blob: 541e39b150ef26855c3cac7e9459e5698a629815 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/sinc_sampler.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/trace/event.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/channel_strip.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/constants.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/filter.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/position_manager.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/processing/sampler.h"
namespace media::audio::mixer {
template <int32_t DestChanCount, typename SourceSampleType, int32_t SourceChanCount>
class SincSamplerImpl : public SincSampler {
SincSamplerImpl(int32_t source_frame_rate, int32_t dest_frame_rate, Gain::Limits gain_limits)
: SincSampler(
// TODO( Convert Mixer and the rest of audio_core to a filter_width
// definition that includes [0] in its count (as SincFilter::Length does).
SincFilter::Length(source_frame_rate, dest_frame_rate) - Fixed::FromRaw(1),
// Sinc filters are symmetric (pos == neg, for coefficient values)
SincFilter::Length(source_frame_rate, dest_frame_rate) - Fixed::FromRaw(1),
frac_filter_length_(SincFilter::Length(source_frame_rate, dest_frame_rate).raw_value()),
position_(SourceChanCount, DestChanCount, frac_filter_length_, frac_filter_length_),
working_data_(DestChanCount, kDataCacheLength),
// SincFilter holds one side of coefficients; we invert position to calc the negative side.
filter_(source_rate_, dest_rate_, frac_filter_length_) {
FX_CHECK(pos_filter_width() == neg_filter_width())
<< "SincSampler assumes a symmetric filter, pos_filter_width (" << ffl::String::DecRational
<< pos_filter_width() << ") != neg_filter_width (" << neg_filter_width() << ")";
// SincFilter draws from range [ceil(frac_pos - neg_width), floor(frac_pos + pos_width)].
// Including the center, SincFilter can require floor(neg_width + one + pos_width) samples.
// Be careful: this is not (necessarily) the same as floor(neg_width) + one + floor(pos_width)
const int64_t kCacheFramesNeeded =
Floor(neg_filter_width().raw_value() + kFracFrame + pos_filter_width().raw_value());
// We set our data cache length to the maximum filter width that might ever be needed.
FX_CHECK(kDataCacheLength >= kCacheFramesNeeded)
<< "Data cache (len " << kDataCacheLength << ") must be at least " << kCacheFramesNeeded
<< " long to support SRC ratio " << source_frame_rate << "/" << dest_frame_rate;
void Mix(float* dest_ptr, int64_t dest_frames, int64_t* dest_offset_ptr,
const void* source_void_ptr, int64_t source_frames, Fixed* source_offset_ptr,
bool accumulate) override;
void Reset() override {
// TODO( This is for tests only and can be removed once filter creation is eager.
virtual void EagerlyPrepare() override { filter_.EagerlyPrepare(); }
// As an optimization, we work with raw fixed-point values internally, but we pass Fixed types
// through our public interfaces (to MixStage etc.) for source position/filter width/step size.
static constexpr int64_t kFracFrame = kOneFrame.raw_value();
static constexpr int64_t Ceiling(int64_t frac_position) {
return ((frac_position - 1) >> Fixed::Format::FractionalBits) + 1;
static constexpr int64_t Floor(int64_t frac_position) {
return frac_position >> Fixed::Format::FractionalBits;
// Our ChannelStrip must fit even the widest filter, and Filter::ComputeSample requires
// floor(neg_width + 1 + pos_width) samples at minimum (incl 1 full sample for the center).
