blob: 408fed62783198d75842da6d78e7adcf7aaba4c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <atomic>
#include <limits>
#include <new>
#include <string.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <utility>
#include <ddk/protocol/block.h>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <fbl/auto_call.h>
#include <fbl/auto_lock.h>
#include <fuchsia/hardware/block/volume/c/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fzl/owned-vmo-mapper.h>
#include <lib/sync/completion.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/device/block.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/thread_annotations.h>
#include "fvm-private.h"
#include "slice-extent.h"
#include "vpartition.h"
namespace fvm {
namespace {
zx_status_t FvmLoadThread(void* arg) {
return reinterpret_cast<fvm::VPartitionManager*>(arg)->Load();
} // namespace
VPartitionManager::VPartitionManager(zx_device_t* parent, const block_info_t& info,
size_t block_op_size, const block_impl_protocol_t* bp)
: ManagerDeviceType(parent), info_(info), pslice_allocated_count_(0),
block_op_size_(block_op_size) {
memcpy(&bp_, bp, sizeof(*bp));
VPartitionManager::~VPartitionManager() = default;
// static
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::Bind(zx_device_t* dev) {
block_info_t block_info;
block_impl_protocol_t bp;
size_t block_op_size = 0;
if (device_get_protocol(dev, ZX_PROTOCOL_BLOCK, &bp) != ZX_OK) {
printf("fvm: ERROR: block device '%s': does not support block protocol\n",
bp.ops->query(bp.ctx, &block_info, &block_op_size);
auto vpm = std::make_unique<VPartitionManager>(dev, block_info, block_op_size, &bp);
zx_status_t status = vpm->DdkAdd("fvm", DEVICE_ADD_INVISIBLE);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Read vpartition table asynchronously.
int rc =
thrd_create_with_name(&vpm->initialization_thread_, FvmLoadThread, vpm.get(), "fvm-init");
if (rc < 0) {
// See comment in Load()
if (!vpm-> {
// The VPartitionManager object is owned by the DDK, now that it has been
// added. It will be deleted when the device is released.
__UNUSED auto ptr = vpm.release();
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::AddPartition(fbl::unique_ptr<VPartition> vp) const {
auto ename = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(GetAllocatedVPartEntry(vp->GetEntryIndex())->name);
char name[fvm::kMaxVPartitionNameLength + 32];
snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%.*s-p-%zu", fvm::kMaxVPartitionNameLength, ename, vp->GetEntryIndex());
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = vp->DdkAdd(name)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// TODO(johngro): ask smklein why it is OK to release this managed pointer.
__UNUSED auto ptr = vp.release();
return ZX_OK;
struct VpmIoCookie {
std::atomic<size_t> num_txns;
std::atomic<zx_status_t> status;
sync_completion_t signal;
static void IoCallback(void* cookie, zx_status_t status, block_op_t* op) {
VpmIoCookie* c = reinterpret_cast<VpmIoCookie*>(cookie);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
if (c->num_txns.fetch_sub(1) - 1 == 0) {
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::DoIoLocked(zx_handle_t vmo, size_t off, size_t len,
uint32_t command) {
const size_t block_size = info_.block_size;
const size_t max_transfer = info_.max_transfer_size / block_size;
size_t len_remaining = len / block_size;
size_t vmo_offset = 0;
size_t dev_offset = off / block_size;
const size_t num_data_txns = fbl::round_up(len_remaining, max_transfer) / max_transfer;
// Add a "FLUSH" operation to write requests.
