blob: ca2b264e6eb1deaef2d29489efe4808da467b2c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
transaction::{self, Transaction},
anyhow::{bail, Error},
storage_device::buffer::{Buffer, BufferRef, MutableBufferRef},
// Some places use Default and assume that zero is an invalid object ID, so this cannot be changed
// easily.
pub const INVALID_OBJECT_ID: u64 = 0;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct ObjectProperties {
/// The number of references to this object.
pub refs: u64,
/// The number of bytes allocated to all extents across all attributes for this object.
pub allocated_size: u64,
/// The logical content size for the default data attribute of this object, i.e. the size of a
/// file. (Objects with no data attribute have size 0.)
pub data_attribute_size: u64,
/// The timestamp at which the object was created (i.e. crtime).
pub creation_time: Timestamp,
/// The timestamp at which the objects's data was last modified (i.e. mtime).
pub modification_time: Timestamp,
/// The number of sub-directories.
pub sub_dirs: u64,
pub trait ObjectHandle: Send + Sync + 'static {
/// Returns the object identifier for this object which will be unique for the store that the
/// object is contained in, but not necessarily unique within the entire system.
fn object_id(&self) -> u64;
fn block_size(&self) -> u32;
/// Allocates a buffer for doing I/O (read and write) for the object.
fn allocate_buffer(&self, size: usize) -> Buffer<'_>;
/// Fills |buf| with up to |buf.len()| bytes read from |offset| on the underlying device.
/// |offset| and |buf| must both be block-aligned.
async fn read(&self, offset: u64, buf: MutableBufferRef<'_>) -> Result<usize, Error>;
/// Writes |buf| to the device at |offset|.
/// The alignment of |offset| and |buf.range().start| must be equal (but they do not need to be
/// block-aligned).
async fn txn_write<'a>(
&'a self,
transaction: &mut Transaction<'a>,
offset: u64,
buf: BufferRef<'_>,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Writes |buf| to the device at |offset|. The ranges involved *must* already be allocated and
/// the buffer must be aligned whole blocks.
async fn overwrite(&self, offset: u64, buf: BufferRef<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>;
// Returns the size of the object.
fn get_size(&self) -> u64;
/// Sets the size of the object to |size|. If this extends the object, a hole is created. If
/// this shrinks the object, space will be deallocated (if there are no more references to the
/// data).
async fn truncate<'a>(
&'a self,
transaction: &mut Transaction<'a>,
size: u64,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Preallocates the given file range. Data will not be initialised so this should be a
/// privileged operation for now. The data can be later written to using an overwrite mode.
/// Returns the device ranges allocated. Existing allocated ranges will be left untouched and
/// the ranges returned will include those.
async fn preallocate_range<'a>(
&'a self,
transaction: &mut Transaction<'a>,
range: Range<u64>,
) -> Result<Vec<Range<u64>>, Error>;
/// Updates the timestamps for the object. If either argument is None, that timestamp is not
/// modified.
/// If |transaction| is unset, the updates can be deferred until a later write.
/// |get_properties| must immediately reflect the new values, though (i.e. they must be
/// buffered).
async fn update_timestamps<'a>(
&'a self,
transaction: Option<&mut Transaction<'a>>,
crtime: Option<Timestamp>,
mtime: Option<Timestamp>,
) -> Result<(), Error>;
/// Gets the object's properties.
async fn get_properties(&self) -> Result<ObjectProperties, Error>;
/// Returns a new transaction including a lock for this handle.
async fn new_transaction<'a>(&self) -> Result<Transaction<'a>, Error> {
/// Returns a new transaction including a lock for this handle and the given options.
async fn new_transaction_with_options<'a>(
options: transaction::Options<'a>,
) -> Result<Transaction<'a>, Error>;
/// Sets tracing for this object.
fn set_trace(&self, _v: bool) {}
pub trait ObjectHandleExt: ObjectHandle {
// Returns the contents of the object. The object must be < |limit| bytes in size.
async fn contents(&self, limit: usize) -> Result<Box<[u8]>, Error> {
let size = self.get_size();
if size > limit as u64 {
bail!("Object too big ({} > {})", size, limit);
let mut buf = self.allocate_buffer(size as usize);, buf.as_mut()).await?;
let mut vec = vec![0; size as usize];
/// Performs a write within a transaction.
async fn write(&self, offset: u64, buf: BufferRef<'_>) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut transaction = self.new_transaction().await?;
self.txn_write(&mut transaction, offset, buf).await?;
impl<T: ObjectHandle + ?Sized> ObjectHandleExt for T {}
pub trait WriteBytes {
async fn write_bytes(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error>;
fn skip(&mut self, amount: u64);
const BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 131_072;
pub struct Writer<'a> {
handle: &'a dyn ObjectHandle,
options: transaction::Options<'a>,
buffer: Buffer<'a>,
offset: u64,
impl<'a> Writer<'a> {
pub fn new(handle: &'a dyn ObjectHandle, options: transaction::Options<'a>) -> Self {
Self { handle, options, buffer: handle.allocate_buffer(BUFFER_SIZE), offset: 0 }
impl WriteBytes for Writer<'_> {
async fn write_bytes(&mut self, mut buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
while buf.len() > 0 {
let to_do = std::cmp::min(buf.len(), BUFFER_SIZE);
let mut transaction =
.txn_write(&mut transaction, self.offset, self.buffer.subslice(..to_do))
self.offset += to_do as u64;
buf = &buf[to_do..];
fn skip(&mut self, amount: u64) {
self.offset += amount;