blob: eb36f5b69b6916e57cafa88c3ec6af65eb39bb15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/decoded_message.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/encoded_message.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/response_storage.h>
#include <lib/fidl/llcpp/traits.h>
#include <lib/fidl/transformer.h>
#include <lib/fidl/txn_header.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
namespace fidl {
namespace internal {
// Predefined error messages in the binding
constexpr char kErrorRequestBufferTooSmall[] = "request buffer too small";
constexpr char kErrorWriteFailed[] = "failed writing to the underlying transport";
template <typename Sub>
struct FromFailureMixin {
// Initialize ourself from one of EncodeResult, DecodeResult, LinearizeResult, in the case of
// error hence there is no message.
template <typename SomeResult>
static Sub FromFailure(SomeResult failure) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(failure.status != ZX_OK);
return Sub(failure.status, failure.error);
} // namespace internal
// The request/response type of any FIDL method with zero in/out parameters.
struct AnyZeroArgMessage final {
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type = nullptr;
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = 0;
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = sizeof(fidl_message_header_t);
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = 0;
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = false;
static constexpr bool HasPointer = false;
static constexpr bool ContainsUnion = false;
template <>
struct IsFidlType<AnyZeroArgMessage> : public std::true_type {};
template <>
struct IsFidlMessage<AnyZeroArgMessage> : public std::true_type {};
// Holds a |DecodedMessage| in addition to |status| and |error|.
// This is typically the return type of fidl::Decode and FIDL methods which require
// a decode step for the response.
// If |status| is ZX_OK, |message| contains a valid decoded message of type FidlType.
// Otherwise, |error| contains a human-readable string for debugging purposes.
template <typename FidlType>
struct DecodeResult final : internal::FromFailureMixin<DecodeResult<FidlType>> {
zx_status_t status = ZX_ERR_INTERNAL;
const char* error = nullptr;
DecodedMessage<FidlType> message;
// Convenience accessor for the FIDL message pointer.
// Asserts that the decoding was successful.
FidlType* Unwrap() {
return message.message();
DecodeResult() = default;
DecodeResult(zx_status_t status, const char* error,
DecodedMessage<FidlType> message = DecodedMessage<FidlType>())
: status(status), error(error), message(std::move(message)) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(status != ZX_OK || this->message.is_valid());
// Holds a |EncodedMessage| in addition to |status| and |error|.
// This is typically the return type of fidl::Encode and other FIDL methods which
// have encoding as the last step.
// If |status| is ZX_OK, |message| contains a valid encoded message of type FidlType.
// Otherwise, |error| contains a human-readable string for debugging purposes.
template <typename FidlType>
struct EncodeResult final : internal::FromFailureMixin<EncodeResult<FidlType>> {
zx_status_t status = ZX_ERR_INTERNAL;
const char* error = nullptr;
EncodedMessage<FidlType> message;
EncodeResult() = default;
EncodeResult(zx_status_t status, const char* error,
EncodedMessage<FidlType> message = EncodedMessage<FidlType>())
: status(status), error(error), message(std::move(message)) {}
// Holds a |DecodedMessage| in addition to |status| and |error|.
// This is typically the return type of fidl::Linearize and other FIDL methods which
// have linearization as the last step.
// If |status| is ZX_OK, |message| contains a valid message in decoded form, of type FidlType.
// Otherwise, |error| contains a human-readable string for debugging purposes.
template <typename FidlType>
struct LinearizeResult final : internal::FromFailureMixin<LinearizeResult<FidlType>> {
zx_status_t status = ZX_ERR_INTERNAL;
const char* error = nullptr;
DecodedMessage<FidlType> message;
LinearizeResult() = default;
LinearizeResult(zx_status_t status, const char* error,
DecodedMessage<FidlType> message = DecodedMessage<FidlType>())
: status(status), error(error), message(std::move(message)) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(status != ZX_OK || this->message.is_valid());
// Consumes an encoded message object containing FIDL encoded bytes and handles.
// Uses the FIDL encoding tables to deserialize the message in-place.