const bool flushing = command == BLOCK_OP_WRITE;
const size_t num_txns = num_data_txns + (flushing ? 1 : 0);
fbl::Array<uint8_t> buffer(new uint8_t[block_op_size_ * num_txns], block_op_size_ * num_txns);
VpmIoCookie cookie;;;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_data_txns; i++) {
size_t length = fbl::min(len_remaining, max_transfer);
len_remaining -= length;
block_op_t* bop = reinterpret_cast<block_op_t*>(buffer.get() + (block_op_size_ * i));
bop->command = command;
bop->rw.vmo = vmo;
bop->rw.length = static_cast<uint32_t>(length);
bop->rw.offset_dev = dev_offset;
bop->rw.offset_vmo = vmo_offset;
memset(buffer.get() + (block_op_size_ * i) + sizeof(block_op_t), 0,
block_op_size_ - sizeof(block_op_t));
vmo_offset += length;
dev_offset += length;
Queue(bop, IoCallback, &cookie);
if (flushing) {
block_op_t* bop =
reinterpret_cast<block_op_t*>(buffer.get() + (block_op_size_ * num_data_txns));
memset(bop, 0, sizeof(*bop));
bop->command = BLOCKIO_FLUSH;
Queue(bop, IoCallback, &cookie);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(len_remaining == 0);
sync_completion_wait(&cookie.signal, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
return static_cast<zx_status_t>(cookie.status.load());
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::Load() {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
auto auto_detach = fbl::MakeAutoCall([&]() TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
// Need to release the lock before calling DdkRemove(), since it will
// free |this|. Need to disable thread safety analysis since it doesn't
// recognize that we were holding lock_.
fprintf(stderr, "fvm: Aborting Driver Load\n");
// DdkRemove will cause the Release() hook to be called, cleaning up our
// state. The exchange below is sufficient to protect against a
// use-after-free, since if DdkRemove() has already been called by
// another thread (via DdkUnbind()), the release hook will block on thread_join()
// until this method returns.
if (! {
zx::vmo vmo;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = zx::vmo::create(fvm::kBlockSize, 0, &vmo)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Read the superblock first, to determine the slice sice
if ((status = DoIoLocked(vmo.get(), 0, fvm::kBlockSize, BLOCK_OP_READ)) != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "fvm: Failed to read first block from underlying device\n");
return status;
fvm_t sb;
status =, 0, sizeof(sb));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
format_info_ = FormatInfo::FromSuperBlock(sb);
// Validate the superblock, confirm the slice size
if ((format_info_.slice_size() * VSliceMax()) / VSliceMax() != format_info_.slice_size()) {
fprintf(stderr, "fvm: Slice Size, VSliceMax overflow block address space\n");
} else if (info_.block_size == 0 || SliceSize() % info_.block_size) {
fprintf(stderr, "fvm: Bad block (%u) or slice size (%zu)\n", info_.block_size, SliceSize());
} else if (sb.vpartition_table_size != kVPartTableLength) {
fprintf(stderr, "fvm: Bad vpartition table size %zu (expected %zu)\n",
sb.vpartition_table_size, kVPartTableLength);
} else if (sb.allocation_table_size < AllocTableLength(sb.fvm_partition_size, SliceSize())) {
fprintf(stderr, "fvm: Bad allocation table size %zu (expected at least %zu)\n",
sb.allocation_table_size, AllocTableLength(sb.fvm_partition_size, SliceSize()));
} else if (sb.fvm_partition_size > DiskSize()) {
"fvm: Block Device too small (fvm_partition_size is %zu and block_device_size is "
sb.fvm_partition_size, DiskSize());
// Whether the metadata should grow or not.
bool metadata_should_grow =
sb.fvm_partition_size < DiskSize() &&
AllocTableLength(sb.fvm_partition_size, sb.slice_size) < sb.allocation_table_size;
size_t metadata_vmo_size = metadata_should_grow ? format_info_.metadata_allocated_size()
: format_info_.metadata_size();
// Now that the slice size is known, read the rest of the metadata
auto make_metadata_vmo = [&](size_t offset, fzl::OwnedVmoMapper* out_mapping) {
fzl::OwnedVmoMapper mapper;
zx_status_t status = mapper.CreateAndMap(metadata_vmo_size, "fvm-metadata");
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Read both copies of metadata, ensure at least one is valid
if ((status = DoIoLocked(mapper.vmo().get(), offset, metadata_vmo_size, BLOCK_OP_READ)) !=
ZX_OK) {
return status;
*out_mapping = std::move(mapper);
return ZX_OK;
fzl::OwnedVmoMapper mapper;
if ((status = make_metadata_vmo(format_info_.GetSuperblockOffset(SuperblockType::kPrimary),
&mapper)) != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "fvm: Failed to load metadata vmo: %d\n", status);
return status;
fzl::OwnedVmoMapper mapper_backup;
if ((status = make_metadata_vmo(format_info_.GetSuperblockOffset(SuperblockType::kSecondary),
&mapper_backup)) != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "fvm: Failed to load backup metadata vmo: %d\n", status);
return status;
// Validate metadata headers before growing.
