blob: 79b1f4f37563a74ec30f2a3bf6bca2dab2d13d7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/storage/volume_image/fvm/fvm_sparse_image.h"
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <bitset>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fvm/format.h>
#include <fvm/fvm-sparse.h>
#include "src/storage/volume_image/options.h"
#include "src/storage/volume_image/utils/block_utils.h"
#include "src/storage/volume_image/utils/compressor.h"
namespace storage::volume_image {
namespace fvm_sparse_internal {
uint32_t GetImageFlags(const FvmOptions& options) {
uint32_t flags = 0;
switch (options.compression.schema) {
case CompressionSchema::kLz4:
flags |= fvm::kSparseFlagLz4;
case CompressionSchema::kNone:
flags &= ~fvm::kSparseFlagLz4;
return flags;
uint32_t GetPartitionFlags(const Partition& partition) {
uint32_t flags = 0;
switch (partition.volume().encryption) {
case EncryptionType::kZxcrypt:
flags |= fvm::kSparseFlagZxcrypt;
case EncryptionType::kNone:
flags &= ~fvm::kSparseFlagZxcrypt;
return flags;
} // namespace fvm_sparse_internal
namespace {
// Dedicated memory for reading to and from the underlying media.
constexpr uint64_t kReadBufferSize = 4096;
// Returns a byte view of a fixed size struct.
// Currently we are not endian safe, so we are no worst than before. If this matter,
// this should be updated.
template <typename T>
fbl::Span<const uint8_t> FixedSizeStructToSpan(const T& typed_content) {
return fbl::Span<const uint8_t>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(&typed_content), sizeof(T));
template <typename T>
fbl::Span<uint8_t> FixedSizeStructToSpan(T& typed_content) {
return fbl::Span<uint8_t>(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&typed_content), sizeof(T));
class NoopCompressor final : public Compressor {
fit::result<void, std::string> Prepare(Handler handler) final {
handler_ = std::move(handler);
return fit::ok();
fit::result<void, std::string> Compress(fbl::Span<const uint8_t> uncompressed_data) final {
return fit::ok();
fit::result<void, std::string> Finalize() final { return fit::ok(); }
Handler handler_ = nullptr;
fit::result<uint64_t, std::string> FvmSparseWriteImageInternal(const FvmDescriptor& descriptor,
Writer* writer,
Compressor* compressor) {
uint64_t current_offset = 0;
// Write the header.
fvm::SparseImage header = FvmSparseGenerateHeader(descriptor);
auto result = writer->Write(current_offset, FixedSizeStructToSpan(header));
if (result.is_error()) {
return result.take_error_result();
current_offset += sizeof(fvm::SparseImage);
for (const auto& partition : descriptor.partitions()) {
auto partition_entry_result =
FvmSparseGeneratePartitionEntry(descriptor.options().slice_size, partition);
if (partition_entry_result.is_error()) {
return partition_entry_result.take_error_result();
FvmSparsePartitionEntry entry = partition_entry_result.take_value();
auto partition_result = writer->Write(current_offset, FixedSizeStructToSpan(entry.descriptor));
if (partition_result.is_error()) {
return partition_result.take_error_result();
current_offset += sizeof(fvm::PartitionDescriptor);
for (const auto& extent : entry.extents) {
auto extent_result = writer->Write(current_offset, FixedSizeStructToSpan(extent));
if (extent_result.is_error()) {
return extent_result.take_error_result();
current_offset += sizeof(fvm::ExtentDescriptor);
if (current_offset != header.header_length) {
return fit::error("fvm::SparseImage data does not start at header_length.");
std::vector<uint8_t> data(kReadBufferSize, 0);
[&current_offset, writer](auto compressed_data) -> fit::result<void, std::string> {
auto extent_data_write_result = writer->Write(current_offset, compressed_data);
if (extent_data_write_result.is_error()) {
return extent_data_write_result.take_error_result();
current_offset += compressed_data.size();
return fit::ok();
for (const auto& partition : descriptor.partitions()) {
const auto* reader = partition.reader();
for (const auto& mapping : partition.address().mappings) {
uint64_t remaining_bytes = mapping.count;
memset(, 0, data.size());
uint64_t read_offset = mapping.source;
while (remaining_bytes > 0) {
uint64_t bytes_to_read = std::min(kReadBufferSize, remaining_bytes);
remaining_bytes -= bytes_to_read;
auto buffer_view = fbl::Span(, bytes_to_read);
auto extent_data_read_result = reader->Read(read_offset, buffer_view);
if (extent_data_read_result.is_error()) {
return extent_data_read_result.take_error_result();
read_offset += bytes_to_read;
auto compress_result = compressor->Compress(buffer_view);
if (compress_result.is_error()) {
return fit::error(compress_result.take_error());
auto finalize_result = compressor->Finalize();
if (finalize_result.is_error()) {
return finalize_result.take_error_result();
// |current_offset| now contains the total written bytes.
