blob: e51413ea55bfe6f363c12c4e185fb4ac9ea20ae9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// To test PHY and MAC device callback functions.
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
extern "C" {
#include "src/connectivity/wlan/drivers/third_party/intel/iwlwifi/wlan-device.h"
#include <lib/fake_ddk/fake_ddk.h>
#include <lib/mock-function/mock-function.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <list>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
extern "C" {
#include "src/connectivity/wlan/drivers/third_party/intel/iwlwifi/mvm/mvm.h"
#include "src/connectivity/wlan/drivers/third_party/intel/iwlwifi/test/single-ap-test.h"
namespace wlan::testing {
namespace {
typedef mock_function::MockFunction<void, void*, uint32_t, const void*, size_t,
const wlan_rx_info_t*>
// The wrapper used by wlanmac_ifc_t.recv() to call mock-up.
void recv_wrapper(void* cookie, uint32_t flags, const void* data, size_t length,
const wlan_rx_info_t* info) {
auto recv = reinterpret_cast<recv_cb_t*>(cookie);
recv->Call(cookie, flags, data, length, info);
class WlanDeviceTest : public SingleApTest {
: mvmvif_sta_{
.mvm = iwl_trans_get_mvm(sim_trans_.iwl_trans()),
.bss_conf =
.beacon_int = 100,
} {
struct iwl_mvm* mvm = iwl_trans_get_mvm(sim_trans_.iwl_trans());
zx_status_t ret = iwl_nvm_init(mvm);
~WlanDeviceTest() {}
static constexpr zx_handle_t sme_channel_ = 73939133; // An arbitrary value not ZX_HANDLE_INVALID
static constexpr uint8_t kInvalidBandIdFillByte = 0xa5;
static constexpr wlan_info_band_t kInvalidBandId = 0xa5a5a5a5;
struct iwl_mvm_vif mvmvif_sta_; // The mvm_vif settings for station role.
//////////////////////////////////// Helper Functions /////////////////////////////////////////////
TEST_F(WlanDeviceTest, ComposeBandList) {
struct iwl_nvm_data nvm_data;
wlan_info_band_t bands[WLAN_INFO_BAND_COUNT];
// nothing enabled
memset(&nvm_data, 0, sizeof(nvm_data));
memset(bands, kInvalidBandIdFillByte, sizeof(bands));
EXPECT_EQ(0, compose_band_list(&nvm_data, bands));
EXPECT_EQ(kInvalidBandId, bands[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(kInvalidBandId, bands[1]);
// 2.4GHz only
memset(&nvm_data, 0, sizeof(nvm_data));
memset(bands, kInvalidBandIdFillByte, sizeof(bands));
nvm_data.sku_cap_band_24ghz_enable = true;
EXPECT_EQ(1, compose_band_list(&nvm_data, bands));
EXPECT_EQ(kInvalidBandId, bands[1]);
// 5GHz only
memset(&nvm_data, 0, sizeof(nvm_data));
memset(bands, kInvalidBandIdFillByte, sizeof(bands));
nvm_data.sku_cap_band_52ghz_enable = true;
EXPECT_EQ(1, compose_band_list(&nvm_data, bands));
EXPECT_EQ(kInvalidBandId, bands[1]);
// both bands enabled
memset(&nvm_data, 0, sizeof(nvm_data));
memset(bands, kInvalidBandIdFillByte, sizeof(bands));
nvm_data.sku_cap_band_24ghz_enable = true;
nvm_data.sku_cap_band_52ghz_enable = true;
EXPECT_EQ(2, compose_band_list(&nvm_data, bands));
// Short-cut to access the iwl_cfg80211_rates[] structure and convert it to 802.11 rate.
// Args:
// index: the index of iwl_cfg80211_rates[].