const void* metadata;
if ((status = fvm_validate_header(mapper.start(), mapper_backup.start(),
format_info_.metadata_size(), &metadata)) != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "fvm: Header validation failure: %d\n", status);
return status;
if (metadata == mapper.start()) {
first_metadata_is_primary_ = true;
metadata_ = std::move(mapper);
} else {
first_metadata_is_primary_ = false;
metadata_ = std::move(mapper_backup);
if (metadata_should_grow) {
// Now grow the fvm_partition to disk_size.
format_info_ = FormatInfo::FromDiskSize(DiskSize(), format_info_.slice_size());
GetFvmLocked()->fvm_partition_size = DiskSize();
GetFvmLocked()->pslice_count = format_info_.slice_count();
// Persist the growth.
// Begin initializing the underlying partitions
// 0th vpartition is invalid
fbl::unique_ptr<VPartition> vpartitions[fvm::kMaxVPartitions] = {};
// Iterate through FVM Entry table, allocating the VPartitions which
// claim to have slices.
for (size_t i = 1; i < fvm::kMaxVPartitions; i++) {
if (GetVPartEntryLocked(i)->slices == 0) {
} else if ((status = VPartition::Create(this, i, &vpartitions[i])) != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "FVM: Failed to Create vpartition %zu\n", i);
return status;
// Iterate through the Slice Allocation table, filling the slice maps
// of VPartitions.
for (uint32_t i = 1; i <= GetFvmLocked()->pslice_count; i++) {
const slice_entry_t* entry = GetSliceEntryLocked(i);
if (entry->IsFree()) {
if (vpartitions[entry->VPartition()] == nullptr) {
// It's fine to load the slices while not holding the vpartition
// lock; no VPartition devices exist yet.
vpartitions[entry->VPartition()]->SliceSetUnsafe(entry->VSlice(), i);
// Iterate through 'valid' VPartitions, and create their devices.
size_t device_count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fvm::kMaxVPartitions; i++) {
if (vpartitions[i] == nullptr) {
} else if (GetAllocatedVPartEntry(i)->IsInactive()) {
fprintf(stderr, "FVM: Freeing inactive partition\n");
FreeSlices(vpartitions[i].get(), 0, VSliceMax());
} else if (AddPartition(std::move(vpartitions[i]))) {
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::WriteFvmLocked() {
zx_status_t status;
fvm_update_hash(GetFvmLocked(), format_info_.metadata_size());
// If we were reading from the primary, write to the backup.
status = DoIoLocked(metadata_.vmo().get(), BackupOffsetLocked(), format_info_.metadata_size(),
if (status != ZX_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "FVM: Failed to write metadata\n");
return status;
// We only allow the switch of "write to the other copy of metadata"
// once a valid version has been written entirely.
first_metadata_is_primary_ = !first_metadata_is_primary_;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::FindFreeVPartEntryLocked(size_t* out) const {
for (size_t i = 1; i < fvm::kMaxVPartitions; i++) {
const vpart_entry_t* entry = GetVPartEntryLocked(i);
if (entry->slices == 0) {
*out = i;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::FindFreeSliceLocked(size_t* out, size_t hint) const {
hint = fbl::max(hint, 1lu);
for (size_t i = hint; i <= format_info_.slice_count(); i++) {
if (GetSliceEntryLocked(i)->IsFree()) {
*out = i;
return ZX_OK;
for (size_t i = 1; i < hint; i++) {
if (GetSliceEntryLocked(i)->IsFree()) {
*out = i;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::AllocateSlices(VPartition* vp, size_t vslice_start, size_t count) {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
return AllocateSlicesLocked(vp, vslice_start, count);
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::AllocateSlicesLocked(VPartition* vp, size_t vslice_start,
size_t count) {
if (vslice_start + count > VSliceMax()) {
zx_status_t status = ZX_OK;
size_t hint = 0;
fbl::AutoLock lock(&vp->lock_);
if (vp->IsKilledLocked()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
size_t pslice;
auto vslice = vslice_start + i;
if (vp->SliceGetLocked(vslice, &pslice)) {
// If the vslice is invalid, or there are no more free physical slices, undo all
// previous allocations.
