It can produce a false success if someone else consumes and holds onto
// handle slots, so that this test never gets a chance to see the same
// slot each time.
static bool handle_value_alias_test(void) {
size_t window_size = find_handle_alias_window_size();
" Converged at %zd (largest window_size with no aliases)\n",
// The handle table as of 13 Mar 2017 should let us re-use a handle
// slot 4096 times before producing an alias. Use half that as our
// target to bias the test away from false failures.
const size_t min_window_size = 2048;
EXPECT_GE(window_size, min_window_size, "");
RUN_TEST_LARGE(handle_value_alias_test); // Potentially flaky => large test