return fit::ok(current_offset);
bool AddRange(std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t>& existing_ranges, uint64_t start, uint64_t length) {
auto end = start + length;
for (auto [cur_start, cur_end] : existing_ranges) {
// disjoint sets dont overlap.
if (cur_end > start && cur_start < end) {
return false;
existing_ranges[start] = start + length;
return true;
} // namespace
fvm::SparseImage FvmSparseGenerateHeader(const FvmDescriptor& descriptor) {
fvm::SparseImage sparse_image_header = {};
sparse_image_header.magic = fvm::kSparseFormatMagic;
sparse_image_header.version = fvm::kSparseFormatVersion;
sparse_image_header.slice_size = descriptor.options().slice_size;
sparse_image_header.partition_count = descriptor.partitions().size();
sparse_image_header.maximum_disk_size = descriptor.options().max_volume_size.value_or(0);
sparse_image_header.flags = fvm_sparse_internal::GetImageFlags(descriptor.options());
unsigned int extent_count = 0;
for (const auto& partition : descriptor.partitions()) {
extent_count += partition.address().mappings.size();
sparse_image_header.header_length =
sizeof(fvm::PartitionDescriptor) * descriptor.partitions().size() +
sizeof(fvm::ExtentDescriptor) * extent_count + sizeof(fvm::SparseImage);
return sparse_image_header;
fit::result<FvmSparsePartitionEntry, std::string> FvmSparseGeneratePartitionEntry(
uint64_t slice_size, const Partition& partition) {
FvmSparsePartitionEntry partition_entry = {};
partition_entry.descriptor.magic = fvm::kPartitionDescriptorMagic;
memcpy(, partition.volume(),
memcpy(partition_entry.descriptor.type, partition.volume(),
// TODO(gevalentino): Propagate instance guid, needs support from the sparse format.
partition_entry.descriptor.extent_count = partition.address().mappings.size();
partition_entry.descriptor.flags = fvm_sparse_internal::GetPartitionFlags(partition);
for (const auto& mapping : partition.address().mappings) {
uint64_t size = std::max(mapping.count, mapping.size.value_or(0));
uint64_t slice_count = GetBlockCount(, size, slice_size);
uint64_t slice_offset = GetBlockFromBytes(, slice_size);
if (!IsOffsetBlockAligned(, slice_size)) {
return fit::error("Partition " + partition.volume().name + " contains unaligned mapping " +
std::to_string( +
". FVM Sparse Image requires slice aligned extent |vslice_start|.");
fvm::ExtentDescriptor extent_entry = {};
extent_entry.magic = fvm::kExtentDescriptorMagic;
extent_entry.slice_start = slice_offset;
extent_entry.slice_count = slice_count;
extent_entry.extent_length = mapping.count;
return fit::ok(partition_entry);
fit::result<uint64_t, std::string> FvmSparseWriteImage(const FvmDescriptor& descriptor,
Writer* writer, Compressor* compressor) {
if (compressor == nullptr) {
NoopCompressor noop_compressor;
return FvmSparseWriteImageInternal(descriptor, writer, &noop_compressor);
return FvmSparseWriteImageInternal(descriptor, writer, compressor);
uint64_t FvmSparseCalculateUncompressedImageSize(const FvmDescriptor& descriptor) {
uint64_t image_size = sizeof(fvm::SparseImage);
for (const auto& partition : descriptor.partitions()) {
image_size += sizeof(fvm::PartitionDescriptor);
for (const auto& mapping : partition.address().mappings) {
// Account for extent size, in the current format trailing zeroes are omitted,
// and later filled as the difference between extent_length and slice_count * slice_size.
image_size += mapping.count;
// Extent descriptor size.
