blob: bdce6ba58d1fa5593cfc67f2ee0270fe7d032204 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "intel-dsp-ipc.h"
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <threads.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <ddk/debug.h>
#include <mmio-ptr/fake.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "debug-logging.h"
namespace audio::intel_hda {
namespace {
// A simple C11 thread wrapper.
class Thread {
Thread(std::function<void()> start) : start_(std::move(start)) {
int result = thrd_create(
[](void* start_ptr) {
auto start = static_cast<std::function<void()>*>(start_ptr);
return 0;
ZX_ASSERT(result == thrd_success);
void Join() {
int result;
thrd_join(thread_, &result);
joined_ = true;
~Thread() {
if (!joined_) {
// Disallow copy/move.
Thread(const Thread&) = delete;
Thread(Thread&&) = delete;
Thread& operator=(Thread&&) = delete;
Thread& operator=(const Thread&) = delete;
bool joined_ = false;
std::function<void()> start_;
thrd_t thread_;
// Wait for a condition to be set, using exponential backoff.
template <typename F>
void WaitForCond(F cond) {
zx::duration delay = zx::usec(1);
while (!cond()) {
delay *= 2;
// Simulate the hardware sending an IPC reply, and firing an interrupt.
void SendReply(DspChannel* dsp, MMIO_PTR adsp_registers_t* regs, const IpcMessage& reply) {
// Send the reply.
REG_WR(&regs->hipct, reply.primary | ADSP_REG_HIPCT_BUSY | (1 << IPC_PRI_RSP_SHIFT));
REG_WR(&regs->hipcte, reply.extension);
REG_SET_BITS(&regs->adspis, ADSP_REG_ADSPIC_IPC); // Indicate IPC reply ready.
// Simulate the hardware sending an IPC notification, and firing an interrupt.
void SendNotification(DspChannel* dsp, MMIO_PTR adsp_registers_t* regs, NotificationType type) {
REG_WR(&regs->hipct, static_cast<uint8_t>(MsgTarget::FW_GEN_MSG) << IPC_PRI_MSG_TGT_SHIFT |
static_cast<uint8_t>(MsgDir::MSG_NOTIFICATION) << IPC_PRI_RSP_SHIFT |
static_cast<uint8_t>(GlobalType::NOTIFICATION) << IPC_PRI_TYPE_SHIFT |
(static_cast<uint16_t>(type) << IPC_PRI_NOTIF_TYPE_SHIFT) |
REG_WR(&regs->hipcte, 0U);
REG_SET_BITS(&regs->adspis, ADSP_REG_ADSPIC_IPC); // Indicate IPC ready.
// Poll the IPC-related registers until a message is sent by the driver.
IpcMessage ReadMessage(MMIO_PTR adsp_registers_t* regs) {
// Wait for a message.
WaitForCond([&]() { return (REG_RD(&regs->hipci) & ADSP_REG_HIPCI_BUSY) != 0; });
// Read it.
uint32_t primary = REG_RD(&regs->hipci);
uint32_t extension = REG_RD(&regs->hipcie);
// Clear the busy bit.
return IpcMessage(primary, extension);
TEST(Ipc, ConstructDestruct) {
adsp_registers_t regs = {};
std::unique_ptr<DspChannel> dsp = CreateHardwareDspChannel(
"UnitTests", FakeMmioPtr(&regs), std::nullopt, zx::duration::infinite());
TEST(Ipc, SimpleSend) {
adsp_registers_t regs = {};
std::unique_ptr<DspChannel> dsp = CreateHardwareDspChannel(
"UnitTests", FakeMmioPtr(&regs), std::nullopt, zx::duration::infinite());
// Start a thread, give it a chance to run.
auto worker = Thread([&]() {
Status result = dsp->Send(0xaa, 0x55);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(result.ok(), "Send failed: %s (code: %d)", result.ToString().c_str(),
// Simulate the DSP reading the message.
IpcMessage message = ReadMessage(FakeMmioPtr(&regs));
EXPECT_EQ(message.primary & IPC_PRI_MODULE_ID_MASK, 0xaa);
EXPECT_EQ(message.extension & IPC_EXT_DATA_OFF_SIZE_MASK, 0x55);
// Ensure the thread remains blocked on the send, even if we wait a little.
// Simulate the DSP sending a successful reply.
SendReply(dsp.get(), FakeMmioPtr(&regs), IpcMessage(0, 0));
TEST(Ipc, ErrorReply) {
adsp_registers_t regs = {};
std::unique_ptr<DspChannel> dsp = CreateHardwareDspChannel(
"UnitTests", FakeMmioPtr(&regs), std::nullopt, zx::duration::infinite());
// Start a thread.
auto worker = Thread([&]() {
Status result = dsp->Send(0xaa, 0x55);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(result.ToString() == "DSP returned error 42 (ZX_ERR_INTERNAL)",
"Got incorrect error message: %s", result.ToString().c_str());
// Read (and ignore) the message.
