blob: 033e358cd20ae4caa3b95212eb3a7dc2f03ca6a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package testsharder
import (
// The maximum number of runs that testsharder will calculate for a multiplied
// test if totalRuns is unset.
// TODO(olivernewman): Apply a maximum to user-specified values too, but
// probably not in testsharder since we'll want to get feedback to users ASAP if
// validation fails.
const multipliedTestMaxRuns = 2000
// The maximum number of tests that a multiplier can match. testsharder will
// fail if this is exceeded.
const maxMatchesPerMultiplier = 5
// MultiplyShards will return an error that unwraps to this if a multiplier's
// "name" field does not compile to a valid regex.
var errInvalidMultiplierRegex = fmt.Errorf("invalid multiplier regex")
// MultiplyShards will return an error that unwraps to this if a multiplier
// matches too many tests.
var errTooManyMultiplierMatches = fmt.Errorf("a multiplier cannot match more than %d tests", maxMatchesPerMultiplier)
func ExtractDeps(shards []*Shard, fuchsiaBuildDir string) error {
for _, shard := range shards {
if err := extractDepsFromShard(shard, fuchsiaBuildDir); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func extractDepsFromShard(shard *Shard, fuchsiaBuildDir string) error {
var shardDeps []string
for i := range shard.Tests {
test, deps, err := extractDepsFromTest(shard.Tests[i], fuchsiaBuildDir)
if err != nil {
return err
// extractDepsFromTest may modify the test, so we need to overwrite the
// entry.
shard.Tests[i] = test
// Any test that doesn't run on Fuchsia is invoked via an executable in
// the build out directory. The executable itself needs to be copied to
// the testing bot along with the test's deps.
if test.OS != "fuchsia" && test.Path != "" {
deps = append(deps, test.Path)
shardDeps = append(shardDeps, deps...)
shardDeps = dedupe(shardDeps)
shard.Deps = shardDeps
return nil
func extractDepsFromTest(test Test, fuchsiaBuildDir string) (Test, []string, error) {
if test.RuntimeDepsFile == "" {
return test, nil, nil
path := filepath.Join(fuchsiaBuildDir, test.RuntimeDepsFile)
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return test, nil, err
defer f.Close()
// RuntimeDepsFile is no longer needed at this point and clutters the output.
test.RuntimeDepsFile = ""
var deps []string
err = json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(&deps)
return test, deps, err
func dedupe(l []string) []string {
var deduped []string
m := make(map[string]bool)
for _, s := range l {
m[s] = true
for s := range m {
deduped = append(deduped, s)
return deduped
// MultiplyShards appends new shards to shards where each new shard contains one test
// repeated multiple times according to the specifications in multipliers.
func MultiplyShards(
shards []*Shard,
multipliers []TestModifier,
testDurations TestDurationsMap,
// TODO(olivernewman): Use the adjusted target duration calculated by
// WithTargetDuration instead of the original target duration.
targetDuration time.Duration,
targetTestCount int,
) ([]*Shard, error) {
for _, multiplier := range multipliers {
type multiplierMatch struct {
shard *Shard
test Test
var exactMatches []*multiplierMatch
var regexMatches []*multiplierMatch
nameRegex, err := regexp.Compile(multiplier.Name)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w %q: %s", errInvalidMultiplierRegex, multiplier.Name, err)
for _, shard := range shards {
for _, test := range shard.Tests {
// An empty OS matches all OSes.
if multiplier.OS != "" && multiplier.OS != test.OS {
match := &multiplierMatch{shard: shard, test: test}
if multiplier.Name == test.Name {
exactMatches = append(exactMatches, match)
} else if nameRegex.FindString(test.Name) != "" {
regexMatches = append(regexMatches, match)
} else {
if multiplier.TotalRuns > 0 {
match.test.Runs = multiplier.TotalRuns
} else if targetDuration > 0 {
expectedDuration := testDurations.Get(test).MedianDuration
// We want to keep the total runs to a reasonable number
// in case test duration data is out of date and the
// test takes longer than expected.
match.test.Runs = min(
} else if targetTestCount > 0 {
match.test.Runs = targetTestCount
} else {
match.test.Runs = 1
// We'll only consider partial regex matches if we have no exact
// matches.
matches := exactMatches
if len(matches) == 0 {
matches = regexMatches
if len(matches) > maxMatchesPerMultiplier {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(
"multiplier %q matches too many tests (%d): %w",
multiplier.Name, len(matches), errTooManyMultiplierMatches,
for _, m := range matches {
shards = append(shards, &Shard{
Name: "multiplied:" + m.shard.Name + "-" + normalizeTestName(m.test.Name),
Tests: []Test{m.test},
Env: m.shard.Env,
return shards, nil
func min(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
return b
func divRoundUp(a, b int) int {
if a%b == 0 {
return a / b
return (a / b) + 1
// WithTargetDuration returns a list of shards such that all shards are expected
// to complete in approximately `targetDuration` time.
// If targetDuration <= 0, just returns its input.