// Returns:
// the 802.11 rate.
static unsigned expected_rate(size_t index) {
return cfg_rates_to_80211(iwl_cfg80211_rates[index]);
TEST_F(WlanDeviceTest, FillBandInfos) {
// The default 'nvm_data' is loaded from test/
wlan_info_band_t bands[WLAN_INFO_BAND_COUNT] = {
wlan_info_band_info_t band_infos[WLAN_INFO_BAND_COUNT] = {};
fill_band_infos(iwl_trans_get_mvm(sim_trans_.iwl_trans())->nvm_data, bands, ARRAY_SIZE(bands),
// 2.4Ghz
wlan_info_band_info_t* exp_band_info = &band_infos[0];
EXPECT_EQ(WLAN_INFO_BAND_2GHZ, exp_band_info->band);
EXPECT_EQ(true, exp_band_info->ht_supported);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_rate(0), exp_band_info->rates[0]); // 1Mbps
EXPECT_EQ(expected_rate(11), exp_band_info->rates[11]); // 54Mbps
EXPECT_EQ(2407, exp_band_info->supported_channels.base_freq);
EXPECT_EQ(1, exp_band_info->supported_channels.channels[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(13, exp_band_info->supported_channels.channels[12]);
// 5GHz
exp_band_info = &band_infos[1];
EXPECT_EQ(WLAN_INFO_BAND_5GHZ, exp_band_info->band);
EXPECT_EQ(true, exp_band_info->ht_supported);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_rate(4), exp_band_info->rates[0]); // 6Mbps
EXPECT_EQ(expected_rate(11), exp_band_info->rates[7]); // 54Mbps
EXPECT_EQ(5000, exp_band_info->supported_channels.base_freq);
EXPECT_EQ(36, exp_band_info->supported_channels.channels[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(165, exp_band_info->supported_channels.channels[24]);
TEST_F(WlanDeviceTest, FillBandInfosOnly5GHz) {
// The default 'nvm_data' is loaded from test/
wlan_info_band_t bands[WLAN_INFO_BAND_COUNT] = {
wlan_info_band_info_t band_infos[WLAN_INFO_BAND_COUNT] = {};
fill_band_infos(iwl_trans_get_mvm(sim_trans_.iwl_trans())->nvm_data, bands, 1, band_infos);
// 5GHz
wlan_info_band_info_t* exp_band_info = &band_infos[0];
EXPECT_EQ(WLAN_INFO_BAND_5GHZ, exp_band_info->band);
EXPECT_EQ(true, exp_band_info->ht_supported);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_rate(4), exp_band_info->rates[0]); // 6Mbps
EXPECT_EQ(expected_rate(11), exp_band_info->rates[7]); // 54Mbps
EXPECT_EQ(5000, exp_band_info->supported_channels.base_freq);
EXPECT_EQ(36, exp_band_info->supported_channels.channels[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(165, exp_band_info->supported_channels.channels[24]);
// index 1 should be empty.
exp_band_info = &band_infos[1];
EXPECT_EQ(false, exp_band_info->ht_supported);
EXPECT_EQ(0x00, exp_band_info->rates[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(0x00, exp_band_info->rates[7]);
EXPECT_EQ(0, exp_band_info->supported_channels.channels[0]);
///////////////////////////////////// MAC //////////////////////////////////////////////
TEST_F(WlanDeviceTest, MacQuery) {
// Test input null pointers
uint32_t options = 0;
void* whatever = &options;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, wlanmac_ops.query(nullptr, options, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, wlanmac_ops.query(whatever, options, nullptr));
wlanmac_ops.query(nullptr, options, reinterpret_cast<wlanmac_info*>(whatever)));
wlanmac_info_t info = {};
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, wlanmac_ops.query(&mvmvif_sta_, options, &info));
EXPECT_EQ(WLAN_INFO_MAC_ROLE_CLIENT, info.ifc_info.mac_role);
// The below code assumes the test/ contains 2 bands.
