blob: b62c6e86ee1ab95b6e045238318fff1d4e081c3d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/arch/arm64/system.h>
#include <lib/arch/cache.h>
#include <lib/boot-options/boot-options.h>
#include <lib/memalloc/pool.h>
#include <lib/memalloc/range.h>
#include <lib/page-table/arch/arm64/builder.h>
#include <lib/page-table/builder.h>
#include <lib/page-table/types.h>
#include <zircon/boot/image.h>
#include <ktl/byte.h>
#include <ktl/optional.h>
#include <phys/allocation.h>
#include <phys/page-table.h>
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
namespace {
using page_table::AddressSpaceBuilder;
using page_table::Paddr;
using page_table::Vaddr;
// Page table layout used by physboot.
constexpr auto kDefaultPageTableLayout = page_table::arm64::PageTableLayout{
.granule_size = page_table::arm64::GranuleSize::k4KiB,
// Support up to 39-bits of addressable memory (2**39 == 512 GiB).
// 39 bits of memory with 4 kiB granule requires 3 levels of page table.
.region_size_bits = 39,
// Set the Intermediate Physical address Size (IPS) or Physical address Size (PS)
// value of the ArmTcrElX register.
// This value in the register limits the range of addressable physical memory.
void SetPhysicalAddressSize(arch::ArmTcrEl1& tcr, arch::ArmPhysicalAddressSize size) {
void SetPhysicalAddressSize(arch::ArmTcrEl2& tcr, arch::ArmPhysicalAddressSize size) {
// Set up and enable the MMU with the given page table root.
// The template parameters indicate which hardware registers to use,
// and will depend at which EL level we are running at.
template <typename TcrReg, typename SctlrReg, typename Ttbr0Reg, typename MairReg>
void EnablePagingForEl(Paddr ttbr0_root) {
// Ensure caches and MMU disabled.
arch::ArmSystemControlRegister sctlr_reg = SctlrReg::Read();
ZX_ASSERT(!sctlr_reg.m() && !sctlr_reg.c());
// Clear out the data and instruction caches, and all TLBs.
// Set up the Memory Attribute Indirection Register (MAIR).
// Configure the page table layout of TTBR0 and enable page table caching.
TcrReg tcr;
tcr.set_tg0(arch::ArmTcrTg0Value::k4KiB) // Use 4 KiB granules.
.set_t0sz(64 - kDefaultPageTableLayout.region_size_bits) // Set region size.
// Allow the CPU to access all of its supported physical address space.
SetPhysicalAddressSize(tcr, arch::ArmIdAa64Mmfr0El1::Read().pa_range());
// Commit the TCR register.
// Set the root of the page table.
// Enable MMU and caches.
SctlrReg::Modify([](auto& reg) {
reg.set_m(true) // Enable MMU
.set_c(true) // Allow data caches
.set_i(true); // Enable instruction caches.
// Set up the MMU, having it use the given page table root.
// This will perform the correct operations based on the current exception level
// of the processor.
void EnablePaging(Paddr root) {
// Set up page table for EL1 or EL2, depending on which mode we are running in.
const auto current_el = arch::ArmCurrentEl::Read().el();
switch (current_el) {
case 1:
return EnablePagingForEl<arch::ArmTcrEl1, arch::ArmSctlrEl1, arch::ArmTtbr0El1,
case 2:
return EnablePagingForEl<arch::ArmTcrEl2, arch::ArmSctlrEl2, arch::ArmTtbr0El2,
ZX_PANIC("Unsupported ARM64 exception level: %u\n", static_cast<uint8_t>(current_el));
void CreateBootstrapPageTable() {
auto& pool = Allocation::GetPool();
AllocationMemoryManager manager(pool);
// Create a page table data structure.
ktl::optional builder =
page_table::arm64::AddressSpaceBuilder::Create(manager, kDefaultPageTableLayout);
if (!builder.has_value()) {
ZX_PANIC("Failed to create an AddressSpaceBuilder.");
bool map_device_memory = gBootOptions->phys_map_all_device_memory;
// If we are mapping in all peripheral ranges, then the UART page will be
// mapped below along with the rest.
if (!map_device_memory) {
MapUart(*builder, pool);
auto map = [map_device_memory, &builder](const memalloc::Range& range) {
if (range.type == memalloc::Type::kReserved ||
(range.type == memalloc::Type::kPeripheral && !map_device_memory)) {
auto result = builder->MapRegion(Vaddr(range.addr), Paddr(range.addr), range.size,
range.type == memalloc::Type::kPeripheral
? page_table::CacheAttributes::kDevice
: page_table::CacheAttributes::kNormal);
if (result != ZX_OK) {
ZX_PANIC("Failed to map in range.");
// Map in all RAM as normal memory and, depending on the value of
//, all peripheral ranges as device
// memory.
// We merge ranges of kFreeRam or extended type on the fly, mapping the
// previously constructed range when we have hit a hole or the end.
constexpr auto normalize_range = [](const memalloc::Range& range) -> memalloc::Range {
if (memalloc::IsExtendedType(range.type)) {
auto normalized = range;
normalized.type = memalloc::Type::kFreeRam;
return normalized;
return range;
ktl::optional<memalloc::Range> prev;
for (const memalloc::Range& raw_range : pool) {
auto range = normalize_range(raw_range);
if (!prev) {
prev = range;
} else if (prev->end() == range.addr && prev->type == range.type) {
prev->size += range.size;
} else {
prev = range;
// Enable the MMU and switch to the new page table.
} // namespace
void ArchSetUpAddressSpaceEarly() {
if (gBootOptions->phys_mmu) {
void ArchSetUpAddressSpaceLate() {}