image_size += sizeof(fvm::ExtentDescriptor);
return image_size;
fit::result<fvm::SparseImage, std::string> FvmSparseImageGetHeader(uint64_t offset,
const Reader& reader) {
fvm::SparseImage header = {};
auto header_buffer = FixedSizeStructToSpan(header);
auto header_read_result = reader.Read(offset, header_buffer);
if (header_read_result.is_error()) {
return header_read_result.take_error_result();
if (header.magic != fvm::kSparseFormatMagic) {
return fit::error("Fvm Sparse Image header |magic| is incorrect. Expected " +
std::to_string(fvm::kSparseFormatMagic) + ", but found " +
std::to_string(header.magic) + ".");
if (header.version != fvm::kSparseFormatVersion) {
return fit::error("Fvm Sparse Image header |version| is incorrect. Expected " +
std::to_string(fvm::kSparseFormatVersion) + ", but found " +
std::to_string(header.version) + ".");
if ((header.flags & ~fvm::kSparseFlagAllValid) != 0) {
return fit::error(
"Fvm Sparse Image header |flags| contains invalid values. Found " +
std::bitset<sizeof(fvm::SparseImage::flags)>(header.flags).to_string() + " valid flags " +
if (header.header_length < sizeof(fvm::SparseImage)) {
return fit::error("Fvm Sparse Image header |header_length| must be at least " +
std::to_string(sizeof(fvm::SparseImage)) + ", but was " +
std::to_string(header.header_length) + ".");
if (header.slice_size == 0) {
return fit::error("Fvm Sparse Image header |slice_size| must be non zero.");
return fit::ok(header);
fit::result<std::vector<FvmSparsePartitionEntry>, std::string> FvmSparseImageGetPartitions(
uint64_t offset, const Reader& reader, const fvm::SparseImage& header) {
std::vector<FvmSparsePartitionEntry> partitions(header.partition_count);
uint64_t current_offset = offset;
// Check partitions and extents.
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < header.partition_count; ++i) {
FvmSparsePartitionEntry& partition = partitions[i];
auto partition_read_result =
reader.Read(current_offset, FixedSizeStructToSpan(partition.descriptor));
if (partition_read_result.is_error()) {
return partition_read_result.take_error_result();
if (partition.descriptor.magic != fvm::kPartitionDescriptorMagic) {
return fit::error(
"Fvm Sparse Image Partition descriptor contains incorrect magic. Expected " +
std::to_string(fvm::kPartitionDescriptorMagic) + ", but found " +
std::to_string(partition.descriptor.magic) + ".");
if ((partition.descriptor.flags & ~fvm::kSparseFlagAllValid) != 0) {
return fit::error("Fvm Sparse Image Partition descriptor contains unknown flags.");
current_offset += sizeof(fvm::PartitionDescriptor);
std::map<uint64_t, uint64_t> allocated_ranges;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < partition.descriptor.extent_count; ++j) {
fvm::ExtentDescriptor extent = {};
auto extent_read_result = reader.Read(current_offset, FixedSizeStructToSpan(extent));
if (extent_read_result.is_error()) {
return extent_read_result.take_error_result();
if (extent.magic != fvm::kExtentDescriptorMagic) {
return fit::error("Fvm Sparse Image Partition " + std::to_string(i) +
" extent descriptor " + std::to_string(j) +
" contains invalid magic. Expected " +
std::to_string(fvm::kExtentDescriptorMagic) + ", but found " +
std::to_string(extent.magic) + ".");
if (extent.extent_length > extent.slice_count * header.slice_size) {
return fit::error("Fvm Sparse Image Partition " + std::to_string(i) +
" extent descriptor " + std::to_string(j) + " extent length(" +
std::to_string(extent.extent_length) +
") exceeds the allocated slice range(" +
std::to_string(extent.slice_count * header.slice_size) + "), " +
std::to_string(extent.slice_count) + " allocated slices of size " +
std::to_string(header.slice_size) + ".");
if (!AddRange(allocated_ranges, extent.slice_start, extent.slice_count)) {
return fit::error("Fvm Sparse Image Partition " + std::to_string(i) +
" extent descriptor " + std::to_string(j) +
" contains overlapping slice ranges.");
current_offset += sizeof(fvm::ExtentDescriptor);
return fit::ok(partitions);
CompressionOptions FvmSparseImageGetCompressionOptions(const fvm::SparseImage& header) {
CompressionOptions options;
options.schema = CompressionSchema::kNone;
if ((header.flags & fvm::kSparseFlagLz4) != 0) {
options.schema = CompressionSchema::kLz4;
return options;
} // namespace storage::volume_image