// .bands[0]: WLAN_INFO_BAND_2GHZ
// .bands[1]: WLAN_INFO_BAND_5GHZ
ASSERT_EQ(2, info.ifc_info.bands_count);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_rate(0), info.ifc_info.bands[0].rates[0]); // 1 Mbps
EXPECT_EQ(expected_rate(7), info.ifc_info.bands[0].rates[7]); // 18 Mbps
EXPECT_EQ(expected_rate(11), info.ifc_info.bands[0].rates[11]); // 54 Mbps
EXPECT_EQ(expected_rate(4), info.ifc_info.bands[1].rates[0]); // 6 Mbps
EXPECT_EQ(165, info.ifc_info.bands[1].supported_channels.channels[24]);
TEST_F(WlanDeviceTest, MacStart) {
// Test input null pointers
wlanmac_ifc_protocol_ops_t proto_ops = {
.recv = recv_wrapper,
wlanmac_ifc_protocol_t ifc = {.ops = &proto_ops};
zx_handle_t sme_channel;
ASSERT_EQ(wlanmac_ops.start(nullptr, &ifc, &sme_channel), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
ASSERT_EQ(wlanmac_ops.start(&mvmvif_sta_, nullptr, &sme_channel), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
ASSERT_EQ(wlanmac_ops.start(&mvmvif_sta_, &ifc, nullptr), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
// Test callback function
recv_cb_t mock_recv; // To mock up the wlanmac_ifc_t.recv().
mvmvif_sta_.sme_channel = sme_channel_;
ASSERT_EQ(wlanmac_ops.start(&mvmvif_sta_, &ifc, &sme_channel), ZX_OK);
// Expect the above line would copy the 'ifc'. Then set expectation below and fire test.
mock_recv.ExpectCall(&mock_recv, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
mvmvif_sta_.ifc.ops->recv(&mock_recv, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
TEST_F(WlanDeviceTest, MacStartSmeChannel) {
// The normal case. A channel will be transferred to MLME.
constexpr zx_handle_t from_devmgr = sme_channel_;
mvmvif_sta_.sme_channel = from_devmgr;
wlanmac_ifc_protocol_ops_t proto_ops = {
.recv = recv_wrapper,
wlanmac_ifc_protocol_t ifc = {.ops = &proto_ops};
zx_handle_t sme_channel;
ASSERT_EQ(wlanmac_ops.start(&mvmvif_sta_, &ifc, &sme_channel), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(sme_channel, from_devmgr); // The channel handle is returned.
ASSERT_EQ(mvmvif_sta_.sme_channel, ZX_HANDLE_INVALID); // Driver no longer holds the ownership.
// Since the driver no longer owns the handle, the start should fail.
ASSERT_EQ(wlanmac_ops.start(&mvmvif_sta_, &ifc, &sme_channel), ZX_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND);
TEST_F(WlanDeviceTest, MacUnbind) {
wlanphy_impl_create_iface_req_t req = {
.sme_channel = sme_channel_,
uint16_t iface_id;
struct iwl_trans* iwl_trans = sim_trans_.iwl_trans();
// Create an interface
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.create_iface(iwl_trans, &req, &iface_id), ZX_OK);
// To verify the internal state of MVM driver.
struct iwl_mvm* mvm = iwl_trans_get_mvm(iwl_trans);
struct iwl_mvm_vif* mvmvif = mvm->mvmvif[iface_id];
// Then unbind it
// unbind() doesn't have return value. Expect it is not crashed.
// Do again and expect not crashed
TEST_F(WlanDeviceTest, MacUnbindInvalidZxdev) {
wlanphy_impl_create_iface_req_t req = {
.sme_channel = sme_channel_,
uint16_t iface_id;
struct iwl_trans* iwl_trans = sim_trans_.iwl_trans();
// Create an interface
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.create_iface(iwl_trans, &req, &iface_id), ZX_OK);
// To verify the internal state of MVM driver.
struct iwl_mvm* mvm = iwl_trans_get_mvm(iwl_trans);
struct iwl_mvm_vif* mvmvif = mvm->mvmvif[iface_id];
// Invalidate the zxdev with whatever value
mvmvif->zxdev = fake_ddk::kFakeParent;
// Expect the unbind still cleans up the internal state.
