blob: 1308c250971edaae77baa43153e7282e4b929ccd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package lib
import (
func createOutputFile(config *Config) (*os.File, error) {
path := config.OutputFilePrefix + "." + config.OutputFileExtension
if shouldCompressOutputFile(config) {
path = strings.TrimSuffix(path, filepath.Ext(path))
return os.Create(path)
func shouldCompressOutputFile(config *Config) bool {
return config.OutputFileExtension == "html.gz"
func compressOutputFile(config *Config) error {
path := config.OutputFilePrefix + "." + config.OutputFileExtension
original_path := strings.TrimSuffix(path, filepath.Ext(path))
dat, err := ioutil.ReadFile(original_path)
if err != nil {
return err
var buf bytes.Buffer
zw := gzip.NewWriter(&buf)
_, err = zw.Write(dat)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := zw.Close(); err != nil {
return err
err = ioutil.WriteFile(path, buf.Bytes(), 0644)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func saveToOutputFile(file *os.File, licenses *Licenses, config *Config, metrics *Metrics) error {
var unused []*License
var used []*License
table_of_contents := make(map[string][]*License)
for i := range licenses.licenses {
license := licenses.licenses[i]
if len(license.matches) == 0 {
unused = append(unused, license)
} else {
used = append(used, license)
for _, file := range license.matches[0].files {
table_of_contents[file] = append(table_of_contents[file], license)
object := struct {
Used []*License
Unused []*License
TableOfContents map[string][]*License
templateStr := templates.TemplateTxt
switch config.OutputFileExtension {
case "txt":
templateStr = templates.TemplateTxt
case "html":
templateStr = templates.TemplateHtml
case "html.gz":
templateStr = templates.TemplateHtml
case "json":
templateStr = templates.TemplateJson
fmt.Println("error: no template found")
tmpl := template.Must(template.New("name").Funcs(template.FuncMap{
"getPattern": func(license *License) string { return (*license).pattern.String() },
"getText": func(license *License) string { return string((*license).matches[0].value) },
"getHTMLText": func(license *License) string {
return strings.Replace(string((*license).matches[0].value), "\n", "<br />", -1)
"getEscapedText": func(license *License) string {
return strings.Replace(string((*license).matches[0].value), "\"", "\\\"", -1)
"getCategory": func(license *License) string {
return strings.TrimSuffix(string((*license).category), ".lic")
"getFiles": func(license *License) *[]string {
var files []string
for _, match := range license.matches {
for _, file := range match.files {
files = append(files, file)
return &files
if err := tmpl.Execute(file, object); err != nil {
return err
if shouldCompressOutputFile(config) {
return nil