blob: bf6c622d4ac21a899ccf4f1a0814218e1346d62e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <fuchsia/io/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/default.h>
#include <lib/fdio/fdio.h>
#include <lib/fdio/namespace.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding_set.h>
#include <lib/gtest/real_loop_fixture.h>
#include <fs/pseudo_dir.h>
#include <fs/service.h>
#include <fs/synchronous_vfs.h>
#include "src/lib/syslog/cpp/logger.h"
// This class allows the creation of driver implementations at a given location.
// It is useful when testing services that use device_watcher.
// DevicePath is the path where you want to add devices.
// You can use this fixture in your tests in the following way:
// class FakeDevice : public fuchsia::some::Device {
// // Put implementation here
// };
// char path[] = "/dev/class/somedevice";
// typedef DeviceCreationFixture<path, fuchsia::some::Device> CameraDeviceCreationTest;
// TEST_F(CameraDeviceCreationTest, SomeTest) {
// FakeDevice device;
// auto dir_ent = AddDevice(&device); // now that device is added at path!
// // Run some tests which may open the device
// }
template <char const* DevicePath, typename Interface>
class DeviceCreationFixture : public gtest::RealLoopFixture {
void SetUp() override {
ASSERT_EQ(fdio_ns_get_installed(&ns_), ZX_OK);
zx::channel c1, c2;
// Serve up the emulated camera-input directory
ASSERT_EQ(zx::channel::create(0, &c1, &c2), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(vfs_.Serve(dir_, std::move(c1), fs::VnodeConnectionOptions::ReadOnly()), ZX_OK);
ASSERT_EQ(fdio_ns_bind(ns_, DevicePath, c2.release()), ZX_OK);
void TearDown() override {
ASSERT_NE(ns_, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(fdio_ns_unbind(ns_, DevicePath), ZX_OK);
// Holds a reference to a pseudo dir entry that removes the entry when this object goes out of
// scope.
struct ScopedDirent {
std::string name;
fbl::RefPtr<fs::PseudoDir> dir;
~ScopedDirent() {
if (dir) {
// Adds a device implementation to the emulated directory that has been installed in
// the local namespace at |DevicePath|.
[[nodiscard]] ScopedDirent AddDevice(Interface* device) {
auto name = std::to_string(next_device_number_++);
auto service = fbl::MakeRefCounted<fs::Service>([device, this](zx::channel c) {
binding_set_.AddBinding(device, fidl::InterfaceRequest<Interface>(std::move(c)));
return ZX_OK;
FX_CHECK(ZX_OK == dir_->AddEntry(name, service));
return {name, dir_};
fdio_ns_t* ns_ = nullptr;
uint32_t next_device_number_ = 0;
async::Loop vfs_loop_{&kAsyncLoopConfigNoAttachToCurrentThread};
fs::SynchronousVfs vfs_{vfs_loop_.dispatcher()};
// Note these _must_ be RefPtrs since the vfs_ will attempt to AdoptRef on a raw pointer passed
// to it.
// TODO(35505): Migrate to //sdk/lib/vfs/cpp once that supports watching on PseudoDir.
fbl::RefPtr<fs::PseudoDir> dir_{fbl::MakeRefCounted<fs::PseudoDir>()};
fidl::BindingSet<Interface> binding_set_;