ASSERT_EQ(mvmvif->zxdev, nullptr);
TEST_F(WlanDeviceTest, MacRelease) {
// Allocate an instance so that we can free that in mac_release().
struct iwl_mvm_vif* mvmvif =
reinterpret_cast<struct iwl_mvm_vif*>(calloc(1, sizeof(struct iwl_mvm_vif)));
// Create a channel. Let this test case holds one end while driver holds the other end.
char dummy[1];
zx_handle_t case_end;
ASSERT_EQ(zx_channel_create(0 /* option */, &case_end, &mvmvif->sme_channel), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(zx_channel_write(case_end, 0 /* option */, dummy, sizeof(dummy), nullptr, 0), ZX_OK);
// Call release and the sme channel should be closed so that we will get a peer-close error while
// trying to write any data to it.
ASSERT_EQ(zx_channel_write(case_end, 0 /* option */, dummy, sizeof(dummy), nullptr, 0),
///////////////////////////////////// PHY //////////////////////////////////////////////
TEST_F(WlanDeviceTest, PhyQuery) {
struct iwl_trans* iwl_trans = sim_trans_.iwl_trans();
wlanphy_impl_info_t info = {};
// Test input null pointers
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, wlanphy_ops.query(nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, wlanphy_ops.query(iwl_trans, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, wlanphy_ops.query(nullptr, &info));
// Normal case
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, wlanphy_ops.query(iwl_trans, &info));
EXPECT_EQ(WLAN_INFO_MAC_ROLE_CLIENT, info.wlan_info.mac_role);
// The below code assumes the test/ contains 2 bands.
// .bands[0]: WLAN_INFO_BAND_2GHZ
// .bands[1]: WLAN_INFO_BAND_5GHZ
ASSERT_EQ(2, info.wlan_info.bands_count);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_rate(0), info.wlan_info.bands[0].rates[0]); // 1 Mbps
EXPECT_EQ(expected_rate(7), info.wlan_info.bands[0].rates[7]); // 18 Mbps
EXPECT_EQ(expected_rate(11), info.wlan_info.bands[0].rates[11]); // 54 Mbps
EXPECT_EQ(expected_rate(4), info.wlan_info.bands[1].rates[0]); // 6 Mbps
EXPECT_EQ(165, info.wlan_info.bands[1].supported_channels.channels[24]);
TEST_F(WlanDeviceTest, PhyCreateDestroySingleInterface) {
wlanphy_impl_create_iface_req_t req = {
.sme_channel = sme_channel_,
uint16_t iface_id;
struct iwl_trans* iwl_trans = sim_trans_.iwl_trans();
// Test input null pointers
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.create_iface(nullptr, &req, &iface_id), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.create_iface(iwl_trans, nullptr, &iface_id), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.create_iface(iwl_trans, &req, nullptr), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.destroy_iface(nullptr, 0), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.destroy_iface(iwl_trans, MAX_NUM_MVMVIF), ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.destroy_iface(iwl_trans, 0), ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND); // hasn't been added yet.
// To verify the internal state of MVM driver.
struct iwl_mvm* mvm = iwl_trans_get_mvm(iwl_trans);
// Add interface
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.create_iface(iwl_trans, &req, &iface_id), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(iface_id, 0); // the first interface should have id 0.
struct iwl_mvm_vif* mvmvif = mvm->mvmvif[iface_id];
ASSERT_NE(mvmvif, nullptr);
// Remove interface
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.destroy_iface(iwl_trans, 0), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(mvm->mvmvif[iface_id], nullptr);
TEST_F(WlanDeviceTest, PhyCreateDestroyMultipleInterfaces) {
wlanphy_impl_create_iface_req_t req = {
.sme_channel = sme_channel_,
uint16_t iface_id;
struct iwl_trans* iwl_trans = sim_trans_.iwl_trans();
struct iwl_mvm* mvm = iwl_trans_get_mvm(iwl_trans); // To verify the internal state of MVM driver
// Add 1st interface
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.create_iface(iwl_trans, &req, &iface_id), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(iface_id, 0); // the first interface should have id 0.