// If the message is invalid, discards the buffer and returns an error.
template <typename FidlType>
DecodeResult<FidlType> Decode(EncodedMessage<FidlType> msg) {
DecodeResult<FidlType> result;
// Perform in-place decoding
if (NeedsEncodeDecode<FidlType>::value) {
result.status = fidl_decode(FidlType::Type, msg.bytes().data(), msg.bytes().actual(),
msg.handles().data(), msg.handles().actual(), &result.error);
} else {
// Boring type does not need decoding
if (msg.bytes().actual() != FidlType::PrimarySize) {
result.error = "invalid size decoding";
} else if (msg.handles().actual() != 0) {
result.error = "invalid handle count decoding";
} else {
result.status = ZX_OK;
// Clear out |msg| independent of success or failure
BytePart bytes = msg.ReleaseBytesAndHandles();
if (result.status == ZX_OK) {
} else {
return result;
// Serializes the content of the message in-place.
// The message's contents are always consumed by this operation, even in case of an error.
template <typename FidlType>
EncodeResult<FidlType> Encode(DecodedMessage<FidlType> msg) {
EncodeResult<FidlType> result;
result.status =
result.message.Initialize([&msg, &result](BytePart* out_msg_bytes, HandlePart* msg_handles) {
*out_msg_bytes = std::move(msg.bytes_);
if (NeedsEncodeDecode<FidlType>::value) {
uint32_t actual_handles = 0;
zx_status_t status = fidl_encode(FidlType::Type, out_msg_bytes->data(),
out_msg_bytes->actual(), msg_handles->data(),
msg_handles->capacity(), &actual_handles, &result.error);
return status;
} else {
if (out_msg_bytes->actual() != FidlAlign(FidlType::PrimarySize)) {
result.error = "invalid size encoding";
memset(out_msg_bytes->data() + FidlType::PrimarySize, 0,
out_msg_bytes->actual() - FidlType::PrimarySize);
// Boring type does not need encoding
return ZX_OK;
return result;
// Linearizes the contents of the message starting at |value|, into a continuous |bytes| buffer.
// Upon success, the handles in the source messages will be moved into |bytes|.
// the remaining contents in the source messages are otherwise untouched.
// In case of any failure, the handles from |value| will stay intact.
template <typename FidlType>
LinearizeResult<FidlType> Linearize(FidlType* value, BytePart bytes) {
static_assert(IsFidlType<FidlType>::value, "FIDL type required");
static_assert(FidlType::Type != nullptr, "FidlType should have a coding table");
static_assert(FidlType::HasPointer, "Only types with out-of-line members need linearization");
LinearizeResult<FidlType> result;
uint32_t num_bytes_actual;
result.status = fidl_linearize(FidlType::Type, value,, bytes.capacity(),
&num_bytes_actual, &result.error);
if (result.status != ZX_OK) {
return result;
result.message = DecodedMessage<FidlType>(std::move(bytes));
return result;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
namespace {
template <bool, typename RequestType, typename ResponseType>
struct MaybeSelectResponseType {
using type = ResponseType;
template <typename RequestType, typename ResponseType>
struct MaybeSelectResponseType<true, RequestType, ResponseType> {
using type = typename RequestType::ResponseType;
} // namespace
template <typename FidlType>
DecodeResult<FidlType> DecodeAs(fidl_msg_t* msg) {
static_assert(IsFidlMessage<FidlType>::value, "FIDL transactional message type required");
if (msg->num_handles > EncodedMessage<FidlType>::kResolvedMaxHandles) {
zx_handle_close_many(msg->handles, msg->num_handles);
return DecodeResult<FidlType>(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, "too many handles");
return fidl::Decode(fidl::EncodedMessage<FidlType>(msg));
// Write |encoded_msg| down a channel. Used for sending one-way calls and events.
template <typename FidlType>
zx_status_t Write(const zx::unowned_channel& chan, EncodedMessage<FidlType> encoded_msg) {
static_assert(IsFidlMessage<FidlType>::value, "FIDL transactional message type required");
auto status = chan->write(0, encoded_msg.bytes().data(), encoded_msg.bytes().actual(),
encoded_msg.handles().data(), encoded_msg.handles().actual());
return status;
// Write |encoded_msg| down a channel. Used for sending one-way calls and events.
template <typename FidlType>
zx_status_t Write(const zx::channel& chan, EncodedMessage<FidlType> encoded_msg) {
return Write(zx::unowned_channel(chan), std::move(encoded_msg));
// Encode and write |decoded_msg| down a channel. Used for sending one-way calls and events.