// Alternatively, accepts a `targetTestCount` argument for backwards compatibility.
func WithTargetDuration(
shards []*Shard,
targetDuration time.Duration,
maxShardsPerEnvironment int,
testDurations TestDurationsMap,
) []*Shard {
if targetDuration <= 0 && targetTestCount <= 0 {
return shards
if maxShardsPerEnvironment <= 0 {
maxShardsPerEnvironment = math.MaxInt64
if targetDuration > 0 {
for _, shard := range shards {
var shardDuration time.Duration
// If any single test is expected to take longer than `targetDuration`,
// it's no use creating shards whose entire expected runtimes are
// shorter than that one test. So in that case we use the longest test's
// expected duration as the target duration.
for _, t := range shard.Tests {
duration := testDurations.Get(t).MedianDuration
if duration > targetDuration {
targetDuration = duration
shardDuration += duration * time.Duration(t.Runs)
// If any environment would exceed the maximum shard count, then its
// shard durations will exceed the specified target duration. So
// increase the target duration accordingly for the other
// environments.
subShardCount := divRoundUp(int(shardDuration), int(targetDuration))
if subShardCount > maxShardsPerEnvironment {
targetDuration = time.Duration(divRoundUp(int(shardDuration), maxShardsPerEnvironment))
output := make([]*Shard, 0, len(shards))
for _, shard := range shards {
numNewShards := 0
if targetDuration > 0 {
var total time.Duration
for _, t := range shard.Tests {
total += testDurations.Get(t).MedianDuration * time.Duration(t.Runs)
numNewShards = divRoundUp(int(total), int(targetDuration))
} else {
var total int
for _, t := range shard.Tests {
total += t.Runs
numNewShards = divRoundUp(total, targetTestCount)
numNewShards = min(numNewShards, maxShardsPerEnvironment)
newShards := shardByTime(shard, testDurations, numNewShards)
output = append(output, newShards...)
return output
type subshard struct {
duration time.Duration
tests []Test
// A subshardHeap is a min heap of subshards, using subshard duration as the key
// to sort by.
// It implements heap.Interface.
type subshardHeap []subshard
func (h subshardHeap) Len() int {
return len(h)
func (h subshardHeap) Less(i, j int) bool {
return h[i].duration < h[j].duration
func (h subshardHeap) Swap(i, j int) {
h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i]
func (h *subshardHeap) Push(s interface{}) {
*h = append(*h, s.(subshard))
func (h *subshardHeap) Pop() interface{} {
old := *h
n := len(old)
s := old[n-1]
*h = old[0 : n-1]
return s
// shardByTime breaks a single original shard into numNewShards subshards such
// that each subshard has approximately the same expected total duration.
// It does this using a greedy approximation algorithm for static multiprocessor
// scheduling ( It
// first sorts the tests in descending order by expected duration and then
// successively allocates each test to the subshard with the lowest total
// expected duration so far.
func shardByTime(shard *Shard, testDurations TestDurationsMap, numNewShards int) []*Shard {
sort.Slice(shard.Tests, func(index1, index2 int) bool {
test1, test2 := shard.Tests[index1], shard.Tests[index2]
duration1 := testDurations.Get(test1).MedianDuration
duration2 := testDurations.Get(test2).MedianDuration
if duration1 == duration2 {
// Sort by name for tests of equal duration to ensure deterministic
// ordering.
return test1.Name < test2.Name
// "greater than" instead of "less than" to achieve descending ordering
return duration1 > duration2
h := (subshardHeap)(make([]subshard, numNewShards))
for _, test := range shard.Tests {
runsPerShard := divRoundUp(test.Runs, numNewShards)
extra := runsPerShard*numNewShards - test.Runs
for i := 0; i < numNewShards; i++ {
testCopy := test
if i < numNewShards-extra {
testCopy.Runs = runsPerShard
} else {
testCopy.Runs = runsPerShard - 1
if testCopy.Runs == 0 {
// Assign this test to the subshard with the lowest total expected
// duration at this iteration of the for loop.
ss := heap.Pop(&h).(subshard)
ss.duration += testDurations.Get(test).MedianDuration * time.Duration(testCopy.Runs)
ss.tests = append(ss.tests, testCopy)
heap.Push(&h, ss)
// Sort the resulting shards by the basename of the first test. Otherwise,
// changes to the input set of tests (adding, removing or renaming a test)
// result in confusing reordering of the shard names. This ensures that a
// given named shard (e.g. "QEMU-(1)") will contain roughly the same set of
// longer-running tests across multiple builds, even if the input set of
// tests changes. Shorter tests are more likely to be switched between
// shards because we're sorting by the name of the longest test.
sort.Slice(h, func(i, j int) bool {
return h[i].tests[0].Name < h[j].tests[0].Name
newShards := make([]*Shard, 0, numNewShards)
for i, subshard := range h {
name := shard.Name
if numNewShards > 1 {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s-(%d)", shard.Name, i+1)
newShards = append(newShards, &Shard{
Name: name,
Tests: subshard.tests,
Env: shard.Env,
return newShards
// Removes leading slashes and replaces all other `/` with `_`. This allows the
// shard name to appear in filepaths.
func normalizeTestName(name string) string {
trimmedName := strings.TrimLeft(name, "/")
return strings.ReplaceAll(trimmedName, "/", "_")