static constexpr int64_t kDataCacheLength =
Floor(SincFilter::kMaxFracSideLength + kFracFrame + SincFilter::kMaxFracSideLength);
static constexpr int64_t kDataCacheFracLength = kDataCacheLength << Fixed::Format::FractionalBits;
template <media_audio::GainType GainType, bool DoAccumulate>
inline void Mix(float* dest_ptr, int64_t dest_frames, int64_t* dest_offset_ptr,
const void* source_void_ptr, int64_t source_frames, Fixed* source_offset_ptr);
static inline void PopulateFramesToChannelStrip(const void* source_void_ptr,
int64_t next_source_idx_to_copy,
const int64_t frames_needed,
ChannelStrip* channel_strip,
int64_t next_cache_idx_to_fill);
const int64_t frac_filter_length_;
const int32_t source_rate_;
const int32_t dest_rate_;
PositionManager position_;
ChannelStrip working_data_;
SincFilter filter_;
// Implementation
// static
template <int32_t DestChanCount, typename SourceSampleType, int32_t SourceChanCount>
inline void
SincSamplerImpl<DestChanCount, SourceSampleType, SourceChanCount>::PopulateFramesToChannelStrip(
const void* source_void_ptr, int64_t next_source_idx_to_copy, const int64_t frames_needed,
ChannelStrip* channel_strip, int64_t next_cache_idx_to_fill) {
if (kMixerPositionTraceEvents) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", __func__, "next_source_idx_to_copy", next_source_idx_to_copy,
"frames_needed", frames_needed, "next_cache_idx_to_fill",
using SR = SourceReader<SourceSampleType, SourceChanCount, DestChanCount>;
const SourceSampleType* source_ptr = static_cast<const SourceSampleType*>(source_void_ptr);
for (int64_t source_idx = next_source_idx_to_copy;
source_idx < next_source_idx_to_copy + frames_needed;
++source_idx, ++next_cache_idx_to_fill) {
auto current_source_ptr = source_ptr + (source_idx * SourceChanCount);
// Do this one dest_chan at a time
for (size_t dest_chan = 0; dest_chan < DestChanCount; ++dest_chan) {
(*channel_strip)[dest_chan][next_cache_idx_to_fill] = SR::Read(current_source_ptr, dest_chan);
// If upper layers call with GainType MUTED, they must set DoAccumulate=TRUE. They guarantee new
// buffers are cleared before usage; we optimize accordingly.
template <int32_t DestChanCount, typename SourceSampleType, int32_t SourceChanCount>
template <media_audio::GainType GainType, bool DoAccumulate>
inline void SincSamplerImpl<DestChanCount, SourceSampleType, SourceChanCount>::Mix(
float* dest_ptr, int64_t dest_frames, int64_t* dest_offset_ptr, const void* source_void_ptr,
int64_t source_frames, Fixed* source_offset_ptr) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "SincSamplerImpl::MixInternal", "source_rate", source_rate_, "dest_rate",
dest_rate_, "source_chans", SourceChanCount, "dest_chans", DestChanCount);
static_assert(GainType != media_audio::GainType::kSilent || DoAccumulate == true,
"Mixing muted streams without accumulation is explicitly unsupported");
auto info = &bookkeeping();
auto frac_source_offset = source_offset_ptr->raw_value();
const auto frac_neg_width = neg_filter_width().raw_value();
position_.SetSourceValues(source_void_ptr, source_frames, source_offset_ptr);
position_.SetDestValues(dest_ptr, dest_frames, dest_offset_ptr);
position_.SetRateValues(info->step_size.raw_value(), info->rate_modulo(), info->denominator(),
int64_t next_cache_idx_to_fill = 0;
auto next_source_idx_to_copy = Ceiling(frac_source_offset - frac_neg_width);
// Do we need previously-cached values?
if (next_source_idx_to_copy < 0) {
next_cache_idx_to_fill = -next_source_idx_to_copy;
next_source_idx_to_copy = 0;
// If we don't have enough source or dest to mix even one frame, get out. Before leaving, if we've
// reached the end of the source buffer, then cache the last few source frames for the next mix.
if (!position_.FrameCanBeMixed()) {
if (position_.SourceIsConsumed()) {
const auto frames_needed = source_frames - next_source_idx_to_copy;
if (frac_source_offset > 0) {
// Calculate and store the last few source frames to start of channel_strip, for next time.
// If muted, this is unnecessary because we've already shifted in zeroes (silence).
if constexpr (GainType != media_audio::GainType::kSilent) {
PopulateFramesToChannelStrip(source_void_ptr, next_source_idx_to_copy, frames_needed,
&working_data_, next_cache_idx_to_fill);
if constexpr (GainType != media_audio::GainType::kSilent) {
Gain::AScale amplitude_scale;
int64_t dest_ramp_start; // only used when ramping
if constexpr (GainType != media_audio::GainType::kRamping) {
amplitude_scale = info->gain.GetGainScale();
} else {
dest_ramp_start = position_.dest_offset();
auto frac_source_offset_to_cache = Ceiling(frac_source_offset - frac_neg_width) * kFracFrame;
auto frames_needed = std::min(source_frames - next_source_idx_to_copy,
kDataCacheLength - next_cache_idx_to_fill);
// Bring in as much as a channel strip of source data (while channel/format-converting).