template <typename FidlType>
zx_status_t Write(const zx::unowned_channel& chan, DecodedMessage<FidlType> decoded_msg) {
static_assert(IsFidlMessage<FidlType>::value, "FIDL transactional message type required");
fidl::EncodeResult<FidlType> encode_result = fidl::Encode(std::move(decoded_msg));
if (encode_result.status != ZX_OK) {
return encode_result.status;
return Write(chan, std::move(encode_result.message));
// Encode and write |decoded_msg| down a channel. Used for sending one-way calls and events.
template <typename FidlType>
zx_status_t Write(const zx::channel& chan, DecodedMessage<FidlType> decoded_msg) {
return Write(zx::unowned_channel(chan), std::move(decoded_msg));
// If |RequestType::ResponseType| exists, use that. Otherwise, fallback to |ResponseType|.
template <typename RequestType, typename ResponseType>
struct SelectResponseType {
using type = typename MaybeSelectResponseType<internal::HasResponseType<RequestType>::value,
RequestType, ResponseType>::type;
// Perform a synchronous FIDL channel call. This overload takes a |zx::unowned_channel|.
// Sends the request message down the channel, then waits for the desired reply message, and
// wraps it in an EncodeResult for the response type.
// If |RequestType| is |AnyZeroArgMessage|, the caller may explicitly specify an expected response
// type by overriding the template parameter |ResponseType|.
// The call will block until |deadline|, which defaults to forever. If a |deadline| is specified,
// the call will error with |ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT| when the deadline has passed without a reply.
template <typename RequestType, typename ResponseType = typename RequestType::ResponseType>
EncodeResult<ResponseType> Call(zx::unowned_channel chan, EncodedMessage<RequestType> request,
BytePart response_buffer,
zx::time deadline = zx::time::infinite()) {
static_assert(IsFidlMessage<RequestType>::value, "FIDL transactional message type required");
static_assert(IsFidlMessage<ResponseType>::value, "FIDL transactional message type required");
// If |RequestType| has a defined |ResponseType|, ensure it matches the template parameter.
static_assert(std::is_same<typename SelectResponseType<RequestType, ResponseType>::type,
"RequestType and ResponseType are incompatible");
EncodeResult<ResponseType> result;
result.message.Initialize([&response_buffer, &request, &chan, &result, deadline](
BytePart* out_bytes, HandlePart* handles) {
*out_bytes = std::move(response_buffer);
uint32_t actual_num_bytes = 0u;
uint32_t actual_num_handles = 0u;
zx_channel_call_args_t args = {.wr_bytes = request.bytes().data(),
.wr_handles = request.handles().data(),
.rd_bytes = out_bytes->data(),
.rd_handles = handles->data(),
.wr_num_bytes = request.bytes().actual(),
.wr_num_handles = request.handles().actual(),
.rd_num_bytes = out_bytes->capacity(),
.rd_num_handles = handles->capacity()};
result.status = chan->call(0u, deadline, &args, &actual_num_bytes, &actual_num_handles);
if (result.status != ZX_OK) {
return result;
// Perform a synchronous FIDL channel call. This overload takes a |zx::channel&|.
// Sends the request message down the channel, then waits for the desired reply message, and
// wraps it in an EncodeResult for the response type.
// If |RequestType| is |AnyZeroArgMessage|, the caller may explicitly specify an expected response
// type by overriding the template parameter |ResponseType|.
// The call will block until |deadline|, which defaults to forever. If a |deadline| is specified,
// the call will error with |ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT| when the deadline has passed without a reply.
template <typename RequestType, typename ResponseType = typename RequestType::ResponseType>
EncodeResult<ResponseType> Call(zx::channel& chan, EncodedMessage<RequestType> request,
BytePart response_buffer,
zx::time deadline = zx::time::infinite()) {
return Call<RequestType, ResponseType>(zx::unowned_channel(chan), std::move(request),
std::move(response_buffer), deadline);
// Calculates the maximum possible message size for a FIDL type,
// clamped at the Zircon channel packet size.
// TODO(FIDL-771): Always request the message context.
template <typename FidlType, const MessageDirection Direction = MessageDirection::kReceiving>
constexpr uint32_t MaxSizeInChannel() {
return internal::ClampedMessageSize<FidlType, Direction>();
} // namespace fidl