ASSERT_NE(mvm->mvmvif[iface_id], nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(mvm->mvmvif[iface_id]->mac_role, WLAN_INFO_MAC_ROLE_CLIENT);
struct iwl_mvm_vif* mvmvif0 = mvm->mvmvif[iface_id];
// Add 2nd interface
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.create_iface(iwl_trans, &req, &iface_id), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(iface_id, 1); // the first interface should have id 0.
ASSERT_NE(mvm->mvmvif[iface_id], nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(mvm->mvmvif[iface_id]->mac_role, WLAN_INFO_MAC_ROLE_CLIENT);
struct iwl_mvm_vif* mvmvif1 = mvm->mvmvif[iface_id];
// Add 3rd interface
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.create_iface(iwl_trans, &req, &iface_id), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(iface_id, 2); // the first interface should have id 0.
ASSERT_NE(mvm->mvmvif[iface_id], nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(mvm->mvmvif[iface_id]->mac_role, WLAN_INFO_MAC_ROLE_CLIENT);
struct iwl_mvm_vif* mvmvif2 = mvm->mvmvif[iface_id];
// Remove the 2nd interface
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.destroy_iface(iwl_trans, 1), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(mvm->mvmvif[1], nullptr);
// Add a new interface and it should be the 2nd one.
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.create_iface(iwl_trans, &req, &iface_id), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(iface_id, 1); // the first interface should have id 0.
ASSERT_NE(mvm->mvmvif[iface_id], nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(mvm->mvmvif[iface_id]->mac_role, WLAN_INFO_MAC_ROLE_CLIENT);
mvmvif1 = mvm->mvmvif[iface_id];
// Add 4th interface
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.create_iface(iwl_trans, &req, &iface_id), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(iface_id, 3); // the first interface should have id 0.
ASSERT_NE(mvm->mvmvif[iface_id], nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(mvm->mvmvif[iface_id]->mac_role, WLAN_INFO_MAC_ROLE_CLIENT);
struct iwl_mvm_vif* mvmvif3 = mvm->mvmvif[iface_id];
// Add 5th interface and it should fail
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.create_iface(iwl_trans, &req, &iface_id), ZX_ERR_NO_RESOURCES);
// Remove the 2nd interface
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.destroy_iface(iwl_trans, 1), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(mvm->mvmvif[1], nullptr);
// Remove the 3rd interface
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.destroy_iface(iwl_trans, 2), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(mvm->mvmvif[2], nullptr);
// Remove the 4th interface
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.destroy_iface(iwl_trans, 3), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(mvm->mvmvif[3], nullptr);
// Remove the 1st interface
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.destroy_iface(iwl_trans, 0), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(mvm->mvmvif[0], nullptr);
// Remove the 1st interface again and it should fail.
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.destroy_iface(iwl_trans, 0), ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND);
TEST_F(WlanDeviceTest, PhyDestroyInvalidZxdev) {
wlanphy_impl_create_iface_req_t req = {
.sme_channel = sme_channel_,
uint16_t iface_id;
struct iwl_trans* iwl_trans = sim_trans_.iwl_trans();
// To verify the internal state of MVM driver.
struct iwl_mvm* mvm = iwl_trans_get_mvm(iwl_trans);
// Add interface
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.create_iface(iwl_trans, &req, &iface_id), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_NE(mvm->mvmvif[iface_id], nullptr);
struct iwl_mvm_vif* mvmvif = mvm->mvmvif[iface_id];
// Replace the zxdev with invalid value
mvm->mvmvif[iface_id]->zxdev = fake_ddk::kFakeParent;
// Remove interface
ASSERT_EQ(wlanphy_ops.destroy_iface(iwl_trans, 0), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(mvm->mvmvif[iface_id], nullptr);
// The class for WLAN device MAC testing.
class MacInterfaceTest : public WlanDeviceTest {
MacInterfaceTest() : ifc_{ .ops = &proto_ops_, } , proto_ops_{ .recv = recv_wrapper, } {
mvmvif_sta_.sme_channel = sme_channel_;
zx_handle_t sme_channel;
ASSERT_EQ(wlanmac_ops.start(&mvmvif_sta_, &ifc_, &sme_channel), ZX_OK);
// Add the interface to MVM instance.
mvmvif_sta_.mvm->mvmvif[0] = &mvmvif_sta_;
~MacInterfaceTest() {
VerifyExpectation(); // Ensure all expectations had been met.