PopulateFramesToChannelStrip(source_void_ptr, next_source_idx_to_copy, frames_needed,
&working_data_, next_cache_idx_to_fill);
while (position_.FrameCanBeMixed()) {
next_source_idx_to_copy += frames_needed;
int64_t frac_cache_offset = frac_source_offset - frac_source_offset_to_cache;
int64_t frac_interp_fraction = frac_cache_offset & Fixed::Format::FractionalMask;
auto cache_center_idx = Floor(frac_cache_offset);
FX_CHECK(Ceiling(frac_cache_offset - frac_neg_width) >= 0)
<< Ceiling(frac_cache_offset - frac_neg_width) << " should be >= 0";
if (kMixerPositionTraceEvents) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "SincSampler::Mix chunk", "next_source_idx_to_copy",
next_source_idx_to_copy, "cache_center_idx", cache_center_idx);
while (position_.FrameCanBeMixed() &&
frac_cache_offset + pos_filter_width().raw_value() < kDataCacheFracLength) {
auto dest_frame = position_.CurrentDestFrame();
if constexpr (GainType == media_audio::GainType::kRamping) {
amplitude_scale = info->scale_arr[position_.dest_offset() - dest_ramp_start];
for (size_t dest_chan = 0; dest_chan < DestChanCount; ++dest_chan) {
float sample = filter_.ComputeSample(frac_interp_fraction,
media_audio::MixSample<GainType, DoAccumulate>(sample, &dest_frame[dest_chan],
frac_source_offset = position_.AdvanceFrame();
frac_cache_offset = frac_source_offset - frac_source_offset_to_cache;
frac_interp_fraction = frac_cache_offset & Fixed::Format::FractionalMask;
cache_center_idx = Floor(frac_cache_offset);
// idx of the earliest cached frame we must retain == the amount by which we can left-shift
auto num_frames_to_shift = Ceiling(frac_cache_offset - frac_neg_width);
cache_center_idx -= num_frames_to_shift;
next_cache_idx_to_fill = kDataCacheLength - num_frames_to_shift;
frac_source_offset_to_cache = Ceiling(frac_source_offset - frac_neg_width) * kFracFrame;
frames_needed = std::min(source_frames - next_source_idx_to_copy,
kDataCacheLength - next_cache_idx_to_fill);
PopulateFramesToChannelStrip(source_void_ptr, next_source_idx_to_copy, frames_needed,
&working_data_, next_cache_idx_to_fill);
} else {
auto num_source_frames_skipped = position_.AdvanceToEnd();
template <int32_t DestChanCount, typename SourceSampleType, int32_t SourceChanCount>
void SincSamplerImpl<DestChanCount, SourceSampleType, SourceChanCount>::Mix(
float* dest_ptr, int64_t dest_frames, int64_t* dest_offset_ptr, const void* source_void_ptr,
int64_t source_frames, Fixed* source_offset_ptr, bool accumulate) {
auto info = &bookkeeping();
// CheckPositions expects a frac_pos_filter_length param that _includes_ [0], so we use
// frac_filter_length_ instead of pos_filter_width().
// TODO( Convert Mixer class (and audio_core all-up) to define filter width as
// including the center in its count (as PositionManager and Filter::Length do). Any distinction
// between filter length/filter width would go away. We would use pos_filter_width() here.
PositionManager::CheckPositions(dest_frames, dest_offset_ptr, source_frames,
source_offset_ptr->raw_value(), frac_filter_length_, info);
if (info->gain.IsUnity()) {
return accumulate ? Mix<media_audio::GainType::kUnity, true>(dest_ptr, dest_frames,
dest_offset_ptr, source_void_ptr,
source_frames, source_offset_ptr)
: Mix<media_audio::GainType::kUnity, false>(dest_ptr, dest_frames,
dest_offset_ptr, source_void_ptr,
source_frames, source_offset_ptr);
if (info->gain.IsSilent()) {
return Mix<media_audio::GainType::kSilent, true>(
dest_ptr, dest_frames, dest_offset_ptr, source_void_ptr, source_frames, source_offset_ptr);
if (info->gain.IsRamping()) {
const auto max_frames = Mixer::Bookkeeping::kScaleArrLen + *dest_offset_ptr;
if (dest_frames > max_frames) {
dest_frames = max_frames;
return accumulate ? Mix<media_audio::GainType::kRamping, true>(dest_ptr, dest_frames,
dest_offset_ptr, source_void_ptr,
source_frames, source_offset_ptr)
: Mix<media_audio::GainType::kRamping, false>(
dest_ptr, dest_frames, dest_offset_ptr, source_void_ptr, source_frames,
return accumulate ? Mix<media_audio::GainType::kNonUnity, true>(dest_ptr, dest_frames,
dest_offset_ptr, source_void_ptr,
source_frames, source_offset_ptr)
: Mix<media_audio::GainType::kNonUnity, false>(
dest_ptr, dest_frames, dest_offset_ptr, source_void_ptr, source_frames,
// Templates used to expand the different combinations of possible SincSampler configurations.
