blob: 65108180bb0ed2a8f6a100bf46d8ccf35a601e24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_core/audio_link.h"
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_core/audio_packet_ref.h"
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_core/fwd_decls.h"
#include "garnet/bin/media/audio_core/pending_flush_token.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/synchronization/thread_annotations.h"
namespace media::audio {
// TODO(johngro): docs
class AudioLinkPacketSource : public AudioLink {
static std::shared_ptr<AudioLinkPacketSource> Create(
fbl::RefPtr<AudioObject> source, fbl::RefPtr<AudioObject> dest);
~AudioLinkPacketSource() override;
// Accessor for the format info assigned to this link.
// TODO(johngro): Eliminate this. Format information belongs at the generic
// AudioLink level. Additionally, all sources should be able to to change or
// invalidate their format info without needing to destroy and re-create any
// links. Ideally, they should be able to do so without needing to obtain any
// locks. A lock-less single writer, single reader, triple-buffer object
// would be perfect for this (I have one of these lying around from a previous
// project, I just need to see if I am allowed to use it or not).
const AudioRendererFormatInfo& format_info() const { return *format_info_; }
// Common pending queue ops.
bool pending_queue_empty() const {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> locker(pending_mutex_);
return pending_packet_queue_.empty();
// PendingQueue operations used by the packet source. Never call these from
// the destination.
void PushToPendingQueue(const fbl::RefPtr<AudioPacketRef>& pkt);
void FlushPendingQueue(
const fbl::RefPtr<PendingFlushToken>& flush_token = nullptr);
void CopyPendingQueue(const std::shared_ptr<AudioLinkPacketSource>& other);
// PendingQueue operations used by the destination. Never call these from the
// source.
// When consuming audio, destinations must always pair their calls to
// LockPendingQueueFront and UnlockPendingQueueFront, passing the pointer to
// the reference to the front of the queue they obtained in the process (even
// if the front of the queue was nullptr).
// Doing so ensures that sources which are attempting to flush the pending
// queue are forced to wait if the front of the queue is involved in a mixing
// operation. This, in turn, guarantees that audio packets are always
// returned to the user in the order which they were queued in without forcing
// AudioRenderers to wait to queue new data if a mix operation is in progress.
fbl::RefPtr<AudioPacketRef> LockPendingQueueFront(bool* was_flushed);
void UnlockPendingQueueFront(bool release_packet);
AudioLinkPacketSource(fbl::RefPtr<AudioObject> source,
fbl::RefPtr<AudioObject> dest,
fbl::RefPtr<AudioRendererFormatInfo> format_info);
fbl::RefPtr<AudioRendererFormatInfo> format_info_;
std::mutex flush_mutex_;
mutable std::mutex pending_mutex_;
std::deque<fbl::RefPtr<AudioPacketRef>> pending_packet_queue_
std::deque<fbl::RefPtr<AudioPacketRef>> pending_flush_packet_queue_
std::deque<fbl::RefPtr<PendingFlushToken>> pending_flush_token_queue_
bool flushed_ FXL_GUARDED_BY(pending_mutex_) = true;
bool processing_in_progress_ FXL_GUARDED_BY(pending_mutex_) = false;
// Utility function used by packet-oriented AudioObjects (e.g. AudioRenderer)
inline AudioLinkPacketSource* AsPacketSource(
const std::shared_ptr<AudioLink>& link) {
FXL_DCHECK(link->source_type() == AudioLink::SourceType::Packet);
return static_cast<AudioLinkPacketSource*>(link.get());
} // namespace media::audio