// Simulate the DSP sending an error reply, with an arbitrary error code (42).
// The test will abort if the child thread gets the wrong error code.
SendReply(dsp.get(), FakeMmioPtr(&regs), IpcMessage(42, 0));
TEST(Ipc, HardwareTimeout) {
adsp_registers_t regs = {};
std::unique_ptr<DspChannel> dsp =
CreateHardwareDspChannel("UnitTests", FakeMmioPtr(&regs), std::nullopt, zx::usec(1));
// Start a thread.
auto worker = Thread([&]() {
Status result = dsp->Send(0xaa, 0x55);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(result.code() == ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT, "Got incorrect error: %s",
// Wait for it to time out.
TEST(Ipc, UnsolicitedReply) {
adsp_registers_t regs = {};
std::unique_ptr<DspChannel> dsp = CreateHardwareDspChannel(
"UnitTests", FakeMmioPtr(&regs), std::nullopt, zx::duration::infinite());
// Ensuring sending a reply and an IRQ doesn't crash.
SendReply(dsp.get(), FakeMmioPtr(&regs), IpcMessage(42, 0));
TEST(Ipc, QueuedMessages) {
constexpr int kNumThreads = 10;
adsp_registers_t regs = {};
std::unique_ptr<DspChannel> dsp = CreateHardwareDspChannel(
"UnitTests", FakeMmioPtr(&regs), std::nullopt, zx::duration::infinite());
// Start many threads, racing to send messages.
std::array<std::unique_ptr<Thread>, kNumThreads> workers;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumThreads; i++) {
workers[i] = std::make_unique<Thread>([i, &dsp]() {
Status result = dsp->Send(0, i);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(result.ok(), "Send failed: %s (code: %d)", result.ToString().c_str(),
// Simulate the DSP reading off the messages one by one, and ensure that
// we got all the messages.
std::unordered_set<int> seen_messages{};
for (int i = 0; i < kNumThreads; i++) {
IpcMessage message = ReadMessage(FakeMmioPtr(&regs));
EXPECT_TRUE(seen_messages.find(message.extension) == seen_messages.end());
SendReply(dsp.get(), FakeMmioPtr(&regs), IpcMessage(0, 0));
TEST(Ipc, ShutdownWithQueuedSend) {
adsp_registers_t regs = {};
std::unique_ptr<DspChannel> dsp = CreateHardwareDspChannel(
"UnitTests", FakeMmioPtr(&regs), std::nullopt, zx::duration::infinite());
// Start a thread, and wait for it to send.
Thread thread([&dsp]() {
Status result = dsp->Send(0, 0);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(!result.ok() && result.code() == ZX_ERR_CANCELED,
"Expected send to fail with 'ZX_ERR_CANCELED', but got: %s",
WaitForCond([&]() { return dsp->IsOperationPending(); });
// Shut down the IPC object.
TEST(Ipc, DestructWithQueuedThread) {
adsp_registers_t regs = {};
std::unique_ptr<DspChannel> dsp = CreateHardwareDspChannel(
"UnitTests", FakeMmioPtr(&regs), std::nullopt, zx::duration::infinite());
// Start a thread, and wait for it to send.
Thread thread([&dsp]() {
Status result = dsp->Send(0, 0);
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(!result.ok() && result.code() == ZX_ERR_CANCELED,
"Expected send to fail with 'ZX_ERR_CANCELED', but got: %s",
WaitForCond([&]() { return dsp->IsOperationPending(); });
// Destruct the object.
TEST(Ipc, NotificationNoReceiver) {
adsp_registers_t regs = {};
std::unique_ptr<DspChannel> dsp = CreateHardwareDspChannel(
"UnitTests", FakeMmioPtr(&regs), std::nullopt, zx::duration::infinite());
// Ensure notifications without a receiver don't crash.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
SendNotification(dsp.get(), FakeMmioPtr(&regs), NotificationType::FW_READY);
TEST(Ipc, NotificationReceived) {
std::optional<NotificationType> received_notification;
adsp_registers_t regs = {};
std::unique_ptr<DspChannel> dsp = CreateHardwareDspChannel(
"UnitTests", FakeMmioPtr(&regs), [&](NotificationType type) { received_notification = type; },
// Ensure a notification is sent and received.
SendNotification(dsp.get(), FakeMmioPtr(&regs), NotificationType::FW_READY);
EXPECT_EQ(received_notification, NotificationType::FW_READY);
TEST(Ipc, SendBigData) {
adsp_registers_t regs = {};
std::unique_ptr<DspChannel> dsp = CreateHardwareDspChannel("UnitTests", FakeMmioPtr(&regs));
// Create a large amount of data.
std::vector<uint8_t> data;
// Ensure we get a valid error trying to send it.
EXPECT_EQ(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, dsp->SendWithData(0, 0, data, {}, nullptr).code());
} // namespace
} // namespace audio::intel_hda