// Restore the original callback for other test cases not using the mock.
if (original_send_cmd) {
sim_trans_.iwl_trans()->ops->send_cmd = original_send_cmd;
// Used in MockCommand constructor to indicate if the command needs to be either
// - returned immediately (with a status code), or
// - passed to the sim_mvm.c.
enum SimMvmBehavior {
// A flexible mock-up of firmware command for testing code. Testing code can decide to either call
// the simulated firmware or return the status code immediately.
// cmd_id: the command ID. Sometimes composed with WIDE_ID() macro.
// behavior: determine what this mockup command is to do.
// status: the status code to return when behavior is 'kSimMvmReturnWithStatus'.
class MockCommand {
MockCommand(uint32_t cmd_id, SimMvmBehavior behavior, zx_status_t status)
: cmd_id_(cmd_id), behavior_(behavior), status_(status) {}
MockCommand(uint32_t cmd_id) : MockCommand(cmd_id, kSimMvmBypassToSimMvm, ZX_OK) {}
~MockCommand() {}
uint32_t cmd_id_;
SimMvmBehavior behavior_;
zx_status_t status_;
typedef std::list<MockCommand> expected_cmd_id_list;
typedef zx_status_t (*fp_send_cmd)(struct iwl_trans* trans, struct iwl_host_cmd* cmd);
// Public for MockSendCmd().
expected_cmd_id_list expected_cmd_ids;
fp_send_cmd original_send_cmd;
zx_status_t SetChannel(const wlan_channel_t* chan) {
uint32_t option = 0;
return wlanmac_ops.set_channel(&mvmvif_sta_, option, chan);
zx_status_t ConfigureBss(const wlan_bss_config_t* config) {
uint32_t option = 0;
return wlanmac_ops.configure_bss(&mvmvif_sta_, option, config);
// The following functions are for mocking up the firmware commands.
// The mock function will return the special error ZX_ERR_INTERNAL when the expectation
// is not expected.
// Set the expected commands sending to the firmware.
// Args:
// cmd_ids: list of expected commands. Will be matched in order.
void ExpectSendCmd(const expected_cmd_id_list& cmd_ids) {
expected_cmd_ids = cmd_ids;
// Re-define the 'dev' field in the 'struct iwl_trans' to a test instance of this class.
sim_trans_.iwl_trans()->dev = reinterpret_cast<struct device*>(this);
// Setup the mock function for send command.
original_send_cmd = sim_trans_.iwl_trans()->ops->send_cmd;
sim_trans_.iwl_trans()->ops->send_cmd = MockSendCmd;
static zx_status_t MockSendCmd(struct iwl_trans* trans, struct iwl_host_cmd* cmd) {
MacInterfaceTest* this_ = reinterpret_cast<MacInterfaceTest*>(trans->dev);
// remove the first one and match.
expected_cmd_id_list& expected = this_->expected_cmd_ids;
"A command (0x%04x) is going to send, but no command is expected.\n", cmd->id);
// check the command ID.
auto exp = expected.front();
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(exp.cmd_id_ == cmd->id,
"The command doesn't match! Expect: 0x%04x, actual: 0x%04x.\n", exp.cmd_id_,
if (exp.behavior_ == kSimMvmBypassToSimMvm) {
return this_->original_send_cmd(trans, cmd);
} else {
return exp.status_;
void VerifyExpectation() {
for (expected_cmd_id_list::iterator it = expected_cmd_ids.begin(); it != expected_cmd_ids.end();
it++) {
printf(" ==> 0x%04x\n", it->cmd_id_);
ASSERT_TRUE(expected_cmd_ids.empty(), "The expected command set is not empty.");
wlanmac_ifc_protocol_t ifc_;
wlanmac_ifc_protocol_ops_t proto_ops_;
static constexpr wlan_bss_config_t kBssConfig = {
.bssid = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06},
.remote = true,
// Test the set_channel().
