blob: 7466f6e3b136e0b493ed1e7bf08e5f46088c4648 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
assert(libc == get_path_info(get_path_info(".", "abspath"), "dir"),
get_path_info(get_path_info(".", "abspath"), "dir"))
# Each subdirectory listed provides some pieces of libc in a uniform way. The
# main target is a source_set() for libc proper and the "unittests" target is a
# libc_test() suitable for inclusion in libc-unittests and Zircon's core-tests.
libc_components = [
group("components") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
deps = libc_components
group("unittests") {
testonly = true
deps = []
foreach(subdir, libc_components + [ "sanitizers" ]) {
deps += [ "$subdir:unittests" ]
# libc.gni uses these configs.
config("internal.config") {
visibility = [ "./*" ]
configs = [ "//zircon/third_party/ulib/musl:headers" ]
include_dirs = [ llvm_libc ]
config("testonly.config") {
visibility = [ "./*" ]
defines = [ "LLVM_LIBC_TEST_USE_FUCHSIA=1" ]
config("llvm-libc-export.config") {
visibility = [ "./*" ]
defines = [
if (current_toolchain == default_toolchain) {
# This introduces a new toolchain suite to mimic the Zircon "user"
# toolchain. Howver, it will only be used to build the C library, so
# is named "user.libc" instead.
foreach(cpu, standard_fuchsia_cpus) {
zircon_toolchain_suite("user.libc_$cpu") {
cpu = cpu
os = "fuchsia"
environment = "user"
with_shared = false
is_pic_default = true
strip = "--strip-sections"
configs = [ "//zircon/system/ulib/c:libc_config" ]
# NOTE: kernel artifacts currently do not build under fuzzer
# variants. This was also true with the Zircon build, but
# the Fuchsia build never invoked it with corresponding
# variant selectors. Using an exclude_variant_tag is
# enough to fix the issue.
exclude_variant_tags = [ "fuzzer" ]
# The Asan-based variants are needed to generate binaries for the SDK.
enable_variants = [
} else if (toolchain_variant.base ==
"//zircon/system/ulib/c:user.libc_$target_cpu") {
config("libc_config") {
configs = [
group("libc_config_deps") {
# When in a toolchain variant of the Fuchsia base toolchain, find the
# corresponding toolchain variant of user.libc_$target_cpu to build
# the C library with it.
libc_toolchain = sysroot_libc_base_toolchain
if (toolchain_variant.suffix != "") {
libc_toolchain += string_replace(toolchain_variant.suffix, "-fuzzer", "")
} else {
libc_toolchain = system_libc_toolchain
# When built with the default/user Fuchsia toolchain, zx_library()
# will not create a :headers sub-target for zx_library("c") below,
# so add one manually as a special case.
if (zircon_toolchain == false) {
group("headers") {
public_configs = [
config("headers.config") {
include_dirs = [ "include" ]
} else {
config("headers.config") {
include_dirs = [ "include" ]
group("headers") {
public_configs = [
# Order of configs matters. This comment prevents re-ordering from 'gn format'.
# This builds the actual shared library. It's only used indirectly via the
# "libc" target, see below.
shared_library("") {
output_name = "c"
visibility = [ ":*" ]
# As a special case, the C library must not be compiled with the default
# configs for shared_library() targets, but those or regular source_set()
# or static_library() targets. In practice, for the base toolchain, this
# means it will be compiled without -fno-rtti, but things get more complicated
# for variant toolchains.
configs -= default_shared_library_configs
configs += default_common_binary_configs
# This directory contains just a libc++.a file that is a stub input linker
# script to prevent the real libc++.a from being found by the linker.
# Instead, it will find the empty file and any references to symbols
# defined in the real libc++.a (which includes libc++abi) will cause the
# link to fail.
lib_dirs = [ "libc++-stub" ]
# At link time and in DT_SONAME, musl is known as But the
# (only) place it needs to be installed at runtime is where the
# PT_INTERP strings embedded in executables point, which is
install_name = ""
metadata = {
runtime_deps_manifest_lines =
[ "lib/${toolchain_variant.libprefix}" +
rebase_path("$root_out_dir/", root_build_dir) ]
distribution_entries = [
destination = "lib/${toolchain_variant.libprefix}${install_name}"
source = rebase_path("$root_out_dir/", root_build_dir)
label = get_label_info(target_name, "label_with_toolchain")
elf_runtime_dir = "lib/${toolchain_variant.libprefix}"
public_deps = [ ":headers" ]
# The code comes from musl, where a source_set is defined.
sources = []
deps = [
# Don't link against the shared libc++.
configs += [ "//build/config/zircon:static-libc++" ]
source_set("exit") {
sources = [ "" ]
deps = [ "//zircon/third_party/ulib/musl:musl_internal" ]
if (zircon_toolchain == false) {
# Don't build the C runtime startup object in the Fuchsia user
# toolchain, because this adds many unwanted dependencies to fdio,
# trace-engine and whatnot that are completely un-needed and also
# interfere with sysroot generation. Use the C library toolchain instead.
group("crt1") {
public_deps = [ ":crt1($libc_toolchain)" ]
} else {
source_set("crt1") {
sources = [ "" ]
# This runs before all runtime setup.
configs += [ "//build/config/sanitizers:no_sanitizers" ]
# Minimize the code. Even if there were lazy PLT resolution, it's never
# worthwhile to have PLT entries for main or __libc_start_main, since
# they are always used eagerly anyway.
cflags = [ "-fno-plt" ]
# This gets the actual shared_library() target defined above.
libc_impl_label = "$libc_toolchain)"
# This is used by the sysroot creation (see libc_toolchain.gni and
# sysroot_entries.gni). It reaches the actual implementation binary, to get it
# built and packaged, and also ensures the implementation has been checked
# against the checked-in libc.ifs file.
group("libc") {
visibility = [
# This has to be public_deps so that the shared_library() target's output
# files can be input files of the setup and packaging targets that depend on
# this "libc" wrapper target.
public_deps = [ libc_impl_label ]
deps = [ ":verify_abi" ]
verify_public_symbols("verify_abi") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
deps = [ libc_impl_label ]
current = get_label_info(libc_impl_label, "root_out_dir") + "/libc.ifs"
reference = "libc.ifs"
library_name = "libc"
# libc conditionally exports weak sanitizer symbols to satisfy references
# to this symbols from libc. They are not meant to be exported, the actual
# symbols provided by the sanitizer libraries will be loaded before
# any user code needs them. See sanitizer/{asan,hwasan,ubsan} for
# detailed explanations.
ifs_args = [
# This is the linking stub that binaries are actually linked against.
# //zircon/public/sysroot:cpp_binary_deps is in the implicit deps added to
# every target, and it uses this.
ifs_shared_library("c") {
abi = "libc.ifs"
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [ "test" ]