blob: a1de81712bb48f2aa474cc6a21a988e96e2a1988 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "tools/fidlcat/lib/fidlcat_printer.h"
#include "src/lib/fidl_codec/display_handle.h"
#include "tools/fidlcat/lib/event.h"
#include "tools/fidlcat/lib/syscall_decoder_dispatcher.h"
namespace fidlcat {
FidlcatPrinter::FidlcatPrinter(SyscallDisplayDispatcher* dispatcher, uint64_t process_id,
std::ostream& os, std::string_view line_header, int tabulations)
: PrettyPrinter(os, dispatcher->colors(),
line_header, dispatcher->columns(), dispatcher->with_process_info(),
display_stack_frame_(dispatcher->decode_options().stack_level != kNoStack),
dump_messages_(dispatcher->dump_messages()) {}
void FidlcatPrinter::DisplayHandle(const zx_handle_info_t& handle) {
const fidl_codec::semantic::HandleDescription* known_handle =
inference_.GetHandleDescription(process_id_, handle.handle);
if ((handle.type == ZX_OBJ_TYPE_NONE) && (known_handle != nullptr)) {
zx_handle_info_t tmp = handle;
tmp.type = known_handle->object_type();
fidl_codec::DisplayHandle(tmp, *this);
} else {
fidl_codec::DisplayHandle(handle, *this);
if (known_handle != nullptr) {
(*this) << '(';
(*this) << ')';
void FidlcatPrinter::DisplayStatus(zx_status_t status) {
if (status == ZX_OK) {
(*this) << fidl_codec::Green;
} else {
(*this) << fidl_codec::Red;
(*this) << fidl_codec::StatusName(status) << fidl_codec::ResetColor;
void FidlcatPrinter::DisplayInline(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<fidl_codec::StructMember>>& members,
const std::map<const fidl_codec::StructMember*, std::unique_ptr<fidl_codec::Value>>& values) {
(*this) << '(';
const char* separator = "";
for (const auto& member : members) {
auto it = values.find(member.get());
if (it == values.end())
(*this) << separator << member->name() << ":" << fidl_codec::Green << member->type()->Name()
<< fidl_codec::ResetColor << ": ";
it->second->PrettyPrint(member->type(), *this);
separator = ", ";
(*this) << ")";
void FidlcatPrinter::DisplayOutline(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<fidl_codec::StructMember>>& members,
const std::map<const fidl_codec::StructMember*, std::unique_ptr<fidl_codec::Value>>& values) {
fidl_codec::Indent indent(*this);
for (const auto& member : members) {
auto it = values.find(member.get());
if (it == values.end())
auto fidl_message_value = it->second->AsFidlMessageValue();
if (fidl_message_value != nullptr) {
it->second->PrettyPrint(member->type(), *this);
} else {
(*this) << member->name() << ":" << fidl_codec::Green << member->type()->Name()
<< fidl_codec::ResetColor << ": ";
it->second->PrettyPrint(member->type(), *this);
(*this) << '\n';
void FidlcatPrinter::DisplayStackFrame(const std::vector<Location>& stack_frame) {
bool save_header_on_every_line = header_on_every_line();
// We want a header on every stack frame line.
for (const auto& location : stack_frame) {
*this << fidl_codec::YellowBackground << "at " << fidl_codec::Red;
if (!location.path().empty()) {
*this << location.path() << fidl_codec::ResetColor << fidl_codec::YellowBackground << ':'
<< fidl_codec::Blue << location.line() << ':' << location.column()
<< fidl_codec::ResetColor;
} else {
*this << std::hex << location.address() << fidl_codec::ResetColor << std::dec;
if (!location.symbol().empty()) {
*this << ' ' << location.symbol();
*this << '\n';
} // namespace fidlcat