if ((status != ZX_OK) || ((status = FindFreeSliceLocked(&pslice, hint)) != ZX_OK)) {
for (int j = static_cast<int>(i - 1); j >= 0; j--) {
vslice = vslice_start + j;
vp->SliceGetLocked(vslice, &pslice);
FreePhysicalSlice(vp, pslice);
return status;
// Allocate the slice in the partition then mark as allocated.
vp->SliceSetLocked(vslice, pslice);
AllocatePhysicalSlice(vp, pslice, vslice);
hint = pslice + 1;
if ((status = WriteFvmLocked()) != ZX_OK) {
// Undo allocation in the event of failure; avoid holding VPartition
// lock while writing to fvm.
fbl::AutoLock lock(&vp->lock_);
for (int j = static_cast<int>(count - 1); j >= 0; j--) {
auto vslice = vslice_start + j;
uint64_t pslice;
// Will always return true, because partition slice allocation is synchronized.
if (vp->SliceGetLocked(vslice, &pslice)) {
FreePhysicalSlice(vp, pslice);
return status;
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::Upgrade(const uint8_t* old_guid, const uint8_t* new_guid) {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
size_t old_index = 0;
size_t new_index = 0;
if (!memcmp(old_guid, new_guid, GUID_LEN)) {
old_guid = nullptr;
for (size_t i = 1; i < fvm::kMaxVPartitions; i++) {
auto entry = GetVPartEntryLocked(i);
if (entry->slices != 0) {
if (old_guid && entry->IsActive() && !memcmp(entry->guid, old_guid, GUID_LEN)) {
old_index = i;
} else if (entry->IsInactive() && !memcmp(entry->guid, new_guid, GUID_LEN)) {
new_index = i;
if (!new_index) {
if (old_index) {
return WriteFvmLocked();
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::FreeSlices(VPartition* vp, size_t vslice_start, size_t count) {
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
return FreeSlicesLocked(vp, static_cast<uint64_t>(vslice_start), count);
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::FreeSlicesLocked(VPartition* vp, uint64_t vslice_start,
size_t count) {
if (vslice_start + count > VSliceMax() || count > VSliceMax()) {
bool valid_range = false;
fbl::AutoLock lock(&vp->lock_);
if (vp->IsKilledLocked())
if (vslice_start == 0) {
// Special case: Freeing entire VPartition
for (auto extent = vp->ExtentBegin(); extent.IsValid(); extent = vp->ExtentBegin()) {
for (size_t i = extent->start(); i < extent->end(); i++) {
uint64_t pslice;
vp->SliceGetLocked(i, &pslice);
FreePhysicalSlice(vp, pslice);
// Remove device, VPartition if this was a request to release all slices.