template <int32_t DestChanCount, typename SourceSampleType, int32_t SourceChanCount>
static inline std::unique_ptr<Mixer> SelectSSM(const fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType& source_format,
const fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType& dest_format,
Gain::Limits gain_limits) {
return std::make_unique<SincSamplerImpl<DestChanCount, SourceSampleType, SourceChanCount>>(
source_format.frames_per_second, dest_format.frames_per_second, gain_limits);
template <int32_t DestChanCount, typename SourceSampleType>
static inline std::unique_ptr<Mixer> SelectSSM(const fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType& source_format,
const fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType& dest_format,
Gain::Limits gain_limits) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "SelectSSM(dChan,sType)");
switch (source_format.channels) {
case 1:
if constexpr (DestChanCount <= 4) {
return SelectSSM<DestChanCount, SourceSampleType, 1>(source_format, dest_format,
case 2:
if constexpr (DestChanCount <= 4) {
return SelectSSM<DestChanCount, SourceSampleType, 2>(source_format, dest_format,
case 3:
// Unlike other samplers, we handle 3:3 here since there is no NxN sinc sampler variant.
if constexpr (DestChanCount <= 3) {
return SelectSSM<DestChanCount, SourceSampleType, 3>(source_format, dest_format,
case 4:
// Unlike other samplers, we handle 4:4 here since there is no NxN sinc sampler variant.
// Like other samplers, to mix 4-channel sources to Mono or Stereo destinations, we mix
// (average) multiple source channels to each destination channel. Given a 4-channel source
// (call it A|B|C|D), the Stereo output channel-mix would be [avg(A,C), avg(B,D)] and the Mono
// output channel-mix would be [avg(A,B,C,D)].
// Audio formats do not include info needed to filter frequencies or 3D-locate channels.
// TODO( enable the mixer to rechannelize in a more sophisticated way.
// TODO( account for frequency range (e.g. "4-channel" stereo woofer+tweeter)
if constexpr (DestChanCount <= 2 || DestChanCount == 4) {
return SelectSSM<DestChanCount, SourceSampleType, 4>(source_format, dest_format,
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "SincSampler does not support this channelization: " << source_format.channels
<< " -> " << dest_format.channels;
return nullptr;
template <int32_t DestChanCount>
static inline std::unique_ptr<Mixer> SelectSSM(const fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType& source_format,
const fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType& dest_format,
Gain::Limits gain_limits) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "SelectSSM(dChan)");
switch (source_format.sample_format) {
case fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::UNSIGNED_8:
return SelectSSM<DestChanCount, uint8_t>(source_format, dest_format, gain_limits);
case fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16:
return SelectSSM<DestChanCount, int16_t>(source_format, dest_format, gain_limits);
case fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32:
return SelectSSM<DestChanCount, int32_t>(source_format, dest_format, gain_limits);
case fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT:
return SelectSSM<DestChanCount, float>(source_format, dest_format, gain_limits);
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "SincSampler does not support this sample_format: "
<< static_cast<int64_t>(source_format.sample_format);
return nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<Mixer> SincSampler::Select(const fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType& source_format,
const fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType& dest_format,
Gain::Limits gain_limits) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "SincSampler::Select");
if (source_format.channels > 4) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "SincSampler does not support this channelization: "
<< source_format.channels << " -> " << dest_format.channels;
return nullptr;
switch (dest_format.channels) {
case 1:
return SelectSSM<1>(source_format, dest_format, gain_limits);
case 2:
return SelectSSM<2>(source_format, dest_format, gain_limits);
case 3:
return SelectSSM<3>(source_format, dest_format, gain_limits);
case 4:
// For now, to mix Mono and Stereo sources to 4-channel destinations, we duplicate source
// channels across multiple destinations (Stereo LR becomes LRLR, Mono M becomes MMMM).
// Audio formats do not include info needed to filter frequencies or 3D-locate channels.
// TODO( enable the mixer to rechannelize in a more sophisticated way.
// TODO( account for frequency range (e.g. a "4-channel" stereo
// woofer+tweeter).
return SelectSSM<4>(source_format, dest_format, gain_limits);
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "SincSampler does not support this channelization: "
<< source_format.channels << " -> " << dest_format.channels;
return nullptr;
} // namespace media::audio::mixer