TEST_F(MacInterfaceTest, TestSetChannel) {
MockCommand(WIDE_ID(LONG_GROUP, PHY_CONTEXT_CMD)), // for add_chanctx
MockCommand(WIDE_ID(LONG_GROUP, PHY_CONTEXT_CMD)), // for change_chanctx
mvmvif_sta_.csa_bcn_pending = true; // Expect to be clear because this is client role.
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, SetChannel(&kChannel));
EXPECT_EQ(false, mvmvif_sta_.csa_bcn_pending);
// Test the unsupported MAC role.
TEST_F(MacInterfaceTest, TestSetChannelWithUnsupportedRole) {
MockCommand(WIDE_ID(LONG_GROUP, PHY_CONTEXT_CMD)), // for add_chanctx
MockCommand(WIDE_ID(LONG_GROUP, PHY_CONTEXT_CMD)), // for change_chanctx
mvmvif_sta_.mac_role = WLAN_INFO_MAC_ROLE_AP;
// Test ConfigureBss()
TEST_F(MacInterfaceTest, TestConfigureBss) {
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, SetChannel(&kChannel));
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, ConfigureBss(&kBssConfig));
// Test duplicate BSS config.
TEST_F(MacInterfaceTest, DuplicateConfigureBss) {
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, SetChannel(&kChannel));
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, ConfigureBss(&kBssConfig));
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS, ConfigureBss(&kBssConfig));
// Test unsupported bss_type.
TEST_F(MacInterfaceTest, UnsupportedBssType) {
static constexpr wlan_bss_config_t kUnsupportedBssConfig = {
.bssid = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06},
.bss_type = WLAN_BSS_TYPE_IBSS,
.remote = true,
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, ConfigureBss(&kUnsupportedBssConfig));
// Test failed ADD_STA command.
TEST_F(MacInterfaceTest, TestFailedAddSta) {
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, SetChannel(&kChannel));
MockCommand(WIDE_ID(LONG_GROUP, ADD_STA), kSimMvmReturnWithStatus,
ZX_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL /* an arbitrary error */),
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, ConfigureBss(&kBssConfig));
// Test exception handling in driver.
TEST_F(MacInterfaceTest, TestExceptionHandling) {
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, SetChannel(&kChannel));
// Test the beacon interval checking.
mvmvif_sta_.bss_conf.beacon_int = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, ConfigureBss(&kBssConfig));
mvmvif_sta_.bss_conf.beacon_int = 16; // which just passes the check.
// Test the phy_ctxt checking.
auto backup_phy_ctxt = mvmvif_sta_.phy_ctxt;
mvmvif_sta_.phy_ctxt = nullptr;
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE, ConfigureBss(&kBssConfig));
mvmvif_sta_.phy_ctxt = backup_phy_ctxt;
// Test the case we run out of slots for STA.
// In the constructor of the test, mvmvif_sta_ had been added once. So we would expect the
// following (IWL_MVM_STATION_COUNT - 1) adding would be successful as well.
for (size_t i = 0; i < IWL_MVM_STATION_COUNT - 1; i++) {
// Pretent the STA is not assigned so that we can add it again.
mvmvif_sta_.ap_sta_id = IWL_MVM_INVALID_STA;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, ConfigureBss(&kBssConfig));
// However, the last one should fail because we run out of all slots in fw_id_to_mac_id[].
mvmvif_sta_.ap_sta_id = IWL_MVM_INVALID_STA;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, ConfigureBss(&kBssConfig));
// The test is used to test the typical procedure to connect to an open network. Will be updated
// in the following CLs.
TEST_F(MacInterfaceTest, AssociateToOpenNetwork) {
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, SetChannel(&kChannel));
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, ConfigureBss(&kBssConfig));
} // namespace
} // namespace wlan::testing