auto entry = GetVPartEntryLocked(vp->GetEntryIndex());
valid_range = true;
} else {
for (int i = static_cast<int>(count - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
auto vslice = vslice_start + i;
if (vp->SliceCanFree(vslice)) {
uint64_t pslice;
vp->SliceGetLocked(vslice, &pslice);
FreePhysicalSlice(vp, pslice);
valid_range = true;
if (!valid_range) {
return WriteFvmLocked();
void VPartitionManager::Query(volume_info_t* info) {
info->slice_size = SliceSize();
info->vslice_count = VSliceMax();
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
info->pslice_total_count = format_info_.slice_count();
info->pslice_allocated_count = pslice_allocated_count_;
void VPartitionManager::FreePhysicalSlice(VPartition* vp, uint64_t pslice) {
auto entry = GetSliceEntryLocked(pslice);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(entry->IsAllocated(), "Freeing already-free slice");
void VPartitionManager::AllocatePhysicalSlice(VPartition* vp, uint64_t pslice, uint64_t vslice) {
uint64_t vpart = vp->GetEntryIndex();
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(vpart <= fvm::kMaxVPartitions);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(vslice <= fvm::kMaxVSlices);
auto entry = GetSliceEntryLocked(pslice);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(entry->IsFree(), "Allocating previously allocated slice");
entry->Set(vpart, vslice);
slice_entry_t* VPartitionManager::GetSliceEntryLocked(size_t index) const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(index >= 1);
uintptr_t metadata_start = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(GetFvmLocked());
uintptr_t offset = static_cast<uintptr_t>(kAllocTableOffset + index * sizeof(slice_entry_t));
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(kAllocTableOffset <= offset);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(offset < kAllocTableOffset + AllocTableLength(DiskSize(), SliceSize()));
return reinterpret_cast<slice_entry_t*>(metadata_start + offset);
vpart_entry_t* VPartitionManager::GetVPartEntryLocked(size_t index) const {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(index >= 1);
uintptr_t metadata_start = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(GetFvmLocked());
uintptr_t offset = static_cast<uintptr_t>(kVPartTableOffset + index * sizeof(vpart_entry_t));
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(kVPartTableOffset <= offset);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(offset < kVPartTableOffset + kVPartTableLength);
return reinterpret_cast<vpart_entry_t*>(metadata_start + offset);
// Device protocol (FVM)
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::DdkMessage(fidl_msg_t* msg, fidl_txn_t* txn) {
return fuchsia_hardware_block_volume_VolumeManager_dispatch(this, txn, msg, Ops());
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::FIDLAllocatePartition(
uint64_t slice_count, const fuchsia_hardware_block_partition_GUID* type,
const fuchsia_hardware_block_partition_GUID* instance, const char* name_data, size_t name_size,
uint32_t flags, fidl_txn_t* txn) {
const auto reply = fuchsia_hardware_block_volume_VolumeManagerAllocatePartition_reply;
if (slice_count >= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
return reply(txn, ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
} else if (slice_count == 0) {
return reply(txn, ZX_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE);
} else if (name_size > fuchsia_hardware_block_partition_NAME_LENGTH) {
return reply(txn, ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS);
char name[fuchsia_hardware_block_partition_NAME_LENGTH + 1] = {};
strlcpy(name, name_data, name_size);
zx_status_t status;
fbl::unique_ptr<VPartition> vpart;
fbl::AutoLock lock(&lock_);
size_t vpart_entry;
if ((status = FindFreeVPartEntryLocked(&vpart_entry)) != ZX_OK) {
return reply(txn, status);
if ((status = VPartition::Create(this, vpart_entry, &vpart)) != ZX_OK) {
return reply(txn, status);
auto* entry = GetVPartEntryLocked(vpart_entry);
*entry = VPartitionEntry::Create(type->value, instance->value, 0, name, flags);
if ((status = AllocateSlicesLocked(vpart.get(), 0, slice_count)) != ZX_OK) {
entry->slices = 0; // Undo VPartition allocation
return reply(txn, status);
if ((status = AddPartition(std::move(vpart))) != ZX_OK) {
return reply(txn, status);
return reply(txn, ZX_OK);
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::FIDLQuery(fidl_txn_t* txn) {
fuchsia_hardware_block_volume_VolumeInfo info;
return fuchsia_hardware_block_volume_VolumeManagerQuery_reply(txn, ZX_OK, &info);
zx_status_t VPartitionManager::FIDLActivate(const fuchsia_hardware_block_partition_GUID* old_guid,
const fuchsia_hardware_block_partition_GUID* new_guid,
fidl_txn_t* txn) {
zx_status_t status = Upgrade(old_guid->value, new_guid->value);
return fuchsia_hardware_block_volume_VolumeManagerActivate_reply(txn, status);
void VPartitionManager::DdkUnbind() {
if (! {
void VPartitionManager::DdkRelease() {
thrd_join(initialization_thread_, nullptr);
delete this;
} // namespace fvm
// C-compatibility definitions
zx_status_t fvm_bind(zx_device_t* parent) {
return fvm::VPartitionManager::Bind(parent);